Do I Wanna Know

Av myshipperheartt

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This story is not mine. I do not own anything. All credits goes to the brilliant author of this story, Jazmin... Mer

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49 (Final Chapter)
Chapter 50 (Epilogue)

Chapter 23

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Av myshipperheartt

„Dawgs?! Yo, you gotta wake up!“, I heard a voice say and for a second I thought I was still dreaming.

Slowly focusing my eyes, I saw Camila waking up just as hesitantly but then turned my head to see Dinah. Dinah?! I jumped a little when I realized I wasn’t dreaming and the younger one was in fact standing at the edge of Camila’s bed where we had fallen asleep.

“Look, I know I’m probably the last person to talk but you can’t sleep right now”, she said and referenced her own, infamous sleeping habits. They had always been an inside joke in the group. I sat up and took a deep breath. It took me a few seconds to realize what was going on. I hadn’t even known Dinah was going to come to Sofi’s birthday as well.

“Alright, I’m up”, I said and then saw Dinah smirking at me. “What?”

“Damn girl, you’re ripped”, she exclaimed and looked at my stomach. It was only then that I realized I wasn’t wearing a shirt! Neither was Camila but she just grinned. “Maybe I should do some of that tai-chi stuff, too.”

“Yoga, Dinah. It’s Yoga”, I corrected her but felt my cheeks blushing. It wasn’t like either of them hadn’t seen me like this before. We had been on the road together and Dinah and I had been roommates several times. Still, I felt a little busted because it was so obvious what Camila and I had been doing. The youngest handed me my shirt and I pulled it over my head quickly before Camila basically jumped off the bed.

“Oh my God! Is it really that late already?”, she exclaimed panicky.

“That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you, Chacho”, Dinah replied as I watched the both of them. There had been a time where I had been extremely jealous of their friendship because they had been friends consistently. Unlike my friendship with the light-haired one which had a lot of ups and downs.

“We really have to go and set up. Lauren, do you want to come with or are you coming later?”, Camila asked and put on her blouse, allowing me one last look at her body.

“I’ll meet up with you at the party. You both go ahead”, I said and saw her nod. They disappeared in no time after that and I stayed for a couple of minutes in Camila’s bed; reminiscing they way I had watched her sleep before drifting off myself. After a while, I decided to go back to my hotel and start getting ready for the birthday bash. I wasn’t sure what to expect because there was no clear dress code, I assumed. How formal could a teenager’s party be, though? I was overthinking this and decided to wear something not too dressy but still alluring since the woman of my dreams was going to present nonetheless.

I went with my favorite pair of black, leather pants, a white tunic that showed off some cleavage, dark brown leather jacket and matching brown boots. It was a good combination of rock and chic, I thought and added a rather elegant white watch to make it complete. Eyeing myself in the mirror, I was satisfied with my choice and went on to put on some make-up. For the life of me, I couldn’t figure out what was going on with my eyes these days. They appeared even lighter today and seriously looked grey. [For those who can’t imagine what that would look like: my gif] It was starting to freak me out a little bit because they had never changed that much. I had heard once that it was possible they varied in tone depending on the mood. Was Camila brightening up my eyes, the way she brightened up everything else in my life?

“Wow that was so cheesy”, I muttered under my breath and could not believe I had just thought that. I focused on my make-up and put on the red lipstick. I wasn’t going overboard and dropped the lip stick in my purse before heading out.

Arriving at the Cabellos house, I was surprised how many cars were parked outside. Apparently there were a lot more people invited than I initially thought. I rang the doorbell and was greeted by Camila’s big smile. With no hesitation whatsoever, she leaned forward and planted a little kiss on my lips. I was surprised by the gesture because it was the first time she greeted me like this but I smiled instantly after that. Another step, I thought. I entered the house and was a little shocked to see so many teenagers. It felt like a meet & greet almost. I heard squeals and shrieks from the younger ones when they recognized me and was immediately bombarded with them asking for selfies and autographs. Of course, I did what they wanted me to do but I was slightly overwhelmed by the group ambushing me.

