Pretty Boy || Niall Horan

By JeanChanty

83.1K 1.6K 911

It was junior year and Ashley Johnson was moving to London. She was used to being the new girl since she move... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two || (1/2)
Chapter Twenty-Two || (2/2)
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty

Chapter Four

4.8K 66 28
By JeanChanty

Warning, this chapter is really immature and I'm too lazy to edit it. To edit it is to completely rewrite the whole chapter. So, please forgive my fetus writing and pull this extremely cringey chapter. I believe in you.



Allison and I walked into the apartment we shared, I instantly walked into my room and jumped into my bed.

"Ally," I mumble into the pillow.

"What?" She asks.

"Can you make food?" I ask, hopefully.

"What kind of food?"

"Chinese food."

"Do I look like Venus to you?"

I laughed and turned around to look at her "You know she'll kill you if she finds out you said that."

She laughs and nods.

Venus is Filipino, she's considered Asian; though she hates being called that, for whatever reason. She prefers the term Pacific Islander or Polynesian. Though she makes Asian jokes about herself, and only she can.

I take my phone out of my pocket and called Venus on FaceTime.

"What?" She asks, clearly annoyed "This better be good, you just interrupted me from watching Doctor Who."

"You wanna go get Panda?" I ask. Panda meaning Panda Express, it was our little code for it because we're all too lazy to say 'express'. Too much syllables.

"Sure, be over there in a minute. Just let me finish this episode." She says, instantly ending the call.

She's so obsessed with Doctor Who, I got her into it. I've made a monster.

I plug my phone in and walked into Allison's room and tackling her.

"Let go of me!" She says, pushing me off. I landed the ground with a loud thud. I laugh and sit on her bed.

"So," I ask "What'cha doin'?" I try to sneak a peek at her phone, but she pulls it out of sight.

"Texting someone."


"New guy, Nathaniel." She says, blushing.

I wiggle my eyebrows at her and she laughs, shoving me lightly.

"Well, Venus will be over after she finishes watching a Doctor Who episode, we're going to go get Panda. Wanna come with?" I ask.

"When do you guys not go get Panda?" She groans "I'll come, now if you excuse me I'll go right back to texting."

I walk into my room and grabbed my phone, I scroll through twitter and finding a picture that Calum(From 5SOS) posted a distorted picture of him with the caption 'Angry at the world' I burst out laughing and Venus pops her head through a crack on my door.

"What are you laughing at?" She asks, chuckling.

I continued to laugh and held my phone out so she could see, she started to laugh and Allison walked in with a puzzled look written all over her face.

"What are you idiots laughing at?" She asks, giggling at our laughter that sounded like a retarded hyena's laugh.

"Calumpostedpicturedying." Was all I could manage between my fits of laughter.

"What?" She giggled and grabbed my phone looking at the picture, she laughed a little and shook her head and handed it back to me. "You guys are idiots, it's not that funny."

"We're easily entertained." Venus says, shrugging. "Now, let's go get some Panda."



We exited my car and walked into the mall, heading straight to the food court. We get in line at Panda Express and pop my earphones in, ignoring the world.

"Louis!" I hear Emily squeal, I look over as she tackles Louis with a hug. They are so cute.

I was minding my own business when I felt someone slap my bum, in instinct, I turned around and slapped the person. Not bothering to acknowledge who it was.

"Ouch! Geez, Venus." Harry whined, holding his cheek.

I glare at him and Allison pulls me away "Just go get your food and we'll leave." She says. I sigh and nod, ordering my usual. We pay for our food and walked away, only to be followed by Harry. And oh, lovely, he brought Niall along.

"Hey Ve." Harry says.

"Leave me alone." I said sternly.

"Whoa, calm down Ve. Just saying 'hi'"

"Go away Harry." I said sternly.

"Damn, fiesty." Niall remarked.

"Do-" I was cut off by a little girl giggling and exclaiming the word 'Run faster Nathie! Run faster!' I turn around and saw Nathaniel with a little girl on her shoulders running around.

"Nate!" Allison squeals and immediately her facial expression changed "What the hell was that? I'm turning girly. Ew."

Nathaniel turns our way and smiles "Oh hey Ally, and err Venus. And other girl I don't know." He says, refering to Emily.

