A Jerk and a Vampire(Rosario...

By scarecrow1000154

49.6K 844 194

Reiji Oni, a sixteen year old demon from Hell, enrolls at Yokai Academy and joins Tsukune and his friends on... More

Introducing the Jerk
Bully Meets A Jerk
That isn't love in the air.
It's Raining Cats, Dogs, and Wash Pans
Not Completely Useless
Something Fishy Is Going On Here
The Big Bad Wolf
Cold Hearted
Consumed By Darkness
Hitting The Books
Heavy Gardening
This Just In
The Beginning of the End
Discipline the Disciplinary Committee
The Student Council
The Plan Unfolds
Lock & Key
The Promise
'Normal' Parents
The Visitor
Lilith's Mirror
Burning Reunion
I'm Going Home, For Now

Beach Time Fun

1.9K 40 1
By scarecrow1000154

Late in the morning, Reiji is walking with Kurumu, Mizore, and Yukari to the bus stop. "So we're going to the human world for our club trip. That should be exciting.", says Reiji as he puts his hands on the back of his neck. "Yeah, we're probably going to go to a beach and enjoy the nice weather.", Yukari exclaims in her excitement. "I can't wait to show Tsukune my new bathing suit.", Kurumu says with a smile as she holds her face, thinking about Tsukune's reaction to the sight of her mostly naked body. Mizore sighs and ask, "Is it a bathing suit or just a strap?" Kurumu just glares at her and says, "Even if it were a strap, Tsukune would still prefer me over you, snow cone." Mizore glares back at her and says, "No, he'd prefer me since I have more self esteem." As they glare at each other, Reiji glares at both of them causing them to stop their bickering. He sighs and says, "Well, we shouldn't keep them waiting. I bet Tsukune and Moka are at the bus stop right now." All of the girls are shocked by this idea and rush to the bus stop without hesitation. As Reiji and the girls arrive at the bus stop, they see Tsukune and Moka standing next to each other. "Hey, what do you two think you're doing!?", Yukari shouts as she rushes over to them. Reiji sighs and says, "Well, it looks like I guessed correctly." "What are you trying to pull Moka? Are you trying to steal Tsukune away from me", Kurumu asks accusingly as she walks over to to them and gets in Moka's face. Moka blushes nervously and says, "Not at all. I swear." Before Kurumu can respond, they all hear Ms. Nekanome say, "Hey everybody!", as she hangs out of the bus driving towards them. "Ms. Nekanome?", Tsukune asks with a confused glance to the cat woman. As the bus stops in front of them, Ms. Nekanome walks off of the bus to them and says, "Great, everyone's already here nice and early. We can all leave for the human world once you've all taken your seats." "Why are you here so early Ms. Nekanome?", Mizore asks as she also gives the teacher a confused look. Ms. Nekanome puts her right index finger over her own chin and says, "Well, I just wanted to go to the human world as soon as possible and was hoping that you'd all be early so we could leave as early as possible." Reiji looks around and asks, "Well, where's Ginei then? Shouldn't our Club President be joining us on this kind of thing?" Kurumu laughs at this for a moment before saying, "He flunked a few classes so he has to stay behind and take make up classes." "But you failed a few of your classes too, Kurumu.", Yukari adds, causing the succubus' eyes to widen. Kurumu rushes her onto the bus, literally pushing the little girl up and into the bus as she says, "Don't worry. I already dealt with my make up work." As everyone makes their way onto the bus after them, Mizore says, "I bet you're just skipping them, aren't you Kurumu?", and Kurumu gets a nervous look on her face. "Don't be silly. Now lets get going.", Kurumu says with a panicked look on her face as she sits in a seat in the back on the right side of the buswith Yukari. Mizore sits in the seat in front of them and says, "Fine with me." Tsukune and Moka sit in the same seat just opposite of Kurumu and Yukari. Ms. Nekanome sits at the front of the bus on the right side and Reiji takes the whole back seat for himself. With everyone seated, the bus drives off into the tunnel to the human world. And as the bus drives into the human world's portal, Reiji lays down in the back seat and falls asleep.

