The Monster Inside ~Draco Mal...

By StrangeButTrue

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11 years ago Lily and James Potter were murdered leaving two children in the world. Both children had greatne... More

†Chapter One†
†Chapter Two†
†Chapter Three†
†Chapter Four†
†Chapter Five†
†Chapter Six†
†Chapter Seven†
†Chapter Eight†
†Chapter Nine†
†Chapter Ten†
†Chapter Eleven†
†Chapter Twelve†
†Chapter Thirteen†
†Chapter Fourteen†
†Chapter Fifteen†
†Chapter Sixteen†
†Chapter Eighteen†
†Chapter Nineteen†
†Chapter Twenty†
†Chapter Twenty One†
†Chapter Twenty Two†
†Chapter Twenty Three†
†Chapter Twenty Four†
†Chapter Twenty Five†
†Chapter Twenty Six†
†Chapter Twenty Seven†
†Chapter Twenty Eight†
†Chapter Twenty Nine†
†Chapter Thirty†

†Chapter Seventeen†

70 0 0
By StrangeButTrue

  I was back with the Dursleys reading letters from Draco and Lupin. It was a quiet day and the Dursleys went on a trip leaving Harry and I alone.

Dear Arianna.

It has been a long time since I have gotten your letter, I have not had the chance to respond. How is your summer going? The transformations aren't too horrendous I hope, you will be back at Hogwarts soon enough. I wish I could be there for you, I wish I could get you out of the Dursley's but I know you want to protect Harry, you really should take care of yourself. How are the Dursley's treating you? Is it any better now that Harry knows about the abuse? He cares about you, you know, he can take care of himself, you know that of course. You are very stubborn, just like you father was. You are a lot like him, and you mother of course. I will keep this short so let me know how things are going and what you are going to be doing for the rest of the summer I look forward to your response.

With love and care, Lupin.

I smiled I would write him back later. Placed his letter back in its envelope, and picked up a clean white letter sealed with red wax that had a fancy M on it. My name was in Draco's handwriting on the back.

Dear Arianna,

I have missed you over the summer; I haven't stopped thinking about our kiss. I have had a boring summer so far; no friend's just fathers boring business associates have been over. The house elves are as dull as ever I was lucky to get you this letter. Never the less, I am going to the Quidditch world cup, father and I got invited by the minister himself, very good seats I've heard. I would love for you to join me, please. You can stay at the mansion until school starts if you'd like. I would really like to see you again. Please get back to me as soon as you can. I await your reply.

Draco Malfoy.

I smiled to myself, the Quidditch world cup? That would be thrilling. Besides anywhere is better than here. The Dursley's still beat me when Harry turns his back, but Harry helps me clean my injuries and comforts me. I replied to both my letters making sure to tell Draco that I would go with him, I gave my letters to Maleficent and watched her fly away.
"Anna! Wonderful news the Weasley's have invited us to the Quidditch world cup!" Harry exclaimed.
"Oh that's great are you going to go with them?" he nodded.
"You are coming aren't you?" I shook my head.
"You know the Dursley's only one of us would be able to go," thankful he just frowned and nodded. He left the next day and I got a letter from Draco telling me that he and his father where coming to pick me up the day of the cup. Which just so happened to be tomorrow.

