By thedemigodsquad1

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Emily Grace spent the last 4 years obsessing over Niall Horan, a typical 'popular guy'. As soon as things sta... More

Prologue- I don't even know your name
Chapter 1- Bad Reputation
Chapter 2- Warnings
Chapter 3- Shawn Mendes
Chapter 4- An unexpected turn of events
Chapter 5- A one-sided fight.
Chapter 6- Caught.
Chapter 7- Explainations and whole lot of yelling
Chapter 8- Aftermatch
Chapter 9- Preparations for the date
Chapter 10- Date disaster.
Chapter 11- Shawn to the rescue
Chapter 13- I give the deets over Gymnastics
//Not an Update//
//Not an Update//

Chapter 12- The real Shawn Mendes

33 2 3
By thedemigodsquad1

Emily's pov

Shawn had begun driving me home, occasionally asking me for directions, and if it weren't for the soft hum of the radio it would be completely silent.
I was so nervous, and scared, and angry.

"Do you mind if i.....?" Shawn asked. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at him. His hand was near the radio, volume dial thing. "This is one of my favourite's." Shawn smiled nervously at me. I realised he meant the song that was on. He had asked me if it was alright to turn up the music in his OWN car. Is this the same Shawn in the rumours? Every little thing he does says otherwise.

"Emily?" He whispered.
"Oh, uh no. I mean yes! I mean, sure you can turn it up." I stuttered like an idiot. Shawn chuckled and i couldn't help but melt and smile in return.
Shawn turned the music up and it was Justin Beiber. Shawn started singing to the lyrics causing me to laugh.
"And I was like Baby, Baby, Baby!" He yelled horrible causing me to laugh harder. Is he serious? Was this guy with a terrible reputation seriously singing/screaming Justin Beiber?.
"Baby, Baby, Baby!" I yelled with him. When the rap came up, we went crazy. And the whole time we kept glancing at each other.

"Luda, when I was thirteen, I had my first love
There was nobody that compared to my baby
And nobody came between us no one could ever come above
She had me goin' crazy
Oh I was starstruck
She woke me up daily
Don't need no Starbucks
She made my heart pound
And skip a beat when I see her in the street and
At school on the playground
But I really wanna see her on the weekend
She know she got me dazin'
'Cause she was so amazin'
And now my heart is breakin'
But I just keep on sayin'"

We both paused and stared at each other before bursting into a fit of laughs. Everytime we would stop to breathe, we exploded into laughs over and over again. Soon we were just laughing for the sake of laughing.
The song was well ended before either of us had stopped because it got to the point where shawn had to pull over and it physically hurt to laugh anymore. To think i was deserted on the sidewalk less then 10 minutes ago.

"I can't believe you like Justin Beiber!" I exclaimed and he grinned.
"Yeah, well, there's a lot of things you don't know about me." He chuckled.
"Tell me more about yourself then!" I looked at him with admiration as he started to drive again.
"Well what do you want to know?" He flashed me a lopsided smile which caused the butterflies in my stomach to turn into crazy birds.
I paused to think for a second before speaking. What did I want to know? I have so many questions I didn't know where to start.
"How does a dorky guy who listens to Justin Beiber end up with a terrible rep?" I raised an eyebrow. He frowned and I cursed myself for ruining the mood. I started fidgeting with the hem of my wet dress.

"Its kind of a long story." He finally said, his lips pressed together as he focused on the road.
"We have what? 20 minutes before we get to my house? Im all ears." I nervously smile.

"I-I haven't actually told anyone the whole story." He mumbles looking over to me for a brief moment before turning hack to the road. Of course, it's probably something personal that makes him uncomfortable.
I mentally face palmed myself for being so stupid.
"Oh, im sorry, you don't have to tell me. God i'm so stupid." I said shaking my head and looking out of the window to avoid contact.
I felt his warm hand touch mine which rested on my leg, and my heart skipped a beat. My cheeks started to heat up for some unknown reason.

'No, its alright, i'll tell you. I feel....content around you Emily.'" I looked at him and he was already shyly smiling at me. I melted in awe. The way he said my name. The way he looked at me with that shy, nervous smile.

We kind of just held eye contact for awhile. Neither of us speaking. Just flashing each other shy smiles. The traffic light flashed green and he broke eye contact. I tried not to let my disappointment on my face show.

"I'm actually a twin." Shawn said. I whipped my head and looked at him. Wow. A twin?
"Really?!" I said obvious shock in my voice.
"Yeah, and my parents thought they were only having one child and they weren't prepared. They..they kept me and gave the other away to an adoption centre where someone adopted my twin." His face was unreadable, I didn't know what to think or say.

"Shawn?" I interrupted.
"Yeah?" He sighed.
"Is this part of the story about your rep?" I asked nervously.
"Yup." He just replied. He hesitated before continuing.

"Ironic enough, they named my twin Sean, but spelt the 's-e-a-n' way. Turns out, our face must be very Shawn-like."

I laughed at his lame joke.

"When we were 5 or something, we got sent to the same school, and we met each other for the first time" I wasn't sure where this was going but I stayed silent.

"We immediately disliked each other because we despised the idea of another person looking the exactly the same as us with the exact same name.