It took quite some time until the hype had died down and I was able to congratulate and focus on Sofi. I talked to the other adults, Camila’s family members mostly and couldn’t help but feel anxious after the ambush earlier. After all this time I was still uncomfortable with all the sometimes-unwanted attention because I felt like some of them were secretly watching me. Taking a deep breath, I went outside to the backyard and took seat on one the chairs. My heart was racing and couldn’t tell how much time passed, while I just sat and calmed down.

“What are you doing here?”, Camila’s soft voice appeared behind me as she approached me.

“Nothing, just taking a little break”, I answered truthfully as she stood in front of me.

Now I was just eyeing her really and felt my heart beat faster gain; but this time in a good way. She wore a pair of pink chino pants and a simple black T-shirt to go with the black converse but looked so damn sexy. I had always loved her girly style but enjoyed it just as much when she toned it down and looked so casually flawless. The younger woman sat down on my lap so her legs were dangling down on the side. This way we could look at each other and I meet her brown eyes before she gently stroked my dark hair.

“Sometimes I still can’t figure you out. Even after ten years”, she said very quietly. “There’s still that little mystery behind those eyes.”

“What’s so mysterious about me sitting here?”, I asked because I couldn’t follow her thought process just yet.

“You are the born entertainer; performed in front of thousands of people and every time you enter a room, people look to you and are drawn to you. But here you are, sitting by yourself during a party where everyone’s dying to just talk to you for a second”, she explained and left me looking at her intently. Her hand was still playing with some of my wavy hair strands in the process.

“I’m just more serious than other people, I guess”, I said, not sure if that was a good thing though.

“You know, Sofi told me once that, psychologist say that the best relationships are the ones between the introvert and the extrovert. I’ve always considered myself the introvert and you the extrovert because you are able to connect with people so easily considering your confidence and charm. Lately I have realized the reason you and I are so bonded is because we are more alike than we think. We may handle it differently but you are just as vulnerable as me on the inside, aren’t you?”, the light-haired woman spoke gently.

“That’s not exactly what my reputation is”, I averted the question slightly. “Don’t you know that I’m the badass, bitchy, bossy and inapproachable stereotype of a hipster pop star?”

I was clearly mocking myself and self-deprivation was usually not something I liked to do. My little anxiety from before had brought me down more than I had intended and I saw the brown eyes soften when they locked with mine.

“Maybe you are more serious than others but you shouldn’t feel bad about that at all. There are enough bubbly and mostly fake people in the industry. You are authentically you and that’s nothing to feel bad about. Trust me, people love you all the more because of it”, she said and immediately made me feel better. The little smile on my face was proof of that.

“How do you that?”, I asked and saw her smiling now as well. “Always say the right thing when people are down?”

“It’s a special talent”, she smirked.

“You have a lot of those”, I complimented and saw her biting her lip. I knew what she would do after that and my suspicion was confirmed when she leaned down. Meeting her lips in a tender kiss was heart-balm at this point. We shared a couple more of those before she sat up again and interlaced my fingers with hers.

“I’m afraid to ask but when are you leaving?”, her voice carried in fact a fearful tone.

“Tomorrow morning”, I answered with a sigh and saw her face falling although she tried to hide it.

“That’s…soon”, she managed to say. I took another deep breath because I knew I had to come clean about something.

“I have been working really hard for the past few months and that’s why I’m going to release an album pretty soon”, I began explaining and saw Camila trying to hide whatever it was she felt. “That’s why I am so busy right now promoting. The first single is going to be out in two weeks and then it’s going to be even more promotion and flying around.”

“New album means new tour, right?”, she asked carefully because she knew the business as well as I did.

“Yes”, I admitted and her eyes showed a little sadness for the first time. “This was all set in stone before you and I happened.”

“I understand”, she said immediately and obviously didn’t want me to feel guilty but I did. “I’m just wondering…where does that leave us? Do you want something casual with no strings attached?”

