Averagely Falling

By EnchantingWords

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"You walk around like you don't need anyone, yet, you crave for some human companionship," he smirks down at... More

Chapter 2- The Weirdos' Proposal
Chapter 3- Bullets, Boys, and Business
Chapter 4- Dad, Guns and Smirking Punks

Chapter 1- Dragged By The Douchebag

15.4K 155 10
By EnchantingWords

        I never expected to be here, in a dimly lit room handcuffed just like five others. I’m not supposed to be here, I’m the one that’s supposed to blend in or fade with the rest of the crowd.  I shake my head as I look down the row of seats to my left, if I could move my hand I’d probably face-palming myself right now. Cliques, we hate them, we love them but they’re always around no matter how many times we try to deny it.  You have the bad boys, the nerds, cheerleaders, the jocks, gossip queens, and then there’s me. The needle in the haystack, I’m the average and yeah, in itself it could be a clique with the rest of the ‘normal’ people, it’s not.  So, why am I here surrounded by your typical stereotypes?

      I’m so average that as if the universe perceived my blanditude it had it implied to my sense of identity, that’s right, my name. Cause really, what’s a person without their name? Avery Thaller, ignore my last name and look at my first name, A-ve-ry it sounds a lot like a-ve-rage. I’m that girl in the movies, you know the one that’s part of the ‘extra’ crew, yet even the camera seems to ignore. I’m the girl that hangs around her locker and people don’t even glance at when they walk by. Even my teacher yesterday asked if I was a new student, I’ve been living in this crappy ass town since the day I was born, that’s how uninteresting I am.

     Back to the problem, you know my current scenario, why am I in an interrogation room with the ‘known’? The ‘known’ are the kids in school you do know because of their cliques or their rep, the ones you may not know but you definitely know or heard of, well that’s what I call them. So yeah, why are we all sitting in the same interrogation room, handcuffed to each other no less? A floral scent drifts into my nostrils and I try to turn my head to get some air, this bitch’s perfume will definitely choke the hell out of me. Sitting next to me is Kennedy ‘Ken’ Rowe, her blonde hair falls over her face as she stares down carelessly at her nails. The school’s head cheerleader sure seems to have no pep at getting arrested, if I knew any better I’d say she’s been here before.

    Next to Miss Pep Squad sits the school’s reining bitch, Demi Faith, and I’m serious, she’s a bitch. She’s the schools gossip queen, her hazel eyes can make a cop squirm under her gaze much like she’s doing right now.  Another reason to hate the girl, she’s one of those; you know the one’s whose hair is always perfectly styled no matter what. They rock it and they know it, if only my hair could be as compliant.  She also seems to have no problem with our current dilemma, am I the only one who wants to live life without a record.

  Next to the ice queen, Nathan Peitz slumps down in his chair, his hazel eyes dart around nervously through the room. Finally, someone with a bit of common sense but I think that would be expected from the school’s nerd, yep the nerd. He’s said to be one of the smartest kids in school and ruthless, I’ve heard he’s made people cry with his heavy use of sarcasm. I know how weird is it to have a nerd with a backbone? You’d expect him to be shoved in his locker relentlessly, right? He’s not even that weak because under his clothes you can definitely see a bit of underlining muscle, he’s actually pretty cute with the most adorable dimples.

    Sitting next to the nerd is the school’s jock, Tristan Wiltz. Yeah, he has the looks, the arrogance, and the typical player attitude. He’s smirking at the cops in front of us, tight lipped. No one has really said a word including me. Well that’s basically because I don’t know why I’m here. His legs stretch out in front of him due to his tall and muscular build. Typical quarterback, it’s like they’re all blessed with beautiful muscles. He continues to wink flirtatiously at the young assistant that walks in occasionally with coffee or files in her hands. Like I said, ruthless player.

