The Companions of Time

By abbsofsteele02

1.1K 108 23

You must not question the story you are about to read. That is if you are courageous enough to in fact read i... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32

chapter 26

25 4 1
By abbsofsteele02

~ The Account of Hazel ~

It was another week until I was able to be fully functioning, and out of my room.

Many awkward moments were shared with Grey, and many other moments were spent staring at random objects, until I was strong enough to walk around, and to go outside.
The weather improved from the slightly warm with chilly breezes, to warm days with bright sunshine and soft breezes.

I refused to wear corsets, and instead if flashy silken dresses, I decided on white, simple, linen dresses. I was so much happier being simple, spending much of my time in the garden reading, and tending to the plants inside the greenhouse. I had gained back some colour to my skin and a healthy glow returned.

Gradually I was gaining my strength back, and I was positive that the fresh air was helping an enormous amount.
I was sitting in the garden, cross legged on the ground, reading a book when Ben came out and spoke:

"A maid is going to town to get the supplies for this week, is there anything you desire for her to acquire for you?"

I stood from my sitting position "I can go, Grey and I can go venture into town and get whatever it is that is needed."

"You must not, you are hardly recovered from your illness, and you should really not be out and about quite yet."

"Sir, I have been quite a burden, and I apologize for staying too long," I was cut off by Grey running over to us.

"Is everything alright?" Grey asked out of breath.

"I really feel like a burden," I explained to Grey "I feel like I should go to town and get the supplies, it would help me repay some of the debts to Mr Thompson, for his hospitality."

"That is a splendid idea," said Grey "I may accompany you, and we shall get all that is needed."

"Ah," said Ben " I now understand."

"Understand what exactly?"

"Why you are so distant from everyone, and stay mostly to yourselves."

I breathed in realizing that the truth needed to come out.

"We do have something to tell you," I said looking to Grey, and he gave a nod " we aren't who we say we are."

Ben gave a look that said he was expecting another response, but then his eyebrows furrowed "then who are you?"

"We have the same names," explained Grey "but we are-"

"Orphans," I finished.

Ben was silent.
He opened his mouth for a moment, then closed his mouth, still silent.
Finally he spoke "that is not what I expected you to say."

I arched an eyebrow "what did you think we were going to say?"

He sighed "I know you two have feelings for each other, so I was going to say I will remove myself from the mix, and you may do what you please."

My face reddened "wha- I..I haven't the slightest idea what you are talking about."

Grey's face got extremely red as well, but he said nothing. He just reached up and itched the back if his head awkwardly.
All Ben did was give a knowing smile, and continue.

"The matter of your circumstances are not as troubling as your health, so I beg you to stay here and let the maid go," said Ben.

Grey piped in "I really do think she will be fine enough, she has been for a week or so, and if anything bad happens to her we will come straight back."

Ben thought about it for a moment, but finally gave in "I suppose if those are the conditions, that is alright."

"Thank you!" I said hugging him excitedly, before running back into the house with Grey, to get ready.

We grabbed our cloaks and money, and head off towards town.
We had made it into town, and had gotten the things that were needed, like new rags and soap.

We were putting the things into the carriage, when I saw her.
I saw Elizabeth.
She had a brown cloak, with the hood pulled up to conceal her face, but I was sure it was her.

"Grey look!" I said elbowing him, and nodding.

His eyes grew wide once he saw what I was talking about "is that?"
I nodded.

"We should follow her, to see what actually happened,"I whispered "we can just send the carriage back to Lombard manor with a note, then have them come back later and meet us here."

"That sounds like a good idea," he said "but how will we be slick about it?"

My eyes followed Elizabeth, to a farm wagon, pulled by a single horse. The back had things under a blanket, and she loaded some more things into it, before disappearing to grab another crate.
I quickly wrote down a small note and gave it to the driver to give to Ben, then I took Grey's hand, and ran towards the cart.

We hid ourselves under the blanket, and tensed when we heard Elizabeth drop one more thing off. Luckily, she didn't notice us, and we stayed silent.

The ride was long and bumpy, and I could hear the noise of the town gradually fade, until it could not be heard at all, and the only sound was the horse's hooves.

The ride was a blend of excitement and dread. What we were going to find, was completely uncertain.
I was shaking a little bit, and I could tell Grey was excited as well.

"I wonder what we are going to find," I whispered deathly quiet, hardly breathing it out.

"It will probably be nothing much, but how are we going to get back?" Grey said so quiet, he almost mouthed it.

"I'm scared," I mouthed.

"Me too."

Grey took my hand and intertwined his fingers with mine. I looked up into his eyes and he mouthed: "we will be okay."

I nodded.

I could sense we were almost there, because the horse had slowed a bit, and the bumps were much more intense.

"I think we're here," I mouthed.

"We got this," he mouthed back, giving a thumbs up.

The wagon was now fully stopped, and I could hear Elizabeth getting off and arranging things away from the wagon.
With a swift motion, I was blinded with bright light.

"Ha, I knew it!" Said Elizabeth ripping off the tarp that was on Grey and I "get him, I've got her."

With that, I was yanked up by my hair, and a large man seized Grey.
Elizabeth pulled me up to eye level, with an evil grin.

"Look what I've caught," she said, a deathly humor in her eyes. She seemed to be enjoying my pain.

She twisted my hair with an evil smile, earning a cry of pain from me.
I heard another cry, and was able to turn my head enough, to see a struggling Greyson. The large man was holding him from behind, half dragging a fighting Grey.

"Hazel!" He cried out, extending a hand towards me.

I cried back out towards him before I was hit from behind, and my world went black.

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