Frozen Heart (Yuri x Reader)

By Moonlit_Rose9706056

57.7K 1.2K 1.1K

You remember it like yesterday. The day you met him. Skating has always been fun and hard for you but it was... More

Prologue: The Past
Chapter 1: IT'S ABOUT TIME!
Chapter 2: First Day of School Syndrome?
Chapter 3: The Fairy and the Russian Tiger Pt. 1
UPDATE!!! (1/11/17)
Chapter 4: The Fairy and the Russia Tiger Pt. 2
Chapter 5: Agape...Unconditional Love
Chapter 6: First Day of School Drama! Pt. 1
Chapter 7: First Day of School Drama! Pt. 2
Chapter 11: The Program Pt. 1
Chapter 12: The Program Pt. 2
Chapter 13: The Russian Tiger Attends School!
Chapter 14: Yuri and Y/n, Friends or Foes?
Chapter 15: Mirajane Jones, A Rival Forms
Shout Outs!
The Russia Fairy (Poem)
Chapter 16: Yuri and Y/n, Bonds of Trust Pt. 1
Home (Poem)
Chapter 17: Yuri and Y/n, Bond of Trust Pt. 2
Chapter 18: Tick Tock Goes the Clock
Chapter 19: To Be, or Not to Be...
Chapter 21: Rhythm of the Skates! Yuri VS Y/n VS Mirajane! Pt. 2
Chapter 22: Rhythm of the Skates! Yuri VS Y/n VS Mirajane! Pt. 3
You and I (Poem)
Chapter 23: 2k18
Chapter 24: Reconnection
Chapter 25: ???
We Need to Talk...
Chapter 26: My Sweet Angel
New Ideas?
Happy Birthday
Chapter 27: Flames of Rage
Chapter 28: Lilith
Chapter 29: Yuri and Y/n, Frienzoned?
Chapter 30: Body, Mind, and Soul
Chapter 31: Like Father, Like Daughter
Chapter 32: Story Beyond Words
Chapter 33: My Love, My Life
Chapter 34: The Queen Who Says 'En Garde'
Chapter 35: The King Who Says 'Checkmate'
Chapter 36: My Princess
A/N: Part 2???
DISCORD (A/N: 9/22/177)
Haru's Girlfriend Issues?
Q n A Answers~
It has been a long time

Chapter 20: Rhythm of the Skates! Yuri VS Y/n VS Mirajane! Pt.1

949 21 23
By Moonlit_Rose9706056

Chapter 20: Rhythm of the Skates! Yuri VS Y/n VS Mirajane! Pt. 1

(Yuri's POV)

The light of day shines through my window. I flicker my burning eyes open and grunt not wanting to get out of bed. It's Monday morning so it means today is the last day. Today is the day Rhythm of the Skates skating competition will take place. I never want it to end this way. I may humiliate myself by being beaten by two girls but some good could come from it. If I win, Y/n, my angel is to become my pair skating partner. On the other hand, if Mirajane wins, I am to become her partner for pair skating. I don't want to be drawn into this crossing fire. I sigh and get out of bed. There is no use in going back now. I have a career at stake and the last thing I want is to be separated from Y/n.

The morning routine goes just as planned as every other day. I get up, take a shower, get dressed, post a morning message on Instagram, then I go downstairs. Nothing different. I soak into my bath water and begin my array of thoughts. What will I do if I lose to Mira? Will I really become the forced partner she wants? Or will she let me go? What will Y/n think? Will she even want to be around me if I skate with Mira? Can I still be her friend? Could I still love her? These thoughts were starting to hurt my head. Damn it. I shook my head at the feeling of doubt in Y/n's and my friendship and continued my bath.

After my whole bath and getting dressed, I decided to look at my phone. I strolled through my feed only to find that Y/n hasn't posted anything since yesterday morning. Is she okay? I strolled a bit more and just checked out what's been posted. Viktor and the pork cutlet bowl are posting lovey dovey pictures. I swear no matter where they are in the world or what they are doing Viktor is always posting pictures of how much he loves the damn pig. Always kissing him on the cheek and posting pictures after they had 'fun'. It was so fucking annoying. But oddly enough alluring. If my mom and dad decide to be lovey dovey on the internet I guess I can't stop them. I wonder, what would Y/n look like if I had 'fun' with her. I blushed a deep scarlet as I begun to imagine her panting, calling out my name while covered in sweat. It was a lewd thought but made me grow semi-hard because of that. JJ and Isabelle are being sickening with their failed attempts at a 'cute picture' by using the puppy filter. I gritted my teeth. Ugh, they look stupid. Phichit is posting selfies of himself skating and some selfies of him around town. Chris, being the sex appeal he is, is posting various pictures of himself to make girls swoon and gush over him. I gagged at his disgust. It seems like Leo and Guang are hanging out again. They're posting pictures with Leo showing Gaung the same love as Viktor has for Yuri. Judging by the background, I can tell that they were in America. Sala is posting pictures of herself and her new boyfriend. Georgi has his feed filled up with pictures of him and a new girlfriend of his. I hope she's better than that whore Anya. Emil and Michele are being the weird 'gay best friends who probably love each other but refuse to admit it'. I don't think anyone would care if they were gay, maybe except Italy itself. I scoffed. It didn't matter to me what your religions said because no matter where you go, love is love.

After scrolling on my phone for a countless amount of time, I went downstairs to meet Yakov, Lilia, and Mila. They all sat happily at their table awaited for me to arrive to eat with them. Mila grinned at me cheekily as Yakov glared me down. I smacked my lips and grunted at them.

"What are you grinning for, pig!"

Mila frowned and was about to open her mouth to retort but Lilia interrupted her, "Yuri Plisetsky, language!"