When the bus finally reaches the end of the human world portal, it hits a bump in the tunnel's road causing Reiji to wake up. The boy quickly sits up and stretches before saying, "Man, that was a good nap. We must be close to the human world by now." As the bus exits the tunnel everyone sees the human world through the bus windows. "I-I'm home!", Tsukune exclaims happily as he stands up and looks out the window. "Well you sure seem excited.", Mizore says with a confused look, surprised by his reaction. "Yeah, you sound like a human or something.", Kurumu adds and Yukari looks at him with a slightly worried look. Moka looks to them with a panicked look on her face and says, "Tsukune grew up in the human world, so his reaction is completely normal, right Tsukune?" Tsukune suddenly realizes what he just did before quickly sitting back in his seat by the window and saying, "Yeah, that's right." Kurumu smiles and says, "Well that's good to hear.", but Yukari still has a slightly concerned look on her face, but it quickly fades when Tsukune smiles at her. The bus suddenly stops, and when the group looks out the windows they see they've arrived at a beach, to which everyone gets off and grabs the stuff in the luggage compartment of the bus to take down to the shore to setup their campsite. They look all over the beach until Ms. Nekanome says, "Here. This is a perfect spot. Put the stuff here please." The girls and Tsukune place the few bags that they were carrying in the area that she requested and they turn to Reiji to see that he's carrying ten big bags and a cooler, but can't see exactly where to put the stuff. Tsukune leads him to the spot and says, "You can drop it here.", and Reiji literally drops everything there. Everything lands perfectly and Kurumu says, "I'm not sure if that was skill or just luck." Reiji laughs and says, "I like to think it was a little bit of both." The girls go to the nearby girls' restroom to get changed into their bathing suits and the boys go to the boys' bathroom to get changed into their swimming trunks.

When they get back, the group begins to play a game of volleyball. Moka passes the ball to Yukari and Yukari asks, "So you aren't afraid of humans, Tsukune?", as she sends the ball to him. "Not at all.", he replies as he knocks the ball towards Reiji. "I don't know why anyone would be afraid of humans.", Reiji adds as he knocks the ball towards Mizore. "Humans are much more dangerous than you can think, Reiji.", says Mizore as she sends the ball over to Kurumu. "Yeah, they don't exactly like us that much you know.", Kurumu adds as she bounces the ball to Moka. Moka sends the ball over to Reiji and says, "Well, not all humans can be that bad, right?" "Some humans can be good people too. Even monsters have a few rotten eggs.", Reiji says as he knocks the ball towards Tsukune. As Tsukune hits the ball over to Yukari, he says, "How about we change the topic to something else?" "Agreed, but what should we talk about?", Yukari asks as she prepares to hit the ball. "I don't know.", Kurumu adds as she hits the ball to Mizore before Yukari can. Everyone lets out a slight chuckle at the interception, but Yukari doesn't think it's funny and glares at the bustier girl for her behavior. "So, what are we going to do later?", Mizore asks as she sends the ball over to Moka. "I don't know.", Moka replies with an uncertain look on her face as she bounces the ball to Reiji. Reiji laughs and says, "I'm probably going to build a sand sculpture since swimming is out of the picture.", before serving the ball back to Yukari. "We'll probably just swim since we are at the beach and all.", Yukari says as she attempts to hit the ball again. But to her dismay, Kurumu steals the ball again, sending it to Tsukune while saying, "Yeah, that sounds about right." Yukari is furious and shouts, "Kurumu! Stop stealing my balls!" Kurumu laughs and says, "Sorry, you're just so short that I didn't see you there." Yukari glares at her and says, "This means war!" Kurumu laughs again before shooting back with, "Then bring it on, shorty." After the young witch switches sides, Tsukune serves the ball to Mizore, who gently knocks it over to Kurumu. Kurumu quickly jumps up in the air and spikes the ball down at Yukari. Yukari, however, dives for the ball and knocks it to Moka. "Here you go.", Moka says as she sends the ball back to Yukari. Yukari leaps into the air and ferociously spikes the ball at Kurumu, but she backhands the ball away, saving her face, but causing the ball to go full force into Tsukune's face and knock him unconscious. "Oh no, Tsukune!", Moka shouts as they all crowd around him. "I'm sorry Tsukune. Please wake up.", Kurumu begs as she kneels down to his side. "Nope. He's dead. Great job you two.", Reiji says as he checks for Tsukune's pulse. Yukari and Kurumu turn pale and scream, "What!?" Reiji laughs and says, "Wow, you two are too gullible. He isn't dead, only unconscious." "Don't scare me like that, Reiji!", Kurumu shouts, pissed that he did such a thing. "Yeah, that wasn't very nice!", Yukari adds with an irritated glare at the demon boy. Reiji just laughs however before saying, "Neither was hitting someone in the face with a volleyball. You two need to learn some self control." Mizore tries to wake Tsukune up with an ice block to his feet, but it doesn't seem to be working. "Nope, he's out cold.", Mizore notes as she throws the ice block in the cooler. "I'll watch over him. You girls can go and play in the water or something.", Reiji says as he sits next to the unconscious Tsukune. "Well I can't go in the water so...", Moka says as she sits down next to Tsukune. "Tsukune might be hot when he wakes up so I'll be here to cool him off.", Mizore says as she sits next to Tsukune too. "Oh hell no. I'm not letting you all make me look bad. I'll be here to cheer Tsukune up when he wakes up.", Kurumu says as she sits down with them. "Me too!", Yukari shouts as she plops down next to them. Reiji sighs and says, "Fine, but don't complain when you end up wasting so much time." With this, they all patiently wait for Tsukune to wake up.

