
By XioAxelrod

17.2K 273 23

What started out as random moments between Isak, Even, and their friends post season 3, morphed into a loose... More

Walk This Way
Fair Play
Little Green Monster
Sleepless in Oslo
Oxygen Starved
Perchance to Dream
Stalking 101
Fast Friends
Squad Plus One
No Small Confession
Even's Hands
Sometimes It Just Rains
Thank Yous
The Hows and the Whys
Gratulerer Med Dag, Even (Happy Birthday, Even)
Valentinsdag (Valentine's Day)
Proof of Heaven
Use Your Words
Earning His Wings
Look Before You Leap
I Spy
Taxicab Confessions
Family Matters
Hvem Er Mikael?
The Waiting Game
I Går, I Dag, I Morgen, Alltid


441 8 1
By XioAxelrod

Author's Note: Prompted by a discussion with Tumblr user @alterlove-alterevak. I love the idea of Isak and Even sharing their first impressions of each other. I'll probably return to this theme at some point.


ISAK: That was a goal!

EVEN: Apparently not.

ISAK: Yes, it was. This game's cheating me.

EVEN: [laughing] The game is cheating?

ISAK: [eyeing him] Or you are, yeah.

EVEN: [taken aback, but still amused.] Me? What did I do?

ISAK: What did you do? Some sort of A-B-A-B-up-down-down cheat thingy?

EVEN: [laughing in earnest this time] What? Oh, ye of little faith. You think I'd do that?

ISAK: [indignant] Yes.

Even puts his controller down. They've been playing FIFA '16 for two hours, and he'd lost interest 90 minutes ago. Only Isak's enthusiasm, and increasing irritation at losing, had kept him going.

EVEN: C'mere. [gets up from the floor where they've been sitting in Isak's room]

ISAK: [huffs] No. We're going to finish this game, you can't quit just because you're winning.

EVEN: Fine, I forfeit. [tugs on Isak's sleeve] Come here.

ISAK: You're so damn smug. [follows Even up onto the mattress but tucks his hands into the pockets of his hoodie.]

EVEN: [wraps his arms around Isak] Whatever you say, baby.

ISAK: [snuggling despite himself] You think you know me so well.

EVEN: I'm trying to. I've been trying to know you for a very long time.

ISAK: Since the first day of school, right?

EVEN: Yep, since the very first time I saw you.

ISAK: [tilts his head to meet Even's eyes] You were serious about that? About seeing me on the first day of school?

EVEN: Yes.

ISAK: [quiet for several heartbeats] Where was I?

EVEN: On the number 12, you got on at Solli.* You were with Jonas and a few others, maybe Magnus. I don't remember them, really. Only you.

ISAK: [laughs softly] And it was love at first sight?

EVEN: [smiling] If there ever was such a thing. I just know that I couldn't stop staring at you.

ISAK: [winks] Because I'm smoking hot.

EVEN: [grins] You are, but it wasn't that. It was the way you were with them, but also apart from them. Like...[chews his bottom lip in thought] It was like you were behind a two-way mirror, reflecting everything they wanted to see in you. Cool kid, funny guy, not a care in the world. But behind the glass, you weren't anything like that. There were shadows, but also so much light. And hope and fear and longing. And I was somehow being allowed to glimpse that other side.

ISAK: [blushing] How?

EVEN: I dunno. Maybe because I wasn't your audience. [meets Isak's eyes] You weren't performing for me so, somehow, I could see backstage. Behind the curtain. It was something Jonas said, a joke I guess, and everyone laughed. You laughed, but I could tell it bothered you. [runs a fingertip across one of Isak's eyebrows] Whatever he said, you didn't find it funny at all. I could feel how uncomfortable you were, even from the other side of the tram car. I wanted to get up and go to you then, but of course I didn't. Couldn't. Because you were so fucking pretty, and because I wasn't a part of your world.

ISAK: Yet.

EVEN: [smiling] Yet.

Isak tilts his head up for a kiss and Even happily obliges. They lay quietly for a few moments, the only sound in the room coming from beyond the closed door.

ISAK: So...from that day on, you were on a mission?

EVEN: [nods] I made it my sole purpose in life, getting to know you.

ISAK: But that was, like, weeks before we actually met.

EVEN: [smirk] We already had the stalker conversation.

ISAK: [laughs] You did your homework.

EVEN: I did my homework. And, to be honest, I had to get up the courage to approach you. In the end, I figured I just wanted to know you. I didn't know what would come of it.

ISAK: [scoffs] You? Courage? You're the most courageous person I know.

EVEN: [smiles bright] You think so?

ISAK: [softly] You are. I don't know if I could ever be you. I mean, deal with everything you deal with and still be you.

EVEN: Everything I deal with makes It's frustrating sometimes, but I handle it as best I can.

ISAK: [slides a hand up to cup Even's cheek] I think you're amazing.

EVEN: [grins] And hot, too. You said I was hot.

ISAK: [scrambles up to straddle Even's thighs, peering down at him, arms braced on either side of Even's head] Incredibly hot. Stupidly hot. [drops a quick, hard kiss on his lips]

EVEN: [a little breathless] Was that your first impression of me, when you first saw me? [runs his hands up and down Isak's denim-clad thighs] When did you first notice me, anyway?

ISAK: [sits back] Honestly, I don't remember the first time I saw you. Just...[he scratches his nose] You were just...there, one day. Like...just...You just popped up one day, probably in the yard, and I...I mean, whenever I saw you I sort of just...[waves a hand in front of his face.]

EVEN: [smiling up at him] You were starstruck?

ISAK: [snorts] Yeah. I mean, have you seen you? With the hair, and the lips, and the swagger and...

EVEN: I have swagger?

ISAK: [rolls his eyes] You know you do. I swear, I thought you came to Nissen just to torture me.

EVEN: Torture you?

ISAK: Yeah, I thought no fucking way would someone that gorgeous ever look my way.

EVEN: [sits up to wrap his arms around Isak, pulling him into a lingering kiss]
I looked.

ISAK: [following Even down, kissing all the way] Don't stop.

EVEN: [whispering against Isak's lips] Promise, I'll never take my eyes off you.

ISAK: Yeah, don't stop that either.

  *Solli is a tram stop in Oslo. It's the same stop that Isak uses in episode 2.10.  

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