Southern Constellations

By thewritingtaco

4.7K 261 250

€VALENTINES SPECIAL€ ________________________ In which, Kellin is a kind prince from a small kingdom and gets... More

The Servant
The Sorceror
The Song
The Romance
The Rescues

The Prince

726 42 31
By thewritingtaco

Once upon a time in a kingdom called Warpedtouria, there lived a fair prince.

This prince was not like the other princes that you may come across, no. This prince didn't go on quests, or sword fights, and isn't dashing or is considered brave. This prince is quite feminine, to say the least, he wore dresses instead of trousers and enjoyed singing than going on quests.

But no matter what, his father and the kingdom loved him for who he is, for he was the fairest of them all. His eyes were a beautiful green and his lips were red as a sweet apple though his hair was darker that a common raven. His voice was sweeter than buttermilk as anyone who had the opportunity to hear his beautiful melodies would stop what they were doing just to cherish the sound.

This prince is named Kellin and he was the eldest out of the three royal offspring, the next in line was Kailey and then the youngest was Kendra. His father is a fair ruler that treats his loyal subjects with kindness and makes sure there are not any problems in their small kingdom.

Though, the only problem that he couldn't control were the dragons. Dragons of all shapes and sizes would fly over the kingdom, some steal precious livestock but most go on their merry way to wherever they go. But there is one dragon in particular that scares everyone, a giant, red and black dragon that is known to wipe out small kingdoms much like Warpedtouria.

The King asked all his brave knights to go reason with the fearsome dragon in hope to convince it to not take over the small kingdom. But those who have set out to their quest have never returned, which sends the worrisome King to despair about the kingdom.

But on this faithful one day, everything would change everything...

It started like how all mornings did in the castle. The three sibling were enjoying their glorious breakfast of eggs, sausages, and toast and made small talk about their dreams and whatever happened before they ate breakfast.

That morning Kellin was especially hungry since he had no dinner the night before due to gazing at the stars for far too long. He ate his plate before his dear sisters and patted the napkin on his mouth after he was done. Kellin's personal servant, Justin, took his plate away for the cleaners and Kellin scooted out of his seat to greet his beloved father.

Like the proper lady, he became, he slowly strode through the corridors and to the throne room where his father proudly sat.

"Good morning father" Kellin chirped "How was your sleep"

"It was peaceful, Kellin" the king chuckled at his child.

The young man leaned over the gold increased throne and embrace his father half-way and giving his hairy cheek a kiss.

"Is there anything important today?" Kellin asked intently.

"Not that I know of, my child," the king answered.

But to prove him wrong one of the guards hurried towards the king and whispered in his ear so quiet that Kellin couldn't hear. The words the guard was speaking, interested the King and made him very gleeful.

"Very well" the king praised "Send him in. And Kellin, would you fetch your sisters immediately"

"Of course, father" Kellin nodded and hurried to the dining hall.

His sisters were finished with their breakfast and looked at Kellin, patiently waiting for his announcement.

"Father, request us to be present in the throne room," Kellin said.

"Do you know why, brother?" Kendra asked.

Kellin shook his head as his sisters followed him to the throne room. They lined up by their father's throne and waited for further instruction.

"Presenting, Prince Oliver from the English islands" the guard announced.

A man in royal black clothing strutted in. He had long tufts of brown hair and very prominent cheekbones with a very dashing smile and hazel eyes that seemed to light up the room. Kellin could tell that he was a very charming man, but arrogant nonetheless.

The prince got to the King's feet and kneeled down, bowing his head in respect. The King inched his hand forward and the prince took his it and kissed the ruby ring upon his finger.

"Rise" the King ordered.

The Prince did so, smoothing out his outfit as he was on his feet.

"Your majesty" his thick accent rang "I come from a very wealthy kingdom full of close-minded peasants that do not know the fair gestures of this world. I have come on duty, though word has it of a fair prince that would mend my heart so. With permission from his majesty, shall I ask for his hand"

Kellin gasped with shock overwhelming him. He cupped his mouth from embarrassment and looked at his sisters for reassurance, though they smiled excitedly at their older brother. Kellin quickly snapped his head to his father who stroked his beard thoughtfully.

"I will allow you to marry my son" the King declared.

Kellin's heart dropped.

He was a firm believer of true love and didn't believe in betrothing. He has expressed this to his father many times and he didn't understand why his father would allow this arrogant prince the privilege to have his hand.

"only if you bargain with the Great Dragon that torments my kingdom," the king said afterward.

Prince Oliver's face dropped slightly as he didn't expect there to be requirements. Kellin though smiled brightly, knowing that there wasn't a possible way to convince the dragon otherwise. Yes, it was slightly selfish and cruel for Kellin to wish the prince to forfeit the quest, but the prince didn't see himself with the British man. But Kellin wasn't completely cruel since he bunched up the hem of his dress and stepped his way to the prince, placing a delicate kiss on his cheek.

"I wish you the best of luck, Sir Oliver" he graced, then turned to curtsy at his father and left to his chambers.

There Justin was, dusting off Kellin's spotless dresser like he always did if Kellin wasn't present. The prince sighed and leaned against the door as shut it closed and let out a huff of air.

"Ah, your grace" Justin greeted and stopped his ridiculous dusting.

"Hello Justin" Kellin nodded with a small smile.

The prince made his way over to the window that he has placed a cushion and multiple blankets over the sill and sat down, gazing at the horizon.

"Is there something bothering you, sire," Justin asked.

"Justin, how many times do I have to tell you to call me Kellin" the raven haired boy laughed.

Justin simply ignored the boy's request and went straight to the point.

