Southern Constellations

By thewritingtaco

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€VALENTINES SPECIAL€ ________________________ In which, Kellin is a kind prince from a small kingdom and gets... More

The Prince
The Servant
The Sorceror
The Song
The Romance

The Rescues

825 42 82
By thewritingtaco

Their lips collided together, the pale boy straddled the tan one his fingers tangled in the long brown locks. For weeks, both the prince and dragon had been highly affectionate with each other, from kissing and very intimate intercourse, the two could not get enough of each other.

Unfortunately, Michael -the brother of Victor- acquired assistance to retrieve a particular ingredient of a potion he was in the mists of making. Victor, being a dependable brother he is, offered his assistance which Michael gratefully accepted. At the most, the dragon would be gone for a few sunrises, leaving the prince to impatiently wait for his beloved to come back.

"Mm, Michael is awaiting my presence," Victor told, pulling away from the prince's lips.

"Please, just one more kiss" Kellin practically begged.

Not being able to refuse, Victor leaned in quickly capturing the prince's lips with his before pulling away and resting foreheads against each other.

"I don't want you to leave" Kellin whispered.

"Darling," Victor assured, cupping Kellin's soft cheek "it'll only be a few days"

"A few days too long" Kellin protested "Michael can retrieve whatever it is he wants by himself"

"Do my ears hear correctly" Victor teased "Kellin Quinn, being selfish?"

The prince didn't even realise his actions, immediately regretting his emotions. He couldn't help it, he just couldn't stay away from the tanned boy. He craved his every touch, his kiss, words, movement, just Victor's entire being. He craved it so much that his lust and desire for him clouded his behavior and minds.

"Oh no!" the prince gasped "I-I...I don't know what to say. I do not feel guilty for being...selfish for my beloved."

"Don't fret, my love" Victor chuckled, kissing the tip of the prince's nose "I like that side of you"

His loving words brought a smile onto the prince's face who also bashfully blushed averting his suddenly shy gazed. He leaned forward and buried his face in the crook of his dragon's neck and sighed.

"Is there no way to convince you to stay?" the prince mumbled into the tan skin.

"I'm afraid not" Victor confessed "I'll be back before you know it darling, I promise"

The prince sighed sadly nodding "Very well then"

He slowly climbed off the dragon's lap and sat on the soft blue blanket, watching the dragon stand and slip his white shirt back on. Victor turned to the sulking boy on his bed staring sadly at him.

"Darling," Victor reminded, leaning on the bed to kiss Kellin's forehead "A few days will come and go, then I'll be back before you can say 'I miss you'"

Kellin still sulked on the bed and the dragon was seriously doubting his decision, but he knew Michael needed him as well.

"I love you, Kellin," Victor said, peering down at his beloved.

The prince looked up, his greenish-blue eyes watering slightly, "I love you too, Victor"

The prince climbed off the bed and wrapped his arms around Victor's torso, laying his ear against his chest and listening to the beautiful heartbeat of his beloved. Victor wrapped his arms around the prince's shoulders, bringing him even closer into his chest and enjoying the warmth of Kellin's skin.

"Now get going, Michael must be waiting" Kellin insisted, pulling away from the embrace.

Victor placed one more kiss to Kellin's lips before walking out his room, disappearing around the corner, leaving Kellin to stare at the place where his beloved stood, whispering one thing.

"I miss you"


The prince was missing Victor almost desperately, finding himself gazing out the windows hoping to see his love fly over the tower so he could run into his arms and kiss the lips he misses. Sleeping in Victor's bed without him that night was very strange for the prince being that he was surrounded by his scent but there was the absence of Victor himself with his arms wrapped around the prince.

The next night, Kellin slept in the empty bed once more and he fell asleep inhaling the pillows as he imagined his dragon next to him. He awoke by the sound of multiple footsteps roaming around the tower. Kellin grew excited, a large smile spreading across his face as he nearly jumped out the bed and ran up the stone step to embrace his beloved. Holding the skirt of his nightdress, he made it to the top step flicking his gaze around the darkened tower room.

