Always and Forever (An Orig...

Par _saraxoxo7

19.7K 332 18

"Elijah, Nik, Rebekah and I were the only ones left. So we made a pact. To always have each others backs, a... Plus

The City that we Loved
The Party
Inner Rage and Deep Conversations
We All Make Deals
Looking and Meeting
Plan B Bites
New Friends...and Boyfriends?
Authors Note
The Truth Comes Out
Moving In...And Out
Worse By the Day
Finally Born (Epilogue)

Surprise for the Hybrid

1.7K 19 0
Par _saraxoxo7

Elijah and I set off, it took about 2 minutes to get into the actual city.  When we got there, I was shocked at how much our old beloved home had changed.  People were dancing in the streets, loud jazz music blared, and giddy, drunken shouts were heard.  Elijah scanned the French Quarter, eyes squinted.  "Who are you looking for, Elijah?"  I asked.  Suddenly, a tall, dark woman with curly black hair ushering a tour group into a voodoo shop walked over to us.  She placed her hands on her hips.  "Are you going to keep following me Elijah, or do you want to talk?"  Elijah looked at her, then back to me.  "Her."  He said.  "I was looking for her."


So this woman Elijah needed was actually a witch, and her name was Sabine.  "You know me?" Elijah asked.  Sabine nodded.  "Of course.  You're the Mikaelsons. Your older brother Klaus puts fear into people all over the country.  Why'd you come back after all this time?"  I was shocked at how much this stranger knew about our family.  How did she know we came back and how did she know we left a long time ago?

 "Well, my brother was driven back here because he thinks a witch named Jane Anne Deveraux is plotting against him."  Elijah answered.   Sabine's expression turned sad.  "Well, if you're looking for Jane Anne, you might be a little late."    She led us down a couple dark alleyways until we got to a corner lit with candles.  People were surrounding around something in a circle.  The people parted and the thing in the middle was a dead body.  A woman's dead body.  "Is that-"    "Jane Anne?''  Sabine finished for me.  "Yes."  "What happened?"  I asked.    

"Marcel happened.  All these people are witches, Jane Anne was a witch and look, next to Jane Anne, there's her sister Sophie. She's also a witch."   I looked and saw a woman wearing a tank top and bandanna crying over the body.  Just then, shouts were heard and the witches gasped.  Vampires were jumping off house roofs and coming down into the little witch funeral.  "Well, well, what do we have here?''  A voice said from beneath the shadows.  I knew that voice.  It was Marcel's.    "Stay hidden. " Sabine whispered.  "Marcel doesn't need to know that you're in town yet."  With our vampire speed, Elijah and I went up to a balcony below the witches and Marcel.  

"W'e're just putting her to rest Marcel.  Is that so bad?"  Sophie said.  Marcel came closer to the body.  "Well, I just found out that my old friend Klaus MIkaelson is in town.  I don't know why he's here, or what he wants.  But I do know that he came because of Jane Anne.  Do you have any idea why, Sophie?"   Sophie shook her head.  "I would say ask her yourself, but you know, you killed her."   Marcel beckoned to three of his Nightwalker vampires.  "Take her."  He said.  The three guys came and lifted up Jane Ann'es body.  Sophie stood up.  "Marcel, no. Please!"  She screamed and two other vampires held her down.  ""Listen, just go back to Rousseou's,  make some of that famous gumbo, and we'll hold on to the body until you figure out why Klaus is here."  And Jane Anne, Marcel, and the Nightwalkers were gone.


"I need to speak to Sophie."  Elijah walked quickly, and I had to run to keep up with his steps.  "Elijah she's grieving, leave her be."  We turned a corner and Elijah stopped.  I could tell he was listening for Sophie. "She's behind Rousseou's.  Come on."  We went behind there quickly and quietly, making sure Sophie couldn't hear us.  I pressed my back up against a brick wall, Elijah next to me.   I peeked my head around, and Sophie was lighting candles on a table and quietly praying.  Just then, two of Marcle's NIghtwalkers snuck behind Sophie.  "What are you doing?"  One of them asked rudely.  "I'm praying for my dead sister."  Sophie exclaimed just as curtly.   "Marcel wants to know what Klaus has to do with Jane Anne." The other one said.  "I don't know.  I guess Marcel lost his chance because she's dead now."  "Shes lying." Elijah whispered.  We Originals can also sense when a human or any other supernatural force is lying.   With vampire speed, Elijah went around the corner and ripped the Nightwalker's hearts out.  "Elijah!"  I whispered with gritted teeth.  Sophie quivered with fear.   Great.  Now Sophie's scared of him.  I can see how that can be possible, but Elijah really isn't that bad.  He was much kinder, caring, and more promising than Niklaus.  I had a very special relationship with Elijah.  Me and Rebekah are very close, since we are the only girls, but Elijah and I really share something special.  Him and I both were heartbroken once and we helped each other through it.  