I huffed, "I'm sorry Mila." There was no point in disobeying Lilia. If she really was my only key to success then I shall obey her every command.

Mila smiled at me, "Aww~ no problem Yuri!"

I rolled my eyes about to scream again but I restrain it as long as Lilia is here, "What are you grinning about?" I asked her with an annoyed tone.

Mila smirked at me, "Everyone knows about it you know~."

I furrowed my brows in frustration, "Knows what?"

Mila kept her smile face while Yakov shot me glares of doom, "YOU KISSING THAT RIVAL GIRL, THAT'S WHAT!"

I jumped back and looked at Yakov again, "HUH?"



"Yuri! Yakov! Now is not the time to be yelling." Lilia's voice ran sharper than a pack of blades. I sat down stubbornly next to Yakov and begin my stare off at him.

Lilia cleared her throat, "Yuri. On Friday, this scandal was released into the world. It started off as a 'rival getting to know a rival' relationship until you were caught smooching her. News reporters took pictures in secret and reported it to their newspapers pointing out the kiss was full of passion. Now, was this action not performed by you?"

I took my eyes off of Yakov and glanced at Lilia who was calm but serious as usual. I looked down, "Yes, it was me. I did kiss Y/n."

The table then proceeded in an awkward silence. Lilila looked at me with emotionless eyes as Yakov and Mila wondered what was going on. Lilia continued to drink her tea before speaking to me.

"Yuri, as a figure skater, not one of those delinquents, you are to win this figure skating match. If you do not win, your career can be at stake."

I nodded my head, "Yes ma'am." To Lilia, I was a puppy. I obeyed her every command without thought. I knew my own consequences of me not winning. I was completely aware of what would happen. I intended to win. I'm sorry, Y/n.

-Timeskip to the Prep Backstage Cause I Am Lazy-

The time had finally come. Rhythm of the Skates: Battle of Y/n VS me VS Mirajane had begun. The announcer was on the TV while everyone was rushing in to get good seats near the front. I can hear their constant cheering outside. My skin began to crawl as I noticed that most of the cheering was coming from my damn fangirls. Damn, they're here. Lillia, Yakov, and I were in the back of the practice room. I was stretching like scrolling through my phone. The media was blowing up on all apps and outside. I scoffed about how stupid it all was and continued to scroll through my phone.

"Yurio!" I heard two familiar voices call to me.

I snapped my head back to see a running Viktor and Yuri, "YURIO, WE MISSED YOU!"

"DON'T CALL ME THAT!" I stopped stretching and turned to face them.

Yuri and Viktor ran to me and squished me into a life threatening hug. I straddle under their tough grip and kicked around, "LET GO OF ME YOU WEIRDOS!"

They instantly let go of me and smiled in my face, "Are you nervous, Yurio?" Yuri asked me in his motherly voice placing his hand on my cheek making me blush.

"No, I'm not nervous. I have to win this match but at the same time I don't want to win it." I looked down at the floor in shame of what I just said. I'm a figure skater it's true, but at this point in time I wish I wasn't one.

Viktor titled his head concernedly at me, "You don't want to win? Why's that? Is something wrong?"

I shook my head, "No, it's just that one of the competitors, Y/n L/n and I have become great friends. I don't want to humiliate her."

Yuri and Viktor smiled gently at me. Viktor placed his soft hand on my head giving me a rub, "You learned to make friends, Yuri. We're proud of you."

I slapped Viktor's hand away from my head earning a confused look from the cute gay couple, "I DON'T WANT YOU TO BE PROUD! I DON'T WANT IT TO END LIKE THIS!" I fell on my knees and felt my face get hot. Hot salty tears leaked out of my eyes. I was weakened. I didn't want to hurt Y/n. I sniffled and attempted to pretend like I wasn't crying.

Viktor and Yuri leaned down next to me as held me close to them giving me a group hug. Yuri comforted me by rubbing my back telling me it's okay while Viktor rubbed the back of my head giving kisses on my forehead. "It's okay, Yuri. Don't cry."

I held onto Viktor and Yuri as if they were my last life line. I cried into their arms while they gave me comforting parent love. Sure, they weren't my real parents but I still loved them nonetheless. They rocked me back and forth whispering sweet nothings into my ear telling me everything will be fine. I wanted to believe them but at the same time I knew it was a lie. I knew that if I lost, my friendships and career is on the line. If I win, everything will be fine. I don't know what Mirajane is capable of and it makes me afraid. It makes me afraid to lose Y/n. We stayed like that until warm up was over and the match was about to begin. Viktor and Yuri smiled at me once last time. I gave them a fake smile back as a thanks for comforting me. They began to turn around and leave but before they could I ran up to them and hugged them from the back.

"Spasibo, momma, papa."

"Ya lyublyu tebya."


Hey guys! It's your girl Cici! Sorry about not posting early and how this is way off schedule! You see, I haven't gone to school in two days due to problems so I kind of been easing my mind at home. I forgot today was Friday when I woke up and forgot to post early in the morning! Once again, I am so sorry for the wait. My mind is filled with too many thoughts and I've been sorta stressed out lately. I may have to take a break from updating but other than that I'll be okay. Rn I am questioning your thoughts on Yuri's little dirty though. He is still a kiddie in this but I think it's enough to say he still has his needs. Hell, the boys I know surely can be thirsty somewhat. My best friend actually was asked to be her rival's bf. They are always fighting with each other but it's amazing to see him go out with her. It kind of reminds me of an actual anime cause that's how crazy our life is. That's really all I have to say today. See you guys in the next update, ciao~!

Also I know I said this before but plz support my little kitten > w < :


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