"Emily." Emily said.

"Emily, right." Nathan said, nodding. "Knowing Ashley she would probably be in Starbucks or Victoria's Secret."

I look over at Niall, clearly making a plan. He whispers something to the Harry and Louis. Then out of nowhere, they snatched our food right out of our hands and ran away, towards where Starbucks would be. Oh no they don't. I chased after them, Allison caught up with me and smiled at me.

"Where's Em?" I ask. Looking to my right, finding an empty space where she should be.

"You've known Emily since 8th grade, you should know she doesn't run fast and she takes long breaks." Allison says.

"Hey guys!" A familiar voice shouted. I look over where the voice was coming from and spotted Lizzy a couple of yards away. Her smile faded when it dawned on her that we were running "Where are you guys going?"

"Food. Stolen. Boys. Starbucks." I simply stated. Lizzy and I share this telepathic thing that the stupidest things make sense.

She nodded and realized someone was missing "I better go get Emily." She says, running behind us.

Me and Allison continued to run towards the Starbucks Café, which honestly wasn't so far away I don't know why it took so long. I looked around, shamelessly screaming out Ashley's name. This mall was used to me and Lizzy screaming all the time. I remember that one time we met up with Emily here and we shamelessly shouted her own name. Blimey, I'm getting out of topic. Did I seriously just say blimey? I've been watching too much Doctor Who. Anyways, Ashley was nowhere in sight. Lizzy and Emily have finally caught up with us.

"Can't find her anywhere." Allison said. Then at that moment me and Emily looked at each other and did some telepathic thing, just like Lizzy and I, and our inner white girl's clicked.

"There's another starbucks." Emily and I said in unison. Lizzy and Allison stared at us like we were crazy, and we probably am. Emily hops on my back and I bolted out of the Café, running towards the other Starbucks. Just to catch the boys right before they walked into the Café. Did it seriously take them that long to get here? Boys.

I tackle Harry, pinning him to the ground, which was a horrible mistake because I ended up being on top of him on all fours. My face less than a feet away from his. I look up and saw Emily and Allison trying to catch the other boys, Allison was trying to bear hug Niall from the back and Emily was giggling as she was trying to hold Louis back from entering the Café.

"Venus," Harry said softly, which was quite surprising. I look back at him, which was also a bad idea, his face was inches away from mine. I shriek and fell backwards on my bum, I got up to my feet and walked inside Starbucks, spotting Ashley.

"Hey, Ashley," I said, smiling.

"Hey," She says, waving at me.

"Niall is planning on doing something to you." I blurt out.

"Really?" She asked.

"Yeah," I sigh, out of breath. "He's right outside."

She walked out of Starbucks and Emily and Allison got off of Niall and Louis. Ashley stood right in front of Niall and said one of the most bitter things I've ever heard.

"How many times do I have to say it? I'm not into players. Specially you. I'm not some other girl you can just toy around with, just like the other billions of girls you're with. Girls are meant to be loved, not toyed with. And if you want to keep toying with girls then find one that isn't smart like me. Because you're just a loner with a boner." She said, smiling. Walking away moments after.

Jesus Christ, Ashley.

Niall was speechless, emptily staring at the air. I grabbed the Panda Express bags they took from us and handed it to Emily.

"That should teach you not to take my food." I say, proudly smiling to myself.

"Specially Chinese food." Emily added, nodding.

"Fat-asses." Niall remarked.

"Excuse me?!" Lizzy yelled "What did you just call my best friends?!"

She charged for Niall, but I held her back.

"Oh, I'm so scared." Niall scare-faked, throwing his arms up.

"Guys, let's go." Allison says, dragging us along.

We walked around aimlessly, just talking to each other and trying to find Ashley. We found Ashley talking to a girl who looked about 13, she had the same blue eyes but her hair was blonde.

"Ashley!" I called, walking over to her.

"Oh, hey, Venus." Ashley says "This is my sister, Mallorie. Venus, Mallorie. Mallorie, Venus."

"Hey, Mallorie." I say, smiling at her.

"Yeah, hey." Mallorie says, not even looking at me. She waved her hands at me like she was dismissing me. "Ash, can I borrow some money?" Mallorie asks, turning back to her sister.

