What do we do now(Harry Potte...

By 19jyBrit

253K 9.2K 1.3K

This story was written by Momma-dar How different would Harry be if he was taken from the Dursle... More

Chapter One: New Home and Surprises
Chapter Two: What Happened?
Chapter Three: In the darkness there is light
Chapter Four: Explanations and Understanding
Chapter Five: New Name
Chapter Six: A Shocking Revelation
Chapter 7: What is it that you wanted to tell me?
Chapter 8: Minerva's Secret
Chapter Nine: To be a good father
Chapter Ten: The Bad Thing
Chapter Twelve: Meetings and Beginnings
Chapter 13: All in a Days Thoughts
Chapter Fourteen: And the Truth Comes Out
Chapter Fifteen: Around the Castle
Chapter Sixteen: After the Surgery
Chapter 17: Reocurring Nightmares
Chapter 18
Chapter 19: Discissions of the Truth
Chapter Twenty: Musings
Chapter 21: The Lost Boys
Chapter 22: Found Two Lost Boys
Chapter Twenty-Three: Finding Family in the Strangest of Places
Chapter 24: Confessions
Chapter 25: The End of the Darkness

Chapter Eleven: Found One Runaway Pup

8.7K 369 4
By 19jyBrit

.Disclaimer: Well I think that I can honestly say that I have no ownership over Harry Potter and his friends, even though he is absolutely adorable.

Chapter Eleven: Found: One Runaway Pup

Daylan watched as his Daddy sat motionless on the bed looking down at him in shock. Maybe it was really was a bad thing. He didn't want to see the rejection in his Daddy's eyes so he did the only thing that he could think to do. He ran.

Severus was shaken out of his shocked stupor when he saw his son still a wolf cub dash out of the room. He quickly ran out the door after him but Daylan was already out the door of his quarters. He needed to get to him before he got hurt.

Severus shouted out in his mind, Daylan, come back, its ok you didn't do anything wrong. He said over and over again but his son was silent. He didn't know if Daylan's telepathy carried over when he was in his animal form, then again he didn't know how close he had to be to Daylan to talk with him either. Severus ran quickly through the winding corridors not seeing his son anywhere. He was starting to panic, he knew how some of the students acted around animals, especially some of his older Slytherin students. Curse now. Ask questions later.

Just as he was getting ready to turn the corner he ran head first into Minerva.

"Goodness Severus!" Minerva said he hand clasping her robes tightly at her throat. "You nearly scared me to death! What are you doing running around like a lost first year?"

"Daylan took off after he misinterpreted my reaction to something. I don't know where he is and I need to find before one of the students sees him."

Severus said as he started walking up the corridor, Minerva was following closely behind trying to catch up.

"I am sure that if a student would see a young child running around the would take him to a professor or the headmaster. He can't get into that much trouble." Minerva replied wondering why Severus was panicking, yes it was worrisome that he had run off but nothing terrible was going to happen to him.

"The problem is that if a student or one of our colleges would find him they would not see him as a lost child." Severus snapped out.

"What in Merlin's name are you talking about? I am sure that the residence of this school would be able to recognize a small child if they saw one." Minerva snorted back incredulously.

"But that's just the thing. They wouldn't be able to see that he is a child because he is a BLOODY ANIMAGUS!" Severus said exasperatedly. "This morning when I was getting him out of the bath I noticed something about his back that made me furious. Daylan thought that I was mad at him and started withdrawing into himself until I managed to reassure him that he hadn't done anything wrong."

"What did you see on his back?" Minerva interrupted quickly.

"His back it covered with literally hundreds of scars from being beat with a belt. When I asked him what had happened to his back he told me that it was his punishment for doing 'The Bad Thing'." Severus said quietly.

"The what?" Minerva interrupted again.

"Vernon Dursley beat him with a belt because he could turn himself into a pure black wolf pup." Severus said his voice tinged with hatred and unadulterated rage. He would make sure that Vernon Dursley received just punishment for what he had done to his son.

Daylan was running as fast as his four legs would carry him. He didn't want to be rejected again; he couldn't bear to see the rejection in his Daddy's eyes. Not when he was finally starting to be happy and for once in his small life he didn't feel like he was a freak. Daylan had been so intent on getting as far away from the possible rejection that he could that he wasn't watching where he was going and ran head first into a pair of legs. Instinctively he curled up into a ball and waited for the angry hits to start.

"Oh my, who do you belong to you precious thing." Jocelyn McGonagall asked the black puppy as she carefully scooped him up into her arms and held him protectively to her chest. She then turned and started her walk up Albus Dumbledore's office. She needed to let him know that she had arrived.

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