One Sight and You're Mine

By Jenny_35

109K 4.1K 250

"Oh my god!!!!" I shrieked. I got into my dream college of architecture. THE SCHOOL OF ARCHIT... More

New Begining
Important Authors Note
Life Of The Party
Chapter 3
New Place New Vibes
New People on the GO!
PDA Caught
Cranberry Juice + Vodka= Drunk Us
What an A-Grade A-Hole
Nao Why You
Who's LoverBoy?
Babes I'm here! Get your SHIT Together!
Can't stop the feeling!
Truth Revealed!
Treasure Hunt! [Part I]
Treasure Hunt! [Part II]
I never thought this could be TRUE!
Spain PART I
Important Authors Note
Time has come!
New World
Happiness or Sadness
Driving me NUTS!!!
Bitch! Bitch! Bitch!
New World!
Author's Note
Winner of some HEARTS!
Crazy girl!
They Felt Like Home
Déjà vu
I Love You!
Where am I?!
My old family!
Today is the end!
Today is the end!- II
You're one hot head!
Explainations and reunion
One Big Happy Family!
20 Questions...

Spain [Part II]

1.5K 81 3
By Jenny_35

The next morning we got up and went skydiving. It took us two hours by the road to reach the destination. The course was amazing.

At first they taught us how to position our bodies while we were in air and what precautions should be taken.

We went in three planes. Me and Ash in one. Kai and Liam in one and Eli and Scott in one. I really don't know how Scott plans to break up with her.

Before  jumping Ash kissed me hard as if he would never be able to do it again. Me and Ash held hands and jumped off the plane. We had positioned our bodies the same way we were taught and were going down wind with the gravity.

"Angel. Just in case I don't survive I Love You!" He screamed.
"Same here you jerkface. Love You toooo!" I screamed back.

Both of us held hands in air and opened our parachute. We started gliding through the air. It was one of the best feelings in the world I could ever get. But it couldn't beat the feeling Ash gives me obviously.

As out feet touched the ground Ash pulled me closer and kissed me passionately.

"Its ok you jerk I'm right here." I said breaking the kiss.
He kissed me again and said," What if that kiss was the last one. I just wanted to make sure of it." He said kissing me again.

"Nao! Ash! Don't start your PDA everywhere. Kids  also come here to skydive!" Liam said.

Both of us showed him the middle finger and laughed at our same reaction.

After that the ride to the amusement park was for about one hour. We ate a lot at the park. There were water rides and normal rides.

First we went to the titanic ride. Liam puked his guts out and passed out after the first ride so we couldn't enjoy and headed back. During the full ride all of us blamed him.

Ash was driving and I was in the passenger seat. Kai and Liam were in the middle seat and Eli and Scott were at the back seat and eating each other up.

"Guys just so you know, this isn't my car so kindly no 'Baby making sessions' here.     Alright!" Kai said.

The rest two days passed in a blur and when the day of us leaving came none of us realized.

Fuck I just have one more day left.

On the second day all of us went to visit the soccer stadiums as per the guys wish. Ash and Kai love Ronaldo and Scott and Liam love Messi. First we went to Barcelona vis the local train. It took us an hour to reach.

Liam and Scott were fan girling over the guys like they had changed their sexuality. God they literally were like girls. They fucking click more pictures than we girls do.

But that was just the trailer. The real movie was Ash's and Kai's.

Oh boy! They were worst than them.
Then  we went to Madrid via the local train which took us almost an hour to reach and spent hours which seriously felt like days and clicked some pics. And by some pics I mean Ash and Kai were like fan girls of Ronaldo. Eli and me didn't mind going there as long as we got to see shirtless guys working out. As Scott and Ash saw me and Eli drooling over them they came and covered our eyes with their hands.

"Damn! Spanish guys are-" Eli cut me ,"Fucking drool worthy. Look at our boyfriends Nao. I could totally ditch Elias for that no 5."
"Same I could ditch Ash for that no 9." I said agreeing with her.

"You both do realize that your boyfriends are here?" Liam said.

"Yep. We know but they should know what we really feel . Am I right Nao?" She said smirking and looking at me.

"Yep. They should totally!" I said and both of us started laughing when Ash and Scott turned red.

Then we came back to our apartment and rested. It was already 10 at night and none of us were in the shape to do anything. So we called it a night and went to our respective rooms.

Me and Ash being as naughty as ever had our 'fun' again. Every time we do it he he gets better and better. Sometimes I feel I'm an amateur.

The fourth day we planned to go scuba diving. I never knew Ash was so scared of water. Jeez!

"Ash stop. Wetting. Me." I screamed as we all played in the water after our scuba diving was done. We were on the beach.

"Nao that sounded horrible!" Liam remarked.

"Well then! fuck off a Liam." I said and we continued playing.

We again went for dinner and had sea food this time. Although I don't have it much but its just simply amazing.

After dinner it was as if all of us had made a routine to call it a night between 10-11 and go to our rooms. Me and Ash had a routine of our own. First enjoy with friends and then we enjoy each other at night. I bet Eli and Scott were also the same.

Today is the day for us to leave Spain and me to leave Ash at night. We are already on the plane and Ash is sleeping soundly next to me in his seat holding onto my hand as if it were a treasure.

Oh God! It's gonna be harder that I thought!

Yo guys. I'm hack again. Sorry for the late updates. Vote read and comment.

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