Inks nightmare (Ink X Error)

By Ink_Sans1234

44.7K 1.9K 696

[COMPLETED] Unfresh escapes the antivoid and has to pay a visit to a few friends from the past. Unfresh disco... More

Dream Gone Wrong Chapter 1
Struggles cut short Chapter 2
Sweet Dreams! Chapter 4
Silent Night Chapter 5
Nightmares Come True Chapter 6
Another Day, Another Night Chapter 7
So far yet so close Chapter 8
Boundaries Gone Broken Chapter 9
Who's Pulling The Strings? Chapter 10
Lost In My Head Chapter 11
Appetite Gone Quiet Chapter 12
Memories Unfold Chapter 13
Failed to Protect Chapter 14
Close Friends Chapter 15
Authors Note
Where? Chapter 16
Next Moves Chapter 17
Good Turned Bad Chapter 18
Deals? Why not Violence? Chapter 19
Who's The Weak One?Chapter 20
Holding For Hope Chapter 21
Offers to exchange Chapter 22
All Can Change Chapter 23
Forgotten behind the Bleachers Chapter 24
Darkness Chapter 25
The Escape Chapter 26
Reunited Chapter 27
I'm Coming Home Chapter 28
Lemon Warning!!! Chapter 29
Sweet Mornings Chapter 30
Not A Chapter! Sowwey
A/N Apologizing
I See You :) Chapter 31
Never want to Let go Chapter 32
Pasts Conflict Chapter 33
You were there for me Chapter 34
I got Tagged ;-;
Your back!? Not again!Chapter 35
A/N Apologies
This just got personal Chapter 36
I'm sorry my friend Chapter 37

Thin gone Thick Chapter 3

1.8K 69 21
By Ink_Sans1234

PaperJams P.O.V

School ended for the day and the principal called us to his office. I was sitting in a comfortable office chair, sitting up straight as my daddy taught me when around the adults.

"Where's Fresh?"

"Huh wh..."

Just then the doorknob jiggled allowing Fresh to come wobble in,"Right her Mr. Ghirst."

Fresh slowly walked to the chair positioned on my right side. But Fresh seemed so.......fine, comfortable if I may say. While on the other hand I was literally trembling in my shoes. I wiped my sweaty palms on the arm chair and took notice of the principal.

He huffed,"So Fresh, you punched a kid this morning?"

Fresh sat upright before talking,"Yes sir. Yes I did."

The principal turned toward me making me tense up abit,"And you PaperJam, I heard were the reason it happened. I think they said it was because the child was bullying you, am I correct?"

"Yes." Fresh turned towards me when he heard me squeek.

"Well Fresh, because you stuck up for this student I will reduce your punishment, but since you punch the student your new punishment will be after school detention for only today instead of having it for a week."

I saw Freshs eyes widen behind his glasses,"Thankyou dude."

"But you are not to cause another fight, okay!"

Fresh began to sit up causing me to get up along with him,"Okay."

The principal leaned back in his chair,"You may both go. But never call me 'dude' again."

Fresh took my hand and merely nodded as he held the door with his right arm allowing me to go through and still holding the other.

I looked back,"Wait Mr. Ghirst can I go to detention to!"

Fresh stared at me still holding the door,"No Jammy you did nothing wrong whatsoever."

Mr. Ghirst just seemed amused by this,"Sure, just get out of my office."

After hearing his words of approval I went through the door still clutching Freshs hand and dragged his to detention with me.

"Oh My God, this is going to be so fun!"

I saw Freshs eyebrows shoot down,"Um PaperJam?"

I turned towards him squeezing my hands into my chest,"Yeah Fresh!"

"Have you ever been to detention?"

I squealed,"Nope! And that's the fun part."

I walked into the classroom where the same kid that bullied me sat in the back corner eyeballing us down, but there was no teacher to be seen anywhere in the classroom.

I felt uneasy and Fresh noticed,"Jammy, man you'll be fine. You know I'll alway be there to protect you bro."

I looked up at Fresh to see him smiling down at me as we took our seats in the other corner of the classroom just desks away where the kid sat. He never let down the stare and it began to creep me out so I took out my sketchbook and pencil pouch along with my phone and headphones. I took my earbuds and put them in my ears (ears? Skull? Taped them to my head? Whatever) and opened my sketchbook to a clean page and begun to draw with my pencil. I didn't know what I was drawing but I allowed my music to guide me through the process.....until I heard a snickering from the corner. I decided to ignore it, feeling Freshs breath on my neck as he watched me intently I became nervous if the picture didn't come out right.....or if. I face Palm my forehead, why should that even matter it's not like were dating.......were just friends close enough to be brother and um brother.

I jumped when Fresh spoke, startling me as I was deep in thought,"Nice drawing PJ."

"Th-thanks Mr. Fresh."

I gazed down at the picture to see I begun to draw a garden full of unique plants, possibly one you might see in a fantasy. I began to draw again hearing the same snicker as before, this time I turned my head to see him airplane a paper at me to a nearby desk. After that he looked the other way leaving the paper for me.

I drop my pencil on purpose as it rolled to the desk,"Woops let me go get my pencil....."

Fresh started getting up,"Hear I got it."

I shot upwards Internally screaming,"No! I mean no it's fine..." I went and grabbed the pencil along with the paper slipping it in my pocket,"See Fresh, I told you I had it."

I sat back down as Fresh gave me a confused expression but soon went back to his phone. I then slowly took the paper out reading 'read this at your house'.I went and turned towards the boy but he was gone? No, I looked up at the time to see detention was over six minutes ago. I shook Fresh to see he has fallen asleep.

"Mr. Fresh wake up!"

He began to flail as he almost stumbles out of the chair,"wa-wha..."

I roll my eyes,"Detention is over."

He got up and balanced himself using my shoulder,"Oh, Okay Jammy. Want me to take yah to yer house?"

"Sure it's your choice."

*Time skip brought to you by Fresh's flailing*

I waved Fresh goodbye before taking out my keys opening the front door to see the lights were off. Must be asleep already I guess? I place my things next to the door before taking the note out of my pocket. What does it say?

"You better have a good explanation Mr!"

I jumped to hear daddy's voice (Ink), I turned around to see him eyeballing me,"Whats that in your hand?"

I tried to quickly put the note away but he ran at such speed that he took the note right out of my hand and opened it. I stared as daddy intently read the note word by word, his eyes widening by every possible second.

He turned and faced me,"Jammy where did you get this note?"

I heard myself stutter as I responded," I-I got it fr-from a kid at sc-school."

There was a moment of silence but I swear I saw daddy shaking as he spoke again,"Your sleeping in our room tonight, give me a second so I can get you readied."

After that he ran upstairs to his room leaving me alone in the hallway.

What did the note say?

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