“I’m not eighteen anymore”, I replied with a small laugh. “I kind of want strings attached at this point in my life; especially with you”, I added and saw her smile a little. “But I’m also not naïve and know that long-distance relationships are very strenuous and I don’t want to risk ruining what we have by putting too much pressure on it if we make this like…real and official. Does that make sense?”

“Totally”, she said but I still had no idea what was going on in her head right now.

“Don’t get me wrong, Camila. I want this more than anything; us, I mean. So if you want to as well, I’m all in”, I needed to make sure because I might have sounded a little too negative before. “We’ll make it work somehow even if there are little bumps on the way. As long as you want to, of course.”

Finally her face brightened up and she nodded quickly.

“I want to. I want to be with you in every way possible and we’ve been through way worse than this. We just have to be honest with each other”, Camila said and I agreed instantly.

“Can I go first by being honest?”, she asked surprisingly but I nodded again. Her face tensed up just a little bit and I knew she was nervous.

“I love you”, she whispered and my heart fluttered like crazy.

“I love you, too”, I reciprocated and it was the first time we were saying it at the same time. I had told her before and she had told me before but not like this. This was incredibly special to both of us and I couldn’t help myself but smile like an idiot before cupping her face in my hands and kissing her perfect lips. Just a few minutes ago, I had been upset and she managed to make me feel elated in such a short amount of time. It was almost scary what an impact she had on me but I did not mind when it was such a positive one like in that moment. Her lips became rather urgent against mine and I sighed quietly with pleasure when her tongue brushed against my lower lip.

“Time for presents!”, Sofi yelled suddenly and made both of us jump because neither of us had noticed the birthday girl. “Ugh, get a room”, she added and I felt my cheeks flushing before following the teenager back inside.

My mood had changed completely and I was having a lot of fun all night. Dinah and I were at some point almost having a dance off and I already saw the videos all over YouTube or vines but I didn’t care because we were having a blast. My gift to Sofi had been a complete success. She had screamed so loud, the whole neighborhood had probably heard when she had opened the envelope. I had given her a backstage pass to the Teen Choice Awards with a plane ticket, so she could be my “date” and meet all of her idols. Since I was performing there, it seemed only logical to invite her out and I had talked to her dad before of course. Camila on the other hadn’t known and seemed impressed by the gift. The envy in all the other teenagers’ faces was blatantly obvious and I was sure Sofi would be even more popular now.

After almost everyone had left, I was in the kitchen helping clean up when Camila came in and glared at me.

“No, no you’re not supposed to clean. You’re a guest”, she scolded me and I grinned before putting the dishes away anyways.

She came closer and put her arms around my neck unexpectedly. I liked this affectionate side to her lately and already enjoyed the perks of being with her for real now. Knowing how she had been all over me in the beginning of our friendship, I probably should have had an idea she’d be like this in a relationship but somehow I was surprise; pleasantly surprised. Her eyes oozed tenderness at this point and I folded my own arms around her waist while leaning back against the counter.

“That was quite the gift you gave her”, she said and now I understood why she looked at me like that.

“Well, I’m good like that”, I replied with a casual smirk.

“You are”, she whispered more sincerely and planted a soft kiss on my lips. “Do you know that song ‘Hardest of Hearts’ by Florence and the Machine?”, she asked out of the blue.

“Yeah, it’s one of my favorites actually”, I admitted.

“It always reminded me of you”, she almost whispered against my lips before elaborating and touching on our conversation from earlier again. “Other people might not see it, and maybe you don’t even see it yourself, but you have the biggest and purest heart I have ever encountered in someone. You might hide it behind your cool exterior but you can’t fool me. I see how much you care. It’s what made me fall in love with you over and over again.”

My heart genuinely felt like bursting whenever she said those things because it was so rare someone saw me the way she did. She made me see a part of myself I didn’t acknowledge usually. I was chocked up and couldn’t speak but then heard her sing just above a whisper a couple of lines of the song she had just mentioned.

