The Big Four (An Ever After H...

By apandalover

4.5K 121 23

Meeshell Mermaid, Nina Thumbell, Jillian Beanstalk, and Ramona Badwolf, are all part of the Big Four. They a... More

Ever After High
Storybook of Legends
I Will Sign!
Dorm gone
Farrah's Hexcellent Birthday
Always the Badwolf
Garden Day
The Story of Hood Hollow
Plan in Action

Cupid's Call

222 9 6
By apandalover


It was a busy day. The petition already had 100 signatures. We needed 500. That's a long ways to go. I woke up this morning very groggily as usual. It was my turn to go around asking people for signatures. It may sound boring, but it's better than just sitting around all day watching Twinight. I had a good feeling about today, that people wouldn't run away from me in terror or hide in shops. Today felt good. I crept out of my room trying not to wake up Justine. As I closed the door behind me, I heard an earsplitting scream. What the hex? I ran towards the scream, and arrived at Raven and Apples dorm room. This is not going to be good. I went inside.

"What's wrong?" I ask. I see Apple standing in the corner of their room with a face of terror.

"Sp- sp- spider!!!!!!!" Apple yelled. I rolled my eyes. This is the third time this week I have had to come over here due to an insect. I went in the corner, picked it up, and smashed it with my hands.

"Aaah! You touched it!!!!" Apple yelled.

"What's going on in here?!" Raven asked as she ran into the doorway. She seemed like she ran out of breath.

"Spider." I simply say. Then Raven nods and knows what I am talking about. Raven walks towards Apple and takes her arm and sits her down on her bed. I turned around to head out. Don't want to get caught in another episode. I strolled into the Village of Bookend and looked around for prey. I mean people. Just my wolf senses. Suddenly I smell something that catches my attention. I run towards in the smell in anticipation. I turn around the corner and Heaven is in front of me. Maybe Ever After High isn't so bad after all. I walk towards the new restaurant with tears in my eyes.

Meat City

It was the best thing that had ever happened since I stepped into this school. I enter the restaurant with an aroma of smells all around me. This is my place. I take a seat down, and a wolfy boy comes up. At first I am stunned. What is happening to me? I snap out of my phase and look at the menu.

"Hello, welcome to Meat City. What would you like to dri-" He started. He was looking at me, and I was looking at him. What kind of witchery is this?

"Umm, I will have water. Yep water!" I exclaimed as I snap out of it. He stops staring at me.

"Oh yeah, I'll bring that right out!" He said. As soon as he turned around he started talking to himself. Something was wrong with me. Meat City will have to wait. I have to get out of this place. I stand up and run as fast as I can towards the school. It only took me a minute to reach my sister's bedroom. I knock loudly, but then recoil knowing Cedar might still be asleep. A sleepy Cedar opened the door.

"Yes?" She asked.

"Is my sister here?" I ask. Cedar turns around, and later returns with my alert sister.

"What's wrong?!" She asked.

"Can we take this somewhere privately?" I ask. She nods, and takes me to the Enchanted Forest behind a hidden entrance. On the way there I saw the schools bookball team at practice. When we entered the hidden entrance Cerise spun around.

"So?" She asked. I opened my mouth but nothing came out. How do I tell her that something was wrong with me.

"I was in town today and came across the restaurant called Meat City," I said. Cerises eyes perk up.

"What was it like?" She asked excitingly.

"Well about that, there was this server there and he made me feel..." I started.

"Oooooh, I think I know where this is going. Did he make you feel wolfish?" She asked.

"No, when I saw him I felt weird. I felt tingly." I said weirdly. How do I say it?

"You like him?" She asked. With a bit more serious tone.
Can it be?

"I...I...Yes." I said. I started crying. I don't know what is happening to me!

"Mona, what's wrong?!" She asks.

"I don't know, that's the problem!" I exclaim.

"I know who will help you." She said as she grabbed my hand and we ran to the Charmitorium.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"This is where Cupid practices in the morning." She simply says. We walk into the Charmitorium. I see Cupid standing on the stage shooting arrows at dummies. She was probably practicing her shots. I walk up to her and she jumps back.
"Oh! What are you doing here?" Cupid asked.

"I think I have a problem. There was this guy th-" I started.

"Huh! You have fallen in love!! Oh this is a dream come true!" Cupid exclaimed.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Well, it's just unusual for. Forget it," Cupid said. I could tell she didn't want to say what would come next. Probably because she was scared of me.

"It's unusual that a girl like me could fall in love?" I ask completing her sentence. Cupid softly laughs, then scratched her back.

"Yeah, but I am always excited when someone falls in love. Please don't get mad at me!!!!" Cupid exclaimed.

"I won't get mad at you. Just tell me what's going on!" I exclaimed.

"You have feelings!!! You have fallen in love. Don't worry, it's totally normal," Cupid assures me.

"Well, what do I do?" I asked her. This whole situation was making me nervous.

"Well, you can confront him and tell him how you truly feel. Or you can take it slower, and spend time with him. Do things he likes to do. Then he will be used to being with you, and you'll be used to spending time with him. Then you two will find true love with each other!" Cupid yells excitingly.

"That sounds difficult," I told her.

"It's not that hard. I have an idea, what is this boys name?" Cupid asked me. Dang.

"I..... I don't know," I told her.

"Well, that's not very helpful!" Cupid shouts. She paces around the stage then finally calms down. "Where did you see him?" Cupid asked me.

"I was in the new restaurant down in the Village of Bookend. He works there," I explained. Her eyes light up then she twirls around.

"Perfect!!! This is great! Just go to the restaurant all the time. Trust me, it works," she told me.

I won't have a problem going to the best place in the world. I will probably be distracted by the meat, and won't pay as much attention to him. I thank Cupid for her help then leave the Charmitorium. I walk towards the Village of Bookend. I hope this works.

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