Hobbit Short Stories

Galing kay LOTRLOZ98_hobbit

710 13 6

exactly what the title says. Feel free to leave request. Mainly Thorin cause he's my favorite 😙😍 I OBVIOUS... Higit pa

Fili: Blame

Thorin: Mute

387 5 5
Galing kay LOTRLOZ98_hobbit

This story takes place before the fall of Erebor


Melodie's POV:


I walked through Dale just like any other day. Some people told me hello, others simply waved, and some didn't say anything. But today was a little different then others. Today I was heading to the kingdom of Erebor. I was hired by a dwarf named Balin. He learned that I lived on my own and had no family, nor job, so he  said the Prince needed a maid and offered me the job along with a good home and hot food. I naturally accepted. Why wouldn't I?

Now what was the Prince's name? Thor? Thortin? It was Thor something though I couldn't remember clearly.

I got to the gate of Erebor, Balin there to greet me. I wasn't a dwarf, but I only stood about an inch or two taller than Balin, so I guessed the Prince would be slightly taller than me.

"Hello Melodie, come with me dear." Balin said and I followed.

"Hello lass." Dwalin greeted as we passed. I smiled at him, giving him a small wave. "Thorin will be lucky to have a pretty one like you to see every day lassy." He told with a smile. THORIN! That was his name.

Balin continued to lead me through Erebor until we got to Prince Thorin's room. Balin knocked a couple times before entering, me following behind. "Hello lad." Balin greeted Thorin. "I told you that I got you a maid, this is her." He said and gestured to me. I gave him a smile and a small wave as the prince stood there. I didn't realize he was going to be this handsome. He was well built and you could drown looking into his blue eyes. "Her name is Melodie." Balin told.

"I'm sure she can speak for herself." Thorin spoke, and oh my Durin his voice is... in a word, heavenly.

"Actually no she can't lad." Balin told him.

"I'm mute."  I signed to Thorin though he probably didn't know sign language, but probably figured out what I said.

"Oh, my apologies miss. I did not know." Thorin said as he took my hand and kissed it.

I felt like I was going to faint right then and there. This absolutely gorgeous man has a wonderful voice, beautiful eyes, seems to be so gentleman-like, AND kissed my hand. I just met the man and I feel like I could fall in love with him.

I pushed my thoughts of the prince from my head and smiled to him. "Perhaps you can teach me some sign language." Thorin told me and gave me a small smile.

"Ah, well Melodie you start tomorrow, but you should probably get to know Thorin better." Balin said as he patted my shoulder lightly. I nodded to him and he left.

"Do you need anything?" I signed to him.

Thorin looked at my hands, then to me. "I'm sorry I have no idea what you said." He told.

I couldn't help but laugh at his statement. Of course it was mainly silent, but it was still laughing to me. Thorin smiled at me, laughing slightly himself. I gestured with my hands as if I were writing on paper.

Thorin handed me a pen and paper along with a book for me to press down on. I wrote my question if he needed anything and showed him.

"I'm fine honestly. If I need you to do something I will tell you." Thorin told me. "Maybe you can teach me some sign language at the moment though." Thorin said and led me to sit on his bed with him.

I smiled and nodded. "Prince" I signed and pointed to him.

"Does that mean 'you'?" He asked. I smiled more and shook my head and wrote the word prince down on the paper. "I'm curious. How do you address someone by name?" He asked.

'I spell out the name.' I wrote on the paper. 'Your name is-' I wrote and began to sign his name out. 'It is spelled T-h-o-r-i-n, correct?' I asked, and he nodded.

I continued to show Thorin some words and phrases, mainly the phrases I would often most use. We were interrupted when little princess Dis came bursting through the door. "Thorin!" She cried and ran to her brother. She had tears in her eyes and she now sat in her brothers lap and hung onto his neck.

"Did, what's wrong?" Thorin asked. I looked at the siblings as Dis clung to her big brother. They looked so much alike.

"Frerin said he doesn't love me anymore..." Dis sniffed as she spoke. Frerin was the other dwarf prince, Thorin's younger brother. 

