The Revolution (Lemonade Mout...

By one_lemony_wonnder

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The Revolution (Lemonade Mouth)
1- So, Not Adjectives?
2- The World's Suckiest Revolution
3- And the Crowd Goes Wild
4- Create that Band Name!
5- Lights Out
6- You're in Big Trouble Misters!
7- Keeping Up With Stephanie
A/N (The Story ISN'T Over!)
8- On Top of the World
10- That Went Well

9- Cease and Desist

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By one_lemony_wonnder

A/N- The song for the chapter is from my favorite singer ever, Lana del Rey. It's not on YouTube, but it IS on Soundcloud! Idk if you'll be able to listen to it, but it is a great song.

ALSO- I've changed some parts of the song to make it a little more Disney-friendly.

ALSO ALSO- It's so fun to be updating again! I've actually missed this!


This Monday morning, we got a chance to recreate the walk from The Right Stuff.

No, but seriously, it felt like it.

"Hi, Charlie!"

"Stephanie, you're such a babe!"

"Stella! Stella! I NEED your shirt!"

"You guys HAVE to come to my party next week..."

"Is there gonna be Lemonade Mouth merch soon?!"

"Olivia! Where did you get your outfit?!"

"You're so pretty, Mo!"

"Wen! My man!"

"Guys, guys, any new songs?!"

All this, and about a hundred more compliments as we walked down the stairs that day.

This was the culmination of months of hard work, confusion, and pizza. We had created a voice for the student body- and that voice just so happened to sound fabulous. Yeah, I noticed Ray glaring at us, but whatever. His little problems can wait.

"This is..." Mo couldn't even finish her sentence.

"Unreal?" Charlie supplied.

I nodded. "I'll never get used to it."

"I haven't even thrown up once!" Olivia squealed in genuine excitement. That's surprising, what with all the pizza she ate.

"And who do with thank for this victory?" Wen said smugly as we boarded the elevator alone.

We all smiled. "Stella, thank you so much!"

"This wasn't just me, it was all of us," Stella said kindly. I fought the urge to laugh, because Wen's quirky self-centeredness is always pretty funny.

"I think I deserve a portion of this," Wen said.

"I literally just said we all did," Stella scoffed.

"Everyone, no arguing," I held my hand up. "Now, hands in."

I smirked as we did our official handshake, and then we left the elevator. Yeah, it's cliche.

But I love it.


"Stephanie, these arrived for you," Mr. Melcher said. He passed me a bouquet of white roses, causing the people next to me to gawk. Even I was a little surprised. Who sent these? Is it some weirdly devoted fan?

Gosh, it feels so weird to say 'fan'. Like, I actually have FANS now. It's amazing! I mean, it's creepy if one of them sent me this, but it's still amazing.

"Uh, thanks?" I responded. I looked around the bouquet, hoping there'd be some sort of explanatory card attached, or at least a gift card for some chocolates. Who could say no to chocolates?

What I did find was far from chocolates.

Roses are red (well, these ones are white but you get the point)
Lemons are yellow,
I can't think of a word that rhymes with yellow
Can we talk after school? Thanks
-Ray B.

I rolled my eyes. Seriously? He sent me a bouquet of useless plants just to tell me that he wants to drone on about his insipid problems after school?! I should just bring these roses and whack him over the head with them!

Darn, no thorns.

"I'd put those in water for you, but I don't have a vase," Mr. Melcher chuckled.

I tossed them onto his desk. "Let 'em die."

"Sheesh," He said. "All right, get back to problems twenty through twenty six." He then lifted his old phone to his ear. "Yeah, Peg, I'm here. Sorry, teenage drama. So, what did he say?"

I rolled my eyes at my stupid teacher, and took a seat at my desk. What does Ray even need? I swear, if he asks for a loan...

I decided to whip out my phone and text him. Couldn't hurt, right?

Y did u send me those flowers u little weirdo

I pretended to do my classwork while I waited for a response. In the middle of my pretend classworking-slash-mental lecture that I was going nowhere in life since I couldn't find the measure of angle A, someone tapped my shoulder.

I peered over my shoulder. "Yes?"

Lyle made eye contact with me, then looked down. I followed his gaze, and saw a HUGE stack of dollar bills in his hand.

"What?" I whispered. I didn't know Lyle was an exotic dancer! Ha, I made myself laugh. But seriously, what's with all the lettuce?

"CD sales are through the roof," he told me.

I nearly spit out my teeth, not because I was surprised, but because this was becoming old news. Even when I played SOCCER no one liked me this much. Sure, I had an entourage of popular girls who liked me because guys like me, and a whole lineup of guys who liked me because I'm a hot blonde, but I've never had people like me for... well... my message. It's always been "Stephanie's hot" or "Stephanie's cool", but never, "Stephanie inspired me".

I actually inspired people! I'm like a movie star!

"We ran out of copies, and they nearly beat the walls in. Split it amongst yourselves. Congrats." Lyle said.

This just... if I'm gonna wake up from this dream, it'd be a little awkward to wake up now. I'm in too deep. This is real. Thi-

"Ms. Cane!" The teacher shouted, and I cringed as my annoying text alert went off.