A dark figure stood across from the prince but he ran to it anyways and wrapped his arms around the torso of the figure, squeezing it lovingly.

"I missed you so, my love" Kellin mumbled, burying his face in the silk material that was the shirt.

The only problem was...Victor didn't own any silk clothing.

"Your Majesty" a familiar voice spoke, gripping his waist tightly "It is I, Prince Oliver, come to rescue you"

Kellin's heart seemed to stop and suddenly he could see the dim outlining of the arrogant prince's face, who smiled softly at him. Kellin tried to step back, but Sir Oliver's grip was keeping him in place.

"Y-You shouldn't be here" Kellin cried "H-He will come back"

"I fear the Prince has been overpowered by fear, Sire" an unknown voice explained, "Might I make it easier on us all?"

"If you must, Mage" Sir Oliver sighed, while Kellin struggled in his tight embrace.

Somehow, the prince began to grow weak and fall out of consciousness and Kellin mentally declared that he absolutely dislikes magic.

• • •

The delicate prince gained weary awareness, wanting to reach over to feel the empty bed but realised he was moving. As he fluttered his eyes open, he winced at the bright sunlight that blinded his waking emotions. He let out a small groan and moved against the hard surface underneath him.

"Easy there, love" Sir Oliver cooed, taking a hand off the horse's reins and wrapped it securely around Kellin's waist.

Kellin desperately wanted to struggle but noticed his wrists being tied together in front of him. If the prince was not fearful then, he definitely was now being held hostage by someone who's taken him against his will.

"H-How did you enter and leave the tower?" Kellin asked softly.

"My mage" Oliver replied, not even glancing at the prince against him.

"That's correct, highness" the mage interfered, his horse now directly next to the pair of princes "The magic was strong, yes, but I have stronger magic"

It seemed that not only was the prince arrogant, but the people around him as well. Kellin was beginning to miss the closer of the tower and the wanting of Victor to come back for him. Victor, oh Kellin didn't even want to ponder the heart wrenching reaction when he finds out that his 'princess' wasn't present.

"You must take me back" Kellin demanded, struggling against the restraints around his wrists.

"I beg your pardon?" Sir Oliver asked, "You want to go back to that wretched tower?"

Kellin took great offense to Oliver's comment about his and Victor's cozy tower.

"Your majesty, I feel as if you are still in fear" the mage assumed.

"Fear? Of what?" Kellin demanded, not knowing about this 'fear' the mage spoke about.

"Of the dragon, of course," the mage explained.

"Yes, I am pleased to inform you that I have slayed the Great Dragon" Oliver proudly announced.

Though, Kellin's heart was cracking; nearly shattering into a million thousand tiny red pieces. He couldn't even hear the next words that spilled out of the arrogant prince's mouth because his ears were harshly pounding against his skull. Kellin lost feeling to his body and wasn't paying much attention to his body nearly toppling over from the high horse. Luckily Oliver caught him.

"Love!? At you alright?" Oliver nearly exclaimed, stopping his black stallion.

"Y-You...killed...him" the prince mumbled "my love..."

"Yes, what is it dear?" Oliver asked, bringing the pale prince close to his chest.

All Kellin could do, was stare blankly at the black silk that clung to the arrogant prince. He wanted nothing more than to die with his beloved so he could forever be in his embrace.

"My darling, are you alright?" Oliver asked the distraught boy in his arms.

Only the prince didn't respond.

"Set up camp, men" Oliver announced "we'll rest here for tonight"

Sir Oliver's men immediately got to work, setting up tents and torches as the day began to turn into night. Oliver led the prince into the largest tent, untying the rope that bit into his skin and handed him a familiar blue blanket that Kellin never thought he'd see again.

"It seemed as you really liked that...even though it's not at all exquisite" Oliver explained bitterly.

