
By NonaHysteria

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In the peaceful realm of Vanaheim, Qrow Manor houses their criminally insane. Though it is a place to avoid... More

Chapter 1 | The Calm
Chapter 2 | The Storm
Chapter 3 | Deal with the Devil
Chapter 4 | The Rounds
Chapter 5 | Echoes
Chapter 6 | Everything Has a Price
Chapter 7 | Dinner
Chapter 8 | Room Search
Chapter 9 | Chess
Chapter 10 | Kleptomaniac
Chapter 11 | Mind and Body
Chapter 12 | The Sinner
Chapter 13 | Special Guests
Chapter 14 | Lock Down
Chapter 15 | Reunited
Chapter 16 | Enchantment
Chapter 17 | What is Breakable
Chapter 18 | Claws
Chapter 19 | Setting the Stage
Chapter 20 | Two Sides to Every Coin
Chapter 21 | Scripture
Chapter 22 | Hunters and Hunted
Chapter 23 | Family Secrets
Chapter 24 | Lustful Manipulation
Chapter 25 | Toys
Chapter 26 | Breakfast
Chapter 27 | Connecting the Dots
Chapter 28 | Playing Pretend
Chapter 29 | Guard Dogs
Chapter 30 | Contracts
Chapter 31 | Sleepless
Chapter 32 | Clearing Up the Past
Chapter 33 | Placing Blame
Chapter 34 | Dozing Green
Chapter 35 | Deadly Women
Chapter 36 | Acid and Blood
Chapter 37 | Another Loss
Chapter 38 | God of Mischief
Chapter 39 | Runt
Chapter 40 | Beyond the Light
Chapter 41 | The Meeting
Chapter 42 | Fueling the Players
Chapter 43 | Incubus
Chapter 44 | Choppy Water
Chapter 46 | The Cold Lord
Chapter 47 | Clearing the Board
Chapter 48 | The Spider and the Clown
Chapter 49 | Agony
Chapter 50 | Waking Up
Chapter 51 | Passion's Veil
Chapter 52 | Returning to Routines
Chapter 53 | Thunder Storm
Chapter 54 | Shifting
Chapter 55 | Backstory
Chapter 56 | Tuatara
Chapter 57 | The Vault
Chapter 58 | Feast of Misery
Chapter 59 | An Important Day
Chapter 60 | A Prince and His Protector
Chapter 61 | Blindfolds
Chapter 62 | Family Matters
Chapter 63 | Bathe
Chapter 64 | Spitefulness
Chapter 65 | Leland
Chapter 66 | Complications
Chapter 67 | Official
Chapter 68 | Willow Tree
Chapter 69 | Birds of Prey
Chapter 70 | New Bodies
Chapter 71 | Suicide Forest
Chapter 72 | Ballroom
Chapter 73 | Dahlia
Chapter 74 | The Cursed
Chapter 75 | Lavender
Chapter 76 | Eight Eyes
Chapter 77 | On Ice
Chapter 78 | Blood
Chapter 79 | Harder Than Dying
Chapter 80 | Architect
Chapter 81 | Distrust
Chapter 82 | Cravings
Chapter 83 | Seclusion
Chapter 84 | Atoms to Ashes
Chapter 85 | Speaking of the Future

Chapter 45 | Bishops

328 25 13
By NonaHysteria

Drake walked through the only colorful hall of the manor. It seemed so out of place, as if children lived here. He'd never expect something so bizarre from a man as refined as Jasper. Then again, Finch always had a softer heart. He could be amused by such things as this. Maybe that's why Colton abandon his faith; He was fed up with their childish ways.

"Excuse me, Mister?" A soft voice spoke from behind him. He spun around quickly to see a tiny vampire, clutching a stuffed cat. "Can I help you? You look lost."

He figured he might as well take advantage of her ignorance. Drake knelt down to be at eye level with her and make her more comfortable. "I'm looking for the elf prince Yoshiko Yasahiro. I've been told I could find him here."

Friday turned her head to the side like a curious puppy. "We don't have any princes here. There's a princess, though."

Drake tried to not let her see how the news confused him. "A princess?"

"Mhm. The Fairy Princess of the Sun and Moon. She's really pretty. Probably the prettiest lady I've ever seen." She replied.

"Where can I find this princess, then?" He asked.

She swayed a little, keeping her kitty close. "I'm not allowed to say, but you can ask them."

