Jamilton Oneshots

By RhiNoThankYou

4.5K 104 245

I made this mainly because I was bored, but hopefully you'll love it. I just want to write my OTP for a lil'... More

Introduction To It All
OS #2 - The Jefferson Pamphlet
OS #3 - A Misdeed

OS #1 - Poor Pussy

1.3K 32 83
By RhiNoThankYou

(A/N I remember my parents telling me that they use to play this as kids. So why not do a oneshot on it? And I swear the name of the game kills me every time)

"Holy shit." Alex stared at Herc who was currently chugging down a bottle of Jack Daniels. People crowded around shouting, 'chug, chug, chug!' It didn't surprise him that Hercules would do this though. Herc does have a reputation in the office to do the stupidest things just for fun. Though, Alex knew the outcome for Herc would be an extremely painful one, and that Herc may pass out here in John's place where the party was being held. They had a rule, whoever threw the party was in charge of it. It was only fair because the mess for the party's aftermath.

Finally, after a good minute Hercules had raised the bottle in the air. And of course it was empty. John even checked it, giving a thumbs up that Herc had completed his goal.

The crowd cheered loudly, but died down after a few seconds of getting hyped. After that, Alex went to check on Herc seeing he did drink that whole bottle and could be twice as wasted.

"Hey, Herc. Are you okay?" Alex walked to him chuckling. Herc leaned on Laf and John for support, who were now at his side holding him.

"E-everything is kind of blur actually. . . But I think I'm fine. . ." Herc chuckled. His legs seemed to have suddenly gave in from the weight and almost dropped. Though Laf and John held him up.

John put Herc's arm around his shoulder propping him up. Laf doing the same.

"I think Herc is going to have one hell of a day tomorrow." John commented, looking at the half-conscious drunk.

"This is his third time doing this, and my amour still has not learned his lesson." Laf chuckled, holding Herc's limp left-hand.

"Well, what are we doing next? We have already done a dance off, karaoke, bon-fire and watched Herc chug a drink. What's next?" Alex asked John.

"A little throwback game to when we were kids. Trust me, it will be fun." John winked.

"Oh God, can't wait." Alex groaned. He knew what it was like when John and Laf would work together. They actually have very clever ideas when they combine brains. And when it came to parties, they could throw a party that could last for a week without stopping because they would be prepped for it. With John's cool attitude and Laf's flirtatious and fabulous personality, there is no coming up with what the plans are. And to them everyone was like puppets ready to be toyed with.

"Mon ami, don't worry. We'll just put Herc in the bathtub and be out with a new game. Just go mingle and wait for us." Laf had said, then they turned away to go drop Herc in the bathtub.

Alex was left to himself, but he could find someone to talk to while he waited for the next game. Maybe one of the Schuyler sisters were willing to talk?

He went to search for at least one of them, and found Eliza. But he saw she was already getting it on with another girl, cough Maria cough. Alex only shrugged and see if the other two were around.

Though, Aaron caught his eye who was watching everyone like a hawk from his spot in the corner. Alex always wondered what was on that man's mind, he has fought and argued with him before but has never seem to get anything out of him. All Aaron did was state his opinions and facts. And he would politely listen to who was debating with him, nod, and then sit down with no word! Alex could never understand him even with a sober mind.

"Hey, Aaron." Alex called, heading into Aaron's direction. Aaron looked at him for a moment and quickly returned the greeting.

"Oh, hey Alexander. How has it been for you?" Aaron asked, standing straight. Alex did notice he would fix his posture when someone spoke to him.

"It's a party, so not boring. How about you? You're just standing in a corner not doing anything." Alex said making a spot next to Aaron.

"Perhaps. But I prefer it here than in the open. I have seen some objects being thrown around and intend on not getting hit by one of them." Aaron stated, looking around at the people.

"Well, that's something to tell John. And why not talk to Angelica or Madison. I'm sure they're here somewhere." Alex suggested.

