Her Little Secret ✔️

Von ivankaross

219K 7.5K 860

I fell in love with this man The man I have thought would love me through and through. The thought of him... Mehr

Her Little Secret
1~ Birthday Girl
2~ Why sleep Sober?
3~ When You Wake Up Dead But Still Breathing
4~ I'm Going To Be A Fat Minion
5 Carry Me Home Slave
6~What? Are We Expecting Baby Number Two Now?
7~ I know What Happened
8~And That Ladies And Gentlemen Made Me Want To Smash A Vase On His Little Head
9~ Looks Like Mr. And Mrs. Caverly Has arrived As We Speak
10~ I Guess that's A No Then
11~ Can things Get Any Worst?
12~The Carnival
13~A Visit From The Past
14~When Death Greets Me With My Insanity
15~ The Hopless Adults
16~ What Impeccable Timing
17~ Helping Hands
18~ She Is Just A Sight To Behold
20~ When The Eyes See Something We Shouldn't
21~Are You In Or Out?
22(1) ~ I Owe You An Apology
22(2)~ I Owe You An Apology
23~Drunk Men Tell No Lies
24~Small Talks
25~ Call Me The Salmon Detector
26~ That Guy Is As Smitten As You
27~ I was in for a lot more the being mugged tonight
28~ Wedding Jitters
29~ The Wedding Crash
30~I Can't Go Back
31~ To Mend The Broken Bond
32~ The Plan
33~ Unknown Emotion
34~ Help Me
35~ Criminals
36~ I am Happy
His Wicked Mistake

19~ We'll Hope For Something Better To Come

4.6K 183 54
Von ivankaross

Chapter Nineteen (unedited)

Sally's POV

If you could tell, being in my position may bring misjudgment to other people's eyes and if papa had ever seen me in such state, I might have to be forced pray for forgiveness cause believe me, I look like a woman here for some booty call

In a dress too cute to wear at midnight and in front of a mans room seemed surreal, lets not forget the fact that he was shirtless too. Showing me the worst thing a woman could feel

I swear I thought I might have blown my ovaries at the sight

God bless my soul and let me resist over temptations

I stared at Andy, bare chest with his hair rumpled everywhere. His eyes squinted over the darkness and when he realizes it was me- shock began to form into his eyes

"Sally what happened?" He whispered. He looked confused, I was too cause I may have forgotten why I came here in the first place. I tried to speak but moments passed I realize it wasn't safe to talk in the halls where anybody could eavesdrop. Grunting, I push Andy who didn't move one bit until he realizes I was actually trying to come in- so he reluctantly side stepped for me to enter before closing the door

I wanted to get to the point, just at least grab his attention before he starts asking about the kiss. God knows I don't want to talk about that at all but then I stopped. Not because Andy stood their in his glory but because I was instantly hit with how clean and organize his room was.

How the hell does he survive with that lunatic anyway? 

It even smelled like him

"Sally?" Finally getting out of my thoughts, I flushed red when I realize Andy had caught me staring. Either he ignored it for my sake or he's silently laughing at me like Chris would do- minus the silent part though. Lifting my chin up, I cleared my throat

"I want you to help me find Chris" I blurted out. Yeah I said it. Instantly Andy's eyes clouded over at the mere sound of his name. The way he clenches his fist in a tight grip but he never gave away what he was feeling

He continued to stare and second without a response, I began to doubt wether it was a good idea to come here. I mean it was a hasty decision to come - I mean Chris is a big boy, he can come home later

But what if he doesn't?

What if he's so angry he wouldn't come back? I can't even imagine him leaving and never returning?

Shut up you overdramatic llama

Shaking my head, I decided it was best to keep my questions to myself. Hell, Chris might think someone had posses my body to be so concerned over a sadistic boy who loves to ruin my life

I wasn't even sure why I was concerned in the first place

It may be guilt perhaps- reason why sleep wouldn't take over yet knowing my day hadn't been completed like an unfinished business. I was dead set determined to talk to Chris and fifty percent I could find him with Chris's help

And so I stared at Andy hopefully, biting my lips in anticipation when all he did was stare

Any minute now

Moments past and I was starting to doubt wether I just came In a bad time

What kind of fucking question is that?! Of course you did you turd, it's one in the morning!

I was just about to pull back from my plan, you know to let Chris sleep it off since I made a mess of things today- and his girlfriend but Chris decide spoke at that right moment

"I don't think that would be a good idea"

My eyebrows furrowed lower "Why not?"