"There's rumor of a prince who's asked to marry you," Justin said "Is it true"

"It is, in fact, true my faithful friend" Kellin sighed sadly.

"Did you give him an answer?" Justin asked.

"I did not" Kellin replied "though father required him to bargain with the red dragon in order to wed me"

"That dreadful beast" Justin gasped "He will never survive"

"Justin, you don't know if the dragon is dreadful" Kellin insisted "It's just a misunderstood creature"

Justin chuckled and shook his head.

"You really do have a kind soul, Kellin" he smiled.

The feminine prince smiled brightly at his friend giving him a curt nod and a muttered out a shy 'thanks'. Kellin looked out into the horizon of his midday kingdom and sighed, thinking about how it would be like to be free and out of the castle. Kellin has never roamed the kingdom before not even with soldiers by his side...not after that fateful day.

"Justin," Kellin asked, tearing his gaze from the outside world "May you hand me my brush"

Justin grabbed the golden brush from the vanity and handed it to his friend that gave him a 'thank you' in return.

Kellin turned back to the horizon but began to run the bristles through his raven hair and hummed to himself. Suddenly, his door was opened and his two sisters strode in angrily, wanting an explanation from downstairs.

"Leave us" Kendra barked at Justin.

Justin bowed and scurried out the door and closed it behind him, leaving his friend with his sisters. The royal sisters aren't as kind as Kellin, they always thought that his behavior was useless and unnecessary.

"Kellin" Kailey demanded "You go back and accept Sir Oliver's request"

Kellin didn't say a thing but continued to brush his hair like his two sisters weren't in the room. His sisters knew that he was going to do this and they are not going to have it, Kendra stomped over to her older brother and ripped the brush out of his hand.

"Kendra, give me my brush back" Kellin sighed.

"Not until you go down there and say you will marry Sir Oliver" Kendra snapped.

"You heard father," Kellin said " Sir Oliver must bargain with the dragon before he can marry"

"Not if you accept it now" Kailey chimed in.

Kellin huffed and crossed his arms turning to glare out the window. His sisters always pester him about doing things for their benefit, he knew that once Sir Oliver mentioned his wealth his sisters would stop at nothing to get it.

"I do not love, Sir Oliver" Kellin declared "I have never even had a conversation with him! How do you expect me to marry a man I do not know?"

"It doesn't matter about love, brother" Kendra sighed "You never get by with love, you get by with riches and wealth. You can't buy anything with love, silly boy"

Kellin couldn't stand listening to his sisters' bicker about things they don't know, what did they know about love? But Kellin had no idea what love was either, so he made the decision to close his eyes and think about it.

He knew how his father made him feel. As if he could do anything he pleased and he didn't have to fear about messing things up. He loved his father dearly, but that is not the love he's trying to search for. Kellin recalls all the romance novels that he has ever read and all along the lines of the couple living happily ever after. But he remembers when they were first falling in love it always mentioned butterflies in the stomach and sparks when they kissed, so maybe that is what he as to look for.

But Kellin had his own way of feeling love.

"I would rather give up my crown to be with someone I love than be wealthy with someone I don't," Kellin said simply.

His sisters gasped simultaneously and covered their mouths. They couldn't believe someone that had it all, wanted to give it up. Who in their right mind would want to give up royalty?

"Unbelievable" Kailey muttered shaking her head.

She was so disgusted by her brother, that she turned away and walked out the room, not daring to look at her shameful brother. Kendra, on the other hand, was absolutely livid, she glared at her brother with everything she has within her and slowly walked up to his perch on the window sill.

With the golden brush still in her hand, she quickly swiped it to her brother's cheek. Kellin cried out and held his cheek with tears welling in his eyes, but Kendra wasn't done. She roughly grabbed Kellin's raven hair in her hand to make him face her.

"If you do not accept Sir Oliver's proposal" she warned "Kailey and I will punish you even more harshly than this"

And without another word, she let go of Kellin's hair then dropped the brush on the floor and left her brother's room.

This hasn't been the first time his sisters put their hands on him. It's one of the reasons why he wants to leave the castle and be free for once. He doesn't like to feel pressured to do things he doesn't want to do, but all he could do was wish.

Kellin gazed longingly at the horizon with tears falling down his face. He wiped them off and tried to put on a brave face but it quickly fell and he teared up again.

"Thy say that love is forever" he sang "Thy forever is all that I need"

Little did he know that the dragon his kingdom feared was passing by. The sweet voice of the prince rang around and the sweet melody tingled in the beast's sensitive ears. It's huge ear twitched and halted in the sky.

"Please stay forever with me" Kellin finished his small verse.

When he opened his eyes he was greeted by a much bigger yellow eye that was peering in the room. Kellin gasped and fell off the window sill and scooted backward away from the eye in the window. Kellin's heart was beating fast and he couldn't tear his gaze from the giant eye in the window.

There was a sudden knock on the door and Kellin turned to call for help but before he could mutter out a word, he was in the clutches of the dragon.

"NO!" Kellin screamed.

but it was too late as he was high in the sky and being flown away from the castle.

Kellin screamed as loud as he could as he struggled in the clutches of the dragon. He tried hitting the hard scales but it only resulted in himself getting injured. Kellin struggled even more but was slowly slipping out of the claws of the dragon.

It was a very horrible mistake since his upper body dangled down and Kellin has never been this high up, so as he looked down he was beginning to fall ill. Quickly he clenched his eyes shut and held onto the beast for dear life.

He felt the dragon loosen his grip on him, which gave him the opportunity to scoot back to his original place, safe in the claws of the dragon. The prince decided that he had enough escaping, for now, he was shaken and exhausted for a strange reason that he couldn't help but curl up in a ball and slowly drift away as the dragon flew further and further away from home.

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