"Angelica was starting drama, and I don't really need or want to be apart of that. And Madison is with a drunken Jefferson currently." Aaron told Alex, his eyes still wandering around the room.

Alex looked along with him, trying to figure out why Aaron was so interested in the room. What was happening?

"Oh, look. Speaking of the devil, here he comes." Aaron gestured to Jefferson walking around with Madison at his side. Madison looked slightly wasted, though who could blame him. He did hang out with Thomas on a daily basis.

"Oh my God." Alex only sighed angrily as the two had made their way to Aaron and Alex.

"Hey, Hamilton. . .~ I see you are with Burt. . .-"

"It's Burr, Jefferson." Aaron corrected him.

Jefferson only stared at Aaron with a goofy smile. "Right."

"Thomas, I think you're drunk." Madison laughed.

"I'm not drunk, look I can stand without leaning on. . ." As soon as Thomas laid an arm off of Madison he lost his balance and quickly landed back on Madison.

"Yup you're drunk. . ." Madison slurred.

"God you are both drunk. Hopefully you do something stupid tonight so I can get on your asses about it!" Alex smirked.

"The stupidest thing I can do is fuck you in the ass. . .~" Thomas slurred. Alex then shot a glare of shock.

"What!?" Alex screamed, though trying to be quiet as well so no one heard. Aaron only slightly snickered at Thomas' words, Madison doing the same.

"Wait, hold on. . . That did sound wrong, damnit. . . Can I retry that?" Thomas muttered. Alex stared at him, Thomas was so drunk that he couldn't even think properly. It was like he flashed back to first grade.

"Okay, fuck this I'm going to go find John." Alex shook his head for a moment. Aaron shrugged.

"Wait, don't leave sugar. . .~ Just give me a- hic- chance. . ." Thomas whined. Madison rolled his eyes, still supporting Thomas in standing.

Alex left the three to just find John. He wasn't going to bother looking for the Schuyler sisters knowing they could be busy. Though he should have asked about Peggy, she was cool. Sometimes he thought she was to cool for him.

Alex walked into the kitchen to where Laf and John were setting up chairs in a circle all facing inwards.

Alex walked over to them and stared at the chairs.

"Is this musical chairs or something?" Alex asked.

"Nope, a little more exciting than musical chairs." Laf smiled, scooting the last chair into place.

"What type of game needs chairs in a circle?" Alex asked.

"Do you remember, 'Poor Pussy'?" John asked Alex quickly. Alex winced at the mention of it.

"God, the memories." Alex had mentally cringed at the game he would play at recess with other old friends. Thinking how the game seemed to sexual for kids.

"And we're bringing them back! I know everyone will love it, and everyone is drunk so this should be more funnier. Maybe someone will drunkly fall into someone's lap." John chuckled.

"Alex, would you be a dear and tell everyone a game is being held in the kitchen?" Laf asked sweetly.

"Fine, fine. I'll round everyone up, give me a minute." Alex quickly told everyone the new game. And quickly everyone went to the kitchen.

Alex spotted Aaron walking behind the crowd.

"Hey, are you gonna watch or play?" Alex asked.

"I'm debating on that. But more likely watch. I don't really enjoy the games you and your friends pick out so I'll be wise and stay out of them." Aaron said.

"Wasting your fun time, Aaron." Alex chuckled.

"Haven't put a dent in my name yet, and I like it that way." Aaron smiled at Alex.

"You're a clean man, Burr." Alex said. They followed the crowd, everyone already sitting in a chair. He saw Aaron immediately dodge to the left side of the room not wanting to be apart of it. Alex wanted to join Aaron, knowing how the game went, but was pulled by Angelica.

"Oh no, you don't!" Angelica laughed grabbing Alex's arm.

"Angie please. . ." Alex groaned.

"Hey, John is making me do this with everyone. You better play along with me." Angelica told Alex, who sighed and thought, let's get this over with.

