Soul Slicer

By Skaterchick32

511 85 20

"Kill me!" He yelled at me with passion in his eyes as I was about to let my fingers trail off the string of... More

Chapter 1 ~ Pilot
Chapter 2 ~ Bondbrothers
Chapter 4 ~ Visions
Chapter 5 ~ Smell of Death
Chapter 6 ~ The Plan
Chapter 7 ~ Wings
Chapter 8 ~ Demonic Angel
Chapter 9 ~ Spirit Animal
Chapter 10 ~ The Ripper
Chapter 11 ~ Such a Decisive Plan
Chapter 12 ~ Trauma
Chapter 13 ~ Oh, baby!

Chapter 3 ~ Decision of Helpfullness

42 9 2
By Skaterchick32

(*Flashback from Hazel and Nathan*

I smiled up at him as we layed in his bed naked, all wrapped up in a green knitted blanket, cuddling close as I felt his warm breath against my neck. He was sleeping on me, his head on my chest, and his arm across my stomach, pulling him self closer to me, snuggling my body tightly, and holding me close. My heart had a feeling where I couldn't describe it. Nathan and I were meant to be together, I could feel it, but it was time to stop fooling around, I had a job to do. I'm going to regret doing this in the future.

I was trying to wiggle myself free from his grasp, trying to not wake him up, but failed to do so. "Where do you think you're going," he looked up at me with a tired-lazy-half smile on his face.

"Well, I was going to surprise you by going down the block to get you your favorite muffin," I smiled at him, brushing his hair out of his eyes. He is the most gorgeous warlock I've ever layed my eyes on. "But, now since you woke up, I don't know.." I gave him an irritated playful look. He waved his hand in the air as purple sparks trickled out of his skinny fingers. They went into my hair, moving a strand of hair that was in my face, bringing the strand behind my ear.

"Such beauty," his eyes gazed at me with awestruck. I hope he's going to forgive me in the future for what i'm about to do. "Go on now, go get me my muffin, i'll be laying in bed waiting and thinking of you," he gave me a kiss on my cheek as I smiled. He made me happy and made me feel so loved.

"Will do, my love," I got up out of bed and put on my red halter tank top, black leggings, and red boots. As I looked over my shoulder, back at Nathan, I could see he was examining me up and down, then turned around and started snuggling with the green knitted blanket again as he started drifting off back to sleep. Man, I love him. I grabbed both of my one-handed crossbows and took off to finish my mission.

As I took off out the door I went down a couple blocks to meet up with my brother and Simone in an alley. "Is he asleep?" Simone asked as he got his tranquiler gun ready.

"He should be, just don't hurt him.." I softly pleaded. Nathan was wanted for stealing a dark magic Spellbook from our Academy, hurting our headmistress in the process. He knocked her out cold and took the dark Spellbook, once he received the Spellbook and returned home to his apartment, he then used dark magic to bring his coven back to life. Nathan and his coven used to be really close to the Headmistress and the rest of us back in the years. The reason why everything turned into hell, was because Ryley was born, and Seifer's wife Ivory; Ryley's mother, hid her from him, because she knew that Seifer would use Ryley for terrible plannings in the future.

The only reason I was doing this was because Nathan's coven now hates Assassins, and they want us all dead, including the headmistress. Nathan's coven are the ones helping Seifer Vex, and is trying to capture Ryley. Nathan is on our side, but only because of his love for me. No one else cared because they still consider him as a trader. The reason why I was first assigned to start seeing Nathan was because they wanted me to get close enough to him, so that'd he trust me. Our trust turned into love.

"It's time to get this trader then," Asher demanded as he and Simone walked passed me, heading up to Nathan's apartment.

I pulled on Asher's jacket, making him stagger back as he almost lost his balance. "He is not a trader, Ash. You guy's have to believe me," I looked at both of them with pleading eyes.

"Let go of him, Hazel," Simone started to walk towards Asher and I. My brother stuck out his hand towards Simone, and blocked him from moving any closer.

Asher looked at me aggressive eyes, "It's not our fault you're in love with a trader," he pushed me back as I went stumbling on the ground. As soon as I hit the ground, Nathan appeared within thin air right next to me.

"Perfect," Simone scoffed as he grabbed his tranquilizer gun from his pocket. "It's to easy now," he started aiming towards Nathan and Asher also aimed his bow towards him, just in case if Nathan was going to try to hurt one of us.

Before they could even let go of their triggers, Nathan looked at me with sorrowful eyes, "How could you Hazel..I trusted you, and you turned me in.."

Before I could say a word, he vanished within thin air and was gone.)