Andy combs his hair with his fingers, the messy hairdo was greatly turning me on and I'm not sure it's the hormones or just my inner slut talking but I ended up listening to him like an angel anyway

"Because he needs time Sally" another sigh left his mouth before those brown eyes watch me again "why don't you talk about it tomorrow, he always comes back- I'm sure you guys will talk it out"

Looking down ashamed, I began to fumble on my toes "I'm not really sure there's a tomorrow Andy. You know Chris, he's......"

Looking back at Andy I gave him the look of an innocent girl, the pleading if you call it or the puppy eyes, whatever you wish it to be called, it worked on Andy. It always did

"Oh come on Sally, don't do that-I " for once I felt guilty for Andy again. He gave me a pleading look as if he was battling his inner self but then a defeated sigh came after

"I don't know where he is"

Disappointed, I look down "oh"

Silence came after when I felt him come closer- and let me just tell you he never misses to make my heart skip a beat

Embarrassed as hell, I took a step back before glancing at his silhouette in the dark with a small smile

"Thank you Andy, I'll- I'll just leave"

I guess it's just me then

Shoulders hunched withy eyes casted downwards, I walk towards the door, ready to go in a stupid journey to find him only to stop short when I felt Andy's hand stop me by the wrist. He looked pained somehow but I ignored it

"Sally I-"whatever he was about to say stopped coming because the next thing I knew he changed his sentence

"Come on"


Andy never really told me Chris's location. No- instead I found myself in a diner with at least two old man eating burgers while I sat confused and fidgety

"Coffee for you and Hot chocolate for the lady" the waitress smiled. Surprisingly I salute her for keeping her shit together at two in the morning. If I get a shift for the whole night, I would barely survive the first day

Smiling at her in gratitude, I began to play with my fries while Chris looks at his phone now and then

It's been fifty minutes

Annoyed, I slam my hands on the table to get his attention, luckily he looked up only to be greeted by my glare- making him place his phone back on his pocket

"Okay I'm really thankful that you're helping me Andy, I really do. But I'm not sure coming into a diner while sitting my ass here for god knows how long will help me find him"

"Don't worry I texted him"

Frowning in disbelief, I stared at Andy who only sat like he wasn't even bothered by what happened today. It made me realize how much Andy didn't really care

Why do I have to feel so disappointed?

"Yeah well, I don't think he would come if you'd text him anyway" looking away I muttered "he wouldn't want to see me"

"Oh he doesn't know you're here"


Andy shrugged his shoulder like it was no problem. His eyes wondered all though the room except me and it made me agitated for some reason

"Andy I'm sacrificing my sleep for this idiot And if he realizes I'm here, he would kill me-"

"I won't let him"

Andy interjected with a firm look. His eyes dead set on me like I said something really stupid and it made me feel so stupid for some odd reason. Mumbling an apology, I began to eat my fries

"Well how do you know he'll come?"

He smirked, but it didn't quite reach his eyes "because I got something he wants and knowing him, he's covetous"

Maybe it's just me and my useless brain, or the fact that English isn't my first language, either way- I don't really fucking know what that means

Nodding, I pretended to know what he means since I'm afraid of asking Him- I mean, I didn't bring my phone for my mobile dictionary for gods sake

After a while We didn't talk. it was almost an hour and there was still no sign of Chris. While we waited, I may have doubled my appetite when I ordered another plate of fries. You really can't blame a woman who's disappointed with how little they serve their fries here and out if the corner of my eyes, I may have caught Andy's grin but I didn't really bother talking about it. As time pass by I began to feel Hopeless and the food I ate were dancing behind my belly like it was ready to shoot forward and Andy wasn't even helping when I realize  he'd been opening his mouth only to close it again. This only meant he was going to say something about what happened today


Ah shit

Innocently looking up, I hummed in response without looking at him in the eyes

"About the kiss-"

Without realizing, my fingers shook and gave away just as the fork clatters on the plate with a noise. The people inside looked for a mere second only to look back at what they were doing

"It's fine" I blurted out

Chris seemed surprise but he got over it in a second before he started to clear his throat awkwardly

"I don't really know how to say this Sally but I don't know where it came from- I guess I was just annoyed

Now curious, I look back at him "why? I mean you looked alright?" I guess

But Andy chuckled bitterly. The way his eyes casted downwards as if he was hiding his emotion from me and so I didn't push further

"Just about everything Sally"

"Is it about Giselle?"

Shrugging he have me a glance "a part of it"

"Oh"I trailed off " well I hope you fix things up. I mean three years is too long to just break things of just for a fight" gosh that tasted foul in my mouth

Oh god shut up Sally, you insolent fool!