"Everyone got confused between us to. The only good thing was, you couldn't get the name wrong since we both were named Shawn." Shawn chuckled.

"Our parents met each other sometime in year 2. They wanted us to get to know each other and be like brothers since we were separated at birth. When ever we had 'playdates' we would always just argue and fight and hated each other more and more. Our parents stopped a year later.

"In year 6, we had a fight at school. And i don't mean a small argument, i mean fists flying, legs kicking fight. We got suspended at first, but then it happened again, and again and halfway through year 6 we got expelled."

I was still confused about how this connected to his reputation of getting into fights and....seducing vulnerable girls. I gagged at that thought.

"Still with me?" Shawn smiled teasingly.
"Yeah. What happened after you got expelled?" I asked.

"We got sent to separate schools. But in Year 7, (highschool) our parents tried again to get us to like each other which failed miserably. We both got expelled by semester 2. Since it was such a prestigious school, no other local schools would accept us. We both got sent to a boarding school." He groaned at that last sentence and I knew immediately it must of sucked.

"The reputation that I'm rumoured to have, is not about me." Shawn said. I furrowed my eyes in confusion but another part of me was screaming.

"Hey you look like your about to explode." He laughed. I was breathing heavily and I just blushed and looked away from Shawn.
"Just processing the new information." He laughed again. HIS LAUGH IS ANGELIC AND HEAVENLY AND AMAZING AHHHH.

"So how'd ya get the rep?" I asked. He sighed.

"Its all based on my horrific brother. He always had a good voice. He would try to impress girls, and well you know..." He trailed off with a disgusted look on his face that matched mine. (Except his face is wayyyyy hotter and when i make that face I look like I just ate something gross, when he makes that face, he looks....gorgeous, handsome, flawless...)

"Naturally, we always fought again, our principal said one of us to go, and I think my mum had gave up because then she decided to move us here and now Sean is far, far away ditched behind." He frowned with a distant sad look in his face.

I frowned too, because seeing a handsome, cute, gentleman be sad, it shatters my heart.

"Whats wrong?" I asked pouting. He shook his head.
"It's just, I thought I could start again, and my family would be happy now. But now nobody even wants to be around me, i saw the way your brother looked at me."

"Yeah,  but that's because they don't know the real you! Your so kind, and fun to be around and well, harmless." I smiled and I thought about touching his arm in a comforting way but I decided against it, because I'm nervous  okay?

Shawn sighed and shrugged.
"Yeah but it's worse because now my little sister is being avoided too and bullied. And it's all my fault." We had arrived at my house now, and we were pulled over by my driveway. But watching Shawn be on the verge of tears, it made my heart yearn to comfort him.

I grabbed his hand. Shawn looked over to me with a small smile on his face.

"Hey, it'll be alright. Look, I'll be your new best friend on now on okay?" I grinned at him. He smiled back before looking down, pulling his hand away from mind and into his lap and frowned.

"No, you can't" he just simply said.
I couldn't help but feel hurt.

"Why?" I said quietly.

"Because then you'll get treated horribly. And your brother..." he trailed off.

"I don't care about my brother! You don't deserve to be treated how your treated Shawn. Your the sweetest guy I know!" I argued but yet smiled at him.

"I saw the fear and disgust in your face the first few times we met. And your brothers." Shawn shrugged.

"Shawn stop stalling. Just please accept our friendship and move on. If I get treated badly I'll have you." I smiled up at him. We held eye contact and he smiled at me. OMG HES SO ADORABLE I CANT UKJSIAKNSSJ.

"You sure?" Shawn asked.

"100%" I winked back. We both softly laughed.

"Okay, I'll walk you to the door." Shawn smiled opening his door. Aww what a gentleman. Then realisation hit me.

"Wait!" I called to Shawn who was already on his way to my side. What a cutie.
He opened my door and raised an eyebrow.

"Erm maybe you shouldn't walk me to the door, since my mum thinks I'm with someone else." I muttered. I saw the cogs turn in Shawn's head.

"Oh. Did someone ditch you on the sidewalk? Were you.......on a date?" Shawn frowned.

"Yeah." I looked down remembering the horrors of tonight. I had totally forgot about it being with Shawn. It felt like it happened so long ago but I was still in the same outfit and was still sticky from the coke.

"My guess it went horribly?" Shawn asked. I nodded sadly.

He pulled me into another hug. I melted in the comfort of his arms. He was so warm and smelt good.
"I'm sorry." Shawn whispered in my ear.

"It's not your fault." I simply replied. We stood there in each other's arms for the second time tonight before I pulled away reluctantly.

"I should go." I liked down at my frets

"Bye Emily." Shawn grinned at me. I met his gaze and smiled back.

"Cya Shawn." I walked up to my front door and looked back to see Shawn getting in his ute and waving to me. I waved and turned around to knock on the door.

I was greeted by the one and only Jason Grace. (Her twin bro, not the amazing blond superman from HOO XD)

I'm sooooo sorry for a long chapter ahhhhh I think this may be my fav one yet!!

Don't give up hope on Nemily guys!!
Thanks for reading my beautiful fangirls!!

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