After almost an hour, Tsukune regained consciousness. "Look, he's waking up.", Moka says as Tsukune begins to open his eyes. "Rise and shine sleepy head.", Reiji says as Tsukune sits up and the boy sees that his friends are all around him. "How long was I out?", Tsukune asks as he feels his sore face. "About an hour.", Mizore says as she looks at the sun's position. "We're so sorry about knocking you out like that Tsukune.", Kurumu says as she hugs him. "Yeah, we're both very sorry.", Yukari adds as she also hugs him. "You guys. I'm fine, so there isn't anything to be sorry about.", Tsukune replies with a smile. The two girls look at him and say, "Oh Tsukune.", before squeezing him with their hugs. "Hey, save some room for me.", Mizore says as she hugs Tsukune. Moka blushes and says, "I want to join in too.", then hugs Tsukune from behind. "Damn, can't you all give the boy some space?", Reiji asks as he gets up and lights himself a cigarette. They simply laugh and the four girls tackle Tsukune onto his back. As he lays on his back he looks up to see bright yellow flowers on a hillside. "What are those?", he asks as he points to the flowers on the hillside. Everyone stops what they are doing to look at where he's pointing and Reiji says, "Well lets go find out." The group gets up and begins to trek to the top of the hillside. Once they make it up there, they see a giant field of sunflowers. "Wow, this is gorgeous.", Kurumu comments. "Yeah, this is a great view.", Yukari adds. "Lets get a closer look.", Tsukune suggests as he starts walking down a well kept path towards the sunflower field with Reiji following close behind. "Wait up guys.", Yukari and Kurumu shout as they follow after the boys. As they wander the sunflower field, Reiji feels a familiar tingling in the back of his head. "I know someone's watching us, but there are too many hiding places to check. I'll be on guard and if they try anything I can block it and counter.", Reiji thinks to himself as he keeps a close eye on Tsukune so he doesn't get lost in the field. As the group keeps adventuring through the field, they start to hear a couple nearby talking about the sunflower field. "We need to get out of here. It isn't safe here.", the woman says nervously. "Why? It seems just fine to me.", the man replies as he looks around. "You don't know? This is Witch Hill! People go missing here all the time! They say the witch who lives here captures any human she finds and tortures them to death.", the woman says in a serious tone. The man sighs and asks, "Where did you get all of this information? The internet?" "I have my sources, now lets get out of here.", the woman says as she grabs him by the arm and pulls him down the trail. Kurumu snickers and looks to Yukari as she says, "Hear that? Apparently there is a witch who goes around capturing humans." Yukari scoffs and says, "You shouldn't believe everything you hear." "Well, what I do know for sure is that little kiddy witches like you get on my nerves.", Kurumu says as she gets in Yukari's face. Yukari simply lifts her wand and drops a golden wash tub on the girl's head. "What the heck was that?", Kurumu growls as she snatches the pan off the ground. Yukari laughs and says, "It was just a wash tub." Tsukune walks up to them before Kurumu has the chance to smash the pan against the young witch's head and says, "Hey, there's no need to fight. Besides, we need to head back anyways. And Yukari, remember, no magic." Yukari sighs as she puts her wand away and walks with Tsukune, Kurumu, Reiji, Moka, and Mizore back to the camp site.

