~ Dream ~

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Chapter Three~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I must've been really tired, because I feel asleep almost as soon as my head hit the pillow. Mr. Scamander was right; none of his creatures bothered to come in once I closed the door. I wondered how often he stays down here.

Maybe he lives here? Or maybe he just stays up so late taking care of everything that he's too tired to go to his actual bed. I could probably ask him, but that might be too personal of a question, considering I just officially met him.

Though I suppose sleeping in someone's bed the same day you officially met them is also pretty personal.

I was actually really curious as to what he had down here, but it was probably for the best that I chose to wait until later. After all, I would feel bad if I missed anything due to my fatigue.

Surprisingly, I didn't really have any interesting dreams. One would think that, after last night, my dreams would be filled with nifflers and obscuruses and lying "friends" and dead mothers, but none of those things were present. Maybe my brain was too tired to dream. Or maybe it was waiting for another night to strike all that on me.

The lack of dreams made me think that everything that happened yesterday was the dream, and I would wake up back at the church. However, to my relief, that theory was easily disproven when I opened my eyes and saw I was still in the shed.

I noticed a slight difference. On the dresser sat clean clothes. I walked over to the pile, and saw there was a note on top, the only thing written on it being my name. I'm guessing Mr. Scamander left these for me, unless he keeps another boy named Credence in this case.

I changed quickly; the clothes were too big on me, especially without a belt. Hoping it wouldn't look too bad, I hastily tied my tie, threw on my suit jacket, and wrapped the scarf around my neck. When I walked outside, Mr. Scamander was in the shed.

"Good morning, Credence," He said, not even turning to look at me.

"Morning." I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes.

"How'd you sleep? I know that it probably wasn't the best place—" his voice trailed off, and I wasn't sure if should respond yet or if he was going to continue.

I waited a moment before speaking. "I slept good." That wasn't actually a lie; I did sleep surprisingly well. "How about you?"

He seesawed his hand, "Hey, I have to feed my creatures, do you want to come help?"

Even though I had no idea how I was supposed to help, I nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah."

All of his creatures surely were magnificent. He walked me around the case, giving detailed explanations on every creature. Where it was native to, what skills it possessed, how he came across it, and more. His knowledge was really quite impressive. Once I got a little more comfortable being around him, I started asking questions. They were pretty simple questions, and I didn't ask many, but Mr. Scamander seemed more than happy to answer.

"So, Credence," Mr. Scamander started; we had just passed a nest of "occamy," which were these colorful, sort of half-bird, half-snake looking things, "I have a proposal for you."

It was almost the exact same thing Mr. Graves had said to me, when we first met. But Mr. Scamander was different than him...right? There's no way this man, who spends his days taking care of magical animals, would want to hurt me, right?

I could hear my heart thundering in my chest. "Wh—what—is it?" I found myself stuttering my words out of nervousness, though if Mr. Scamander noticed, he didn't say anything.

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