Alex took a spot next to Samuel, the annoying ass little brat. Alex hated, or even despised the brit. He always acted more posh, and he was friends with another company owner, 'King George' what his workers called him. Everyone despised King George. Alex's boss, George Washington, even hates the guy! And it's weird because Samuel works for both bosses! Just sitting by Samuel was putting Alex in a bad mood.

On his other side sat Charles Lee. What fucking luck. Does Alex even have to explain why he hates this dude too? Let's just say Charles isn't to pleased with Alex's presence.

"Okay, everyone! Our next party game, Poor Pussy! Everyone remembers that game, right?" John laughed.

"I'm going to regret this." Alex could hear Peggy from the left side of the circle.

"I hope it'll be fun." Washington called from the left sitting beside Peggy.

"Sir!?" Alex called.

"I'm drunk, as if I'll remember what I did in the morning." Alex's boss called back.

"I can't believe him." Charles chuckled, sitting further back in his seat.

"He's our fucking boss, this is going to be weird as hell to see him be the pussy. If he becomes the pussy, I'm sure everyone is to scared of him to even try." Alex commented. And speaking of, he saw George as a father figure! He will never unsee this night if that happened. Now he wished he got wasted.

"I may or may not record this." Charles pulled out his phone.

"Make sure to record Jefferson's turn." Alex finally said.

"Got it." Charles said and got his camera ready. Surprisingly Charles and him didn't get into some freak fight, Alex assumed Charles really wanted some dirt on some people here. So he'll just let him record whatever, and Alex may get some footage out of it too.

"Alright, who wishes to go first?" Laf asked.

It went silent.

"Don't worry, we have figured out a way to do this. Alright, John you first." Laf shoved John in the middle.

"Wait! I thought you said whoever sat in the third seat!" John said.

"Changing plans. Now go turtle boy, we have time!" Laf went to go sit in his empty chair.

John sighed and got on his hand and knees and looked for his first victim.

Of course he looked at Alex first. He guessed he was more comfortable doing it with Alex, he obviously isn't going to go up to any other person.

John was now in front of Alex. And he realized Charles was recording and gave him a quick stare, but turned back to John.


Alex held in his laughter and petted John saying, "Poor pussy" quickly.

"Meow." John said again trying to lick his hand and pretended to be a cat. Alex could hear the loud laughter.

"Poor p-pussy. . ." Alex managed to say without laughing.

John had one more chance.

"Meow~" John sat down cat-like tilting his head while staring at Alex.

Alex almost chuckled, but took in a deep breath and bit the side of his mouth so hard it started to itch from pain.

"P-poor pussy." Alex petted John. He made it. This may be one of Alex's best accomplishments.

"Damnit, I thought you would fall easy!" John said, salty on the situation.

"Yup, crawl on to the next person!" Alex shooed John off. John walked to the next person still on all fours.

Charles smirked.

"Man, I was hoping to get some footage of you being the pussy. But you seem pretty good at this game." Charles commented.

"Because of you I don't want to be the pussy, you fuck." Alex said.

"Well, at least I got John. Make sure I use this wisely." Charles smiled looking at the footage.


It went on for a bit, John had desperately tried to make everyone laugh. He had to finally choose between Eliza and George. Of course John went straight to Eliza, George made him fear for his job.

John had gotten Eliza to laugh. Eliza then made Laf laugh, and then Laf went to Thomas.

"Mroww~" Laf had seductively did it the second time in front of Thomas. Thomas burst out laughing, which made Laf smile and stand up dusting himself off.

"Thomas, you're the pussy now. Good luck, mon ami." Laf walked back to his spot.

Alex was so ready to see Thomas do this to someone. Maybe Madison, seems like they're good enough pals. Alex thought. And to be honest, Alex had a theory that they could be dating because of how close of friends they were. As if he cared.

Thomas got onto fours, still very wobbly and dizzy from being drunk. Kind of waddling on all fours to everyone.