“There is love in your body but you can’t hold it in
It pours from your eyes and spills from your skin
Tenderest touch leaves the darkest of marks
And the kindest of kisses break the hardest of hearts”

Her lips found mine again after finishing the first verse of the song and I couldn’t deny that I saw why she thought me hearing it. I had tried shielding myself from whatever heartbreak I could face by having a though exterior but Camila’s softness had genuinely broken my walls down. And in succession broken my ‘hard heart’ several times. But that was the past and I wasn’t dwelling on it anymore. I much rather enjoyed her affection with me to make up for all the hardship before.

“You know”, I said, breaking up the kiss swiftly, “when you say stuff like that, you really make me want do it”, I confessed and saw the brown eyes almost sparkling.

“Then why don’t I return the favor and offer you to sleep at my place at tonight?”, she breathed and ran her hand through my hair, knowing that I loved it.

“Because it would make leaving so much harder tomorrow than it already is”, I sighed.

“Do you have any idea when I’m able to see you again?”, she asked carefully.

“I’m hoping in four weeks”, I said and saw her pouting a little bit. “That’s honestly the best I can do right now. I’m going to Canada tomorrow and then basically all over the place. But in four weeks there is chance of maybe two or three days off.”

“It’s okay. I’m not going anywhere. That only means I have to enjoy you being here as long as I can”, Camila added and crashed her lips into mine more passionately than before. I inhaled deeply through my nose because she literally took my breath away with that kiss. Tightening my grip on her waist, I could feel her slim body pressed up against mine as her hand tangled in the dark locks. I parted my lips, allowing her tongue to invade my eager mouth. My hand went on to stroke her back and then grabbed her bottom tightly. She opened her eyes for a second and so did I, creating a very heated exchange of looks before focusing on our dancing lips again. This was heading in a dangerous direction but I couldn’t help myself and playfully sucked on her lower lip.

“Damn, you’d think you were the horny teenagers around here”, I heard Dinah’s familiar voice and laughed against Camila’s lips. She did the same and pulled away reluctantly. I saw the red lipstick all over the younger one’s mouth and felt pleased with myself when I saw that.

“Don’t be hatin’”, I mimicked Dinah in the best way I could and got both of my former band members to laugh. Even though Camila protested at first, Dinah and I helped her clean up and I hated saying goodbye to her a little more every time. It had been a great night and I was extremely happy that we had agreed to finally be together but…we couldn’t physically be together because I was so freaking busy. I tried my best to be nonchalant about it because Camila was upset enough as it was. She held on to me tightly as we hugged at the front door and didn’t want to let go. At some point she had to though and I gave her a last kiss before leaving the Cabellos home, and then Miami the next morning.

Being away from Camila was now harder than ever. Having gotten a little taste of what our relationship was like, made my heart ache for more. More time, more kisses, more tender touches and just simply more Camila. I started hating the fact, that I had rushed everything with work because now, I couldn’t get out of all the contracts and deals. It wasn’t like I didn’t love the music or the fans but I just loved Camila more. Four weeks were a pretty long time to endure when you couldn’t be with the person who made you so happy. We tried keeping in touch but I was constantly on a different time zone or so jetlagged I couldn’t function enough to have a real conversation.

But the waiting came to an end eventually and I found myself back in Miami. This time, I had taken the younger one’s offer to stay at her apartment instead of a hotel. My excitement was obvious because I couldn’t stop smiling in the cab from the airport to her place. Two days weren’t a lot but it was all the free time I had and I wanted to spend every second with her. I had no idea what she had planned for us but it was pretty late and I hoped she wouldn’t want to go out somewhere because I probably looked wrecked after the long flight.

Reaching her apartment, my heart was beating fast and I felt almost dazed because of the mixture of physical exhaustion and emotional bliss. I knocked on her door and put my suitcase down. The door was basically ripped open and I was almost knocked over when Camila, literally, jumped on me. I staggered a little bit but managed to maintain my balance the last second. Her legs were wrapped around my waist and she hugged me so tightly I felt short of breath. The huge grin on my face made the almost-fall worth it though.

“Hello to you, too”, I said still grinning and felt her pull back from the embrace.

