~ Control ~ {Credence Barebon...

By All_The_Single_Hades

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Spoilers for Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them below ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~... More

~ Release ~
~ Colors ~
~ Dream ~
~ Start Over ~
~ I Don't Know Why ~
~ Fools ~

~ Trouble ~

191 3 0
By All_The_Single_Hades

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Chapter Four~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

During the tour, I noticed another section of the case, almost completely closed off aside from a sliver where the tent opened.

I looked back at Mr. Scamander. He had a creature on his back, but when I looked at it, it disappeared. I think Mr. Scamander said something about the animal, but I couldn't remember its name off the top of my head. He didn't seem to be paying any attention to me.

"Newt," I called out, getting his attention, "do you mind if—would it be okay if I wandered around for a little bit?"

He nodded. "Yeah, that's okay. Just be careful."

I headed towards the tent, and when I opened it...

An obscurus.

I suddenly found myself struggling to breath. I squeezed my chest in a futile attempt to get my heart to slow down.

Why? Why does he have this?


I shuttered, my entire body shaking.

"Credence," he tried again, "Credence, be careful around that."



"Why do you have this?" My voice was barely audible. I reached out—

"No!" He yelled, running to my side. He seemed to calm quickly, lightly placing a few fingers on my shoulder. I shuttered again, and he removed them. "Credence, I'm sorry, but you must not touch that."

"Why do you have this?" I repeated.

"That child I told you about," his voice was a breathy whisper, "this was her obscurus."


"I met a girl just like you. She was...captured...tortured because of her magic,"

I let my hand fall to my side.

"What—what happened to her?" I asked once I had gotten a hold of my voice.


"I tried to save her, but..." he took a deep breath, "I managed to detain it," he continued, "It's harmless when it's in there, but you can't touch it."

"Why did she—" I couldn't even say the word.

Death. It was such an awful word. The ending of a life. Heaven or Hell. Fading into nothingness as people slowly start to forget you ever existed.

I hated the concept more than I hated the word itself, to be completely honest.

"Most obscurials don't live past the age of ten." He said, somberly, after a moment. "But, how old are you, Credence?"

Don't live past the age of ten? Why not? Why was I one of them who survived past that age?

I wanted him to tell me everything he knows about this obscurus thing. I wanted him to tell me how he knows so much about it.

"I'm eighteen," I said instead.

"To survive that long with the obscurus," I think he might have smiled, "you must have some very strong magic."

Those words, coming from him, made me feel...hopeful. Hopeful that I might actually become who I want to be—who I needed to be. Hopeful that I might actually have a place in this world of magic.

He might have said that to change the mood, but it still made me happy.

"Thank you."

"Once we get you a wand and find someone to train you, you'll make a fine wizard."


"You're not going to train me?" I turned around so I can face him.

He gestured for me to follow him. I obliged, walking through the curtain, leaving the obscurus behind us.

"I'm not exactly...qualified to teach you magic."

"What do you mean?"

"I know most of the spells and potions you need, but I think you'll be better off learning from someone who teaches at Hogwarts," he said, "or at least someone who graduated." He added, quieter. I was curious, but decided not to ask.

"Who's going to teach me then?" I was worried. What if they don't like me? What if they think I'm horrible at magic and decides to give up on me? With Mr. Scamander I felt just a little more...secure. The worry was still there, of course, but it wasn't as strong. I mean, he was nice to me, even after what I did to New York. He even said himself that I would be a good wizard.

Then again, what if I don't live up to these expectations? What if I really am a terrible wizard? What if I was a squib or...whatever Mr. Graves told me I was.

Dear God, I think I'm going to be sick.

"There's someone I know. I'm supposed to go talk to him after I leave New York, so I can introduce you then." he looked down at me, and I think he could see how much this idea distressed me, because he continued by saying, "but if you really want me to teach you, I will."

"I don't know," I admitted.

"That's okay." he smiled encouragingly. "How about we meet him, and you can see who you like better?"

I liked Mr. Scamander. I perhaps liked him a little too much. I couldn't explain it, but I've felt this way towards...other people before. Maybe it was because I thought of him as a friend, I—I don't know.


Mr. Scamander smiled lightly. "I'm going to head up. Do you want to come with, or do you want to stay down here?"

