Garden Day

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Did you ever know that for each fairytale, Ever After High spellabrates it? I didn't, and for my fairytale, my event was called Garden Day.
"All students will report outside right now!" Master Grimm yelled over the speaker.
I gathered my things, and went outside like Master Grimm said. It looked like the whole school was out here, because Master Grimm had to push people out of the way to get to his destination.
"Welcome to Garden Day." Giles Grimm said. Everyone cheered. "Today, you will be given a tree, and you are to plant it somewhere among the school grounds. When you are finished, Jillian and some of her friends of her choosing, will come around and grow the plants. Understood?" He asked. Everyone nodded their head.
"Do not plant the tree wrong, or try to sneak out!" Master Grimm yelled. Giles Grimm was my favorite, because he isn't so angry. I looked around the school trying to find a place to plant my tree. I found a set a vines and hit a dead end, that's weird. I was too tired for looking for a place to plant a tree I leaned against the vines. Instead of hitting the cold surface of a cold rock, I felt right through and landed on my butt.
"Ouch!" I exclaimed. I standard up and found a perfect haven for my tree. The area was perfect with the right amount of sunlight, and the right amount or rain to keep the tree living. I started digging, when I heard someone call my name.
"Jillian, Jillian where are you?" It was Apple. "I need help planting my tree. Can you help me?" She asked. I put my tree into the hole I dug, and started to work my magic. I had a full grown tree and turned around to find Apple watching me with wide eyes.

Oh, hey Apple!" I exclaim.
"Whoa, you really have some talent. Smile!" She shouted. She takes a picture of me next to my tree which was starting to look more like a beanstalk now.
"Thanks! I'm putting it in the yearbook if Raven lets me." Apple told me.
"Thanks. So you need help?" I asked her.
"Yes, my tree won't grow." She said.
"Where is your tree?" I asked her.
"I'll show you," she replied. I followed her out of the little haven, and into a beautiful place with flowers everywhere. "Right there!" She exclaimed, pointing to a mound of dirt.
"Okay," I said. I started using my magic with my eyes closed, because everything works better for me when my eyes are closed, and I am focusing real hard. I opened my eyes and found a beautiful tree, with leaves hanging down. "Nice choice, I love Weeping Willows!" I told her.

We started heading back to the ground, and then I saw everyone was desperate of help

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We started heading back to the ground, and then I saw everyone was desperate of help. I actually felt useful for once. Thank you Garden Day!

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