Though Kellin payed no attention to the arrogant prince's bitter words and immediately wrapped himself in the comforting fabric and inhaled the scent that belongs to his beloved.

The rest of the night, the the arrogant prince and his troops were plagued with the soft crying of the porcelain prince, who wept for his dearly departed love. Though in the distance was the faint sound of a roar that belong to a broken beast.


The journey back to Warpedtouria wasn't a long as the quest to retrieve the prince, in fact, it only took a 3 days journey from the time the prince was rescued. The people cheered and gasped as they witnessed the arrogant prince pridely grin holding the emotionless prince that was wrapped in the blue blanket.

Kellin didn't talk, eat, or sleep much during those days, not once. His ears pounded profusely at every waking moment and his emotions of sadness and grief seemed to be the only thing that kept his heart together.

Once the troop entered castle walls, the mounted off their steeds stretching and removing the heavy armor off their bodies. Oliver lifted the wrapped prince off the black stallion and held his shoulders tightly.

"You are home, dearest" he spoke.

Though, Kellin didn't say a word as usual which made the arrogant prince angry. He ripped off the blue fabric from around Kellin and balled it up fiercely in his hands.

"Give it back" Kellin cried, his voice hoarse from not speaking in days.

"He speaks" Oliver announced, earning a laugh from his men and mage, "Isn't that swell"

"I order you to hand it back" Kellin demanded, his voice strong.

The prince never like to use his royal blood as a way to get what he wants, though he desperately needed the only reminder of what was once love.

"You know, my love" Oliver sneered "You will have to talk to me if we will be wedded"

"I will never marry you" Kellin protested

"Of course you will" Oliver insisted "and once we share a true love's kiss, you will be free from you spell"

"Spell? I am not under any spell!" Kellin exclaimed, trying to grab the blanket from Oliver.

"It is true, your majesty" the mage interrupted "I sense a dark spell that consumes you. True love will only break it"

"You killed my only true love" Kellin seethed, finally snatching the blue blanket from the english prince and stormed his way past the guards who were astonished by the prince's presence.

After a few levels of the castle, the prince had finally made it back to his old room, seeing that nearly everything had been the way it was before he was captured by Victor.

He laid in his cold large bed, feeling absolutely lonely without his Victor next to him. Even with the scent that wafted to his nose, reminding him of Victor and the forever memory of his alluring was truly not the same.

Kellin was wakened by the soft touch of fingers running through his hair. He felt joy burst into his chest feeling as if he had endured a horrible nightmare. But when he felt a cold pair of lips against his forehead and the tingling remanence of a beard, he knew that it was too good to be true.

"P-Papa?" Kellin asked, fluttering his eyes open.

It was indeed his kind father who had relief pooling into his eyes and tightly hugged his child.

"My child" the king whispered "how I have missed you"

"I'm sorry about the last time we parted" Kellin immediately apologized, knowing he brought great grief to his father's heart.

"It's quite alright" the king smiled "as long as you are safe"

"Father..." Kellin asked sorrowfully "Is it true that the Great Dragon has been slain?"

"Yes, it is" the king exclaimed "No more terrifying shadow that lurks over our kingdom and-"

But Kellin tuned it out, his heart finally shattering into thousands of pieces and he definitely didn't hold back on tears. They streamed down his face and he held back the urge to sob.

"-Prince Oliver asked for your hand and I...Kellin?"

"W-What did you s-s-say" he trembled.

"I um, I gave him my blessing to do so" the king admitted.

"But, p-papa" Kellin cried "Y-You had s-said to bar-gin with the d-dragon. He has slain him"

"I changed the agreement when you were taken...Kellin, he loves you" the king insisted.

"No! He does not love me!" Kellin yelled, standing to his feet "He loves the idea of me and that I will not accept"

"Please, my child. Calm down" the king pleaded softly but Kellin was too overcome by emotions.

"Leave me, father" Kellin seethed "I want to be alone"

"Kellin, I-"

"I want to be alone, please" Kellin repeated, more harshly.