I'm in a dark house, I can't control my body, I begin climbing the stairs, I hear whispers and hushed conversation. I stop outside the room where I can hear the conversation.
"Oh no no no my Lord Voldemort. I only meant... perhaps if we were to do it without the children.." Pettigrew!
"NO! The child is everything, it cannot be done without one of them and it WILL be done exactly as I say." A weak voice exclaimed. And unknown man rushed to the frail body.
"I will not disappoint you my lord."
"Good. First, gather our old comrades. Send them a sign." A snake slithers past me and into the room.
"Nagini tells me that we have a guest standing outside the door." Wormtail stands in the doorway and looks at me.
"Step aside so I can give our guest a proper greeting." A loud spell is cast and I woke up in a flash of panic. Looking at the busted up clock beside me I noticed it was only 4 am, I began packing for Hogwarts and the Quidditch World cup, I got all of my stuff together and lay back down on my bed. I began reading last year's text books, but eventually drifted back to sleep.
I heard banging on my door and I knew it was time to make breakfast which meant I had only gotten 4 hours of sleep, but that was alright I wasn't particularly tired more excited if anything. I lazily got up and rubbed my eyes, I went to go make breakfast and then went back to my room I finished packing and began to choose my outfit when I heard the doorbell ring. I froze, was that them? Where they hear already I cant answer the door like this! -->
"Arianna get the door!" Aunt Petunia snapped. I would rather have Draco see me in my pajamas than get hit by Uncle Vernon in front of Draco. I went to the door just as it rung again. I opened the door to see Draco and his dad looking at me with a raised eyebrow.
"Hi..." I said nervously. I could see Draco smirk as he looked from my feet to my eyes. I could feel a blush coming to my cheeks, but thankfully I snapped out of it.
"Arianna who was at the door, you insolent child!" Aunt Petunia shouted my eyes widened.
"Um it's just my friend Aunt Petunia!" I called back to her. "Uh you can come in if you want, it's kinda small, I'm just going to get my things and change clothes." They both walked in and I went back to my room changing into what I had lying on the bed. Draco had told me that his dad probably wouldn't like it if I wore my Gryffindor clothes so I picked out the only green and black thing I had. It wasn't that I wasn't proud to be in Gryffindor but I did want to look decent for finally meeting Mr. Malfoy on good terms since our previous meetings where... well not the best. (Her outfit ---> )
I could hear Aunt Petunia talking but I couldn't hear what she was saying, that worried me. I knew it wasn't good but I didn't want Draco to know to many horrible things about me. I threw my PJ's in my trunk and I quickly grabbed my things and left my room (well cupboard, since I still sleep under the stairs) I grinned at Draco when I saw him. He grabbed my things and I said a brief goodbye to the Dursley's who only sneered at me.
"Your Aunt doesn't seem to like you very much," Draco stated as the door was slammed in our faces. Mr. Malfoy had Apperated my things back to the Malfoy manor and Draco and I where left standing on the front porch.
"Yeah we aren't on good terms, ever," I said nervously. Before I could think twice a hand was placed on my shoulder and I felt that Vacuum sucking feeling. When I opened my eyes I was in a huge living room area my stuff was beside me and Draco and his dad where on the other side of me. Mr. Malfoy took his hand off my shoulder and walked away. Gee he was super nice. I thought sarcastically.
"Sorry about my father, he's moody." Draco said rolling his eyes. "I'm sure my mother would like to meet you," He grabbed my hand after ordering two house elves to take my things to my room, I felt bad that they had to do it on their own. I was perfectly capable of moving my own things. But I had no time to process as I was dragged in another living area where a woman was sitting at a small table reading a book and drinking some tea. "Mum, I want you to meet Arianna Potter," the woman looked up and immediately looks over joyed to see me.
"Oh is this the one you've been talking about so often!" I looked at Draco with a raised eyebrow and a small smirk and noticed his face turning red. "What a gorgeous girl you are," She gushed, I was not used to this type of attention.
"Thank you ma'am," I blushed bright red I could see Draco smile out of the corner of my eye. We continued to chat for about an hour, just getting to know each other better. She apologized for Mr. Malfoy's behavior more than a million times.
"Alright you two you have an hour and a half before the Cup so go get ready, but no fooling around," She said jokingly both of us blushed. Before it could get even more Awkward Draco dragged me upstairs. He led me to a room where all of my things where neatly placed, suddenly he lifted me up and spun me around. I shrieked a little but smiled as he put me down and hugged me tightly, I noticed how much taller her had gotten, I only reached his chin.
"I missed you, you know," He told me. I couldn't help but smile.
"I missed you too," We eventually pulled away both of us blushing.
"Anyway this is your room for the next week or so, my room is right next door if you need anything," He smiled at me. "By the way I love your choice of clothing for today," He said looking me over again.
"Well I figured I better make a good impression since the other couple times I have met your dad, we didn't get along," I explained, he let out a chuckle.
"I remember that, it seems like only yesterday I was complaining to my father about when you slapped me in the face," He smiled, my eyes widened.
"You told him about that! No wonder he hates me!" I said hitting him with a pillow that had been lying on the bed.