"We were never together to begin with" he gave me a Sad smile that froze me to the point that I didn't understand what he just said. Looking back wide eyed I stuttered


"Listen Sally, Giselle and I-"


Widening my eyes, I sputtered uncontrollably when I heard his voice. The way they shook me hard as I sat frozen in my seat. Andy had his eyes on top of my head- clearly looking through Chris's eyes and when Andy didn't smile, I realize they had this unspoken communication going on and it bothered me cause I had no clue what they were communicating at all

"Chris" he nodded in greeting. Andy slowly packed his stuff and took a bill which I saw was big enough for a family meal before he stood silently. His head down and while I tried to get his attention, he finally smiled at my way

"I told you he'd come" and then he left

And I have never been so awkward in my entire life when Chris looked at me expectantly

Without saying another word, Chris began to leave too

"Chris wait!" Instantly I was out  of my seat- forgetting about the bill as I followed Chris in the quiet night

Chris didn't stop and it only made me huff in annoyance before stopping when I winced- covering my stomach with a huff and instanly, I found Chris beside me. His eyes wide as I found him looking at me in concern and what looked like fear

"What happened!"

Wincing  once again, I gave out an awkward burp and shook my head

"I think I want to fart"

Trust me, I have never seen Chris so pissed off before he stomped his leg "Christ sake Sally, what the fuck!"

I waved my hands in annoyance. What did he expect, I drank hot chocolate and fries as my midnight snack. Maybe it was the drink after all or was it because I overloaded my belly with fries. Could the baby eat what I'm eating right now? Does it have a mouth by now too? Either way, I look up at Chris who looked really angry but I shook it off. Surprisingly I wasn't afraid even if he'd hold a knife in front of me

"Don't curse at me if you don't know what I'm going through"

"Jesus!" He walked away only to come back to grip my wrist before pulling me towards his car. I found it was still the same this afternoon. Mirrorless on the other. He pushed me towards the passenger seat before taking the wheeling drive through the way like a madman. Other then that, I didn't know where he was taking me until I took the chance to talk to him while he drove

"You just had to get Andy to help you didn't you" he gritted out

"Look Chris I'm really sorry-"

"Sally get it through that thick head of yours that I don't want to talk to anyone especially to you" He gritted his teeth from snarling at me and I in turn tried to calm my nerves at it shook

"What did Andy say to you to make you come?"

"Are you serious?"

Ok maybe I'll ask that another time. Shaking my head I turned my body fully on Chris who gripped the steering tightly

"Okay Chris please don't interrupt me-"

Chris turned to protest but I have me a glare which hit him instantly with a curse

"Okay Chris, first of all I'm really really sorry. Like 'I'll do anything for you' sorry and maybe an apology won't cut it knowing I kept something so big but I couldn't, not when I knew you don't really want children- I mean you don't right?" I glance at him with a hopeful expression Only for it to be crushed when he scoff

"Of course I don't"

Well shit again

Enough with the pity party, I look back with determination

"Yeah, that's what I was afraid off" I muttered with a defeated sigh "but I wanted to tell you really, I really had been planning just not sure when it would possibly be good to tell you"

"Was this why you ask me about a family when we had dinner in that restaurant?"

I nodded solemnly

We didn't talk for a minute until he finally curved his car to the side and stopped it before looking out on the dark road with a blank stare

"I won't be in that child's life Sally"


Maybe I was being so doubtful. The main reason why I never told him. And now that I Had an answer, I had never felt my heart squeeze against my chest so hard I had to roll the window to get some air. Other then my actions, Chris never looked at me. He just stared while I fiddled

Okay maybe I hadn't thought this through....

"I can't, not with my case anyway"

Finally I turned only to see him already looking at me. The way his expression never gave away, and the fact that he wouldn't even let me in just so I could feel what he was feeling. He never did

And somehow it hurt more then being killed

"Can I ask why?"

He shook his head. I could see that he was biting his lip, the way his eyes darted to me and my belly made it so hard. And without even realizing it, multiple drops of tears began to run down my face

"I think I need to go home" I muttered. Disappointment and disconsolate mixed into one tornado of feelings and I can't even stop my tears anymore. This wasn't what I expected. Sure I had followed myself into thinking he may never agree but the fact that it was now proven to be true, I felt like one big fat stupid woman. Trying to discreetly sniffle a snot forming into my nose, I rub hard only to be stopped when I saw a hand hold up something I now notice was a box of tissue

And trust me Chris doesn't usually being tissues for sanitary uses or anything for his car

Looking up with a stare I rub my nose with my jacket instead

"Don't tell me you used that for masturbation cause I swear I will hit you"

Chris rolled his eyes " just shut up , I didn't use it yet"

Sighing I took three papers and began to sneeze. Yeah attractive I know.

