betray - jinson

By jyslut

3.7K 184 128

To betray someone is to hurt a certain person who trusts you by not giving help or doing something morally wr... More

he's gay?


667 33 38
By jyslut


- 5 years ago -

third person .

"There's something I need to tell you." Jackson's mother tried getting her son's attention, but with him texting JinYoung, it's basically impossible. "Jackson." She tried again, this time sounding much stricter. "Put your phone away before I do it myself."

With a groan coming from Jackson, he slowly turned his device off and looked at his mother.


"Do you realise what day it is tomorrow?" She sat beside him, looking as if she's dreading the conversation that's soon to fall upon them.

"Umm... my birthday?" Jackson said slowly, stating the obvious since he's been reminding his whole family about it.

"Do you know what happens when you turn 18?" She looked at her son with pitiful eyes.

"Mum, just cut to the chase. Why are you dragging out your sentences?" Jackson glanced at his phone in his hand, controlling the urge to turn the screen on.

"You're going to be sent away... to the underworld where you need to begin training." As his mother saw the huge change of expression on his
face, she placed a hand on her son's shoulder. "It's written in the law that if you don't start training by the age of 18 then you'll be dealing with great punishment. You stretched your mundane life for as long as you possibly can. By tomorrow, you have to go."

He was such an idiot to have forgotten about it, about how he'll be leaving his friend; his best friend; his brother. As he realised he had no time to spend with JinYoung anymore, he stood up in a rush - panicking.

"What do I say to JinYoung?" He looked at his mother, having no clue as to what to do.

"I know you love him Jackson, but you should know that ever since you found out what he was... your friendship wasn't going to last. I'm sorry, but that's just how the universe works. You are two completely opposite creatures, the two will never be able to stay in a sane friendship forever." Jackson knew all this was true, but to actually hear it felt like someone was crushing his heart.

"What if I just tell him the truth, mother? He trusted me enough to tell me that he was an angel, why can't I tell him that I'm a devil." As the words came out of his mouth he realised how stupid he sounded, never has an angel and devil been friends before.

"You know exactly what's gonna happen if you tell him. Jackson, sweetheart, you have to say that you can't stay in touch. Ever." His mother glanced at her watch, 20:33. "We have to leave in less than 3 hours and a half. You could go talk to him if you want." As soon as she finished her sentence, Jackson was already out the door.

As soon as Jackson reached JinYoung's house, he opened the door and ran up the stairs, heading for his best friend's room. As soon as he opened the door to that room, he stopped as he straight away noticed how dark it was. In one of the walls there was purple light that grew bigger and bigger, it stopped growing until it was the size of a door. In front of the purple light stood JinYoung, his back was facing Jackson but he was able to spot JinYoung no matter which way he was facing.

As JinYoung turned to see Jackson he looked shocked, but it was evident that excitement was written all over his face.

"Did you see that? Oh, my Lord. I can't believe I just made a portal by myself. This is the first time I succeeded." JinYoung started jumping up and down, a huge smile on his face. Just as Jackson was as about to turn on the lights to see JinYoung clearer, they turned on the moment JinYoung clicked his fingers.

"Wow, how is it that I haven't seen you for 2 days and you're already able to do so much magic?" Laughed Jackson as he walked over to JinYoung and the portal. "Let's see if it actually works?"

"What? The portal? I don't think you'll feel well when you enter it. They aren't really made for humans."

Jackson had to bite his tongue to prevent telling JinYoung right then and there who he really was - what he really was. But the fear of JinYoung hating him forever was so overpowering he knew it was best to stay quiet.

"I need to tell you something really important." Jackson sat in JinYoung's bed, tapping the space beside him. JinYoung closed the portal and made his way next to Jackson. "First off, I'm really sorry." He took a deep breath, suddenly finding it hard to breathe. "Second..." Jackson looked away from JinYoung's eyes, it was too much strength he had to use.

"Dude, you're seriously starting to scare me. What have you done? The last time you apologised was for feeding your dog my homework." JinYoung tried to ease off the tension that suddenly filled the room.

A little laugh escaped Jackson's lips, remembering the way JinYoung tried his best to ignore Jackson even though he never really cared about homeworks.

"I love you, you know that, right?" Of course JinYoung knew, but hearing Jackson say it was indeed very shocking. They've never actually said the words to each other, so the fact that he did made JinYoung wonder what happened to Jackson.

"Why the sudden confession?"

"I have to leave." He was relieved to have said the words, but started to panic when JinYoung stayed silent. Deciding to look at his best friend, his whole breath was swept away when the realisation of seeing his face in that moment might be the last time they'll see each other.

"What do you mean leave?" JinYoung was confused, but him being smart was already putting the puzzle together.

"I have to go, and I'm never coming back."

"Never? You can't say that." JinYoung's voice cracked, forcing himself to stay strong.

"We have to break all contact. Never try looking for me, please. I'll be gone by midnight." This was probably the most challenging situation Jackson had ever faced.

"No way. Why would you say that? Why can't we keep in touch? Where are you even going?" JinYoung stood up and started pacing his room, his usual habit when he gets nervous.

"I know you have a lot of questions right now. But please, don't ever try to search for me or contact me. I'm so sorry." Jackson stood up as well, pulling his only friend into a tight hug. Slowly, JinYoung wrapped his arms around the older, relaxing in the warmth.

As Jackson let go, he stared at JinYoung intensely.

"I really do love you, so much." Jackson knew that JinYoung would never understand the type of love he was talking about. He would never understand how in that moment, Jackson had to hold in the urge to kiss him.

"I love you, too. Always." Hearing the words come out of JinYoung's mouth made Jackson smile, but the fact that JinYoung will never mean it the way Jackson wants him to, broke his heart in ways he never thought possible.


Sorry for all the typos, I didn't really have time to edit this

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