The Secret Admirer

By Sandie_Nikkie

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Sidney's world was full of perfection but all that perfection comes tumbling down when she finds herself tang... More



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By Sandie_Nikkie

Next morning she woke up by the constant buzzing of her phone. She had returned to the hostel quite late and hadn't slept well thanks to the two cousins.

She looked at her phone, it was Sean calling. After seeing him with the other lady again she was not sure if she ready to talk to him. She let the phone call disconnect then switched it off. She felt stupid for thinking that Sean had been flirting with her yet he was just being kind. She had seen him twice with the same lady. She did not even want to imagine if they had gone home together. He was too handsome to be single.

It was Devin who had confessed his attraction for her, if Sean had shared the same feelings he would have said something. Feeling worn out with her thoughts she went back to sleep.

She woke up later in the afternoon and switched on her phone. She had a few voicemails from Devin. She called him back and they arranged to meet for dinner. The distraction was warmly welcomed. She got out of bed cleaned her already neat room then prepared for her dinner date.

She stepped out of the cab a few minutes to seven. As usual she was on time. Devin must have already reached. She had insisted on finding her way to the restaurant they were having dinner. Hurriedly she paid off the cab driver and walked towards the entrance. Devin noticed her curved figure walk in the distance and waited. He was giving his car to the valet. Sidney quickly spotted him he was dressed in black chino trousers, an urban vest and a white casual jacket. He always managed to capture her attention. She hugged him as they met.

She had worn her favorite sheath dress that draped on her body gently showing off her curves. He led her to the reserve section. As much as it was an upscale restaurant with exquisite clientele he had insisted for VIP service. He had to impress her and had the money to do precisely that.

He could feel people's eyes on them. He was used to stares but today he felt extra aware of them. The lady walking by his side was breathtakingly beautiful. He could not tell if it was possessiveness or jealousy but the male stares in their direction prompted him to hold her waist as they walked.

As they made their orders he took a few seconds to admire her. She was the right lady for him he could feel it in his bones. Clever, beautiful, charming... she made him feel complete.

"You look exquisite" he finally spoke.

Sidney smiled. Devin took her held her hand to his heart as he stared into her eyes. He could feel her vulnerability. The predator in him liked it but his other side felt scared. This was a challenge, like he had to prove himself worthy of her vulnerability.

"Yesterday, I had a lovely time with you" he told her.

"The party was amazing" she replied

"Come on Sid, who cares about the party"

"I do" she replied "It was my best friend's birthday party"

"I know darling. But you are my party. I see you only you. Everything else seems to vanish when you are around"

"Oh! Only when I'm around?" she teased

"And any other time I see you. I have even turned out into a stalker. Camping around your classes just to see you"

They laughed. She wanted to say something but their order had arrived. She sipped her drink calmly as Devin spoke.

Today he seemed a little bit different. They talked as they enjoyed their meal.

She paid attention to how he ate, talked, laughed. She could tell he was passionate about everything he did. His male pride made him conform to a certain degree of class. She looked around, the restaurant was of contemporary decor. Their reserved section was dimly lit with several candles and a large chandelier with several artificial candles hang above their heads. The room exuded a warm and romantic feel.

It gave her a sneak peak of Devin's personality. The man seated opposite her seemed arrogant at times but a romantic at heart. She felt a sense of dangerous thrill being with him. Someone once told her the dangerous men are the ones who know how to love.

Hours later she was in her room doing her toilette before she got into bed. Devin had driven her back to the campus hostels and she was still a bit dazzled by her date. It was an intimate set and they had talked a lot. Today he had not been his arrogant self. He had been more level minded though she felt like something was weighing on him. She was gazing at her reflection in the mirror when she heard a knock on the door. She rushed to open it and smiled.

"Come on Sean! You do know there is an invention called telephones" she joked slightly feeling guilty for not answering his call in the morning.

"Do come in.

He had felt an urge to see her and couldn't wait until their next lesson. He wanted to confess his feelings.She had let her hair loose just how he liked it, no makeup, she looked beautiful.

"You look lovely" he told her slightly touching her cheek.

Without giving her time to react he immediately started talking about the research paper they were doing. They planned a study schedule and before they knew it they were telling each other tales and she was laughing when suddenly his phone rang. He drew out his phone.  The caller id was a picture of the girl she had seen him leave with at the party.

"I shall have to take this call as I say goodnight" he kissed her on the forehead and turned stood up to leave.

Her heart sunk as she walked him to the door. Every moment was ruined by that girl.

"See you tomorrow" he told her

As she closed the door she could hear him speak on phone as he walked away. She felt jealous dismissing her thoughts of him she entered her bed and went to sleep.


Next morning Sean and Devin were seated at the Coffee House having breakfast.

"What's with the joy, you have constantly been smiling and nothing seems to get on your nerves" Sean spoke.

"Everything is going smooth, I finally got the girl of my dreams" Devin replied sarcastically.

"What do you mean?" Sean slightly tensed.

"Sidney finally loosened up, I'm moving in on her. Will soon ask her to be my girlfriend" he bragged.

A muscle tightened on Sean's throat. He felt like overturning the table and throwing it at him.

"I hope you are not going to toy with her then dump her like the rest" Sean warned.

"She is different" Devin replied almost in a murmur.

"Yes she is different and that is why you should not mess up with her"

Sean was getting furious with his cousin.

"Take my word, I will never hurt her. I care for her" he insisted

Sean laughed and looked at Devin angrily. He had watched him make the same mistakes and hurt so many girls.

"Are you sure this is not one of your games or plots to get back at me for something, because if that is the case we can settle this without involving Sid"

Devin remained quiet for a while before answering. As kids they had always played together and had friendly competitions. Growing up he had felt Sean was always lucky. He always got what he wanted easily.Devin liked challenge him even if it meant playing dirty.  They were rivals but at the same time loved each other. They were like brothers.

