The Bad Boy's Girl

By dreamandbelive

31.5K 779 304

"Say it again," he demanded, pushing me agaisnt the wall, and forcing me to wrap my legs around his muscular... More

Capter Two: Girl Meets Boy
Chapter Three: WTF!!!

Chapter One: First Day

14.8K 282 124
By dreamandbelive


Ok, so this is my first story. It might not look very good in the beginning, but I'm working on it. I hope you like it.


Chapter One: First Day

I woke up with a start. First day of my new school. Yippee. I hopped up, too excited to go back to sleep. I had to look good. I had to make a good impression on the other people because I don't want the title of "new girl" all year.

I ran to my walk in closet and tried to find something to wear. In the end, I put on tight black leggings, a blank tank top, and a flowy blue net shirt. I could pull it off because I was very muscular and you could say I was pretty bleesed in the chest. I put on some blue and black pumps to make my short 5' self seem a bit taller and walked into the bathroom to do my hair and make up.

I straightened my long jet black hair even straighter, so it went to my waist. I put a swipe of mascara on my eyelashes, to make my shocking electrice blue eyes pop even more. Finally, I put on clear, sparkly lip gloss and went down stairs.

" Hey, Nancy!," I cheerfully greeted my aunt. I lived with my Aunt Nancy because my parents were killed by a car crash.I was two at the time, so I never even knew my parents. So, Nancy gladly took me in, paying for everything. She was a lawyer, so she got a lot of *rubs fingers together* you know what I mean.

" Hey, Rose!," she said back, "wow, you look hot. Like, smokin. Come to me if any boys are chasing after you, and I'll beat them off with a stick. Ok?"

She said this because she knew I wasn't a slut, like most. Those people might as well be strutting around in their birthday suit with what they wear.

" Haha, ok." I replied laughing, " I have to get to school."

" Ok darling, have fun," she said, taking a sip of her coffee.

Have fun. Have fun. "Ok," I thought," you can do this."

With that, I jumped into my silver Mercedes and drove off.


I finally found a parking place at the school. I got out, ignoring the wolf whistles from the jocks. And eyed up my new school. It was pretty big, with neat red bricks and green trims on the windows.

Hmmph. Charlston High. Might as well start calling it hell.

I sighed and walked into the front office. A short and stout, perky looking, crazy red-haired lady practically shouted,'Welcome to Charlston sweetie. What might be your name?"

"uhh, Rose Nightman," I said quietly.

"Ohhh of course!!," she shouted in my ear. "Here is your map and scedule. Have fun!," she yelled, handing me both.










Ughhhhh! This school is huge!!! No one else was in the hall, having all gone to their classes 15 minutes ago. Finally, I came upom room 113 and walked in reluctantly. I managed to get in quietly enough, but I let go of the door, not knowing it would slam shut with a loud boom. I saw pairs and pairs of eyes look up at me. Some filled with lust, others with jealousy.

" Are you lost?," a small, frail, gray-haired old man asked me from the front of the classroom.

"Ummm. Is this Mr. Smith's science class?,"I asked shyly, and in a small voice.

"Yes. Now why don't you take a seat next to Hunter over here." he said motioning.

I turned my head and shuffled over to the table, not looking up. I sat down and pulled out my textbook. Suddenly, I felt something warm on my thigh. I looked up and saw the most beautiful boy I had ever seen in my life. He had shocking green eyes and shaggyish black hair that stopped just above his eyes. He had a nice tan and as my eyes traveled downwards, oh his abs! I just want to-

"Done checking me out yet, Princess?," he said with a sexy mischievous smirk.

"Psshhh, me? Check you out? Ewwww! I've seen way better," I said matter of factly.

"Sure you have," he said catching my stutter. He then stretched his arms making his muscles ripple.It made me want to-

The bell suddenly cut me off, and I being very uncomfortable, was the first one out of the classroom.

The rest of the day passed in a blur as I want only thinking about him. The bell rang for last period and I got up and put my books away in my locker. Oh and by the way, the lockers were VERY ugly. They where a bright sunny yellow that totally contrasted with the deep red brick color of the rest of the school. Eww. Anyway I happily skipped, yes skipped, outside.

I ran to the woods, where I would have room to think. I found this perfect little clearing covered by trees, but sunlight was showing through their leaves. It had a small bubbling stream to the side and multicolored flowers rimmed the edges. It was beautiful.

I strolled around exploring the clearing and singing to myself. Suddenly, I heard a twig snap behind me, and I looked around with wide eyes.

Soooo? What do yall think? like the cliffhanger? >:)

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