    Last but not least, well actually him I’ve heard a lot of stories about. It’s like not one day of school can go by without having a rumor revolving around Jericho Santana, the school’s notorious bad boy. He’s currently lighting a cigarette with his free hand, it’s because of this careless douche bag that I’m involved in whatever this is. Does he care about the predicament in which he placed me in? No, of course not, the only thing this asshole cares about is booze, girls and cigarettes. As you can tell, I don’t really like him. We’re not on the best terms.

    “Do you guys know what kind of trouble you’re in?” the cop’s gruff voice grunts out before taking a sip of his coffee. How the hell does he not stain his overly done mustache?

   “You guys know you can get up to six months’ probation for breaking and entering?” the old cop slams a folder down on the table when he’s met with silence.

    “That’s if we’re charged,” Tristan’s cocky voice finally speaks up. Oh please god, do not let him rile this man up.

   “And what possibly makes you think you won’t get charged?” the cop gives him a stare down. I’m surprised at the jock’s ability to hold the older man’s gaze. Meanwhile, I’ve begun to count the white and black tiles on the floor, yuppie. The man rubs his temple before walking out with the younger man in uniform trailing behind, not before discarding of Jericho’s cigarette. There’s a stagnant silence before the bad boy himself decides to break it.

   “Hey sweetheart, what’s your name?” five heads snap up to look at me while all I’m able to do is picture Jericho’s head on a platter.

    “Avery,” I huff before facing forward, looking directly at the wall.

    “Are you new around here?” Kennedy questions from beside me.

    “No,” I mutter still facing forward.

    “Why are you even here?” Demi’s voice carries out through the room. I try my best to ignore her sharp tone. There’s always a harshness to her voice that’s become a permanent fixture.

   “Gee, because she loves to be handcuffed to five strangers perhaps,” Nathan snaps at the girl beside him. I think I can learn to like the nerd. He seems more down to earth.

    “Why don’t you ask the douchebag?” I mutter now glaring at the grey wall, how long before I start making shapes out of it?

   “Whoa, have I hooked up with you before?” at this I turn my face. Tristan seems to be racking his brain, trying to remember if he indeed ‘shagged’ me or whatever term obnoxious guys like him would use.

    “I meant the other douchebag,” I shake my head at him.

    “Oh please, be glad I gave your dull little life something to talk about,” Jericho says as he reaches inside his leather jacket for another cigarette. I really hate this fool.

    “You dragged me into that stupid house unwillingly only for me to be arrested,” I finally let out.

    “Seriously Jericho, you can be such a jerk,” Kennedy snaps at him from beside me.

     “You guys know they’re not going to press any charges so chill out,” Nathan tries to be the voice of reason.

                “How can you be so sure?” I look at him skeptically. Before he can open his mouth to say something else a commotion is heard from outside. 

                “I demand you release them at this moment,” a deep voice booms from outside our interrogation room. Tristan smirks while getting up causing all of us to get up. I’m already tired of the close proximity. Not a minute later the cop gruffly makes a reappearance and moodily releases us from our steel confines. I rub my left wrist carefully.

                “You’re all free to go,” he leads us out of the stuffy room and a gust of fresh air allows me to breathe in normally again. The whole group begins to disperse and leave the station, I heave a heavy sigh. Out of the corner of my eye I see a distinguished looking man talking to Jericho, well more like scolding. Is he the one that bailed us out? I roll my eyes and head out into the dark night, it’s going to be a long walk but I don’t really mind. That had been my initial purpose, to go for a walk and to a small store and just buy food to pig out. But no, the big bad wolf had to creep up on me and drag me to god knows where. I still don’t even know why we all ended up in that same house, what were the rest doing there?

                “Shit,” I mumble as I trip on a stupid rock, yeah my coordination skills aren’t the best out there. The low rumble of a car creeps up from behind and I keep myself facing forward. Whenever there’s a possibility of a suspicious car sneaking behind you, pretend you don’t notice that way if a possible kidnapper creeps up on you, you have the element of surprise on the fucker.

