
By XioAxelrod

17.5K 273 23

What started out as random moments between Isak, Even, and their friends post season 3, morphed into a loose... More

Walk This Way
Fair Play
Little Green Monster
Sleepless in Oslo
Oxygen Starved
Perchance to Dream
Stalking 101
Fast Friends
Squad Plus One
No Small Confession
Even's Hands
Sometimes It Just Rains
The Hows and the Whys
Gratulerer Med Dag, Even (Happy Birthday, Even)
Valentinsdag (Valentine's Day)
Proof of Heaven
Use Your Words
Earning His Wings
Look Before You Leap
I Spy
Taxicab Confessions
Family Matters
Hvem Er Mikael?
The Waiting Game
I Går, I Dag, I Morgen, Alltid

Thank Yous

376 5 1
By XioAxelrod

Summary: Sana Bakkoush, biology partner. And friend.


Sana and Isak are sitting at their desk. It's about ten minutes before class starts, and she's double-checking her answers on her part of their assignment. not, apparently.

SANA: [watching Isak as he drifts off into la-la land] Thinking about Even?

ISAK: [snaps out of his reverie] Hmm?

SANA: [grins] It's sweet.

ISAK: [blushing] Shut up. Did you finish your part?

SANA: [shifts her notebook toward him] Nice deflection, and yes. Of course I did.

ISAK: Should we check each other's work?

SANA: Sure. [they swap notebooks]

ISAK: [reading] "Recent research suggests that humans subconsciously look for mates with dissimilar MHC genes, which are involved in the immune system. Diversity in these genes better prepares our bodies to defend against a wider variety of infectious microorganisms." Should we offer the definition of MHC in the text?

SANA: [shrugs] If you want, but I don't think it's necessary.

ISAK: [nodding] Okay. This is good, by the way. What source did you use? I hope it was reputable, you know how Nipples gets.

SANA: [deadpan] I used Wikipedia.

ISAK: [eyes wide] Sana! You can't be serious. Do you know how unreliable that thing is? It's not something you can-

SANA: Isak. Relax. I used the Fisher Journal. If you'd looked at the footnotes, you would have known that.

ISAK: [glancing at said footnotes] Right. Sorry.

SANA: [watching him as he reads] Uh, Isak?

ISAK: [still reading] Hmm?

SANA: Did you always know?

ISAK: [turns to her] Did I always know...?

SANA: That you...were, um...that you were attracted to...

ISAK: [ears turning a bright red, he clears his throat and moves closer] I kinda figured it out around year nine, though I didn't want it to be true.

SANA: Why not?

ISAK: [gives her the are you kidding look]

SANA: Ah. [nods] But...people don't really care about that stuff anymore.

ISAK: Really? Because I'm pretty sure they do. There are protests against people like me, laws meant to keep us from doing the things that everyone else gets to do. People make jokes about people like me. Fuck, I used to be one of those people.

SANA: But why? If you knew...what you were, why did you do that?

ISAK: [shrugs] Deflecting, I guess. I figured if I told the joke about someone else, they wouldn't suspect me. Or something, I dunno. I was an asshole.

SANA: [snorts] Was?

ISAK: [eye roll] Whatever. I can be, I know.

SANA: You have your moments, but...I'm proud of you.

ISAK: [brows lifting] Of me? For what?

SANA: For being true to who you are. For being with Even, for going for it with him. I like him.

ISAK: [smiles] I like him too.

SANA: [returns his smile] You more than like him.

ISAK: [has to look away but smiles, nodding]

SANA: [smug look on her face] You can thank me anytime, by the way.

ISAK: [turns to her, confused] Thank you? For...?

SANA: Who Narcosed you into joining the revue group? Or did you know your honey before that?

ISAK: [smiles, realization dawning] Wow, you are so right, Sana. I should thank you, so...thank you.

SANA: [pleased with herself] You're welcome. Even can thank me later.

ISAK: I'll be sure he does.

SANA: [going back to Isak's notebook] Although, the way he used to stare at you, it really didn't take much to convince him to join up once he realized you'd be there.

ISAK: [head snaps up] What?

SANA: [sly grin] Oh, didn't you know?

ISAK: [shifts in his seat to face her] What are you talking about? He used to stare at me? Where? When? You saw it?

SANA: [nods] I did. He thought he was being subtle, but I don't miss much. I mean, even before Kosegruppa, he'd always be sitting across from you in the cantina, or watching you in the yard. I'm surprised you didn't notice sooner.

ISAK: [floored] I never noticed at all.

SANA: [laughs] Are you serious? Geez, he couldn't keep his eyes off you. You used to look at him too, so I thought you knew and were just avoiding him.

ISAK: I... [his mouth hangs open for a bit before he shuts it]

SANA: And then you were hanging out with that girl from first year, what's her name?

ISAK: Emma.

SANA: [growls] Emma.

ISAK: [chuckles] Not a fan?

SANA: She's the one that went around telling people you were in the closet.

ISAK: [takes a deep breath, nods] I know.

SANA: [incensed] Aren't you pissed? Why aren't you pissed?

ISAK: [shrugs one shoulder] I...uh...I mean I wasn't the nicest guy where Emma was concerned.

SANA: [stops fuming long enough to think] She was your cover girl.

ISAK: [nods] Something like that. I mean, we weren't really together, but...I did lead her on.

SANA: Okay, that's shitty.

ISAK: I apologized.

SANA: Good boy. [nods] Did she?

ISAK: [confused] Did she what?

SANA: [levels him with an incredulous stare] Did she apologize? For outing you?

ISAK: [looks away] No,'s okay. She was pissed.

SANA: [angry again] No fucking way, Isak. There are no excuses for what she did.

ISAK: [surprised by Sana's reaction] It's okay. I'm okay.

SANA: It's not okay. I'm glad you're good, and that no real harm was done, but it's not cool. It's not cool at all. She had no right.

ISAK: [smiles softly] Thank you.

SANA: [frowning] For what?

ISAK: For being a good friend. [he squeezes her shoulder] I'm okay. She's just a kid, she'll learn.

SANA: [huffs, rolling her eyes]

ISAK: [squeezes her shoulder again] Hey.

SANA: What?

ISAK: Thanks for...caring. And for blackmailing me.

SANA: [fighting a smile] Yeah, well, I find it useful to keep you focused on our work. Can't have you sulking through our projects.

ISAK: Can't have that. [they go back to reading] Uh, Sana?

SANA: Hmm?

ISAK: Let's hang out sometime. [glances up and catches her eye] You wanna?

SANA: [smiles] Yeah, that would be cool. Especially if Even is there.

ISAK: [brows raised] Oh?

SANA: Hell yeah. Have you seen him? [she winks]

ISAK: [laughing] Look, but don't touch.

SANA: He said I was pretty, you know.

ISAK: He's such a flirt. [grinning] He's right, though.

SANA: Of course he is. The man has eyes, doesn't he?

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