Saved By The Jock

By Ohhlala_77

4.5M 114K 38.7K

A victim of child abuse ever since the death of her mother, Cassidy Taylor has become a shy, quiet girl who's... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Author's Note!
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Opinion From You (Please Read)
Chapter 27
Special Chapter
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Valentine Special
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Story Idea (Not an update but please read)
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Last Goodbye

Chapter 34

56.9K 1.4K 713
By Ohhlala_77

Chapter 34

I looked at them confused. First, they know each other not to mention that they look like they're ready to lunge at each other. Second, Adam knows Carson's past, and why is that?

"I. Did. Not. Kill. My. Brother." Carson between his gritted teeth, his knuckles becoming white

"Really? If it weren't for your stupid birthday present he-"

He wasn't able to continue his words because Carson threw a punch at him which caused him to stagger backwards.

"Bastard!" Adam lunged at Carson which made me scream involuntarilly.

Adam threw a punch on Carson once again but Carson quickly dodge it so he hit the tiles instead, making his fist bleed.

"He was my bestfriend, he was the only person who was there and yet you took him away from me!" Adam yelled and punched Carson again but this time it hit his face.

"Don't forget that he's also my brother, Black. You're not the only one who's grieving." Carson said, anger laced in his voice.

"Oh I didn't forget that, I rembered it all through out. You're his brother but you killed him." Adam said, venom lacing his voice.

Carson is really growling like a mad wolf right now, lips curled up into a snarl and fists clenched to hard that his knuckles are white.

"Stop!" I screamed but only Carson listened, he looked at me with an apologetic look and Adam took the opportunity to lunge at him.

Carson is struggling to get out of his hrip but he can't, his grip on Carson is too tight.

Both of them are on the floor but Adam is straddling Carson, as awkward as it sounds, it's really their position. He's throwing punches everywhere.

"You killed my bestfriend," he said as he punch Carson again.

Carson's lips where busted, bleeding slighty and his cheeks where bruised unpleasantly. Adam strangled his neck then instantly something snapped inside me.

I can't let that fucktard kill my boyfriend.

My legs moved in their own accord as I grab the plastic chair beside me. I walked towards them and my heart rate immediately picked up, I panicked when I heard Carson choking.

I raised the chair shakily and hit Adam's head, making him let go of my boy. He fell limp on the ground, unconcious while I run towards Carson hugging him tightly to me.

"This is all my fault, if I didn't insist on going here you wouldn't be hurt, I'm-"


"No, I was the cause of all these. I'm so-"

He silenced me by placing his lips onto mine. He kissed me softly with his hand on my back, after a few minutes he pulled away leaving the both of us breathless.

"It's not your fault, now come on before this bastard awakes." He growled at the last line.

"We're going to leave him here?" I asked him curiously, eyeing Adam.

"Uh.. yeah? Now come on." he told me before opening the door and went outside.

I followed him and let his hand drag me towards the car. The time we reached the parking lot I quickly got in without saying a word.

I watched as he walk towards his side and entered the driver's seat. Once he got in he revived the engine and pulled away from the parking lot. Neither me nor Carson said a word to each other since we left, wondering why?

Because I'm confused, various thoughts swam through my mind.

How in the world do they know each other?

It couldn't be coincidence right?

I mean, if you saw their faces they're like they wanted to scrape each others faces.

"I know that you're wondering why we know each other, so I'll tell you why. He is my brother's bestfriend, we used to hang out together, hell he was like my second brother. We knew each other in a way that nobody did, we always-"

I cut him off knowing that it hurts, it hurts to revoke the past, the unwanted memories that you wish you could forget.

I admit, sometimes I wish that I had some sort of temporary amnesia that will make me forget those things that I don't want to remember, but I can't.

That's life.

"You don't need to tell me you know, I understand your side." I rubbed his back like he always did and flashed him a sad smile.

He returned my smile but his was more pained, more dreary. He rested his hand on my thighs and it made my heart do backflips.

"How did I deserve a girlfriend like you?"

"I think it's the other way around, you're always here for me. Sometimes I felt like I don't deserve you." I mumbled under my breath.

"That's not true." he glanced at me.

"Yes it is. Sometimes it's too good to be true." I sighed.


Okay, change of topic.

"You know, you're still handsome even though you have a bruised face. I blurted out carelessly, once I realized what I said my palm flew to my mouth as my cheeks heat up.

Nice going Cass, you just embarrassed yourself.