"Charles, make sure you get this." Alex nudged him.

Charles nodded, recording. Though, Thomas made his way to Alex.

Alex stared at Thomas, surprised. Thomas was seriously drunk or had gotten hit with some objects that have been thrown.

"You have got to be fucking kidding me." Alex stared at Thomas, who was smirking in front of him.

"Still recording." Charles smirked, holding the camera.

"You are going to lose Alex!" Peggy shouted.

"This is probably the highlight of my night." George commented.

"I am disturbed." Samuel said.

Everyone started to get silent, but slight giggling was heard.

"Meow, daddy~" Alex's heart stopped. He quickly turned all flustered.

"Wait he can't say that too, can he!?" Alex asked, trying to hide a blush and smile.

"No rules!" Laf shouted.

"Oh now you say that!" John said angrily. He did have to make a full circle to everyone.

Alex sighed, hoping for this to be over as quickly as it started.

"Poor pussy." Alex bit his cheek petting Thomas on the head lightly. And it was weird running his fingers through Thomas' hair, he went fingers deep in that motherfucker.

"Meow~" And that's when Thomas put an arm on Alex's thigh, his hand awfully close. The laughter gotten a little louder, everyone chuckling and whistling.

"Poor. . ." Alex held in a bit of laughter, this was both ridiculous and out of the comfort zone for him, "pussy." And Alex gently petted Thomas' head.

This would be the last one.

And then Thomas put his second arm on Alex's leg quickly spreading them apart. Alex's eyes went wide and his face turned into the darkest shade of red.

"Mew~" Thomas stuck his tongue out slightly.

Alex lightly pushed Thomas away, but Thomas made sure to latch onto his thighs and waited for a reaction.

"P-p-p. . ." Alex started to laugh, and quickly covered his mouth blushing.

He was fucking embarrassed. All eyes on him. Everyone laughing.

"Aww, you lost~" Thomas smirked, still looking up at Alex.

"Which means you can stop now." Alex said to Thomas. Thomas still stared back smirking, spreading Alex's legs a little further.

"I could~" Thomas slurred laying his head on Alex's lap, making Alex blush even more than he already was. At this point he probably looked like an apple with a face.

"If I don't consent to this, this is rape. I don't consent to this so Thomas I would appreciate if you would just get off." Alex said, staring back at Thomas.

"Come on, you know you enjoy this." Thomas looked up at Alex.

"Alright, I'm done!" Alex forcefully pried Thomas off. Thomas fell onto his butt laughing.

"But Alex, you laughed! And that was fucking hilarious!" Angelica laughed, clapping her hands together.

"That may be the closest you two have ever gotten along." George said.

"I have it all on tape." Charles petted his camera like a villain.

"Nope, fuck this." Alex walked away from the crowd hoping to find a bathroom in the way.

Alex passed by Aaron. Aaron leaned on one arm and was chuckling to himself. Alex rolled his eyes and left to the bathroom.

He got to the bathroom and shut the door locking it. Hopefully no one comes and tries to talk him out, because Alex knew this was something he would never forget.

His enemy. Got onto his lap, spread his legs and meowed like a fucking cat.

The thought had even made him blush thinking about it. Thomas on his knees, looking up lustfully. And Thomas' hair was nice and fluffy. Almost like a pillow, wondering what it'd be like to sleep on it--

No. Where the hell were these thoughts coming from!? He was going to give himself a pep-talk but instead he's thinking about how fucking hot his arch nemesis was!

Alex may need to rethink his love life, this is fucking confusing. He hates Thomas, but loves him? No wait, maybe he's just good looking though he has a bullshit personality?

I'm a fucking mess. Alex thought. Alex did have a few drinks, maybe it was that. It has to be that!

Knock, knock!

"Hello~ Alex you there. . ?"

That was fucking Thomas. Out of everyone, fucking Thomas. Where the fuck were his friends?

"Go away!" Alex called.