I was about to reply when my stomach audibly growled—loudly. I might have found it comical if it happened to anyone besides myself. I felt heat rush to my face, and it dawned upon me that I haven't eaten for over twenty-four hours.

"S-sorry," I hurriedly sputtered, embarrassed. I held my arms to my stomach, as if that would turn back time and muffle the growl. Maybe I should go up with him; I don't think he has any food down here. Even if he does, it's probably for the creatures, so I'm not sure I want to eat it.

Mr. Scamander didn't say anything. I wish I knew why.

"Um...I'll go up...with you." I mumbled, my voice getting quieter with each word.

He nodded, "Alright,"

When we got out of the case, we were in a bedroom.

"Where are we?" I asked.

Dumb question. Bedroom. We're in a bedroom.

"Tina's," Is all he said. "Do you want to stay in here while I go get them?"


I started to shake my head, then changed my mind and nodded.

"Okay, I'll be right back, then. You can sit."

I looked over at the two twin-sized beds and decided to stand instead.

After he left, I could hear faint muffled voices from outside the door. I could pick out three voices, including Mr. Scamander's. I couldn't hear what they were talking about, which worried me.

The door opened. I stumbled back, my legs hitting the edge of the bed.

Mr. Scamander stepped in first, holding the door open for two woman.

Oh, I was right! It was her!

It made me immensely happy to see her. She had been very kind to me in the past.

The other girl that was with her was a beautiful blonde woman. She looked at me pretty intensely, though I don't think it was really in a mean way. Even so, I found it a little off-putting.

"Credence!" Tina smiled brightly. She walked up to me, arms wide, as if to hug me, but stopped halfway there. "You have a bruise." she frowned slightly, reaching a hand towards my face. I flinched away before she could touch me. "Oh, I'm sorry, honey."

I nodded in a way that I hoped told her that it was okay.

"This is my sister, Queenie," She continued awkwardly, gesturing to the other woman, who gave me a small smile and a wave.

"Let's get you something to eat, darling," she said. My stomach growled quietly in agreement.

She led us into the kitchen, where something was cooking in the oven. It smelt like a bakery (I've only ever been outside one, but the smell was strong enough). The oven opened, and a tray floated out, settling itself on the table. Surprised, I stepped back. Unfortunately, Mr. Scamander was right there for me to bump into.

"Sorry." I feel like I've been saying that a lot lately...

"Please, sit." I obeyed, taking a seat. I saw that the food that was in the tray had been muffins.

"They're banana-nut," Tina explained, "take as many as you'd like."

There were ten of them. Enough for each of us to have two and a half. I decided to only take one.

Honesty time: I had never had a muffin. Especially not a fresh one. At home—sorry, I shouldn't be calling it "home" anymore, old habit—we only ate what was necessary. Nothing had any flavor. This was a completely new experience for me.

I was three bits into my breakfast—or lunch, rather—when Tina asked Mr. Scamander, "Did you tell him?"

I picked my head up.

"Not yet," he responded.

I shifted my gaze between the two of them. I assumed they were talking about me, but I didn't say anything because I didn't want to embarrass myself if I was wrong.

"Did Graves ever tell you anything about Grindelwald?" I knew she was talking to me now because she looked at me when she asked.

Hearing his name again was like a punch in the face—and believe me, I knew what that felt like. "I—I don't think so?"

They looked at each other again.

"Mr. Graves...was not who he said he was."

No shit. "What do you mean?"

"He was really someone named Gellert Grindelwald. He's a dark wizard who wants to expose us to the non-magical people," Mr. Scamander explained.

"What's a dark wizard?" I asked.

"It's a wizard that practices dark magic—magic that's not—"

"Humane," Queenie supplied.

"What does that have to do with me?" Why did Mr. Grav—Grindelwald use me like that? Was I a part of some sick plan?

"We think he wanted to use the obscurus to expose wizardry."

I faintly remember my outburst. Did that mean that he got what he wanted?

Oh dear, what have I done?

Queenie stood up, clapping her hands together. "Well, who wants dessert?"

Yo yo yo. I finally got this up! This is probably going to be the longest chapter of this.

There's probably going to be a couple year time skip in a couple chapters. I'm still debating that.

I feel like this is a good time to remind you that this is not a Crewt fanfic, despite what the words may suggest XD

Anyway, thanks for reading!

~All_The_Single_Hades ❤️

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