Once they get back to camp, they begin to setup a tent and get a fire started. Reiji and Moka work on the fire as Tsukune and the others work on the tent. Ms. Nekanome says, "Well, your teacher is off to get some fish for dinner." Reiji and Moka look in the cooler and Moka says, "But Ms. Nekanome, we already have plenty of food." Ms. Nekanome shakes her head with a dissatisfied look as she wags her finger and says, "No, no, no. We're in the human world and it's only appropriate that we have fresh fish. Doesn't the human world have the best fish?" Reiji sighs and says, "Here, take this.", as he tosses her a net. She eyeballs the net and Reiji says, "Humans use nets and fishing poles to catch fish, so if you want to get human world fish then you'll have to catch them like a human if you don't want to look suspicious." She reluctantly takes the net with her and runs off. As everyone works on their projects, Yukari is looking for something to do and Reiji watches as she asks everyone if they need help and they reject her one by one. Yukari looks over to Reiji, who's cooking things on the fire and asks him, "You wouldn't happen to need any help with the fire, would you?" Reiji sighs and says, "I could use more fire wood, but I'd like to get it myself. Could you watch the fire while I'm gone?" She nods her head and determination fills her eyes as she sits by the fire and keeps it burning. Reiji walks around the hillside and finds a few dead branches and leaves to use for the fire. When he returns he sees that the fire is unattended and Yukari is nowhere to be found. "Where the hell did she run off to?", Reiji asks with a slight scowl on his face. "Who? Yukari? I saw her run off to somewhere a few minutes ago.", Mizore replies as she looks around for the small girl. A few minutes pass and Reiji fries a few skewered fish on the fire before handing them out to everyone around the fire. "So, where's Yukari?", Tsukune asks as he takes a bite of the fish on a stick. "Don't know. She ran off a while ago.", Kurumu says as she bites into her fish on a stick. "She's probably fine.", Reiji says as he finishes cooking the last of the fish. Tsukune has a worried look on his face and stands up before saying, "I'm going to look for her. I'll be right back." With that, he runs off to the hillside and Reiji says, "If he isn't back in like five minutes we'll have to go check on him, agreed?" Everyone nods their head in response and continue to eat their meal. Five minutes pass and everyone seems a bit uneasy. "Well we better go check on them. Knowing Tsukune, they probably ran into some sort of trouble.", Reiji suggests as he puts out the fire by kicking sand on it before the group goes to check on the others. They eventually find Yukari and Tsukune, but it seems as if there was some kind of battle that they all missed since there are what looks to be dead plant monsters on the ground. "Yukari!", Kurumu shouts as she and Mizore run up to her to see if she's alright. "You better not die on us!", Kurumu shouts as she kneels down to check on Yukari. "Kurumu, I'm fine.", Yukari replies as she stands up, but falls back to her knees. "You don't look too fine to me.", Mizore notes as she looks over to Yukari. "Let me carry you back to camp.", Kurumu suggests as she holds out her hand to Yukari. "No, I can walk on my own.", Yukari stubbornly replies as she slowly rises to her feet. "You sure are something, you know that kid?", Reiji says, surprised that she can still walk. Everyone stops what they're doing to look at a taller girl with long black hair in a black and pink dress. "So I'm guessing you're the culprit here then?", Reiji asks with a glare aimed at the girl. "Reiji don't.", Yukari begs, but the demon doesn't seem to even be listening before