We continued to talk until a house elf came and got us, telling us that it was time to go to the Cup. Mr. Malfoy apperated us there telling us that we would be coming right back to the Manor afterwards. I tugged Draco's sleeve.
"Hey I should let you know, I didn't tell my brother I was going here, with you or at all, I doubt we will see him but if we do just hide me," I said smiling nervously, I hated lying to Harry we had gotten so close since I came clean about everything and I would hate to ruin that, but I just couldn't tell him now. Draco nodded and put an arm around my shoulders leading me through the crowd as we went to our seats. Suddenly Draco pushed me behind him shoving his jacket over my face, before I could protest I heard a familiar voice.

"Blimey Dad, how far up ARE we?" It was Ron and if that was Ron then Harry was there to. I grabbed onto the back of Draco's black shirt and tried to keep myself hidden. This would be a great time to have the invisibility cloak but I didn't want it to get ruined, and besides Harry had taken it with him to the Weasley's
"Well put it this way, if it rains... you'll be the first to know," Mr. Malfoy growled, I could practically feel him smirking.
"Father and I are in the minister's box, by personal invitation of Cornelius Fudge himself."
"Don't boast Draco. There's no need with these people. Do enjoy yourself won't you. While you can." Was that a threat? Ugh I just wanted to slap the guy! But I quickly felt us moving again, Draco pulled the jacket off of my head.
"Sorry, I panicked," He told me throwing his jacket on and putting an arm around my shoulder again. I shrugged.
"Don't worry about it, I should have been looking around more. But you could have been a bit nicer," I said nudging him in the side.
"No actually I couldn't have, If I where than they would suspect something." That actually made sense.
"Good point your off the hook," We got to our seats and not moments later five green and white figures fly through the air on their brooms leaving a colored trail behind them. A glittering leprechaun appears in the sky and starts dancing. Everyone seemed pretty excited.
Five red figures this time, one of them performs a stunt on his broom. One of them appears on the large screen. The crowd began to chant 'Krum, Krum, Krum'. The guy waved to the crowd.
"Good evening! It gives me great pleasure to welcome each and every one of you to the final of the 422nd Quidditch World Cup. Let the match begin!" The announcer called and with that the match begun. It was a blast, by the end I was so tired of standing and cheering I think I lost my voice and I was probably deaf. In the end Ireland won but Victor Krum caught the snitch.
Mr. Malfoy apperated us back to the Manor without a word, when I turned around to say something he was gone. I yawned and turned to Draco who smiled as I lazily rubbed my eyes.
"Tired?" He asked. I nodded and suddenly he picked me up and carried me back to my room bridle style I couldn't help but smile. He kissed me goodnight said goodbye. When he left I got changed into my pajamas and fell asleep.
I'm in a dark house, I can't control my body, I begin climbing the stairs, I hear whispers and hushed conversation. I stop outside the room where I can hear the conversation.
"Oh no no no my Lord Voldemort. I only meant... perhaps if we were to do it without the children.." Pettigrew!
"NO! The child is everything, it cannot be done without one of them and it WILL be done exactly as I say." A weak voice exclaimed. And unknown man rushed to the frail body.
"I will not disappoint you my lord."
"Good. First, gather our old comrades. Send them a sign." A snake slithers past me and into the room.
"Nagini tells me that we have a guest standing outside the door." Wormtail stands in the doorway and looks at me.
"Step aside so I can give our guest a proper greeting." A loud spell is cast and there was a flash, but this time I didn't wake up, I was surrounded by tents that where being set on fire, people where running and screaming. A group of people in all black with masks on began to come towards me, I turned and ran but ended up running into someone and falling to the ground, when I woke up I saw that the crowds have all gone. A man walks through the rubble kicking at things. He casts a spell, which causes a bright flash, and a large ghostly skull forms in the sky with a snake crawling from it. The man grins evilly, clearly demented.  

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