                “Get in the car,” I hear a deep voice as the engine continues to run beside me. I turn to give Jericho an ‘are you serious’ look before laughing and turning away. I hurry my steps as his black mustang continues to catch up to me, call me stupid but yes, I am trying to outrun a car. It was going perfectly fine until a raccoon decided to creep out of the darkness, giving me a glare causing me to scream and hurriedly climbing into Jericho’s car. His laughter rings through the otherwise silent car, we shall never speak of that girlish shriek again.

                “Damn, I didn’t know you were so afraid of the wild life,” he points out as he sobers down. I give him a sarcastic smile before turning my head to look out the window. The car quiets down and the passing street lights become a blur as Jericho speeds down the roads. I inconspicuously look around the car, this car’s freaking awesome except for the bra that’s been stuffed into one of the compartment in a clear attempt to hide it.

                “You turn here,” I speak out before I realize I didn’t have to. It dawns on me that this dude doesn’t need direction. He knows exactly where he’s going. He pulls into my driveway with a smirk. Does he know how to do anything else?

                “See you later,” he waves me off with a sing song voice as he lights another cigarette. He should consider stopping but I keep my mouth shut. I roll my eyes at him before stepping out of the car, I turned to thank him because I still have manners you know, but he was already sped out of my street. Damn, he’s fast and not just in his driving skills. Tristan and Jericho are some of the biggest sluts ever. I step inside my house and notice my dad’s passed out on the couch. I smile at his sleeping figure before hurrying upstairs, he might be oblivious but that doesn’t save me from a lecture. I was too into going to my room that I didn’t notice the body I slammed into. I smile sheepishly as I look up into the green eyes of my other father. Yeah that’s right, I have two dads, got a problem? Tell someone who cares.

                “Where were you?” my charming smile seems to have no effect on his looming figure, the only response I get is a glare from him.

                “I went for a walk,” I try to sidestep him. I manage to take a couple of steps before I hear his thundering footsteps behind me. It’s not a complete lie, I did go for a walk originally, you know before a certain boy decided to haul me into trouble. I’m still wondering why he did that, what could he possibly get from getting a stranger into trouble. And the most creepy, how the hell did he know where I lived? 

                “You went for a walk but you pulled up in a car with someone?” ugh, Blake is using that tone, the one all fathers seem to use when they’re being overprotective. Once, he beat up a teacher claiming he was ‘trying to corrupt me,’ the man had a very loving wife and two adorable children who were a bit reluctant to let me into their home when I went to apologize. I babysit for them now that explained how crazy my dad, Blake, really is. He’s the irrational one of the duo, Kayden being the more understanding of the pair.

                “Someone decided that the street was too dangerous to be walking around in at night,” I shrug as I stop at my door. With a sigh, I turn to face my dad.

                “I know you’re worried but don’t, I don’t even have friends to help me get into trouble,” I reassure him before going into the comfort of my room and not giving him the chance to reply. That’s the only problem I have at home, my dads have some sort of idea that I’m antisocial due to my lack of friends. Would I call myself antisocial? Sure, but they don’t have to go and brand me crazy for it. They think I have some sort of issue because of my lack of mom, do I? No, I do not, they’ve raised me perfectly fine and I have no complaints. I love them to death.

                I head to my dresser and rummage for some pajamas before going into my bathroom to clean up and change. Well, I can be thankful for one thing. At least my life will now go back to normal and into my solitary existence. I head back into my room and plop down on my bed with my computer in reach. This is what people like me live for, Tumblr and a whole bunch of other sites. My phone sits on my side and unexpectedly lights up signaling a text. Frankly, I don’t even know why I have a phone. It’s mainly for emergencies and familial issues. So who the heck could be texting me?

                Don’t tell anyone you saw us tonight. -Jer

                Who does he think he is? Could he seriously believe that he’s such great of a person that I’d need to brag about our unpleasant encounter? As if, I delete the message and bury myself into my pillows, drifting off into a restless sleep. 

Author's Note:

Hey guys, this is a new story of mine. I hope you enjoy. Please bare with me the intro is a bit slow but it does get better. 

Please vote and tell me what you think, I'd love to hear your thoughts. 

Pic on the side of Avery;P

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