Prince Frerin came in and sighed. "Dis I never said that." He told and walked over, kneeling down to be eye level with Dis since Thorin had put her down. Frerin had blonde hair unlike his siblings, but his facial features were the same. "I simply said go bother Thorin because I didn't have time." He told.

"Not having time mean not loving me!" Dis said, stomping her foot and crossing her little arms.

"No, that just means I need to make time later." Frerin smiled to his sister. "Thorin is normally more busy than I, but one of us should normally be free okay? I was doing something for father when you ask to come play."

Dis eventually smiled but then hugged her brother. "Okay. Can we play now?" She asked and Frerin nodded. "Thorin come play too!" She said, grabbing his hand. Dis then looked at me and smiled. "Do you want to play too? We'll play hide and seek!" She cheered. "What's your name?" She asked me.

"Her name is Melodie." Thorin told. "She's my maid that apparently we needed." I smiled at his statement.

"Do you want to play Melodie?" Dis asked. I smiled to her and nodded. "Can't you talk?" She asked.

"Um, no Dis she can't." Thorin told her. "She's mute."

"Oh, I'm sorry I asked." Dis apologized.

I shook my head and mouthed that it was completely okay. I know I'm mute, there's no denying it, so why hide it?

"Okay!" Dis cheered. "Thorin you count. And only stay on the second floor." Dis told and grabbed my hand, leading me to who knows where.

The king happened to pass as I went with Dis. "Hello grandfather." Dis greeted with a smile.

King Thror smiled to the girl. "Hello Dis."

"This is Melodie. She's playing hide and seek with me!" She cheered.

Thror gave me a smile and nodded. "Is Thorin playing with you?" He asked.

"Yes sir." Dis told him.

Thror frowned his brows some, but then nodded with a small, somewhat forced, smile. "You know once he becomes king he cannot do things like this anymore." Thror told the girl. "He shouldn't be doing it now." He mumbled the last part, but I don't think Dis heard.

"I know." Dis told him and smiled.

"I'll be downstairs if you need me." Thror told and left.

I noticed how Dis frowned when he said that but she quickly  composed herself. "Come on!" She told me and continued to pull me. "I know the perfect place to hide."

Dis lead me to a small corner of the second floor behind a few boxes and barrels. I sat with her and gave her a smile. "I'm glad you are Thorin's maid." She told and smiled at me. "I don't really know you, but I like you. I hope you stay with us forever." I smiled and nodded to her. "He can be stubborn sometimes but he's a good person."

"You must really love your brother." I mouthed you her.

"Of course I do. He's my eldest brother too so he's more of a role model, but still loves like a big brother should." She told me. "I love Frerin too of course, but I often go to Thorin more." She smiled at me. "You'll really like him once you get to know him."

Dis said that as if she knew or wished something. "If you're going to hide Dis, you should learn to be quiet." Thorin's voice spoke and we looked up to see him with an amused face.

"Since when do you come to this area?" Dis asked as we stood.

"Since Father said he thought you ran this way." He told.

"That's cheating!" Dis said with a giggle.

"I didn't ask him. He told me to come find you to wash up for supper. It's not fault that we happened to be playing a game as well."

I laughed, putting my hand over my face. "Well I call a rematch when we can!" Dis said, playfully shoving your brother. "I'll see you at supper!" She called and ran to what I assumed was her room.

"Nobody has shown you, your room yet have they?" Thorin asked me. I shook my head 'no' and he nodded. "It's right down the hall from mine." He told and we headed that way. Thorin's room was the last door of the hallway, Frerin next to his, then Dis, then it was mine. I was surprised they were giving me such a nice room, but apparently it was at Balin's request.

"My grandfather told me that he met you?" Thorin asked as I sat on my new bed, sinking down into it some. I nodded to him and smiled. Thorin nodded but didn't say anything.

I frowned my brows, tilting my head to the side a little in confusion. "What's wrong?" I mouthed to him.

"Oh, it's nothing you need to be concerned about. I'm just a bit worried for him." Thorin told me. "He's fallen ill it seems. He's not been himself lately."

I nodded, not knowing how else to react. "How so?" I asked.