glancing over to see Yukari's worried face. Reiji sighs and says, "Fine, but if she does something stupid I'm going to kill her." Everyone can tell that Reiji is beyond serious now, as his more relaxed posture is completely gone as he's ready to strike at  a moments notice, and they all worry what the girl might do next. Yukari looks over to the girl and says, "Ruby, I'm sorry, but I can't go with you. I hope you understand." Yukari begins to walk back to the camp on her own, surprising everyone and causing the group to suddenly chase after her. "Hey, wait up. Stop being so thick headed and let me carry you.", Kurumu says as she tries to convince Yukari to let her carry her. "Nah, we witches are very good at healing ourselves you know.", Yukari explains with a smile. "You're pretty bad at acting tough.", Kurumu says mockingly to her. "And you're bad at saying how you feel.", Mizore says to succubus. Reiji walks in front of Yukari stopping her in her tracks and says, "I'm not asking.", then he picks her up, throws her over his right shoulder and carries her against her will. "Hey! Put me down! Stop treating me like a baby!", Yukari shouts as she struggles to break free. "Actually, I'm treating you just like everyone else in this situation. If it were Tsukune or Moka or literally anyone else they would be in the same spot you are in so stop complaining.", Reiji says as he slaps her upside her head. She stops struggling and they stop to talk for a second. "Moka and Tsukune better stop that name thing or I'm going to be sick.", Kurumu says as she glares at Moka. "Same here.", Mizore says as she covers her mouth as if she feels like she might vomit. Reiji sighs and begins to say, "Just give it a second, it'll be over before you-", but before he can finish, Tsukune hits the ground in a pool of his own blood and everyone is left in shock. "Yukari will come back with me because it is my wish and because her ladyship demands it.", Ruby says as her wand glows with pink energy. "T-Tsukune?", Moka says in shock as she looks down at the boy's bleeding body. Suddenly she screams out in rage causing a pillar of pink light to form around her and she transforms into her inner form with the rosary still around her neck. "Wait, she can do that?", Reiji asks with his eyes widened in shock with Yukari still over his shoulder. They both look to see Mizore freezing everything around her and Kurumu in her succubus form flying towards Ruby with her nails extended, ready to kill. Reiji grabs Tsukune's body and drags it with him and Yukari behind a tree and says, "Hold onto the tree and hope it doesn't go flying." "Why?", Yukari asks in a panic before Kurumu, Mizore, and Moka all attack Ruby at once, causing a big explosion of monster energy which sends almost everything in the area flying. As the wind dies down, Reiji looks out from behind the tree to see an unconscious Ruby with the girls all looking very tired. "Damn, remind me not to fight them all at once.", Reiji says jokingly as he comes out to see what they should do next. As he gets closer to them they all pass out and fall to the ground. "Well, I guess I'm going to have to carry everyone back to the camp then. You wouldn't happen to be able to walk yet, would you Yukari?", Reiji says as he checks on Yukari's condition. There is no response from the young witch, causing the boy to glance up at her. When he checks to see what might be wrong, he sees she has a giant bump on her head and is knocked completely out. "Well, I guess I'm carrying the team, literally.", Reiji says as he picks up everyone and throws them on his shoulders and arms. He carries all six of them back to the tent and waits for them to wake up as he bandages up their wounds.

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