"When the sun rises, you will marry Prince Oliver" the king ordered before walking out the room. Kellin had anger boiling within him and the urge to hit something was strong, though when he heard the voice of his father saying 'please straighten him out' he calmed down a bit more knowing it was his faithful servant, Justin.

But when Justin entered, accompanied by his future husband, his anger grew once more.

"Kellin, you're ok" Justin exclaimed, running over to embrace his friend.

Kellin graciously hugged back but it was until he was ripped away from his freind.

"Touching my prince, eh? I could have you imprisoned for that" Oliver sneered, practically throwing Justin across the room, "make yourself useful and built a fire"

Justin nodded furiously and grabbed wood from the bin and stacked it in the fireplace that was across Kellin's bed.

Kellin glared at the englishman balling his fists with fury.

"How dare you treat my dearest friend that way? I could have you imprisoned for that" Kellin sneered.

The crackling of the fire was the only sound that filled the room as both princes harshly glared at the other.

"Leave us, peasant" Oliver ordered.

"Stay by the door, Justin," Kellin said, not taking his eyes off Oliver.

Once the door was closed, Kellin's head flung to the side and his cheek stung with pain. He glared at Oliver gritting his teeth angrily.

"You have some nerve thinking that you could talk to me in that way" Oliver snapped "Even though you are currently under a spell, I will not tolerate your behavior in the future. That was only a warning"

"Do you really believe I am under a spell?" Kellin integrated "Even if I was, would you ever believe I will ever love you, Oliver? Not in your very dreams will I even show you kindness that you obviously do not deserve. You strut into my castle and ask for my hand, then you take me from my home and k-killed my beast then actually assume that I am in love with you!?"

Oliver raised his hand once more but Kellin didn't flinch, he continued to glare at the tall brooding prince who was stuck in his striking position. Suddenly, a sickening grin spread across Oliver's face as he took steps back and grabbed the blue comforter that rested on Kellin's bed.

"I was very curious as to why you never let this damned thing go, but then I realized that it is not yours, is it Kellin?" Oliver deducted.

"You know I not under a spell Oliver, don't you? You are just trying to control my head." Kellin accused "You know I will never have any love for you, so what are you playing at Oliver?"

Oliver dryly chuckled and walked away from the bed with the blanket still in his hands.

"I must admit that you are very smart, Kellin" Oliver complimented.

"What are you planning? Tell me" the prince demanded, angrily.

"It's true that you are not under a spell...but my lips will be when we kiss tomorrow" Oliver evilly chuckled "they will be enchanted with a powerful love spell that will make you fall hopelessly in love with me"

"Why me? Why do you want me to love you?" Kellin asked.

"Love? It's not about love, it's about power! And when I become king of this pathetic valley, my home will spread and that is the start of our revolution to rule the land." the arrogant prince explained.

"Y-You can't, you mustn't" Kellin protested "I will never do that to my people"

"Oh, if you refuse, I will declare war on your precious little Kingdom...and I will kill everyone who will get in my way, much like your precious dragon"

Those words angered Kellin, he lurched forward to pin down the tall prince, though what happened next was truly the worst. Kellin couldn't process the burning blue cloth that was in the fireplace, he tried to reach forward but somehow Oliver grabbed hold of his waist and held him back as they watched the large blanket slowly burn.

There was not visual remanence of the blanket and Kellin couldn't help but sob. Oliver threw him down and Kellin caught himself with his hands but his eyes never left the fireplace.

"H-How could you?" Kellin whimpered.

"Getting rid of the competition is always essential to the plan" was all he said before he waltz out the room.

All the prince could see was blurry vision as his eyes were filled with tears. The only lasting memory of his love was gone and it was all thanks to his betrothed. Kellin didn't even notice Justin who wrapped his arms around Kellin and cradled him into his arms, slowly rocking them back and forth.

"Forgive me, Kellin" Justin whispered "But I know you need comfort"

The prince was glad to have such a friend close to him, all he needed was one. He buried his face into Justin's shirt and cried more.