"Again, nothing to concern yourself with. He's..." Thorin trailed off with a sigh, but then smiled. "It's nothing." He told me. "I'll see you at supper. There should be some dresses for you in the wardrobe." He told me and left.

Something is obviously wrong and it seems to be bothering Thorin more than he lets off... I just met him today so it's not my place to question, but I can't help but worry for him and the king. What was wrong?


I sat between Thorin and Dis. (Dis insisted I sit next to her.) There feast was by no means normal to me. Food was flying and loud laughing was ringing off the walls. "I should apologize for everyone. You probably are not used to this." Thorin told me as he leaned closer to me so I could hear him.

I turned my head, not realizing he was that close and my lips accident brushed his cheek. "Sorry." I mouthed.

Thorin gave me a smirk and shook his head. "You did nothing wrong," He reassured.

We continued to eat, Thrain, Thorin's father, coming by and telling me hello. He, like the others, had to have Thorin tell him I was mute. "Ah, well that can be a gift my dear." Thrain told me, grabbing my hands. "Words often hurt people, so sometimes it's a blessing you must keep them to yourself." He smiled at me, and I returned one.

"Thank you." I mouthed and signed to him. Thrain nodded to me, kissing my hand then leaving.


It was after supper and I was preparing Thorin's bed as he bathed. I should press them for him tomorrow. They looked to need a wash soon anyway.

I heard the bathroom door open and Thorin came out wearing only a towel. I let out a small gasp and turned away from him, my cheeks heating up.

Thorin looked up and I heard him chuckle. "I apologize. I forget that you will be here right before bed." He told me. I turned around now to see he did have trousers that tie in the front on, and was drying his hair with his towel. I couldn't help but glance at his chest. He seemed to be very fit, the abs of his stomach proving so. Hair covered his torso, but it wasn't in an unattractive way. Even the hair from his belly button down to--okay! I have to go.

"Goodnight." I signed to him with a wave and left. I quickly went to my room, shaking my head slightly. There was no denying that Thorin was handsome, very handsome. I honestly wished he was crude to me so I wouldn't find him attractive. When Balin asked if I wanted to be the Prince's maid, I did think 'helplessly falling for a beautiful man' would be in the job description. Of course I've only known Thorin for a day, but falling for such a beautiful sweet man seemed inevitable.

I let out a sigh and made my way over to the bathroom. A quick rinse then off to bed. I have to clear my thoughts of the gorgeous prince I work for, and sleep seems the only thing that might do it.


Sleep didn't clear my thoughts of the prince. I've been here 6 weeks now and Thorin has managed to creep into almost every dream of mine.

"Melodie? Are you okay?" Thorin asked as I made his bed. "Do you need help?" Thorin asked like he does every morning. I shook my head "no" like I do every morning. It was my job to clean up, but he always asked if I wanted help. "No to which answer?" He asked.

"Both" I mouthed.

"Something is bothering you." He said from behind me. I shook my head no, not looking at him when I finished making up his bed. "Melodie, look at me." He told in a sort of commanding voice. This is the first time he's ever raised his voice at me in a way.

I turned around to see he was right in front of me. He studied my features, frowning his brow. "You're not going to tell me even if I ask a hundred times." He said and sighed, backing away from me. "I have a meeting with my father and grandfather, so I should be back in about an hour." He said, putting his boots on and leaving the room.

I let out a sigh and decided to finish cleaning his room even though it was practically spotless. I cleaned the bathroom, his bookshelf (more like his wall of books), and even straightened up his desk.

"Hello Melodie." Dis said as she walked in. I smiled to her with a wave. "I have a serious question." She mumbled, sitting down at Thorin's desk. I nodded to her to continue. "How do you know if you're in love?"

I raised my brows at her question. She's so little and she's asking that? "Why?" I asked.

"Because I think Thorin is in love." She said and I actually frowned some. But why? It's not like I expected him to have feelings for me... "He's been so happy lately even with grandfather's condition." She explained, and I gave her a questionable look. "Don't act like you don't notice. Grandfather spends all his time with that gold and he's becoming slightly bitter. You can tell. That gold is making him ill." I noticed that much. I was questioning Thorin's behavior. "And with Thorin..." She smiled at me. "He's so cheerful, but then again seems to be worried only not about grandfather. He seems to be worried for a person." She smiled at me. "I think it's you."

