We All Deserve To Care For Ou...

By ResilientBella

8.6K 113 38

Self care is so crucially important with ones health, physically emotionally and mentally! Without caring for... More

Your Survival Skills
Your Survival
Enjoy Your Time Alone
Taking Me Time
Love Yourself Unconditionally
Instagram Can Harm Your Mental Health If You Look At Right Angle
Enjoy Life
Life Gets Better
Take A Deep Breath
Self Care
Worthy Risks
Things Will Get Better, I Promise
You Matter
What Scares You?
Your Problem?
Self Challenges
Who You Are?
You Are Amazing!
Self Care Tasks
Self Care Activities
Your Approval?
Self Care
Thinking Strategies
Your Beauty
Never Give Up!
You Can!
Your Happiness!
Screw Society, Be Yourself
10 Ways To Lift Your Spirits
Forgive Yourself
Self Change
Live The Life You Want!
Just Love Yourself
You Can Change!
Be Nice
You Deserve To Take A Nap
Be Kind With Yourself
You Will Be Okay
True Beauty Defined
Your Worth
Take Care Of Yourself
Everything Will Be Okay, Don't Worry
You Are Strong Enough!
Mindful Breathing
Strength & Courage
Your Doing Great!
You Are Your Own Hero
There's Light At The End Of This Pain
What Matters
We Are Unique And Equal
The Burning Man
Imagine How You'd Feel If You Hold On...
Your Mental Condition Does Not Define You
You Are Beautiful!
You Are More Than Your Past
You Are...
You Are Complete
Isolation, Starvation, Depressed...
I'm Allowed To...
I Am...
Self Care Practices
I Will Not...
Self Hate
Resisting Change?
Life Learning Moments
We All Have Reasons To Live & Believe
Do This For Yourself
Thought Of The Day
Love Yourself First Before Everyone Else
Be Kind To Yourself
Don't Give Up On Yourself
How You Treat Yourself:
Self Care:
Be Gentle With Yourself
A Courageous Life
Take Care Of Your Whole Body
Know Your Self Worth
What If It Does?
Letting Go
It Takes Time; Be Patient
Take A Deep Breath
Understand The Wisdom Of Reality
You Have It Within Yourself To Win This Battle
It's Time
We're Mentally Ill But Mentally Healthy
Your Moment: Destiny Is Calling You
Love Oneself
Mental Illness Stigma
The Greatest Revolution
Your Mission
Your Are Good Enough
Monsters Demons
Humans & Humanity
Heart & Brain
Negative VS Positive
Rise up Now
Take Your Chances
A Fight Song
Regret: Chances
Take Chances...
Reveal Yourself & Don't Be Afraid
Don't Make Decisions When You're...
Love When You Are Ready...
Life Is Imperfect: Accept That!
Demonizing Thoughts
Prepare Yourself
Making The Right Decisions
Obsess Over Yourself
Love The Mind
Judge & Laugh
The Heart?
It's Time
Don't Blind Yourself
Life's Tough, So Are U!!!
What Truly Matters...
You're A Surivor: That's Amazing!!!
True Life Lessons To Be Learned
You Gotta Save Yourself
Self Love!!!
Begin Again
Recreating Yourself After Relapse & Mental Illness
It's Never Too Late...
Take Back Your Life
Do What You Love
Self Belief
Be A Voice!
Recovery & Healing
Confidence Is Not...
Screw Society
Living The Imperfect Life
Happy New Year!
Ultimate Motivation
Relationships Matter
Happy Thoughts
I Am
Positivity Matters
A Goddess
Let's Get Past Our Past
Listen To Your Heart
Convincing Yourself
Happiness Is...
Feeling Good
Recovery Will Be...
True Friends
Each Moment...
Strong Women...
Learning To Love Ourselves
Fight For What You Believe In!!!
Fragile, Broken...
Pain & Suffering
The Rain Storm
Your Beautiful Just The Way You Are
Self Care Stuff
Your Thoughts...
Set Yourself Free From The Prison World
You Deserve Love
Self Compassion
Be In The Moment
Keep Learning...
What Kind Of World Do U Want?
Wrong & Right
Confident Theory
Take A Load Off
The Truth Is...
Everytime You...

Let Life In

7 1 0
By ResilientBella

The Wisdom of Allowing Things to Happen

The Master allows things to happen.
She shapes events as they come.
She steps out of the way
and lets the Tao speak for itself.
~The Daodejing


This has been what I've been learning over the past couple of years. Allowing things to happen.

It goes counter to our usual instincts in Western society — we are doers, creators of our destiny, we make things happen ... we don't wait for it to happen! That's what I was taught from an early age, in school and by every motivational sports movie I ever watched. So allowing things to happen is not my normal way.

I have never been one to be passive, to let things happen instead of making them happen, to let go of control of things.

But here's what I've been learning:

This control we think we have over our lives and our destinies ... it's an illusion. As the guy who had his life turned upside down by a heart attack, the woman who lost her father to death and had to drop everything, the family who lost their home to a hurricane, the entrepreneur that was doing well until the economy collapsed and no one was spending, the hard-working employee who was laid off when the economy tanked, the cyclist who was hit by a car, the car that skid because someone ran onto the road who had been obscured, the mom whose son has autism despite her doing everything right during pregnancy ... it happens every day, where we think we're in control but we're really not.

Do we control all the people around us who affect our lives so intimately? Do we control the overwhelming power of nature? There's so much out of our control that what we think is control is really an illusion.

To control your cow, give it a bigger pasture. This is a great quote from Zen Master Suzuki Roshi, talking about controlling your mind. I see the cow and her pasture as a form of allowing things to happen — instead of tightly controlling something, you're opening up, giving it more room, a bigger pasture. The cow will be happier, will roam around, will do as she pleases, and yet your needs will also be met. The same is true of anything else — stepping back and allowing things to happen means things will take care of themselves, and your needs will also be met. And you've done no work.

You have less stress, less to worry about. Imagine allowing things to happen naturally, and things work out, and all you did was smile and watch. You don't have to worry about shaping things, about controlling something that doesn't want to be controlled. You don't have to push, and fix leaks, and put out fires. You just let things work on their own. They happen.

Things will surprise you. Let's say you're allowing something to happen. You might want it to go a certain way, to a certain outcome. That's your goal. But what if you let go of this idea? What if you say, "I don't know what will happen." (Btw, you really don't.) What if you say, "Let's see what happens." Then things will happen, but not the way you planned. The outcome might be completely different than what you'd hoped for. But it can still be great, just different. It might even be wonderful, and surprising. Surprises are good, if we accept that things always change and that change is good.
You learn how things work. Instead of trying to make things work the way you want them to work, just watch them work. You'll learn much more about human nature, about the nature of the world, as you see things work without you controlling it. It might change you.
That's all very good, Leo, you're thinking. But that won't put the food on my table.

Maybe you're right. And so, don't let me stop you from what you need to do. Carry on. I'll just sit back and watch.

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