While I tried to calm myself and my stupid crying I heard Chris began to speak

"Although I want to support you... And the baby" he grumbled out. His eyes watched me when I did the same to him and just as our eyes met, I realize the car was so quiet. The crickety noise loosing sounds as we continue to forget the world. Or maybe it was just me, the fantasy and my horny mind just wants to make things so fairylike tale And that Chris was just.... Well he was just staring

"I can pay for the child's fees, birth payments and hospitals bills- I'll help as much as I can do"

Oh lord, How did I turn into one disappointment?

"We should leave" I said finally. I didn't give Chris a chance to talk as he decided to sigh before turning to continue our path in the road

Nobody spoke after that. I was just too tired that I want to sleep for the rest of the year and let's my emotions be damned

And I'm so tired....

My eyes snap open when shock began to bubble in my body

I fell asleep!!

Panic settled in and then embarrassment, I must look like a clown by now since I still haven't taken my make up off but I stopped, not because I was hideous but because I looked around only to find myself in my room. A big shirt on my body and my make up long gone

Although I still look like a crack head just as any type of my mornings, I was surprise that I had changed, I was expecting the killer clown look but not the ordinary

Who changed me?

Looking around, I finally saw it was morning and the fact that I was in a mans shirt made me rethink back my memories

Did I sleep with someone?

No, I don't think so. I mean I remember eating in a diner with Andy and then him leaving because Chris came and-"

Suddenly my eyes widen in remembrance

I remember Chris and falling asleep on his car

Did- did he do this?

By the time I realize it was twelve in the afternoon, I decided to takes time cleaning myself up and went down to pleasure my empty stomach only to stop short at the scene in front of me

Chris sat on the counter, his body hunched back and shirtless as he typed away his fingers on the screen of his phone. He looked focus and all until I cleared my throat- that's when his head snap towards me

His eyes wide. At the sight until he scrambled flawlessly before turning his body towards me. Although he looked handsome this afternoon, my mind still went back to what he had neglected last night 

Which made things more awkward

Clearing my throat, I look around- wondering why the house was too silent until I turned to face him

"Where's everyone?"

"They left, I told them not to wake you up since you didn't get much sleep last night"

I nodded. So it's only me and Chris here huh? Taking a deep breath, I couldn't stay here. Not when I feel like throwing up at his face. But once as I turned, I stop when I realize he had something beside him

No, it was eggs and bacons and fruits. Something Chris doesn't usually eat.... well, except for bacons

"Chris wha-"

I eyed the plate and when Chris saw me looking at it, he cleared his throat before taking it and shoving it my arms

"It's for you.... And the you know the kid" he mumbled it out which was hard to get everything he said when I couldn't hear him with all the shuffling and fidgets. But I heard it and it confused me greatly

Eyeing the plate once again, I took a slice and ate it. So far it tasted good, the only thing bitter was the fact that the kitchen looked like a tornado flew around it

"You know you didn't have to"

Chris shrugged his shoulder, his eyes never looked at me "I thought I might cook something after last night. Got to get your tummy full for the kid right?"

Now I'm confused

"Chris I thought you said-"

"That I won't be there for the child?" He looked at me and shamefully I look down "Well, yes that's true but that doesn't mean I won't support you through the whole pregnancy.  I Mean I'm an ass but not an asshole who'll  let you do this alone- I'm also at fault in this"

Oh Chris....

Looking back at him, I never realized I became teary eyed once again. I gave him a grateful smile, at least he was going for the good supporter instead of the bang and run kind of guy

Although it hurt, Chris not wanting to be apart of the child's life. The fact that Somehow I had familiarized our relationship because of it, I mean I basically call him a friend now. I still hated it. The way he could shake such thing off because he didn't want to be a father- trust me I don't even want to be a mother myself  but not a lot of man are willing to take responsibility to help a girl they just impregnated

I was at least grateful for that

I guess we'll hope for something better to come

I'm really stupid right now. Like my mind won't cooperate and my English really sucks but whatever. This chapter really sucked butt and I'm sorry but hopefully I can get this story more daring if my brain would just be my friend for once. Anyway please vote and comment- those simplest things really means a lot when your scratching your mind with vocabularies and a better way to be descriptive in This story:)

It will really mean a lot keep me motivated:)


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