Friday pointed behind him. Hesitantly, he stood up and turned around. Drake was frustrated with himself to see that two creatures had sneaked up on him. Micah and Ghost stood in front, grinning devilishly. Behind them, Joy and London took a stance, both boiling over with rage.

"I must admit, I'm impressed. It's not easy to sneak up on me. A clever move, too, having a little girl distract me." Drake said.

Micah laughed, "Oh, that's no little girl."

"Excuse me?!" She yelled at him, "What'd you mean I'm not?!"

"My apologies, Sweetheart. I meant to say you're no ordinary little girl. Now, why don't you take out some of that rage on this gentleman." He suggested.

Friday shoved her stuffed animal in his direction, "Okay, but you'll keep my kitty safe for me, right?"

Even in the midst of a life or death situation, she could make him smile. He took the plush kitten with pride and slipped it into the inner pocket of his duster. "I'll keep her safe in my jacket."

"Seriously?" Joy grumbled, "In the midst of a fight, you're worried about your damn stuffed animal?!"

"Joy, dear, we all have different things in our life that hold value. I believe that we can all agree that was we value the most is Qrow manor and our family inside of it." Micah removed his leather trench coat and let a gust of wind carry it away. Ghost couldn't help but stare a moment at his pin straight black hair draped over his bare chest. It could make any woman faint, honestly. Then, that strong Cajun accent followed, "Drake, I know you have more heart than your comrades. You only fight because you feel you have to follow your father's orders. That is not true."

"If there's one thing I've learned over the years, it's that blood only makes you related. It's loyalty that makes you family." Ghost added, "And I can guarantee if it came down to you or him, he'd let you die."

"Shut your ignorant mouths! You have no idea what you're saying! If I have to go through you to find the remaining stones, then I will." He sneered.

"Then so be it." Micah replied, "As long as I am drawing breath, I will not let you hurt my family."

"At least we can agree on that much." Drake admitted.

A five against one fight might seem drastically unfair, but this demon was unlike any other. His strength and intelligence was unrivaled. What he did lack, though, was companionship. The others could work together so flawlessly. They relied on one another, whereas Drake only had himself. He was about to find out that his ultimate downfall could be the death of him.

| | |

As London's anger set in, so did his twin's depression. Dusk was surprisingly patient. She waited until the absolute last minute. The more weight his aura possessed, the more fueling it would be for her. Her door creaked open but it didn't worry her. She could sense the incubus' presence as he approached. The smile on his face could strike pure fear into the hearts of men.

"I'd expect you to be dressed by now." Asher said.

Dusk remained seated on her bed with her legs crossed Indian style. She kept her eyes shut and her hands folded in her lap. "I was just lost in thought. Your scent got me thinking, if I ever were to let you violate me, do you think the world would collapse on itself from that much pure evil?"

"No, but I believe our offspring would be the true Antichrist. It's a good thing I'm not looking to be a father anytime soon." He joked. "Jarin is headed for us."

She sighed, "Fine. I'll get dressed, if you wouldn't mind giving my food a little flavor while I do so."

Asher shrugged, "Why not? If I got such a filling meal, you deserve one too."

At this point, Tokyo was already in pain. His soul felt torn down the middle. He tried not to show it, hiding himself away in the corner of the room. The incubus approached him, making him tremble in fear. Asher knelt down, placing his hand on the side of Tokyo's face. The demon began to cycle through his darkest memories to deepen his wounds. He understood this was for the greater good of the society. If you saw the tears Tokyo was shedding, you'd find it hard to believe he was doing this willingly.

Dusk stepped down from her bed with grace. She'd always been light on her feet. For an evil witch, she had a poetic grace to her movements. A dark matter sprouted from the ground below her, wrapping around her body. Her hooker-esc clothing was fine for an average day lounging around her room, but for a battle like this, she needed to look her ravishing best.

As her shadows fell from her thin body, her clothing was completely changed. Now, a sheer fabric hugged the sides of her torso, leaving her stomach bare. The bottom fanned out towards the ground, reaching all the way to the heel of her boots. Thin lace just barely covered her perverse parts. A skirt did drape over her hips, but seeing as it was made of spider web, it wasn't really blocking the view of anything. She was wearing nearly nothing. It was a little hard not to be distracted.

"Your feast awaits you." Asher spoke as he gestured down to the pained boy.