I raised my eyebrow and crossed my arm, leaning on one leg. This bitch did not just.

"Did you seriously just do that?" I snapped. I felt Lizzy hold me back, I was just about ready to jump this little-

"Sorry, my sister can get rude." Ashley says, glaring at her sister. "You can leave now."

Mallorie rolled her eyes and walked away "Losers." She mutter.

"Middle school bitches," I snort.

Ashley snickered "So, what are you guys doing here?"

"Getting food," Allison says, lifting her Panda Express bag.

"Well, I just happen to see them here. They got food." Lizzy says.

"Emily is being awfully quiet, this could only mean one thing," I say, turning around. Where Emily should be, but she wasn't. "Knew it, where the hell is she?"

We looked around for her, everywhere we think she would be. Starbucks, no. Hot Topic, no. Forever 21, no. We called her multiple times, with no luck she didn't answer. We soon gave up and walked out to my car.



I grabbed the door handle and opened it, unlocked, weird.

"Ve, you left your car unlo-" I was cut off by muffled sobs. I look inside and found Emily's head hidden between her knees, sobbing quietly. "Em? What's wrong?" I sit next to her and hug her tightly. The rest of the girls caught up soon enough.

"Emily what's wrong?" Venus asked. Worry written all over her face.

"L-Louis." Emily mumbled against her knee.

Venus' expression changed, out of all of us she was the best with relationships. "Girls, we are going to Ally's and Em's place and that's final. No exceptions. I'm going to kill Louis for making you cry." She got to the driver's seat and drove to mine and Emily's apartment, I don't know what Louis did but I am going to have a talk with him about it. Nobody upsets my best friends. We soon arrived and we all got inside the apartment. Ashley was being really quiet, I don't blame her, she's new anyways. Venus and Emily disappeared into Emily's room, leaving me with Ashley and Lizzy.

"So, Ashley." I start.

"What?" She asked, looking up from her phone.

"Tell me about your family, seems interesting." I say. Well that sounded lame. I suck at conversations.

"Well you guys have met my twin brother Nathaniel," She said. Something inside of me triggered at the sound of his name. He's really cute.

"He's really cute," I blurt out. Shit, did I just say that out loud?

Ashley's expression turned into a disgusted one "Ew, my brother? cute?"

I blushed and nodded slowly and cautiously.

"Anyways, I have a sister in 7th grade who you guys met earlier in the mall, I have a 9-year-old Brother named Cameron, and a 4 year old sister named Brianna."

I nod "I think I saw her playing around with Nate in the mall earlier."

"Yeah, so Li-" Ashley was cut off by her phone ringing, she swiped her screen and answered "What's up Nate? I'm at Ally's. Yeah. Okay. Bye."

I snickered "Protective brother?"

"Yeah, a little. I forgot to text him saying I'm here." She says, smiling shyly.

"I am going to kill Louis, who's with me?" Venus said, barging out of Emily's room.

"What did he do?" Lizzy says, grabbing a knife from one of the drawers.

"Emily found him kissing Eleanor." Venus said.

"Oh, that bitch." I say. I walk into Emily's room, she was constantly trying to stop crying but tears kept streaming down her face. I sat next to her and hugged her.

"You were right Ally," Emily choked out "He was nothing but trouble. A guy like him with a girl like me. Should've known. I don't get it Ally, why am I so.. hurt?"

"Because you are in love with him and he broke your heart." I simply stated.

"Impossible, I don't believe in love." She stubbornly answered.

"Just because you don't believe it doesn't mean it's not real."

"Since when did you become so deep, Ally?" She said, weakly giggling.

I smiled "Now let's go eat our food and watch sad movies while gobbling down gallons of chocolate chip mint ice cream, how does that sound?"


Author's note: Finally a long-ish chapter. Sorry it kinda took awhile for me to update, and sorry it's a bit out of topic and VERY immature cx I did my best. I got my iPod taken away so I have to write on my laptop :c I want my iPod back ugh. Valentine's is coming soon and I'm most likely to be shoving Valentine's Day chocolates in my mouth that I bought for myself cause I'm a loner like that. This note is getting a bit long so imma end it here, bye xx

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