Loving The Alpha King

By jennasmileyy24

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All Rights Reserved Copyright © 2013 "People think a soul mate is your perfec... More

Loving The Alpha King
Ch. 1- Victory
Ch. 2-
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 (Part 1)
Chapter 6 (Part 2)
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14 (Part 1)
Chapter 14 (Part 2)
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29 (Part 1)

Chapter 23

162K 4.5K 572
By jennasmileyy24

Nicole Kidd

'I don't want to do this to them' I told my wolf.

'Neither do I, but we have to make him happy'

'I know, but they're our best friend. They've done everything and always been there for us'

'Do you think this is easy for me? I don't want to do this to them, but I don't want him to be disappointed at us either. We need to do this'

I didn't want to say anything else to her. I cut my connections and rested my head back on the car seat.

I closed my eyes and started to reply all the gruesome events that happened over the past few weeks after I met them. I hated doing what I did, but I didn't have a choice. I reassured myself that whatever I did, it was for the best.

I opened my eyes only to see Layla and Kingsley walking out of Laser Kingdom, both laughing and smiling. I remember when all three of us used to go there every weekend just to kill time, those were the days.

I felt wetness gather in my eyes. A teardrop managed to escape the barrier of eyelashes, and ran down my cheek. I miss them.

I miss my best friends.

'you can't cry, just do what you were told to do' I told myself.

I started my car and drove off, telling myself whatever happens, will happen for the best.

Layla Cortdale

As I was washing my hands in the restroom, I felt someone's presence behind me. I looked up in the mirror and saw it was Nicole.

Wait... Nicole? I turned around and looked at her with a confused expression.

"Nicole?...Nicole!" I said while running up to her, hugging her as hard as I could.

"Where the hell where you? You've been M.I.A" I told her while pulling away.

She was so quiet.

I examined her closely. She looked so tired, so distant. I couldn't find any emotions. It was as if they were sucked up and thrown away. Her blonde hair was put into a messy bun, it looked matted and disheveled. Her ember green eyes were puffy, red, and had dark circles underneath them. This isn't the Nicole I knew.

What happened to her?

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

She took both my hands off of her shoulder and stepped back.

"Layla, I can't be friends with you anymore"

I started to chuckle," you're not serious, are you?"

"I'm serious" she said to me, looking me straight in the eyes.

I saw a flash of sadness and guilt, but as quick as they appeared, they were gone.

"Why?" I asked in shock and despair.

"It's complicated"

"Nicole, you can tell me. You always tell me everything"

"Some things change, I changed"

"No you didn't, you're just scared to tell me"

"I'm not scared"

"Then tell me" I urged.


"Nicole" I sternly said.

"You wouldn't understand. I've did something that I'm not proud of. If I told you or Kingsley." she paused. "I could lose you both"

"What did you do?" I asked her, cautiously.

"I can't tell you. It will ruin you, Kingsley, and other people's happiness. I won't, no can't, risk that"

"Nicole, please tell me. I can help you" I said taking slow, steady steps towards her.

She vigorously shook her head back and forth, while backing up towards the door.

"I'm sorry" she said while running out the door.

I started to go after her, but by the time I was out the door, she was nowhere to be found. Her scent was dispersed among the swarm of people. I tried to follow her scent from the strongest location. I stopped when I heard a scream. A scream who's owner happened to be Kingsley.

I ran towards the direction of the table where Kingsley and Ryan were at, but I stopped dead at my tracks.

I saw Danny beating up Ryan.

I ran over to them and tried getting Danny off of Ryan, but Danny wouldn't budge.

His eyes were obsidian black. Canines were coming out of his gums, his breathing came out fast and ridged as his fingernails transformed into claws.

Signs I knew too well.

His wolf was coming out.

I started to pound my fists against his back, but that wasn't the best choice. The next thing I knew, Danny turns around and begins to attack me.

He claws my arms and stomach, leaving my arms scratched and shirt ripped. His sharp claws grazed against the flesh of my skin. Three gashes on my stomach, with blood bursting out.

I quickly covered it, trying stop the blood from spilling. I heard Kingsley shouting my name and run towards me.

I started to feel lightheaded and warm. My legs started to get weak and my movements became staggered. Kingsley caught me before I hit the tile floor.

I saw Danny regain control of his body. His eyes turned normal and his breathing became steady.

"Layla! Oh god, I'm so sorry!" He said in a panicked tone.