She hovered over him, pulling all the negative energy from his soul. The process may hurt now but in the end, he'll have a clean slate. For a while after this, he won't have to worry about feeling depressed, even without his brother. A blackness lighted off his body, twirling around Dusk's arms. It absorbed into her skin to further fuel her passion for destruction. Once she was done, all of Tokyo's energy had been taken from him. He passed out on the floor.

"Honestly," She scoffed, "Why do I have to be one of Jasper's toys when that other wench gets to be in the elite?"

Asher blinked, waiting to see if she was actually serious. He sighed, "Probably because you do that to people. Don't worry. You and I will long outlive Ashley. She's amusing, but she's just a flash in the pan. I expect we'll be here as long as Jasper."

"Who knows. We may even outlive him." She mused.

"Speaking of toys," Asher continued as he walked through the doorway, "Will you be animating your puppet tonight?"

Dusk followed him out into the hall. "Let the bull act on his own rage. If Ripper wants to join in, it's his choice. I don't need his help to beat Jarin."

Right on cue, the demon was sauntering towards them. "Is that so?" Jarin questioned, "We'll have to see about that. You both are very strong, but I'm still much stronger."

"I wouldn't be too sure about that. You have the heart of a coward and a traitor. You'll fall easily." Asher smirked.

Dusk leaned her weight into the incubus' side, letting him wrap his arm around her waist. "Isn't it pathetic? A demon, created for the sole purpose of protecting, will fail to do just that? In just a moment our brothers and sisters will be making mincemeat of your son."

"Hm, why don't you two shut your mouths and start fighting?" Jarin snarled.

"It sounds like you're eager to join your son in death." Asher unraveled his whip, running his hand along the leather, "Who am I to deny a dying man his last wish?"

The elder demon thought the pair to be arrogant. He was gifted with many talents and abilities. Thankfully, Colton had also warned him of what he was up against. He had prepared for the darkness these two controlled so skillfully. It would prove to be one Hell of a battle. Some of the most powerful evil beings to exist, going head to head.

| | |

Lightning and thunder flashed outside. Jasper had no way of knowing if it was from an actual storm or a fight surging. He wasn't concerned either way. His soldiers could handle themselves. The warden sat in a fine leather chair in his office. He pulled the glass cork from a fine glass of scotch and poured two glasses.

The door slowly creaked open on it's own. Through the crack, rose petals blew in. They danced along the air, setting to the floor. Felix remained at Jasper's side, even if the sight left him feeling uncomfortable. He rested his hand on the top of his boss' chair and stood beside him. They were to wait. That's what Jasper told him. He couldn't help himself from worrying about Marci, but this was what was important right now.

Apollo pushed the door open slowly with his cane. He didn't need it for walking but it added dramatic effect. His eyes scanned the room carefully until he'd determined there were no threats to be concerned over. The now closed door illuminated from the other side. It had turned itself into a portal. Apollo opened it, kneeling at the sight of the mastermind behind their plan.

Jasper offered him one of the drinks he'd just poured, "It's been a long time, Christian."

The light elf smirked, "That, it has. Thank you." He took the crystal glass, sitting down in the chair across from his arch enemy.

"Please, allow me to formally welcome you to my pride and joy; Qrow Manor. I do have a great love for this place. So, I respectfully ask you don't bring it to the same fate as my last mansion." He spoke smugly.

Unamused, Tesla muttered, "I'd prefer to speak in private, Jasper."

"Very well." He responded, "Why don't you boys run off and play together?"

Apollo's anger sparked, "You dare speak to me that way, you vile excuse for a demon?!"

Maybe it was his jester of a girlfriend wearing off on him, but Felix's chuckle was actually disturbing. He drew out a stone from his pocket, revealing it to him. "I think a game could be fun. You want this, don't you? You'll have to catch me first." He grinned, vanishing in thin air.

"I can't believe I'm entertaining this disgraceful, childish behavior." Apollo grumbled, teleporting away.

"Please, do forgive his behavior. You'd think a man of his standing would have better respect for a legend, even if it's his enemy."

Jasper smiled to himself, "It's rather poetic, isn't it? Apollo and Felix come from very strong, prestigious families. They both take on the weight of protecting their siblings as the oldest, and they are most likely the most powerful as well. They're evenly matched."

"You think a vampire's ghost is evenly matched with a demon? You're more foolish than I thought, old man." Tesla responded.

"I'm not much older than you. In fact, though my soul is older, my body is much younger." He said, "I imagine it'll take some time for this battle to play out. How about a game of chess while we wait? For old time's sake?"

"Hm," He grinned sideways, "For old time's sake, then."

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