Dearest, Theodosia

By wintersoldierweb

117K 5.2K 10.4K

Theodosia Burr. Philip Hamilton. Together, they blew them all away. *saddness warning* Alternate: They'll be... More

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X:
Chapter XI:
Chapter XII:
Chapter XIII:
Chapter XIV:
Chapter XV:
Chapter XVI:
Chapter XVII:
Chapter XVIII:
Chapter XX:
Chapter XXI:
Chapter XXII:
Chapter XXIII:
Chapter XXIV:
Chapter XXV:
Chapter XXVI:
Chapter XXVII:
Chapter XXVIII:
Chapter XXIX:
Chapter XXX:
Chapter XXXI:
Chapter XXXII:
Chapter XXXIII:
Chapter XXXIV:
Chapter XXXV:
Chapter XXXVI:
Chapter XXXVII:
Chapter XXXVIII:
Chapter XXXIX:
Chapter XXXX:
Chapter XXXXI:
Chapter XXXXII:
Chapter XXXXIII:
Chapter XXXXIV:
Chapter XXXXV:
Chapter XXXXVI:
Wattys 2017

Chapter XIX:

2K 97 90
By wintersoldierweb

Chapter XIX:


A/N: This may be really sad/triggering? I have anxiety so I can relate to this chapter pretty personally.

Aaron Burr spent the past couple days in bed. He had a cough, a fever, and was very dizzy whenever he would stand up. This terrified Theo. The last time she had a parent who was ill, they died. There was no way Theo was living through that pain again. Theo would sit by her dad's as long as he would allow her to, stressing herself out over every little thing. "Theo, dear, you don't need to stress. I'm fine." Aaron told his daughter, taking her hand in his own, gripping it gently.

"Daddy, please." Theo begged him. "You're not fine. You're ill, and I'm terrified." She admitted, looking down at their hands. She shook her head holding back tears. This was all too real for her.

"Theo, look at me." Aaron said softly. "Theodosia, look at me." Theo lifted her head, looking at her father. "I am going to be just fine. It's a small cold, it'll pass."

"I can't lose you too, Daddy." Theo couldn't imagine losing her father too, becoming an orphan. Her heart shattered just thinking about it.

"You are not going to lose me, Theodosia. I have a cold, nothing like what your mother had. I'm here for the long haul." He rubbed his daughter's hand, comforting her. When Aaron went to sleep, trying to fight off the cold, Theo went off to her to her desk to write a letter to Philip.

My love, Philip,

I'm afraid that I am not writing to you on a happy note. My father is bedridden at the moment. He says that it's just a passing cold, but I'm worried it's more than that. It's been eating at me for days, that's why I haven't seen you in a while.

I miss you though. I wish you would come and see me. My father shuts me out of the room often, not wanting me to catch what he has. It leaves me pacing around the house by myself everyday. It would be nice to have someone else around.

Anyway, I apologize for not writing. My anxiety is getting the best of me, which is making it very hard for me to write to you. Stop by if you have time to see me.

I love you,
Theodosia Burr


Philip had finished reading the letter from his girlfriend, happy to have heard from her. Stop by if you have time to see me. Philip would always make time from Theo, no matter what. As soon as he received the letter, he decided to stop over at the Burr's house, for Theo's benefit and his own. Eliza was beginning to forgive Alexander and things were kind of awkward in the Hamilton house. Also, Philip always was on board with seeing Theo, especially since it had been days since they had seen each other.

Philip knocked on the door, and he had never seen a door open so fast. "Hey." Theo stood before him, but it wasn't the familiar Theo he knew. She had hair sticking out in different directions, her voice was raw, and it looked like she hadn't slept in days. "Theo, you look—"

"Terrible, I know I do. I haven't been sleeping well the past couple nights." Theo stepped out of the doorway, allowing Philip to step inside her home. "I've been too anxious."

"Theo, make you should get some sleep." He said, wrapping his arms around her. "Have you been eating regularly?" Theo nodded, resting her head on her boyfriend's chest.

"I can't sleep. What if something happens to him while I'm wasting my time on sleep?" Theo told him. She was completely paranoid about what might happen if she even blinked an eye.

"Theo, love, you need to rest. You're working yourself to death." Theo looked up at him. "Sorry, bad word choice. I love you, but you're driving yourself mad. Get some rest, I can watch over your dad."

"Are you sure? I don't want you to have to—"

"Theo, please, just get some rest. I'll wake you if anything happens, okay?" Theo nodded and the the couple made their way upstairs. Philip walked Theo to her bed, almost afraid that she was going to collapse from exhaustion. As soon as Theo rested her head, she drifted off to sleep. Philip put a blanket over her before placing a kiss on her forehead and heading down the hall. The door of Aaron Burr's bedroom was wide open. Philip peaked inside and saw Aaron sitting straight up in his bed, staring back. "Hello, Mr. Burr."

"Where's Theo, Mr. Hamilton?" He asked. Philip stepped inside the room, taking a few steps closer to Aaron's bed.

"She's asleep. She needed rest and I told her that I'd watch out for you incase you needed anything." He explained. "She's so stressed over this. Are you sure it's just a cold?"

Aaron nodded, actually welcoming the boy's company. "I'm sure it's a cold. Nothing more, nothing less. It'll pass. Theo's just paranoid. She's convinced it's the same thing her mother had fallen ill with."

   "I mean, I probably would be too if I was in her situation. I couldn't imagine losing a parent. I'd be paranoid for life." Philip said, scratching the back of his head and let out a small laugh. Aaron even laughed softly before getting wrapped up in a fit of coughs. "Sorry, I didn't know I was going to get a laugh from you. I thought you hated me, honestly."

   Aaron shook his head. "I don't hate you. I like you, but at the same time, I'm Theo's father. She's my only child, and I have to be protective." Philip understood. He assumed that's how his father would be if Angie had fallen for a guy.

   "I understand. It's just a relief that you don't hate me." Philip confessed to him. All this time, he thought Aaron had hated him.

   "I don't. Just don't hurt her, and then I would hate you. I would hate you more than I hate your father." Aaron said with a small laugh. Philip forced out a small laugh. "Philip, I'm fine. Go see Theo."

   "Are you sure you're okay?" Philip asked, looking curiously at his girlfriend's father. Aaron nodded and Philip made his way back over to Theo's room. She slept calmly, which gave Philip a small smile. He sat down on her bed, brushing the hair out of her face, laying next to her and dozing off himself.

Thank you all for reading. I wouldn't be anywhere without your love and support! Hope you enjoyed. Have a lovely day!

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