"Me?" I questioned. She thinks her brother is in love with me? My cheeks heated up at the thought of the prince possibly loving me of all people.

"Yes you. He never acted this way until you came." Dis said and smiled. "He may not love you yet, but I think he has feelings for you." I smiled to her, happy at the thought but knew not to get my hopes too high. "Do you have feelings for him?" She asked.

I was about to answer when Thorin came through the door, looking very upset. Upset is an understatement. He was flat out angry. He didn't seem to notice us as he three a book at the wall in anger. "Son of a-"

"Thorin!" Dis yelled before he could curse.

Thorin turned and noticed us. His features slightly calmed, but not much. "Dis go play or something." He told her.

"But Tho-" She started but he raised his voice.

"I said go!" He yelled.

Dis huffed, but left. Thorin said on his bed, his elbows resting on his knees, and his hands in fist.

I hesitated, but went over and sat next to him. I touched his arm, giving him a concerned look. "My grandfather is mad." He said through his teeth. "According to him I will never stand to be king, nor will Frerin. Apparently we're too childish." Thorin said and his anger was slowly going down as he calmed some. "Maybe he's right." He said and sighed.

I shook my head, putting my hand on his cheek and making him look to me. "You will make a wonderful king." I told. Thorin got very good at reading lips because of me, so now we could almost talk as everyone else could.

Thorin gave me a small smile. "Thank you Melodie... but you are not the one I need to convince."

I sighed and leaned over to kiss his cheek. Apparently he had the same idea as me though because he turned his head and our lips touched for a second or two. If I was behind honest, I wish it lasted longer.

Both Thorin and I chuckled. I pointed to his cheek, and he nodded understanding. "I didn't mind it." He spoke. "You are a very beautiful woman, I don't think anyone in their right mind wouldn't want a kiss from you." He told me as he stood.

Heat rushed to my cheeks and I did the sign language for 'thank you'. Thorin knew basic sign language at least. "Any woman would enjoy a kiss from you as well." I told him. "And not just because you are a prince." I added.

Thorin gave me a smile. "I need to go find Dis and apologize." He said and I nodded. "I'll meet you in the dining hall at Mid-meal." He said and left.

I bit my lip in frustration and fell back onto his bed. I'm falling for the dwarf prince, and it seems to be nothing I can do about it.


Two weeks past now, and my feelings never left. I was doing my normal routine after supper and was getting Thorin's bed ready as he bathed. He had come out, only wearing pants like he normally does, and I swear he is trying to kill me. It's a struggle every day not to look at him.

I tried not to pay attention as I fluffed his pillow and fixed the bedding. I suddenly felt a warm heat near my back, and turned around to see Thorin right there. "Sorry, I was just reaching for my book." He told, showing me the book now in his hand.

I couldn't help it, and took a quick glance down to his toned chest and stomach, then quickly back to his face. I gave a small smile and nodded. Thorin gave me a smile and handed me the book. "I wanted you to read it. I figured you would like it." He told me.

I gave him a greatful smile and did the sign for thank you. "What is it about?" I asked.

"It was my mother's favorite book." He told. "She read it to Dis before she died. She read it to Frerin and I as well when we were little, but it's more of a... I suppose you would say feminine book." He continued.

I gave him an amused smile. "That doesn't answer my question." I mouthed.

"You'll have to read it." He said and smiled. "Also..." He continued and sat down on his bed. "I had an interesting conversation with Dis today." I sat next to him and looked at him to continue. "Apparently she thinks I'm in love." He gave a small laugh.

"Are you?" I asked.

He smiled at me. "I don't know." I was about to tell him something but I felt his lips on mine. Obviously I was shocked at first, but it wasn't hard for me to start kissing him back. His hands found my waist as my arms wrapped around his neck, my fingers tangling in his slightly damp hair. My back soon hit the mattress as his body moved to be on top of me. His arm went behind my back, pushing my chest to his.