"I already knew that, no need to remind me. And nic change of topic by the way, I like it." He smirked and winked at me at the same time.

Couldn't it get anymore obvious?

My cheeks became hotter if that's still possible since I'm sure that my face is scalding. When I finally got my shit together, I hit his arms.

"Don't go cocky on me mister, or I'll shove it down to your throat." I snapped at him.

One minute he's being emotional then another minute he's so cocky. Bipolar biatch.

"But that's not the one that I wanted to be shoved in my throat." He whined, eyes still on the road.

"Oh my god Carson! Now's not the time for your sexual innuendos." I gagged at his retort.

"Oh.. So you got it? You're a one naughty girl, Cass." He shook his head slightly, feigning disappointed.

Oh please, I know you're anything but disappointed. So I decided to go with the flow since I knew that he's going to win and I'm going to lose like always.

"Oh please, you don't know what I'm capable of. In fact, I can do a lot of things with you, Mr. Matthews." I purred seductively hoping to the reaction that I wanted. I saw his adam's apple blob which means that he gulped.

Our car came into a screeching halt just when I was about to ask him why he came to an abrupt stop, not when I saw their house.


I held the door handle to get well but I was stopped by the grip on my waist. Suddenly I was being lifted off my chair and transferred onto Carson's lap.

I squealed in surprise the moment I came face to face with him.

"Oh no princess, you're not going to leave me aroused." He whispered huskily in my ear.

"It's not my fault that you get turned on that easily." I retorted with a snort, shrugging my shoulder like it was nothing.

"What did you say?" He said in the sexiest voice he could, and I swear it's the sexiest thing I've ever heard.

I leaned towards his ear and nibbled his earlobe as his grip on my waist tightened and something poked my butt cheeks.

Defintely the reaction that I wanted.

I gently pulled away and started peppering his neck with wet, moist kisses, ignoring the fact that my heart was about to come out of my rib cage. I started trailing hot kisses on his collar bone and it earned me a groan from him.

I stopped and I was about to whisper in his ear when I heard a moan preceded by a fart.

Did you what I just said? Yes, fuck he farted and you know what's worse? It smelled like shit!

"Did you just fart?" I asked him with a shocked look on my face.

"Well, uhm.. Yeah." His cheeks turning into a shade of light red as he scratched the nape of his neck awkwardly.

It's official, Carson Matthews just farted on me.

"Eww!" I whined like a little girl, pinching my nose trils.

"What? You turned me on and it sort of came out." He shrugged nonchantly but his cheeks were still tinted red.

It's official, Carson Matthews is blushing like a tomato. News flash, he doesn't blush, he makes girls blush.

See the difference?

"So everytime I turn you on, you fart? Like a little kid?" I asked him with a questioning look.

You wouldn't believe this, his cheeks became redder.

"I-I uhh.. Wait are you questioning my virility?" He challenged me, quirking his eyebrow.

I smirked at him crossed my arms over my chest.

"No, I'm actually questioning your gender." I stiffled a laugh that's threatening to escape my mouth.

He got up from his seat and leaned towards me, as slowly as possible, his gaze never left mine. I'm pretty sure he can hear my heart beating frantically wild in my rib cage. The closer he gets, the more nervous I get, why?

Because he just have this effect on me. Even his presence affect me, it makes me feel jittery and giddy.

"How about now?" He whispered huskily as he nibbled my earlobe gently.

"N-no," it was supposed to come out as a stutter but it ended up being a moan.

His teeth grazed my lobe which made me shiver involuntarilly, leaving wet trails on my jaws and I swear I felt him smirk against my skin.

"Ahh!" An ear piercing scream broke us apart then it was followed by a shattering sound, like there's something being thrown.

Carson and I exchanged looks before getting out of his car.

"Stay behind me all the time okay?" He cupped my cheeks and kissed my forehead before bringing his arms behind him to hold me.

We walked towards their house and Carson hesitantly turned the knob.

And when we opened the door I immediately froze and so did Carson.


Hey guuys!! It's been 3 or 4 days I guess since my last update and I'm really sorry!

I wish that you'll like this chapter and anyways I wanted to thank those who tried to make me covers and which was really amazing by the way so here they are:




Back to what I was saying, thank you for 66k!!! I so did not expect this so thank you for your votes, comments and fan!:))

Please continue to Vote and Comment, and seriously your comments make me smile:)


-ohhlala_77 XXXXX

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