"Sorry!" I squeaked. Oh gosh, why does that happen to me so often?!

"Thanks, Lyle. You're the best," I whispered, and took the money. He nodded at me, then resumed doing actual classwork. How is that kid so smart?

You have one new message!

Gee, really?!

I thought it was chivalric, Cane. I also thought you'd like to meet in person, but this works as well. You're wasting your time with this band. Best case scenario: you make a few hundred bucks off DVD sales. Then what? Your soccer career is gonna take you places, Steph. You need to come back.

I rolled my eyes. Where is soccer even gonna take me?! What college looks at an application and says, "Wow, she played soccer?! That's it! We've gotta have her!"

I replied with:

soccer is a game. lemonade mouth is a revolution. ill go more places with a revolution than a game.

I smirked. I thought the conversation was done with, and I could resume hating myself because I couldn't keep my SOH CAH TOA straight, but my phone made that STUPID noise again.

"Ms. Cane," Mr. Melcher said sternly. "One more time, and it's a detention."

I nodded. Funny how detention was more like a vacation than a punishment now. We usually just go there anyway to sneak some Mel's with Ms. Reznick.

I silenced my text alert, and checked what vapid thought had popped into Ray's head this time.

Steph, the principal HATES you. You're not a good student. I've seen your report card. The only thing you have going for you now is this scrappy band of sweaty nerds, and that's not gonna make colleges clamor for you. I don't know what's going through your head, but lemonade mouth is not going to start some giant, worldwide revolution. Sure, you might make a few basement dwellers feel happy. Other than that? No one will care. You CAN get a scholarship for soccer, Steph. I know you don't have social media, but Tommy's living the dream life up there and Stanford, and his report card looked the same as yours.

The choice is obvious, superstar.


Things had been going pretty great. Keyword, HAD.

Mo gave Scott her cease and desist in the form of song last week, which I helped her compose, not a big deal or anything. Scott got the memo, and I'm pretty sure he'll never be able to eat at Dante's again.

I'd decided Ray's words meant nothing. Right? I'd get into college just fine without mindlessly chasing a ball on my applications. Mhm. Definitely.

"Can you see me? 'Cause I'm right here," Olivia sang. I was supposed to come in at this part, but I was too busy trying to affirm my decision.

It's fine. It's totally fine! People dumber than me get into college all the time! Besides, a scholarship can only take me so far!

"And I say... oh! We're gonna... let i- ugh, okay, stop," Olivia said. The band awkwardly stopped playing, and I blinked. Well, that was sudden.

"What?" I asked her.

She blinked at me a little bit. "You're- you're not singing."

I scoffed. It's not MY fault! I just had three slices of green bell pepper and sausage pizza and an orange soda, so I'm not in much of a singing mood, not to mention my foot is really itchy, but I can't scratch it because that would be weird, and I'm more focused on my guitar because I take the high notes and Stella takes the low notes, and there's a lot of high notes in this song, and it's hard to sing while playing guitar and... and...

What Ray said really got to me.

I scrunched up my face. "Sorry. I just... uh... what are the notes again?"

"Would you like us to read all of them to you individually?" Stella laughed.

"No, no," I said detachedly.

We're not even doing anything productive. This is just a warm up song, and we're spending way too much time on it because Olivia can't sing alone, and I should be out there playing soccer and getting a scholarship and WOW I have a migraine.

This is too much! It's just too much! What am I supposed to do?! The logical thing to do is soccer, but I feel like Apollo, god of music, is just cackling evilly and shoving me toward this weird group of rebels! I can't get away from them! But I have to; I'll never go anywhere in life if I keep plucking at a guitar and stuffing my face with pizza after school!

"Steph? You... you okay?" Wen asked.

"What?! Yes! Fine!" I said. Wow, I'm super convincing. Step aside, Meryl Streep.

"Oh, okay, then let's just start playing again," Mo said sarcastically.

"Okay; one, two, thr-" Charlie was about to play us off.

"She was joking," Wen said awkwardly.

"Oh," Charlie said in the same voice.

URGH! We're being so unproductive! But, you know what? It's fine! I don't need college! Steve Jobs didn't go to college, and look where he is now! Er... I mean, he died happy! Right? I don't now much about Steve Jobs! All I know is that I won't have a job if we keep messing around like this!

"Um... don't you guys think that maybe we should... oh, I don't know... do a little less rehearsing?" I lightly breeched the topic.

"This is all part of a routine, we can't winnow down the rehearsal time!" Stella said.

"Um... okay. You know what?" I said. "You guys do that, I think... I think I'm gonna write my own cease and desist. For Ray," I said.

"Why?" Mo asked.

"He sent me flowers and tried to get me back on the soccer team and... yeah, it's complicated. Look, you guys keep going, I'm all set. I'll show you my ideas tomorrow," I said. There. Perfect. Very smooth. Great transition, Steph. I hastily snatched my bag off of Dante's crumb-coated floor, and made a beeline for the door.

"Wait, Steph, we've got to practice! Rising Star is a few weeks away!" Stella said.