“Sorry, I’m a little excited”, she replied with a squeal.

“Really? I hadn’t noticed”, I teased her and she dropped her legs so she was standing on her own again before slapping my arm.

“Don’t make fun of me”, she pouted but then grabbed the collar of my leather jacket to pull me in for a kiss. I expected a quick peck to welcome me but her lips pressed against mine a lot longer than that. She led me inside afterwards and I only noticed then what she was wearing.

“Why are you wearing an apron?”, I asked and couldn’t hold back a small laugh.

Well, why do you think, smart-ass?”, she shot back with a grin. “I was in the kitchen all day trying to make sushi but it was harder than I thought.”

“Who knew you were such a good housewife? Should I call you Karla from now on? Sounds more sophisticated”, I kept teasing her while she gave me another slap on my arm because she hated it when I called her by her real first name.

“If you keep this up you’re not going to eat at all”, Camila laughed.

I was flattered she was still making such an effort to make me happy and thanked her with another kiss. She let me settle in while making the last adjustments for dinner and I was honestly relieved she wanted to stay in. Although she had talked about struggling with the food she had prepared, it was the best sushi I had ever had. Maybe it had to do with the fact she made it herself but still. We caught up with what we had been doing lately and I talked about the shows and everything else that was going on. I definitely liked listening to her a lot more than talking myself. Her happiness was infectious and the fatigue was slowly fading with every passing minute.

We sat down on the couch after dinner and I showed her some video footage of my latest rehearsals. Her opinion was very important to me and I valued every piece of advice or even criticism she gave me. The set list for the tour wasn’t done and I wanted to make sure it was perfect so we discussed what order of songs would be best to perform. Neither of us noticed how much passed when we talked about music. She was cuddled up to me while we watched the last rehearsal quietly now.

“Is it wrong that I’m getting turned on watching you dance on screen?”, her voice appeared again and instantly smirked when she said that. We both knew it was inevitable. It was going to happen; tonight. That was clear from the moment I had agreed to staying at her place. Camila was making the first step and I felt my pulse speeding up just thinking about what was going to happen.

“How turned on?”, I asked more specifically and felt her shifting. Her full lips showed off an impeccable smile as she didn’t waste any time and straddled me. She wanted to lean in but I stopped her by putting one hand against her collarbone. Her eyes displayed confusion now.

“I asked you a question”, I said in the most seductive way possible and saw her gulping. The brown eyes went from confusion to excitement. I was way more comfortable with this now and she wasn’t the only experienced one anymore. Remembering what Dinah had said about Camila in Vegas, I wanted to try and be playful. The youngest of the group had mentioned Camila was a little…open to adventures in the bedroom. Usually, that had never been my cup of tea. I always thought it was creepy when guys wanted me to do or say certain things. With her though, I was willing to try and see where it would go. I felt safe exploring this side of our relationship now that we were finally in a good place.

“Like…I’m going to explode at any second”, she said quietly and her cheeks were on fire. But she liked it and I could tell.

“What do you want me to do about it?”, I posed the next question with no hesitation and Camila’s chest was rising quickly.

“Touch me…”, she whispered and bit her lip shyly. My eyes were piercing through hers, knowing what kind of an effect they had on her; especially in moments like those.

“Where?”, I kept going and she bit her lip even harder now.

“At this point…anywhere really”, the light-haired replied with an almost embarrassed smile because she was getting so excited.

Placing my hands on both of her knees, I traced her thighs until I reached the hem of her shirt. I sat up so I was able to pull of the piece of clothing very slowly. She put her arms up to quicken the process before wrapping them around my neck once more. My lips found one of their favorite places on her body and closed down on the warm skin of her neck. Scraping the skin with my teeth very gently, I let my tongue brush against it soothingly right after. Eliciting the first moan from her was a victory in my book and I celebrated by biting down harder the next time.

