The Fire Princess (Sequel to...

By Tommogirl98

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Chapter 1-Feelings?
Authors Note
Chapter 2- Night with a Werewolf
Chapter 3-"Please don't tell Daddy"
Authors Note
Chapter 4- AGAIN! UGH!
Chapter 6- Telling Daddy... Harry's way
Authors Note
Chapter 7- How dare you not tell me!
Chapter 8-Miss me?
Chapter 9-Madison
Authors note
Chapter 10- Daddy help him!
Chapter 11- You would never hurt me
Chapter 12- Who's Madison?
Chapter 13-Marry Me?
Authors Note
chapter 14- Yes!
Authors Note
authors note
Chapter 15- Poison
Authors Note
Chapter 16- Dreams...Nightmares
Authors Note
Chapter 17- The Big Day
Authors note
Authors note
Author's note!

Chapter 5- Distractions

1.3K 45 2
By Tommogirl98

Juliet’s POV:

            “Ok Jules. Come at me with all you got.” Daddy said signaling me to throw fire at him.

            “Ok.” I said taking a big breath. I closed my eyes and concentrated.

            “Don’t mess up Jules!” I heard Harry say jokingly.

            “Shut up!” I said laughing. All my concentration was gone. All I could think about was Harry. Damn why did he have to say something. I finally just threw all the fire I could, but instead of going towards Daddy, it went the opposite direction. South east to be exact.

            I grunted in frustration. “Damn you Harry! I normally do that right!” I said turning to him and crossing my arms.

            Harry started to laugh and walked over to me. “I shouldn’t have distracted you that much.” He said as he stood right in front of me, his nose almost to mine. I tried my hardest to resist the urge to kiss him. We still haven’t gotten to kiss yet. “You made me lose my concentration.” I said. I didn’t lie, but I wasn’t saying the whole truth. If anybody else would have told me not to mess up, it wouldn’t have distracted me that badly. It was the fact that he said it that distracted me so much. Once I got him in my head, there was no hope for me.

            “And how did I do that?” He asked enjoying the fact that he was toying with me.

            I rolled my eyes. “You know very well how.”

            Harry chuckled. “I think we should tell him.” He practically breathed out.

            “Not yet.” I whispered back.”

            Harry sighed. “Ok, but soon. Now make up a story like I was teasing you.”

            I mentally nodded. “Shut up!” I said like I was aggravated, but still laughing.

            Harry chuckled. “What? Get back to practice!” he said walking away, laughing.

            I gave out a loud sight, again, like I was annoyed. “Ok, let me try again.” I said turning to Daddy. I concentrated hard, completely focused… Well I wish I was completely focused. Harry was still in the back of my mind. But to my luck, the fire aimed at Daddy.  He blocked it quickly.

            “If I didn’t know it was coming, I wouldn’t have been able to block it. Good job.” Daddy said smiling at me. He walked over to me and gave me a quick hug. “Ok, that’s enough practice for today. Let’s go inside.” He said.

            We all headed in the house and everyone plopped down on the couches, except for me. “I’m going to go take a shower.” I mumbled and went down the hall. I quickly grabbed my clothes and went in the bathroom. I couldn’t get Harry out of my mind, more than usual at least. I normally don’t have him on my mind so much that my chest hurts.

            I started the water, stripped down, and jumped in; having the hot water hit me. ‘Jules.’ I heard a ghost like voice say. I looked around but nobody was there. I shrugged. It must be my imagination. I took a long shower, washing my hair and soaking my body. But unfortunately had to get out due to the water getting cold. So, I got out and started drying myself. Harry was still in the back of my mind. No, not in the back, everywhere. I sighed looking up at the mirror. I swore I say Harry standing behind me in the mirror. I screamed from being startled, but when I looked behind me, he wasn’t there. He wasn’t there when I looked back in the mirror either.

            “Jules?! Are you ok?!” I heard Harry shout from outside the door. I didn’t answer. I was too frightened.

            “Jules?” I heard Daddy yell.

            “Yea I’m alright.” I finally said. “I-I just slipped.” I said hoping they didn’t hear my stutter. I quickly got dressed and opened the door to see them all standing there.

            “Jules, are you sure?” Harry asked.

            I nodded. “Yes… I’m going to bed.” I said quickly as I rushed past them. I practically ran to my room and shut the door. I fell on my bed. I felt tears go down my cheeks at how frustrated and scared I was. Why was I seeing Harry in mirrors? Why was I hearing his voice in my head? Why was he the only thing on my mind? Why did I long for his kiss so badly that every time I see him, I want to ‘attach’ him? Why is it that every time I see him, my stomach explodes? Oh I know, he’s your mate you idiot! I was so happy that he was my mate, but then again frightened by what everyone would think of me loving my ex-uncle. I don’t know what to think.  

            I lay in bed crying for about an hour before I heard a knock on the door. I sighed and quickly whipped my tears and opened the door to see Harry. He walked in my room and closed the door quietly. “Everyone’s asleep…. What’s wrong?” He asked caressing my cheek.

            “Nothing really, my imagination took over me and I thought I saw a ghost in the mirror in the bathroom…” I said.

            Harry shook his head. “You’re not telling me everything.” He said.

            I sighed. How could he read me so easily? It’s like he could see right into my mind and read my every though. “I’m just so frustrated with keeping this secret.”

            “Then why don’t we tell them tomorrow.” He said.

            I shook my head. “Not yet.”

            Harry sighed. “I don’t get you Jules. You’re crying because you’re frustrated with all the secrets, but you don’t want to tell them.”

            “We will, but let me come up with a way to tell them without getting Daddy too mad.” I said.

            Harry rolled his eyes. “Fine, but think quickly.”

            I didn’t answer, I just nodded. Harry started to chuckle. “What?” I asked.

            “Well… I could finally kiss you without being interrupted.” He said. I started to giggle, but didn’t say anything else. Harry started kissing all over my face, teasing me.

            “Oh, Harry just kiss me already!” I whisper screamed. Harry chuckled and attached his lips to mine….

            To be continued…                 

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