"Aww, I'm sorry if I made you mad. . . I'll make it up to you~" Thomas said.

"No, go the fuck away!" Alex shouted.

"I promise, I'll do anything~" Thomas slurred.

Alex sighed.

"Fine, would you go away after I open this door?"

"Yup, I just want to talk darling." Thomas said.

Alex opened the door, seeing the taller man leaning on the door frame completely drunk out of his mind.

"Heh, I forgot how small you were--"

Alex almost closed the door until Thomas opened it again.

"Hey, hey, sorry. I just wanted to make sure you were okay." Thomas said.

"I'm okay." Alex tried closing the door again, but Thomas stopped Alex from closing it again and opened it up again.

"Do you really want me to leave?" Thomas whined.

"That would make me happy." Alex replied glaring at Thomas.

"Alright, that's nice. But I don't really want to leave you by yourself~" Thomas stepped in the bathroom, sneakily closing the door slowly behind him.

"You aren't making any fucking sense." Alex said.

"What I mean is. . . You just look lonely." Thomas closed the bathroom door fully.

"Thomas, just leave."

"What if I don't want to?"

"Then I will." Alex tried pushing Thomas aside, but Thomas gently pushed Alex back and locked the door.

"Not so soon~? I was hoping to make it up to you, to say sorry for the embarrassment." Thomas looked down directly in Alex's eyes.

"You are a fucking creep. Thomas, just let me go--" Alex again tried pushing by Thomas, but Thomas had grabbed Alex's arm pulling him closer, almost chest to chest.

"Don't worry I'll make it up to you~" Thomas leaned and lightly nipped at Alex's neck.

"Thomas-" Alex tried pushing Thomas away, but the more Alex moved Thomas held tighter.

Thomas slowly sucked up to Alex's jawline and dove for his lips.

Alex felt Thomas slide his tongue into his mouth so suddenly. He didn't know what to do. Thomas had now pushed Alex against the wall forcing a kiss. Alex moaned lightly, giving in.

I shouldn't be enjoying this. . .

Alex felt Thomas' hands slide to his waist digging under his shirt. Alex's skin in Thomas' hands.

But I think I am.

Alex wrapped his arms around Thomas' neck pulling Thomas down closer. He felt Thomas smile.

"I knew you would come around. . .~" Thomas whispered into the kiss.

"Like you will remember this." Alex pulled himself closer to Thomas having his crotch rub against him slightly.

"I won't, but I will know when we wake up naked in a bath tub." Thomas slightly pulled Alex's pants down, Thomas started sucking and nipping back to Alex's neck .

"Oh God, your sober ass would hate that." Alex murmured.

"We'll see." Thomas had worked Alex's pants down, now working on taking his off.

"Thomas. . ."

"Shh, we don't want them to hear us."


"Alex! Wake up! Everyone is already leaving! It's 2 pm!" John knocked on the bathroom door.

"Mon ami, allow me. . . And stand back."

Lafayette then kicked down the door with his right leg.

"How. . ."

"Herc likes to play around and lock doors sometimes. And I have had my fair shares of taking my anger on doors." Lafayette told John and went into the bathroom. John shrugged and walked in with Lafayette.

"Oh mon--! John, don't look!" Laf turned around putting a hand over John's eyes.

John pulled Laf's hands off his eyes.

"What, why-- oh."

John stared at Thomas and Alex's bodies naked in the tub.

"Um, let's not wake them." John told Laf.

"Right, let's just go drag Herc out of the other tub." Laf and John shut the bathroom door behind them leaving the two.

(A/N JFC that was long. I swear I wanted to add so many jokes but forced myself not to. Well, hopefully you all enjoyed this little thing. And a party theme seemed to fit the game. What do you guys think of Poor Pussy? The game would be extremely uncomfortable for me if I played it irl. Oh well, have a good day and hope I succeeded into making you (somewhat) happy.)

Word count: 3685

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