"Oh you know it," Hazel smirked as she was trying not to move her head, just in case the dagger touched her neck.

"Let her go, trader," Asher spoke up furiously as he aimed his bow at him. Nathan put his free hand up in the air, lifting his pointer finger up in the air, making Asher stop dead in his tracks and stay silent.

"I think you might want to put that down. Also, the name is Nathan," he had an evil smirk run across his face as he moved his fingers slowly in the air, making Asher start to choke up black-rotted blood, until he dropped his bow to the ground.

"Stop, Nathan," I started walking up to him.

"Oh look who it is, Seifer's daughter that he had created," Nathan tilted his head in a playful manner towards me.

"Just let Hazel go," Kayn glared at him, grabbing his two crystal daggers from the pockets of his pants. The daggers looked like pens, until you clicked the bottom part, releasing the actual gleaming dagger from its tomb. The dagger is designed for you to bring them anywhere you go.

"You know what, fine, fine, I guess we can settle this as civil people, but then again, what would be the fun of that?" Nathan's voice seemed cold-hearted and broken. He quickly took the dagger off of Hazel's neck and it transformed into a black-glass staff. He put the end of the staff on the ground as he was saying something under his breath quickly. The floor boards moved towards Asher and Kayn and pushed them through the window. Glass broke everywhere.

"Did you seriously have to go that far, Nathan?" Hazel was angry with him, glaring in his eyes.

"I thought it was the least I could do, considering what you did to me. If your brother and that green-haired dumbass would've grabbed me, i'd be dead or be getting tortured still, because of you," he spat in her face as his eyes narrowed, making her feel uneasy.

"It was my mission, I had to do what I was told," Hazel put her hands on her hips. Nathan was rolling his eyes. "My feelings are real, Nathan," her words echoed inside his brain. As Kayn and Asher were about to open the door to come back into the apartment, Nathan locked the door and sealed the broken window back up in a matter of a seconds, making sure no one could come in.

(*Kayn and Asher*

"Looks like we'll just have to wait for them," Kayn said with meaningless gibberish.

"You don't even know the half of it," Asher glared at him as he sat on the steps of the apartment.

"What do you mean?" Kayn asked questioningly. Asher started to tell Kayn about the flashback.)

"Look, we're not here to talk about your guy's love life, we're sent here to complete our mission," I reminded both of them, trying to speed up the process.

"Oh, look, another one of your missions," Nathan growled at Hazel. He was walking towards the living room and sat on a couch that had plants growing inside of it. Hazel and I followed him and stood in front of him.

"We need you to come back with us," Hazel beckoned, as she put her hands on her hips.

Nathan laughed, "You have got to be kidding me. Why? So the headmistress can try to lock me up again-"

"No," I interrupted him. "The headmistress wants you to help us track your coven, so we can stop my father from creating a bigger army."

"Do you even know why he is making an army?" Nathan asked curiously to see if I knew the answer. I didn't know the exact answer, all I knew was that we had to stop him.

Before I could say anything Hazel spoke. "He wants to overtake the human world, and kill them off of the face of the Earth," she replied, looking at Nathan with unease as she started pacing back and forth in the room, looking at some of the books on the shelves that he had.

"Wrong," he started saying as he sprawled his arms across the back of the couch as he put one leg over the other. "He wants to take over the humans, yes, but; what he really wants is to transform them into dark untrained witches and warlocks, hoping in the end to kill every single assassin in the entire world. And we all know that there are over a million assassins in the world," he hotly said as he started wiggling his foot up and down. "And you're the last thing that he needs to complete this process," he looked at me doubtful sinfulness eyes.

"Why don't we just ask the other assassins to side with us?" I asked, trying to act clever.

"Because a long time ago our Academy was banished from the rest of the assassin population, because we let the witches and warlocks become and ally to us," Hazel looked at me then back at Nathan. "Look, we need your help, we have a mission to complete. You won't get in trouble, you will be there to help us," her eyes were staring at Nathan's, hoping he would say yes. "I promise your safety, and the headmistress has forgiven you, that's why we are here."

"Alright, i'll help out," Nathan started.

"Perfect!" I happily said.

"On only one condition," Nathan looked at me then to Hazel.

"And what may that be?" Hazel groaned.

"I need you to help me retrieve my brother, Rimien, he's taken as a prisoner by an Alpha named Shawn. He's the only one who can help me generate enough power for me to do a spell where I will be able to find where Seifer is at," He was saying as I was pacing around the room looking at his pictures on the wall, which had his brother in it. I stopped pacing and thought to myself for a second.

"We'll do it," I spoke as I looked at Hazel. "What will we be expecting once we get to wherever your brother is at?"