I pushed him away, but only for a couple seconds to catch my breath, quickly kissing him again.

We fully got on the bed now, and I started to pull the strings on Thorin's trousers, him unlacing my dress.

It didn't take long for us to discard of our clothing, and soon I felt the pressure of Thorin and he pushed inside me. "Am I hurting you?" He asked to make sure I was okay. I shook my head no and kissed him.

I've never felt so loved as I did in that moment. It was one of the single best moments of my life, and I don't think it would have been as special if it wasn't for Thorin.

We lay together afterwards, both catching our breath as I felt his fingers trace my naked back. I smiled at him one last time before kissing him Goodnight, resting my head on his chest and falling asleep.


The next morning we were awoken by a shout from Dis "I knew it!"

"Dis! You should knock! Especially at this hour." Thorin scolded, but not in an angry way.

"I knew you two liked each other!" She said with joy. "And I actually came here to tell you that father wants to see you." She said. "But he ended up coming with me."

Thrain fully opened the door, and I don't think I've ever been so embarrassed in my life. My cheeks and neck flushed red and the heat coming from them I swear could cook something. I covered myself fully, kind of hiding behind Thorin as he sat up.

Thorin cleared his throat before he spoke. "What did you need father?" He asked.

"Dis go to breakfast my love." He told and kissed his daughter's forehead before she left.

Thrain let out a sigh before speaking. "You know the condition with your grandfather." He began. "I fear something horrible is to happen, so I want you to take your sister and brother to the Iron hills with our kin. Take Melodie with you." He told. "Leave today as soon as you can. I fear it might already be too late."

Thorin nodded. "Yes father." Thrain gave his son a smile and left. "So we leave today, hopefully before noon."


But that trip never happened. Smaug had come before then, take Frerin's life... Thorin had saved a crying Dis as she lay over her brother's dead body.

That was years ago now. Thror was killed and battle and Thrain went missing. Now we lived in the Blue Mountains. Dis grew and had two sons, Fili and Kili. They were both still little, Kili just learning how to walk. Thorin worked all day as a blacksmith to make pay for our family. Thorin and I did wed if you were wondering. We had two children, a son and a daughter. We named our son Frerin after his lost uncle, and our daughter was named Erra, named after Erebor.

Frerin and Erra were older now, much older than Dis' children. Frerin was ten years older than Erra.

I watched as Frerin sat on the floor and played with his cousins. "Fili, don't hold a sword like that." He told the six year old holding a wooden sword. "Like this lad " Frerin showed Fili the proper way.

Frerin looked just like Thorin, though his hair wasn't as long. Erra looked like him as well, but had my facial features.

Little Kili sat on Erra's lap. He attempted to braid her hair, but it wasn't working out very well.

"You are your father's son alright." Dis said with a chuckle.

"Aunt Melodie?" Fili said, and I looked to him. "How did you meet uncle Thorin?" He asked.

"Oh I love this story." Erra said with a smile 

"She was my maid back in Erebor." Thorin explained as he happened to walk in, covered in sweat if I may add.

"Thorin you could have rinsed off!" Dis said.

Thorin sent her a small glare. "This is coming from the woman who used to hide behind the rubbish when play with Frerin and I." He told.

"I was young then!"

"Fwewin!" Kili cheered, pointing to his cousin.

"Not me laddy." Frerin. "You're uncle Frerin."

"Where is he?" Kili asked.

"He died Ki, a long time ago." Erra told him.

"How was work today?" I sighend to Thorin. Thorin, Dis, and my children knew sign language now. Fili was learning, and we are trying with Kili.

"Same as always." Thorin told, giving me a small smile and a kiss. He kissed Erra's forehead, ruffling Kili and Fili's hair as he passed.

"Frerin showed me how to fight today!" Fili cheered as he held the wooden sword. "Wouldn't it be more useful to have two swords?" Fili asked. "One for each hand!"

Frerin chuckled, leaning over and giving him another play wooden sword. "There, now you have two."

I smiled to my family. Maybe one day we can reclaim Erebor, but for now this is all we need.

*Hope y'all liked it!*

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