He cares about me more then anyone else in our family, and he would do anything to protect me.  Apart from our other siblings, Elijah and I can control our blood lust.  If there's blood around, Elijah and I don't have the powerful urge to feed.  We don't crave blood and we barely show our fangs.  Klaus and Rebekah feed multple times, but Elijah and I can control it.   We do drink blood but not often.  And we both are the most strong in our family, besides Nik.  My mind compulsion is very powerful and effective.  I get that from Nik.  Well anyway.  I came out from behind my hiding spot and smiled at Sophie.

 "Don't worry.  You don't have to be scared of him. He was doing that for your own safety.  Isn't that right Elijah?"  Elijah fixed his tie and nodded.  He was always wearing a suit.  "Yes, I suppose I was.  Sophie Deveraux, I presume?"  Sophie nodded.  "Yes."  "So I heard that your sister Jane Anne, who Marcel just recently killed, was plotting against my brother Niklaus."  I snickered when Elijah said Niklaus.  He always calls Klaus and I by our first names.  He's never called Klaus Nik, or Klaus.  Only Niklaus.  And Klaus and Rebekah and other people call me Tessa for short, but Elijah always calls me Tessalynn.  "So my sister Tessalynn and I are here to figure out why."  Sophie nodded.  "Yes. I know why. Come with me." 


Sophie led us to a cemetery far away from the Quarter.  "We can talk freely here."  She said, and opened the wrought iron gate.  "You were lying to those Nightwalkers and Marcel?"  Sophie looked down.  "Yes.  They don't need to know about this.  Not yet."  She stepped into the cemetery.  Elijah and I started to walk in but couldn't get through because of that imaginary force field that takes place for vampires when you're not invited in.  Sophie turned around.  

"This is sacred ground.  But, since I'm desperate, come on in."  

We both stepped in and followed Sophie around a corner.  "We have a vampire problem. And we need help.  Marcel has an army backing him. The witches have been trying to fight back, but we haven't had much luck.  Until my sister Jane Anne met a girl.  A werewolf passing through the Quarter, from a small town in Virginia.  She had a special.... connection to your brother."  Elijah looked bewildered.  "What kind of connection?"  He asked.  "Well, apparently, they spent some....time together.  One thing led to another and this special werewolf girl....she's pregnant."  "What?!"  I said.  "And the father of your child she's carrying, is your brother Klaus."    "That's impossible."  Elijah said.  Sophie shook her head.  "Nothing's impossible.  Not when it comes to your brother.  Think about it.  They call him the hybrid. Right?  Bring her out!"  Sophie called.  Elijah and I looked to where Sophie called.  Two witches walked towards us carrying a girl by the arm.  When I saw who it was, I gasped.  "Tessa?"   Oh my god.  "Hayley?"  I asked.

 I looked over at Elijah.  His eyes were wide yet narrowed and his mouth was slightly open.  He's never seen her before, but he acted like he knew her.  He walked towards her.   "Who the hell are you?"  Hayley asked.   "Give us a moment, please."  Elijah said to Sophie and the witches.  They nodded and walked away.  


Hayley came to Mystic Falls, Virginia a couple months back.  She was Tyler Lockwood's old friend and she'd come here to see him.  We became good friends and I introduced her to Klaus and Rebekah.  Elijah wasn't in Mystic Falls at the time, so he didn't know her.  I guess when I didn't know, Hayley and Klaus had a sexual affair and now she's pregnant.  I can't believe this is happening.   Elijah introduced himself  and Hayley explained to him the whole affair thing.  Ugh.  I don't even want to say it.  Sophie came back around to us.  "Call your brother here.  The witches are waiting at the tomb where Klaus will meet us.  He needs to know."  


Elijah called Klaus and surprisingly, he showed up.  When he got there, Sophie, Elijah, Hayley and I were all waiting at the indoor tomb.  The two witches, otherwise known as Katie and Agnes, stood in the entrance.  "What's the meaning of this?" Klaus asked after seeing Hayley.  

"Witches tell stories, you know.  We've all heard of the powerful vampire Klaus.  Marcel was nothing but an orphan, until you made him what he is.  And now he's out of control.  He does what he wants,  kills who he wants,  and I'm gonna stop him.  And you're gonna help me. "  Sophie said.  Klaus laughed.  "This is why you brought me here?"  He asked Elijah and I.  "Hear her out."  Elijah said.  "No, I won't hear her out.  There's nothing on this Earth that will make me waste 30 more seconds of my time.  Elijah, what madness is this?''  Klaus asked.   "Klaus."  Hayley said.  "You need to listen to them. "  

"Why is that?"  Klaus snarled.  "Marcel may be able to keep us from practicing real magic in this town, but as keepers of the balance, we know when nature's cooked up something new.  I have a special gift.  When sensing when a girl is pregnant. "  

Klaus's smug smile faded away quickly.  "What?"  He choked out.  "I know it's impossible.'  Hayley said.   Klaus turned to her.  "You really think our liquor fueled one night stand meant anything to me?"  He asked.   He turned back to Sophie.  "What are you saying?"  He asked.  "Niklaus."  Elijah said.  We all turned to him.  My heart thudded in my ears and I felt sick with shock.  Please don't say it.  I thought.  "The girl is carrying your child."  He said it.  It's offical.  Hayley's pregnant with Klaus's child.  


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