• • •

"You better not mess this up, brother" Kaily hissed as she tightened the strings of the dress.

Kellin just emotionlessly stared at the wall as he went through his sister's minor torture session. They were just insulting him emotionally which currently didn't bother him since he couldn't feel any worse than he currently is.

"Sir Oliver will financially benefit our kingdom" Kendra reminded for the thousandth time "you will be very selfish to turn down this opportunity"

"Give him a break you two" Justin chimed in bitterly "He just came back from a traumatizing experience and he is under a spell currently"

The twins simultaneously scoffed and left the room to fix their hair quickly.

"Thank you, Justin" Kellin whispered.

"You are welcome, Kellin" Justin smiled.

"My dear friend" the thanked "I am very grateful for your constant kindness and friendship that you show me. For what happens in the future, you will always be dear to me in my broken heart"

Justin simply looked confused as Kellin placed a soft kiss against his cheek. He brushed past his friend and took his veil that he placed on his head.

"Oh dear" he emotionlessly mused "there seems to be a piercing in my veil"

He ran his finger across the small rip and noticed a tear that fell into the paper thin fabric. He didn't realize he was crying but he knew why because deep down inside he felt unfaithful.

"Kellin dear, are you alright?" his father asked when he entered the room.

"Yes," Kellin said as he wiped off tears.

"You look...just like your mother" his father complemented, drying off the tears from his own cheeks "she would be so proud of you"

Though Kellin mentally disagreed with his assumption, she would be very disappointed in him right now or perhaps she'd be just as sorrowful as he is.

The king pulled out the plain bouquet of white jasmine and held it out to the prince. For some reason, he felt sick just looking at them, they needed something to add to the beauty, they needed to pop. He needed-

"Forget-me-nots" he whispered, feeling his eyes aching with absent tears.

He remembered, when Victor confessed his love for him...Jasmines and forget-me-nots were the flowers he picked. The blue and white flowers were a type of symbolism of their blossoming relationship. Though, all he seen were the plain white jasmines of grace and elegance, not the vibrant blue flower that he just wanted to hate. He wanted to hate those forget-me-nots and curse Victor for ever picking them because he can now be forever plagued with the memory of the unforgettable flower that mean to always remember. To always remember his mother. To always remember Victor.

"Are you ready, Kellin?" his father asked.

With a shaky nod he tightly gripped the plain white flowers in his hand and hooked his arm with his father's. They slowly walked to the doors that opened and was filled with a crowd of people who gasped at the beautiful prince in his bland white dress with his beautiful bouquet of jasmines.

He wasn't paying any attention to the gaping crowd, his head was swimming with his treasure memories of him and his beloved. The song that play as they descended across the aisle was nothing to the song playing in his head.

"P-Please keep chasing me" he softly sang as they walked, "Y-Your s-southern constellations has gotten me s-so...dizzy"

"Kellin, please" his father sighed.

But the prince didn't listen.

"It is cold but you p-pretend you a-are warm with me...before I...b-bring you home you are nearly frozen. B-But I will never let you freeze"

They reached the end of the isle where the priest in white, along with his twin sisters also in white, and Oliver who is in black stood almost impatiently for Kellin to step up. The prince turned to his father and lifted his pierced veil to give his father a gentle kiss on the cheek, before joining the awaiting people.

With a single tear slipping down his face he faced the priest.


"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate-"

"Me" he whispered finishing the song.

Almost instantly, a heart dropping roar shook the hall and the heavy sound of wings that flew around the castle grounds. Kellin thought it was too good to be true, but when a large looming shadow darkened the hall he knew it was indeed true.

Oliver pushed Kellin behind him and drew his sword as went on guard to defeat the dragon. But Kellin grew even more angry with Oliver and began to use his fists to pound on his back.

"You lied to me" he screamed over the other screams "You never slain him! You put me through hell on a lie"

"That is enough! I've had it with you" Oliver growled, grabbing Kellin's shoulders and forcing him to his lips.

