Golden Eyes (Percy Jackson Fa...

By howtofangirl101

361K 11.3K 2.3K

Ever heard of a vampire Demi-god. Wouldn't have thought so since Arabelle is the very first one and this is h... More

Golden Eyes (Percy Jackson/ Twilight FanFic)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
AN: Sorry & New Story
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
AN: notification of update not sent out
Chapter 40
Sequel info
Back Again for a sequel
Beating Heart- Book 2

Chapter 5

11.8K 353 28
By howtofangirl101

Chapter 5

Unfortunately for me all of the city smells were intensified. That included the smell of litter, petrol fumes, dog wee and everything else you can think of, so as you can guess it definitely wasn't the nicest mixture of odours.

The Sun was now quite high up in the sky so I was guessing its about ten in the morning give or take a little. The sounds of the city were almost deafening since I wasn't used to it. You could say this was like my own personal nightmare. "It's like searching for a needle in a haystack." I muttered to myself and sighed.

The sooner I find a vampire the sooner I can breathe without wanting to kill someone, cough*TheSonOfHades*cough. Sorry got something stuck in my throat there. My eyes flitted upwards as a lone pigeon flew overhead. That's how I feel now. Alone. Hopefully finding another vampire can change that.

"I bet I can catch more deer than you." A teasing voice said somewhere in the forest.

"Oh your on uncle Emmett." A slightly younger sounding female replied and I saw them both run at a speed only vampires could achieve. The male had dark short hair, golden eyes and to be honest was quite intimidating. On the other hand the girl was almost innocent looking and about 15/16 years old. She had natural loose bronze curls and brown eyes which glittered with mischief. The girl couldn't be a vampire yet she shared very similar qualities. She was beautiful, had pale skin, speed, flawless, graceful yet she didn't have gold or red eyes.

"Arabelle? Arabelle?" Nico said snapping his fingers in front of my face. I snapped out of it and noticed that the scent of blood was gone as if it never happened.

That hasn't happened in years. I thought it had gone away but apparently being a vampire seems to have brought it back. Stupid future seeing does my head in but hey it seems to come with being a vampire and a daughter of Apollo. I frowned slightly.

"I need to test some things." I told the Demi-god before heading to the edge of the forest with Nico following behind me confused. I sat down on a patch of grass and a few seconds later Nico joined me. "I was never exactly a normal daughter of Apollo. I had gifts. When I was 9 I was blessed by both Aphrodite and Artemis giving me the ability to change my appearance, talk to animals and turn into any animal I wish. Even before that I wasn't normal though. When I was little I used to have visions and I could literally control light but I never used light it made me feel like a freak. Anyway when I was 6 the visions stopped until just but the strange thing is the vision I just got happens 3 years in the future. Anyway basically I just need to see what else works." I explained.

I reluctantly raised my hand and brought my other one too it before slowly bringing them apart. As I did a ball of pure light was formed and slowly grew bigger and I spread my hands apart. Once the ball reached almost 30cm wide I got rid of it. Always good to get the thing your most dreading over with first. When I glanced over at Nico he looked shocked.

"What else can you do with the light?" He asked curiously and I shrugged.

"Whatever I want it to do." I replied before transforming into a raven and back to me again. "Well that still works so I'm guessing I can still talk to animals." I muttered under my breath. Now what about changing my looks. I decided to focus on my hair and make it long and red just so I would be able to see the difference. Gradually I felt my hair grow and soon enough it was very long and very red. After a second I decided I didn't really like it and changed it back.

"Is the looks thing only limited to yourself?" Nico asked me.

"Never tried it on anyone." I answered then focused on his hair. A few seconds later it was neon pink. "Seems it does work on other people just a little bit slower." I told him and he groaned.

"What did you do?" He asked suspiciously.

"Nothing." I answered innocently and he glared at me. Let me tell you something, that kid can glare. "Well nothing now." I said and turned his hair back to its normal almost black colour.

"What did you do?" He asked again.

"Turned your hair pink." I answered and I think if I wasn't a vampire I would be dead right about now, instead he just sighed and hit his head on his knee.

"Anyway that vision was actually quite helpful." I told Nico.

"I've got a feeling I'm going to regret this but how so?" Nico asked and I smirked.

"Simple, if I can find a bird that is." I replied. "Back in a minute." I added before running off into the forest where I eventually found a bird. Since I was blessed by Artemis it didn't fly away from me and just stayed in the tree.

"Can you find this man if I make myself look like him. You can contact as many birds as you want and tell me where he is." I said to the bird who nodded. Well that was easier than I thought. I focused on my vision from earlier and made myself look like the 'Emmett' person. The bird studied me before letting out a whistle and flying off. Hopefully that should work. I changed my self back and headed back to Nico to wait.

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