"Yeah, I've got it," I said. "I mean, we've got our song, we know our parts, just the same thing as the Halloween Bash, only with less panicking. Look, guys, I have to go."

"I really don't think that's a good idea," Charlie said. "I mean, we can't really play without you."

"Yeah you can! I'm just the back up guitarist!" I said.

"No, you play the high notes, I play the low ones. It's what this guitar was designed for, and it'd sound awfully weird if I played them," Stella said. "Steph, come on, it's just a few more hours! You can't give up on this, you made a commitment! You know how important this is!"

"I'm not giving up!" I said. "I'm just... uh... I'm gonna write my song. Then we'll play it at Dante's, and everything will be peachy. All right?"

"No, Steph, I can't do it alone!" Olivia said.

"Sorry," I said. I refused to listen to another word, and dashed out the door.


I stood in front of the crowd at Dante's, dressed to the nines in my cute, sweater-y outfit.

"Ready?" Olivia asked me. She looked a little offended by something. I'll ask about that later. Maybe she's offended by me. Ha, wouldn't that be funny?

"As I'll ever be," I shrugged. I nearly forgot to respond to her.

I really wasn't nervous. I spotted Ray in the crowd, so I'm glad I'll be getting to him directly. Then, after this, I can have my favorite pizza and eat peanut butter cups and pray to every deity that my dad gets this job and we can move to Calabasas.

"All right, thanks for coming out you guys! We're gonna play a new song, and we really hope you guys like it!" Stella said.

Wen played us off with some piano, then the others came in with the guitars and drums and whoozy whatzits.

"You always buy me roses when I'm mad, do you think I'll forgive you just like that? You can't mess with me, you know who I am! Get ready for this, it's gonna be bad," I sang. Wow. These lyrics are STUPID.

Is this just my head? Is it because I'm nervous? Ergh, whatever, it gets the point across!

The band didn't even want to play this once since it wasn't inspiring, but that was part of the rules; we all get one cease and desist. Stella used hers and Brenigan. Mo used hers on Scott. Olivia will probably use hers on her dad. Wen will probably use his on the hamster that bit him in elementary school. Charlie with probably use his on Mo, since he keeps hitting on her, but she isn't having it.

This is mine, and I'm going to use it.

"I'm wishing you well, but we all know I'm first place! We used to be best friends, now this is some kind of race, and if you want war, then baby, you've got war!" I sang.

I took a quick peek at Ray, who was talking to one of his friends. I don't know if he was pretending to ignore me, or if he actually didn't care. Either way, he was doing a splendid job of throwing me off.

"I tried to move on, but with you, that's not the case. I know that you wanna fight, you got all up in my face! You can't take it no more, I'm badder than before," I finished off the bridge. Yeah, I really had to fight Mo the grammar-enforcer to get the word "badder" in there. Ray looked a little more attentive this time. Good.

"And then you buy me roses and it's fine! I guess I'll forgive you, just this time! I'm the one who won, so keep that in mind, and I'll let you off easy, it's all right!" I belted out the chorus. Ray looked like he was trying to solve a puzzle. What is going on inside that little blonde head of his?!

Whatever, because now we're at the part that might cause controversy.

"You always buy me roses like a creep! Asking for forgiveness, unsexy! What happened to the man you used to be? You want me on your team? Then work for me!" I sang. The crowd LOVED that part. Ray, however, widened his eyes, and looked taken aback. Ha! Yes! Got you! This is rich!

I sang a somewhat lyrically altered version of the bridge, then proceeded to sing the chorus again. I sounded like I was putting a lot of effort into it, but really, I just wanted to make Ray mad and have my pizza.

Finally, it was Wen's turn to rap or whatever he does.

"He wants conversations, but nothing's said. Man, you're crazy, you've lost your head. Lemons are yellow, roses are red? You should feel awful, this love is dead," Wen said.

I took a look at him while I sang, and I noticed that they all kind of looked uphappy.

Charlie was unenthusiastically plonking around. Wen seemed to be going through the motions. Stella was brooding in the corner and playing her guitar. Mo had that pinched look on her face, and Olivia was wincing.

Jeez, lighten up, guys.

I looked at the crowd for reaffirmation, and they were loving it! They were clapping along, some people even took pictures! Aw, shucks.

Wait, where's Ray?

...Why is he smirking?

Jules and Patty looked concerned, and Scott was probably at home sobbing over his Mo shrine, so why does Ray look so smug? What does he know?!

"And then you buy me roses and it's fine! I guess I'll forgive you, just this time! I'm the one who won, so keep that in mind, and I'll let you off easy, it's all right!" I sang the end of my part in the song, and let Wen take care of the rest.

I looked back at my bandmates.

Well, you see, it's not always a good thing to look behind you! I know horror movies or PSAs might have taught you to always look over your shoulder, but take it from me, if you don't want to see the faces of your angry bandmates as you sing a song that contradicts their morals, I say; look straight ahead at the crowd of adoring fans!

"See, you can she the rage in her eyes, in her eyes," Wen was about to finish the whole thing off with a little rap. As he sang the last verse, it felt like all five of them were giving me various looks of disappointment.

"This love is dead, this love is dead."

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