Kellin was quick to turn his head and block the cursed lips from even reaching his face.

"Victor! Help me!" Kellin wailed loudly.

Loudly enough for the large stained glass window to break due to the huge impact if the Great Dragon. Kellin was pushed down to the floor and was pinned down by his wrist seeing Oliver grin evilly and slowly bring his face down.

"V-Victor" Kellin cried, wincing and turning his head to get away from Oliver as much as he could.

Just as Kellin felt breath against his lips, he was released from his terrible position of being pinned down by Oliver. He picked himself up to see the familiar tufts of brown hair that he knew he loved sitting on top of the arrogant prince and pounding his face with his fists.

"Victor" Kellin called hopefully, with teary eyes.

The dragon stopped his abuse on the man beneath him and snapped his head up to meet his lover's beautiful green eyes. In one swift movement, Victor's arms were around Kellin's waist and their lips her rightfully connected together. Kellin had missed Victor's warm comforting feeling and his addictive lips against his, Victor missing the same things about Kellin.

They pulled apart and rested their heads against the other's, breathing heavily from the amount of passion.

"I thought you were dead...why didn't you come for me?" Kellin cried, clutching Victor's white shirt.

"They enslaved me with unbreakable chains" Victor growled angrily "Days I kneeled with chains holding me down pondering if you were truly alright. I felt your sadness and intense anger from miles away. Michael freed me today and I immediately came to your aid. Please tell me you're alright"

"Oh, Victor don't worry about me" Kellin assured "I'm just glad you are alive and here"

His hands were softly holding Victor's tan cheeks bringing his face closer to capture his lips with his again but Victor suddenly pushed the prince behind him, glaring and growling at the sudden hord of blades aimed at him.

"Kellin! Get away from him" his father pleaded.

That's when Kellin had finally had enough. He confidently yet angrily stepped in front of Victor, facing the multiple blades that were aimed at his body.

"I will not move away from him because I love him, father" Kellin announced, earning a room full of gasps.

"It a spell, your majesty!" Oliver yelled "that monster has put your son under his sick spell so he could get jewels and money from you"

"You are the monster, Oliver!" Kellin screamed "You are the one about to place me under a spell to forever love you. Father, he wants to take over our kingdom so he could conquer others!"

"That's absurd, brother" Kaily yelled.

"He's trying to help you, filth" Kendra growled.

"ENOUGH" the king finally yelled.

The king turned to his surrounded son who looked at him pleadingly.

"Is it true to what you say? Do you love this man?" the king asked softly.

The prince smiled brightly and took Victor's hand in his, "Yes, father, I love him very much."

Although the king had a stone expression, a prideful and happy gleamed in his eyes.

"In that case," the king decided "guards! Take sir Oliver to the docks and make sure he is escorted back to his kingdom where I will make sure he'll never step foot on our land's soil ever again."

The guards did as they were told and roughly grabbed Oliver by his upper arms and escorted him out the hall.

"You will regret this! I will come back and conquer your pathetic lands" he yelled, pointing at Kellin and Victor.

"If I even here your name whisper around kingdom, I will travel to yours and watch it go down in flames" Victor threatened.

And that was the last they ever heard of Sir Oliver.

"You two" the king boomed, pointing at the twins "it's come to my attention that you have violently placed your hands on your older brother."

Kellin glanced around the room to see Justin puffing his chest with pride which gave away the culprit of who told the King.

"How dare you! My own daughters!? Explain yourselves!" he demanded.

That was the first time Kellin ever seen his sisters frightened. They shook in their place and averted contact with their father.

"H-He's so selfish! H-He's too worried about h-himself t-than his people" Kailey stammered.

"On the contrary," Victor sneered "You two are too worried about yourselves and are jealous of your brother. You two are lucky you are Kellin's sisters and he loves you too much"

"Victor" Kellin whispered "let my father handle this"

Victor merely nodded but never faltered his glare on the twins.

