n y c t o p h i☽ i a

By sadderddaze

3.4K 222 128

nyctophilia: (n.) love of darkness or night; finding relaxation or comfort in the darkness sequel to: s t ☆... More

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| s i x t e e n |
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| t w e l v e |

191 10 15
By sadderddaze

"I still can't believe we got
kicked out of mini golf." Noah
laughed as she played with
the pasta on her plate.

"I know right.
That guy didn't have to call
security on us." I shook my head.

"Josh, you hit him with a golf
ball and then when we tried to
pretend it wasn't us, we started
cracking up." Noah laughed.

"Look I swear it was the wind.
The wind pushed the ball and
hit him right on the back of
the neck.
I totally could have made that

"Of course Josh, how dare I
doubt your skills in mini
golfing." she threw her hands
up in a sarcastic surrender.
I flagged down the waiter so
that I could ask for the bill.

"I can pay Josh." Noah tried
to take out her card from the
small purse she had but I
beat her to it.

"Josh you've already spent a
lot of money." she pointed
out with concern.

"And you're worth every penny."
I leaned over the table and gave
her a kiss on the cheek.
She blushed and bit her lip.

"Ready to go?" I asked her as
the waiter handed me my card.

"Yeah, thanks for everything
today."Noah got up from her
chair and smoothed out her dress.

"Oh we're not done." I took
her hand and led her out
the restaurant and to the car.

"You said we were finishing off
with a nice dinner.
It's almost nine, where
are we going now?"

"Somewhere important to us."

And so I took her to the place
where we first met.

I took her to the roof.

✧☽ ✧

"I missed coming here with
you." Noah smiled as we held
hands and looked up at all
the stars that were out tonight.

It hurt me to have to ruin this
happiness we felt right now,
but I had to tell her.

"Noah?" I gulped.

"Hm?" she looked at me
with those beautiful eyes of hers.

"Um-" I shut my eyes and
let my head hang.

"Josh what's wrong?"

"I don't want to put you through
this again." I felt a knot
form in my throat.

"W-What?" she seemed to know
where this was going.

"I leave in three days, not
counting today.
I only came back for Tyler
and Jenna's wedding."

"No... you can't leave.
I just got you back." tears
welled up in her eyes.

"I'm sorry." I tried to hold
back my own damn tears.

"Please stay Josh, I need you."
she cried and wrapped her arms
around my torso with her head
buried deep in my chest.

"You know I would if I could.
I left everything back at my
house and there's still the risk
of your parents finding out."

"Dammit Josh!
Can't we forget about my parents?
I need you!" she was sobbing
at this point.

"They can hurt me all they want
but I will not let them touch you.
You and me both know they
don't care about be repercussion
of their actions Noah."

"I just got you back." she
she gripped onto my blazer
and rested her forehead on my
chest as she continued to cry.

"I know baby, I'm sorry." I
stroked her hear repeatedly.
We stayed there for a bit, just
enjoying each other's presence
while it lasted.

"Let's go." she sighed.

"Should I drop you off home or
how is this gonna work?"

"I don't want to leave you."

"So you want to go back to Tyler's
place and spend the night?"

"No, I just want it to be us.
Can we go to a hotel tonight?"
she caressed my cheek.

Let's get going."

We found out way back to the
car and got in.
She looked for a hotel on her
phone as I started the car.
She told me the directions to the
nearest one and set her phone
back down between her thighs.

"I love you Josh." she
said randomly.
It warmed my heart and there
was fluttering in my stomach.

"I love you too." I brought her
hand up to my lips and gave
her knuckles a quick kiss.

"You know what... no, pull over.
In here, the little cvs."
she had a tone in her voice.
It sounded stern, determined

"Is everything ok?" I asked
but turned into the parking lot
of the small pharmacy anyways.

"I'll be right back." she got out
the car with her handbag.
I obviously wasn't going to let
Noah go in there by herself,
especially with the way she
was acting all of a sudden.

"Wait, Noah!" I ran to catch
up to her.
She took my hand and intertwined
our fingers before leading me
into the building without a word.
She pulled around me the store
until she found what she was
looking for.


She grabbed the pack of three
and dragged me to the check out.
She practically slammed the
box down which made the cashier
look up at us almost fearfully.

"H-Hi." I said awkwardly.
He looked between me and
Noah, sensing that Noah was
in charge right now.
She tapped her nails on the
counter impatiently until the
cashier finally got the hint
to hurry up.
He charged us and tried to bag
it up but Noah snatched them
away and pulled me out the store.

"Noah?" I asked as we got to
the car.

"Don't worry, just drive."
she bit her lip and leaned
over the center console and
gave me a kiss.
Not just a normal kiss.
One of her hands was placed
high up my thigh and her other
gripped onto the back of my hair
and her tongue completely
invaded my mouth.

She pulled back with a smirk.
I swallowed way too loud
which only boosted her confidence.

I was in for it tonight.


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