"Shawn and his pack. You'll just have to keep your eyes peeled, we'll probably need a lookout too," Nathan said as he was getting up from the couch. He started walking past Hazel and I, "You'll never know what to expect when it comes to Werewolves," he walked towards the front door, now opening it. Kayn and Asher got up from sitting on the steps. "Follow me, i'll explain on the way," Nathan told them as he was walking past them down the steps. We all followed him.


We arrived at an old abandoned building in downtown Blaneswood, it was dark out, and felt damp, as if it was going to start raining soon. "So, what's the plan?" Asher looked at Nathan waiting for an answer. We could hear raspy and snarly voices inside laughing, and heard a faint voice pleading for help; it was Rimien.

"We go up that ladder," Nathan pointed up to the ladder that'd be leading us to the top of the two-story building. "We'll sneak in and see where Rimien is at and bring him to safety. Once we get him we'll quickly leave," he said looking at us with pleading eyes.

"Are you sure this is going to work?" Kayn asked as he looked up towards the ladder. It was starting to drizzle down on top of us, making us all damp and soppy.

"Worth a shot," Hazel looked at Kayn, Asher, and I, then to Nathan, giving him a smile.

"Ryley, you stay on lookout, alright?" Asher motioned to me. I nodded in acceptance.

"Well then, what are we waiting for, let's go get him," Nathan started running towards the ladder as the thunder crackled in the night droopy sky.

(*Kayn's P.O.V*

We followed Nathan up the ladder, I looked down to see Ryley hiding in the alley. She was looking through the abandoned window that was cracked. We reached another window that was fully broken and crawled inside as the rain was already pouring on us.

"Let me out of here!" Rimien shouted throughout the building. The building shook from how loud he had screamed and from how loud the thunder hissed and screamed in the night.

"Shut him up," one raspy voice said to another. We looked through the cracked floorboards and saw a man put a orange-dirty looking liquid into a syringe. The man injected it into Rimien; who was in a caged box, dangling from the ceiling. Once they rammed the syringe into his neck he stopped screaming and fell down unconscious.

"There's 11 guy's down there," Nathan whispered to the rest of us.

"We need to take them down sooner or later," Asher replied, getting his bow ready. Hazel did the same and got her crossbows armed and ready to go, and I took my daggers out of my pocket.

"It's time to end this," Hazel angrily said as she ran and jumped off the upstairs platform. She landed on a table and started shooting her crossbows, hitting a man right in the heart as he collapsed and disintegrated into the air, as if nothing was there. Hazel aimed her other crossbow and hit another man in the arm. She touched her necklace, letting her raven come out to help her attack the mutts, then jumped and rolled off the table as Asher and I jumped down. The men transformed into their wolves and came after us growling with their large sharp teeth that'd snap you in half with one bite.

A wolf pounced at Hazel, tackling her to the ground, and went after her throat, but just barely missed as the raven was busy ripping off his ear, and gave me enough time to jump on the back of him so I could pierce my dagger through his skull, making him disintegrate into the air, like the other one had.

"Thank you," Hazel looked at me gratefully as she stood up. Asher was jumping from table to table, shooting his arrows, but got knocked down by the Alpha. The old abandoned roof started caving in from the rain outside, and some of the wolves were turning around heading out of the building. Nathan jumped from the upstairs platform and went to the cage where his brother was at. He started using his magic to break the lock as everyone else was fighting. The Alpha deeply growled at Asher and went after his head.

Asher held his bow below the Alpha's neck, making the Alpha not being able to quite wrap his teeth around Asher's head. "He's to strong!" Asher yelled with frustration as the Alpha was nipping at his face, almost close enough to rip his head off. Asher screamed and groaned, using all the strength he had left in him to keep the bow below the Alpha's neck. Five wolves were now already dead, six left to go.

"I have a choice.." Nathan whipsered to himself inside his head. His magic wasn't working against the lock, and something didn't seem right about his brother. "I can either help Asher, or keep trying to break this lock free.." He had to make a decision quickly, as he looked over his shoulder seeing Asher struggling, almost on his deathbed. Nathan thought about Asher wanting to turn him in when he was with Simone, but he made up his mind. "I'll hopefully see you soon, brother," he whispered towards Rimien and ran to Asher to help him while Kayn and Hazel were killing off two more wolves. Four left to go.

Nathan stuck his staff into the ground and all the wolves lost their balance and flew to the back of the building where Rimien was left unconscious at. Nathan reached for Asher's hand and quickly got him up on his feet. Asher was thankful for his life being saved. "We need to get out of here before this building collapses!" Ryley shouted from the outside. She had the door open wide, waiting for us to run out. Hazel took Nathan's hand as he looked back at his brother for the last time, and saw the werewolves about to come after us again. "Hurry up!" she screamed at all of us.