“Fuck”, she groaned and I was so pleased with myself that I got her to curse. That was my specialty usually. In this case, I gladly made an exception. Eyeing the spot I had picked out, there was visible bite mark and placed some more wet kisses on it. Her hips were desperately rolling against mine but I loved the power I held over and didn’t give in until I was pleased with the red mark. I was claiming her.

She tried pulling off my shirt but I grabbed her wrists and stopped her instantly.

“I thought you wanted me to touch you, not the other way around”, I said warningly and saw her struggling to keep her composure. Seeing her squirm was almost addictive.

“I want to touch you as well”, she insisted and I narrowed my eyes, like I was contemplating that option.

“You can kiss me”, I offered and felt her lips crashing into mine within a split of a second. The surprise made me gasp and I let myself fall back against the couch, dragging her with me. Her mouth was more than eager and she tried deepening the kiss several times before I parted my lips and gave in.

That was when my phone went off.

“Oh my God, Lauren! Don’t you dare take that call right now”, Camila suddenly said agitatedly and had sat up again. The buzzing in my pants pocket had apparently rubbed her the very wrong way and I smirked because she was so irritated. I let her squirm just a few seconds before I pulled out my phone and saw Sofi’s name on the display.

“It’s your sister”, I said a little confused while Camila sighed.

“I never should have told her you were coming. She probably wants to come over”, she said and seemed so annoyed with her younger sibling it made me laugh. “Don’t take it!”

“I’m the one giving orders here”, I chuckled and saw her cheeks flushing even more. “Well, I guess she has to wait. We’ve done enough of that.”

I stood up unexpectedly and since she was straddling me, her legs were wrapped around my hips like earlier. She flashed the biggest grin as I walked to her bedroom with her clinging on to me. Slowly letting her down, she sat on the edge of the bed while I was standing in between her legs. I pulled off my own shirt and immediately felt her warm lips on my stomach. She kissed the toned part of my body so devotedly, it felt like she was worshipping every inch of my skin. My hands both ran through her silky hair as I watched her intently. I bundled her hair and held it in a ponytail while enjoying her skilled mouth on me. Her eyes looked up to meet mine and the mixture of submission and lust in them made me dizzy. Only her lower lip was attached to my skin and my heart felt like it was close to leaping out of my chest when she smiled teasingly.

This was going to be a long night and I knew it.

Cupping her face with both of my hands, she pulled me down onto the bed with her rolled on top of me. I pouted a little because I wanted to be one in charge and rolled her right back. Pushing her legs open with my knee, she was panting in anticipation. I took off her bra next and took in the beautiful image of her naked upper body. Her well-sized breasts were so damn tempting but I wanted her suffer just a little more. I only let the very tip of my index finger trace little shapes on her skin. She was quivering and holding back her moans. I would get them out of her.

All of a sudden I remembered something and smiled almost devilishly. I got up from the bed and went to her nightstand. Immediately I found what I was looking for. It was the same massage oil Camila had used on me once and the younger woman looked close to passing out when I straddled her with the bottle in my hand.

“You said you wanted me to touch you”, I said in a raspy voice and heard her take a very deep breath.

I distributed a good amount of the fluid on my palms and knew exactly how felt. She had done the same thing to me and I was out for revenge. I placed my hands on her sides and very slowly slid them along her skin. Her stomach was rising and falling quickly and I loved her flat tummy. So I let my palms explore that part of her body next. It was definitely on purpose, to let out her chest area for now. Her hips jerked slightly under mine but my eyes were solely focused on what my hands were doing. They were circling and massaging the tanned perfection, leaving a glowing shimmer because of the oil I was using. A song popped up in my head and since I knew she liked my singing in emotional moments, why not now? It was a rather old song that Dinah had blasted back then nonstop but it fit perfectly.

“My body is your party, baby
Nobody’s invited but you baby
I can do it slow now, tell me what you want
Baby put your phone down, you should turn it off
Cause tonight it’s going down, tell your girls it’s going down
We in the zone now, don’t stop”

As soon as my low but seductive voice started singing, Camila had gripped the sheets and bit down on it. I almost stopped singing because I was grinning so widely. I only did the first verse though and surprised her by moving on to her chest. She threw her head back and I was not being fair anymore. My hips were rotating on hers as my fingers put just enough pressure on her breast to make her shake. Cupping both of them and massaging them mercilessly she was moaning heavier than before. Her erect nipples were trapped between my fingers and I teased them with my thumbs occasionally.