He tried to come near me, but a couple of people restrained him.

"Call the pack doctor" I heard Kingsley shout.

"It's gonna be alright, Lay. I'm here." Kingsley soothingly said.

My vision started to blur, my eyelids felt heavy. The last thing I heard was Kingsley calling my name before I succumbed to the darkness.

Xavier Williams

"No. I won't be back for another week. Take care if things while I'm gone" I told Steven, my third command.

"Yes, alpha. Is there anything else I can do?" He asked.

"Actually, I have a favor to ask. Can you please pick up the most expensive bottle of red wine from Chamber Street Wines. Preferably Château Mouton Rothschild Pauillac-1986 " I asked, while putting all the papers that were scattered around my desk into my briefcase.

I turned around and saw a smirk plastered on Stevens face.

"Expensive wine for the Luna?" He asked while cocking one of his eyebrows.

"Yeah, we have a date tonight. I want everything to be perfect." I said with a full blown out grin. No matter what I tried, I couldn't remove it.

My wolf and I couldn't contain our excitement. We're both looking forward to it.

"That's good to hear. I'll head to over there now"

"Okay, see you in a few" I told him while walking out of my office behind him

Right after he walked out of the mansion, I made my way upstairs and walked into my room.

I started to pack my suitcase. Since I plan on staying with Layla for a couple of days, I don't intend to keep on borrowing her dad's clothes. After what happened, she expects me to apologize for what I did. He deserved it, and I don't have an ounce of regret in my body for my actions.

As I finished packing, I started to go through the mental checklist I made in my head.

Met with new recruits, check.

Secured the whole kingdom, check.

Paperwork finished, check.

Give Steven instructions, check.

Clothes packed, check.

I had everything good to go, but I can't help but think I was forgetting something.

What was it?

Then a bulb just lit up in my head. How could I forget!

I walked out of my room and went back into my office. I went over to the painting of my late great grandfather, may god bless his soul, and took it down. Behind it was a safe. I put the combination in and heard a click. I opened it, reached in and took out a black jewelry box that once belonged to my mother.

I plan on giving this to Layla on our date.

I slowly ran my fingers over the black box and gazed at it. I remember my mom wearing the necklace during every special occasion we had. She looked radiant in it.

Fifteen years.

Fifteen long years ever since that dreadful day.

I shook off the horrendous thoughts and opened the box. The intricate diamonds on the necklace and the matching earrings scintillated in the room. I was mesmerized. I noticed a note attached on the inside of the box

'Dear Xavier,
By the time you read this, you probably have found your mate. I'm so sorry that I can't be there to give this to you personally, but I hope for the best. Writing this letter is the hardest thing I have ever done. Knowing that I won't be there to see you grow up, breaks my heart. I wanted to write this letter because I want you to pass the necklace down to your lovely mate. It's a valued item in our family. I remember when your father gave me the beautiful necklace. I was astonished, and I couldn't believe my eyes! But I didn't fall in love with your father for the necklace, but his kind heart and soul. It has been in our family for generations after the other. Now it's your turn. Give it to your mate, and then pass it on to your children, then their children, and so on. Always remember you are not alone. We will always be with you. We love you, forever and always.

Forever with love,
Mom and dad'

I blinked, my eyes began to water.

I wished they could be here with me, but they're in a better place. I closed the box and placed it in on my desk. I put the note back into its envelope and carefully put it back into its place in the safe.

While I was doing that, something caught my eye.

The ring they found while searching for my uncle's killer.

I took it out and went back to my desk. I started to examine it precisely. A sapphire gem in the middle, with diamonds surrounding it. I looked inside to see if anything was written in it. I looked closely and the initials N.K were engraved in the inside.

'N.K?' I thought to myself.

I was so focused with the ring, that I didn't hear my cellphone ring. After the second ring, I picked up, not bothering to check the caller I.D


"Xavier?!" I heard Samantha frantically say.

"Yes, what's wrong?" I asked quickly.

"Layla's in the hospital!"

Edited by: Jennifersanford8 and AllOfTheAbove213

**Authors Note**

Heey guys!

Loving The Alpha King reached 3 million reads, I'm so thankful! You guys are amazing, my little sweethearts! ❤️ So valentine day is coming up, in the comments below tell me what you like about Valentines day, my favorite is the chocolates LOL but, also spending it with the people I love. And one more favor, if you haven't, check out my book Unexpected, it defiantly is unexpected, no pun intended, but...


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