We all ran out of the building and as soon as we exited the building, it collapsed. We heard the cries of the rest of the werewolves being trampled by the heavy platform. The next thing I knew, Ryley was on the ground with a stake of wood embedded into her stomach. I quickly looked around and saw that the Alpha had gotten out before the building collapsed. He was naked and ran around the corner and disappeared into the darkness before we even thought on what to do.

Ryley was gasping for air and shaking as the rain hit down on her. "Ryley!" Hazel cried out. Ryley was unresponsive.

"Bring her with," Nathan waved his hand, making a clear portal appear. "I'll save her," he walked through it without another word. I grabbed her and hugged her close into my arms as I went through the portal. Hazel and Asher following behind.)

I awoke on the couch, not remembering what had happened to me. I started to sit up slowly and realized that my stomach was in a lot of pain. I groaned and moaned as sharp pains were poking me within my stomach. "How are you feeling?" Nathan walked over to the couch that I was sitting on. He was sitting right at the end of my feet.

"She's obliviously sore," Hazel came around the corner with a cup in her hand that was steaming. She knelt right by me. "Here drink this, it's my famous 'get better tea'," she handed it to me, as I smelt it. It smelt terrible, like something was rotting away in rotten flesh. I gagged. "Oh yeah, I forgot to smells gross," she laughed.

"Yeah, no kidding," Asher appeared around the corner where Hazel had came from, plugging his nose in the process.

Hazel looked at Asher then back to me, "But it will help you feel better, I promise."

I took a sip of the tea. "It actually tastes better than it smells," I smiled. "Did you get your brother?" I looked at Nathan who's face grew sad once I asked.

"No, I'm pretty sure the building collapsed on him. He's probably dead now," he looked away from everyone and sighed softly.

"I'm sorry that we couldn't save him," Hazel put her hand on Nathan's knee. He looked at her with happiness in his eyes.

"At least you guys tried, that's all that matters. I'll still come with you to the Academy," he put a half smile on his face.

"Good, then we should be heading there pretty quick. We have a long ways to go until we find out where Seifer is located at," Asher pressured his words on Nathan as he crossed his arms.

"How will you be able to do the locator spell since we don't have your brother?" Kayn said in a soft sleepy voice as he was just waking up. He sat up and rubbed his hands through his messy hair. "How are you feeling Ryley?" he saw that I was awake and smiled at me.

"I'm doing good, just sore," I replied back at him.

"I'll have to figure something out," Nathan remarked. "I'll have to do it on my own once we get there-"

"But that would mean you have a high chance of dying," Hazel worryingly looked at him.

"I'll be fine, Hazel," he looked in her eyes. You could tell that they both love each other.

"You're not strong enough," she got up. "You won't be able to make it on your own."

"All I can do is try," he gave her a meaningful look.

"Is there any form of tattoo that can help?" I asked as I took another sip of my disgusting smelling tea.

"Of course there is, but it'll be based on the power of love to make his powers stronger," Asher added as he looked at Hazel. He didn't like that his sister was in love with a warlock, but he knew he couldn't change anything about it.

"So kind of like our bond tattoo?" Kayn got up and stretched his arms.

"Exactly like that," Hazel replied to him then looked at Nathan. "What do you say? Do you want to try a bond tattoo?"

"How can I be sure that you love me? You were the one who was turning me in. You tricked me through everything. Was it even real to you as much as it was real to me?" he looked at her then looked away rolling his eyes.

"Nathan," she walked over to him, looking down at him. "Everything about it was real, I fell in love with you during the mission. Please believe me," she begged, hoping that he would change his mind.

"You do know that if this isn't true love, i'm going to die while this tattoo will be making its way into the blood of my veins above my heart?" he looked at her then got up from the couch.

"It's real, Nathan-"

"So what do you say? Are you up for it?" Asher interrupted as Kayn was getting his shoes on, getting ready to leave. I gulped down the rest of the tea.

"Well I suppose..but this is a life or death situation, so let's hope that I make it through," Nathan glared at Hazel then looked at Asher. "Cause' i'm the only warlock you have at the moment," Nathan's voice was filled with annoyance. Hazel gave him a casual smile.

I got up slowly from the couch as my stomach was still in pain. I put on my shoes. "Let's go to the Academy," I excitedly started walking out the front door as everyone followed.

Please vote and comment if you enjoy my story:) that would mean so much to me !

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