"It seems you two need discipline" the king spoke "in two days time, you two will be sent to the kingdom to help your people make profit, no arguments."

The twins nodded simply and mumbled 'yes father' simultaneously.

"Now, you" the king announced, pointing at Victor, "You love my son, correct?"

"Yes, sir" Victor nodded "and with your permission, I would like to do something"

The king nodded and gestured for Victor to continued. Victor turned and grabbed Kellin's hands and looked deeply into his eyes.

"Princess-I mean Kellin" Victor started shakily, "I'm not good with these things, you know that, but...I have yo say it"

Kellin nodded softly allowing Victor to continue.

"I love you. I have loved you since I heard your hypnotic singing and possibly that one night when we physically loved each other" Victor rambled.

There was gasps and murmurs around the hall and Kellin couldn't help but blush profusely, his eyes flicked to his father who looked as if he was going to murder Victor right where he stood.

"Um...the point is, I realized that you are truly all I have...and it will make me the happiest beast in the world" Victor sighed, gulping before getting down on one knee pulling out at beautiful jeweled band and holding it up. Kellin covered his mouth with happiness and he could feel tear brimming his eyes yet again, this time they were happy ones, "Kellin, will you be mine?"

"Yes, oh, of course I will Victor!" Kellin exclaimed, throwing his arms around his neck and bringing him into a tight embrace. He held out his finger to examine the ring and absolutely loved it.

"I call a ceremony instantly" the king announced, "though, I think we need to make a few changes"


"Do you Victor Vincent Fuentes take Prince Kellin Quinn Bostwick as you-"

Kellin couldn't help but be absolutely excited about finally being wedded to Victor.

His father was in fact correct when he said that things needed to be changed. Like Kellin's dress and flowers for instance; instead of the plain white wedding dress and white jasmines, he wore a white lace dress with a vibrant bouquet of forget-me-nots, though he kept the pierced veil for a strange reason. The ceremony was held outside in the royal gardens and Victor had been forced to comb his hair, more like force by his brother Michael who was in the stands nearly crying that his brother was getting married.

"" Victor answered nervously.

"Prince Kellin Quinn Bostwick do you take Victor Vincent Fuentes to be-"

"Yes, I do" Kellin answered, earning a laugh from the crowd and a blush from himself.

"By the power invested in me, I pronounce you," the priest announced nodding to the couple "husband and wife, you may kiss your bride"

Kellin and Victor gazed lovingly at each other and leaned in to connect their lips together. The kiss they shared was full of happiness and, of course, love. Kellin wrapped his arms around Victor's neck, pulling him in even more. When they pulled away, they both knew that they would love each other more than anything.

After that day, many things has happened over the years. People have said that the twin princesses had finally understood why their older brother was so caring about the people of the kingdom. They began to use their riches to help the poor and build new houses for the ones who don't have them.

Rumors have spread about Sir Oliver and his punishment of failing his father but in honesty, the King and Queen were disappointed in their son to find out he was bringing unwanted war of peaceful kingdoms and harshly punished him by slaving for his parent for nearly 2 years.

According to letters and Kellin, Justin rightfully had resigned as servant to the royal family and with his savings traveled to an open field and made a cozy hut for himself close enough for his dear friend to visit him regularly.

Micheal, according to Victor and Kellin themselves, had invested in a new assistant named Tony who shared Michael's love for magic and hopefully, his love in general.

The King lived to be at least 90 years old before he died, leaving his throne to his dear grandson, Aidan.

On their wedding night, Kellin and Victor had made love under the bright Southern Constellations, which blessed them with their first son, Aidan. Something Victor didn't inform Kellin was the fact that dragons are basically immortal, including the ones they love. Sure it was, in fact, sad for Kellin to outlive his father, sisters, and dearest friend but with Victor and their many children by his side, the Dragon Queen couldn't ask for more.

At the end of the day with his true love by his side, he was glad he could live immorally happily ever after.   

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