"I am not competing with you, my feelings for Sidney are real" he replied sincerely.

They talked for a while then Sean left. He had to meet up with Sid to do more work on their research project. He found her with her Dina, Tanya and Lavina. After talking to them for a while he left with Sidney.

"Sean is in love with Sidney" Dina commented.

"Dina we are not new in this campus, everyone knows Sean is immune to the female charm. How many girls have thrown themselves at him and he is totally not interested." Lavina replied.

"I have known Sean for quite some time and what I can say is, Dina you might be right" Tanya told them.

"I honestly wish it is true because they would make a perfect pair" Dina said excitedly.

"And what about the irresistible Devin" Lavina asked them.

"We should ask Sidney about all this" Tanya replied feeling bad about gossiping her friend.

It was almost midday. He had been studying with Sidney for a few hours and now he felt exhausted. He stared at her, deeply engrossed in the book she was reading. He sure did not lie when he said she scored straight As. She read like she had been born in a library. Sidney felt like she was being observed. She raised her head and found Sean lying back in his seat looking all relaxed and self assured.

"What is it that you do, sometimes I rarely see you in campus" she asked absently biting the tip of her pen.

"I have my own Architectural firm. It is still growing and I spend most of my free time there. Engineering is my second degree.

"When did you get the time to do all that" she asked totally impressed.

Sean laughed and looked at her.

"Unlike you, I am not that young my princess," he said moving close leaning close on the table.

"How old are you" she asked moving close too.

"Old enough to know what I want when I see it. Perhaps even old enough to marry you" he replied and waited to see her reaction.

Sidney nervously licked her lips. She wanted Sean to tell her that he loved her and not the other girl. She wanted him to kiss her. Part of her felt guilty for feeling all this because she also liked Devin. She desperately wanted to scream. In front of her was the man she had always wished for but he was not hers. As if sensing her distraught he suggested they leave for lunch.

An hour later they parted ways, Sean went to his firm while Sidney went about her other classes.

Sean sat in his office. It was not much but at least it was something. He was an only child but had worked hard throughout his life and had excelled in everything but not happiness. His life was filled with a huge void.

He had started the Architecture firm a few years ago and it was doing fairly well. He achieved his masters and bought a good house but still felt empty. Ever since he was small he wanted a brother or sister but his mother had a surgery that prevented her from having other children. He was loved unconditionally and in return loved his parents unfortunately they died in a car crash a few months after he started his firm.

He had never found the time to date. He had been busy working on his studies, grieving the loss of his parents and starting up his Architecture firm. Anyway most of the ladies he met were superficial. Except Sidney. She was kind, hardworking, beautiful, charming and poised. He had been interested in her for almost two years. Her secret admirer. He would have approached her sooner but dealing with the loss of his parents, then the struggle to start up his firm, with all the chaos in his life he had felt he might not be the best company for her at that time.

He held his head in frustration. He was deeply attracted to her and it took every ounce of self control for him not to admit tell her. He remembered his conversation with Devin. It was hurting him to know she was gaining interest in his cousin.But he had to respect her choice and keep his cool. He was also bitter with his cousin for falling for Sid. 

In the evening Sidney got out of class and walked outside to find Devin waiting, holding a bouquet of fresh lilies.

"Hi stalker" she cheerfully greeted him receiving the flowers.

"I hope you love them" he said

"Thanks they are my favorite"

"I was hoping to take you out to dinner" he told her

"In that case you can first take me to my room I prepare then we leave" she replied sweetly.

Thirty minutes later they were in his black jaguar driving into a restaurant he had picked.

He was smartly dressed in white Calvin Klein shirt, black trouser and black shoes nicely polished and an expensive watch. He was busy reading the menu. Sidney quit looking at him and did the same.

"Have you decided on what to eat" he asked

She nodded. He signaled the waiter and they gave out their order.

"I prefer this place more than the other one we went to. It's classy and comfortable" she told him her eyes admiring the surrounding.

"That's good my father also loves this restaurant, he brings my mother here every year for their anniversary. I am honored to have you with me" he told her.

"My dad is my mentor. I want to be as successful as he is. It has always been my dream to take over the family business. Being the first born, I want to assume he will grant me that position although I have a younger sister who also has strong business skills."

He spoke a lot about his father and how he would like to follow in his footsteps. Sidney felt her heart go out to him. He lived in his father's shadow and had a huge shoe to fit. He was the type of child who would do anything and everything just to please his father.

"Guess what I have planned for the weekend" he said interrupting her thoughts

"Surprise me" she said replied.

"Would you like to go to the Masai Mara. A weekend in the wild. That way we can have  uninterrupted time together"

"Devin I'm so thrilled with the idea! Of course I would like to go" she was excited and nervous. The Masai Mara was a dream destination, however being alone with Devin hmm...

"If you do not have classes then we might as well leave tomorrow"

"I have one class in the morning then after that I'm all yours" she replied.

"Then I shall organize a flight for tomorrow afternoon" he told her.


They finished their dinner and he dropped her back at the hostels. He kissed her on the cheek before telling her goodnight.

The minute she got out of her car she began calling her friends. She talked to Dina and Lavina who were thrilled with the whole idea.

"Sidney what about Sean" Tanya asked when she called her.

"Oh yeah I shall have to call him and change our study plans" she replied.

"Stop playing games with me, you know what I'm asking. Do you have feelings for him?"

Sidney remained quiet for a while before replying


"Is that so" Tanya asked still not convinced

"Yes Tanya, I am tired and sleepy. I shall talk to you tomorrow, goodnight" she replied and hang up. Her friend knew her too well and was always overprotective at times.

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