“Lauren…”, she gasped and I looked at her for the first time since I had started the massage. She was begging me at this point to give her the release she wanted. I wiped my hands clean on the sheets although the oil was edible. At least that’s what it said on the bottle. I needed my fingers to not be slippery because I was trying to unbutton her jeans. Thankfully I managed to do that and pulled them off along with her panties. She had suffered enough at this point and I lay down next to her kissing her trembling lips. Camila was on another planet and didn’t battle me for dominance anymore when my tongue started devouring her mouth.

I disconnected our lips and brought my hand to her face. Looking her deeply in the eyes, I let my index finger trace her lips before gently pushing it in between them. This was me trying to be more playful. She instantly understood and started applying suction around my finger. I added my middle finger and felt her tongue swirling around them in the warmth of her mouth. Now I was the one biting my lip watching that. But I wanted to give her what she wanted and let my hand reach between her willingly spread legs. As soon as I reached the most intimate part of her body, I realized I hadn’t needed the extra lubrication. My eyes widened slightly because she was very, very…aroused. Even my cheeks burned when I felt that and saw Camila looking almost humiliated by my surprised reaction.

Quickly kissing her lips to ease her tension, she moaned in delight when I let both fingers sink into the damp warmth I had just discovered. Knowing how close she was, I established a quick rhythm instantly and curled my fingers lightly. She convulsed in no time and gripped my wrist.

“I’m gonna come in two seconds if you do that”, she said breathlessly and I chuckled smugly.

“Well then”, I whispered and just kept going. She threw her head back and in fact reached her climax just very shortly after that. Her hips jerked up, legs twitched and every other inch of her body seemed to have an earthquake ripple through them. Considering she hadn’t done this in months now, I completely understood the quick reaction. There seemed to be some aftershocks and I couldn’t help myself but continued moving my hand very slowly, savoring every second of that intense high she experienced. She ran her hand through her hair and I saw a few beads of sweat on her forehead as she calmed down. Her hand then grabbed my wrist again but this time she was the one bringing my hand towards her lips. She wasn’t going to…yes, she was! My eyes widened as she repeated the same thing she had done before I had pleasured her. I was a little in shock but so incredibly turned on by how uninhibited she was. I couldn’t wait for what she had in store for me next.

“Camila?! Where are you?”

The yelling from outside of the bedroom made Camila bite down on my fingers accidentally because we were both startled.

“Ouch!”, I hissed but then quickly got up from the bed as Camila put the blanket over her completely naked body. The voice belonged to none other than her little sister and I stumbled on my way to get my shirt. It was the only piece of clothing I wasn’t wearing, which meant I would have to go outside before Sofi would come in. It all happened so quickly, I had no time to really process. I adjusted my shirt in a hurry and left the bedroom, closing the door behind me. First I was a little annoyed with Sofi’s ambush but when I saw the teenager standing in the living room, I saw she was crying.

“What’s wrong?”, I asked in the same concerned voice I had used on Camila so many times.

“He broke up with me”, she whispered and basically ran into my arms. I took a deep breath and hugged the tiny body against mine. People had told me I was good hugger and I held her close while she was sobbing and obviously experiencing her first heartbreak. I felt incredibly sorry for her.

“It’s ok, sweetie”, I whispered and saw Camila coming out of the bedroom now as well. Jesus, hopefully Sofi wouldn’t notice, but Camila looked exactly what someone would look like if they had done what we had just done. Her hair was a mess, her cheeks were red and lips swollen beyond belief. Even her clothing wasn’t neatly put on.

Well, that meant my part of our night would have to be postponed but I didn’t mind that much since I was holding a sobbing teenager in my arms, which obviously needed some comfort tonight.

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