Dark Passions

By BlondePower10

48.8K 2.2K 1.6K

I have a stalker. I know everyone eventually has one and some are solved over time or through restraining ord... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine

Chapter Twelve

1.1K 55 19
By BlondePower10

My eyes were closed as I listened to the bustle of the courtroom around me. My stomach was knotted up and it felt as if I had acid sliding down my throat. The day of the trial finally arrived, and I was in the progress of having a mental breakdown. Over the last few days, Black had ensured my cooperation through various means of torture. Being locked in the underground cellar for a few days made me realize he wasn't playing around anymore. He wanted to make sure my cooperation was there, and although I hate to admit it, he had it. There was no way I was going to turn on Black; not now. He had too much power for one man, and I knew how much power he actually had. Black wasn't aware of this fact yet, but I had done some digging of my own. The Crimson Crow was, in fact, owned by Black. However, this wasn't the only business he owned. He owned several hundred more throughout the United States, and he was a political power in the criminal world. He was truly a two-faced bastard; in the public's eye, he was a man of justice. In the criminal's eye, he was the mastermind. I slowly opened my eyes and I flickered them over to the right to see the jury starting to pile in. I heard a sound to my left, and slowly turned my head to see Black put his briefcase down on the table. His eyes met mine and I immediately looked away. Black had to come up with another line of defense because I had refused to eat, making me look abused on the outside. No one know how shattered I was on the inside.

"You seem nervous." I looked up at Black as he nonchalantly began sorting his files.

"It would seem I am," I replied softly, not even wasting my time with a smart remark.

Black smirked down at me. "Where has your fire gone?"

"Gee, it would seem like I had a virus come and suck it all out of me," I snarled as I looked back down at the ground.

"You will need that fire to be convincing," retorted Black as he continued sorting his files. "I shouldn't have to remind you what is on the line here, now would I?"

"How about you focus on your job, and I'll focus on mine." Black didn't say another word as the door in the back opened. I looked over my shoulder, and for some odd reason, anger flared up inside of me. There, walking down the aisle to the opposite table, was Justin Freel dressed in his Sunday best. I watched him take a seat and his eyes met mine. Anger surged through me. The last time I had seen this pig-face was when Ally was still alive. Murderer, a voice screamed in my head and I tightened my hands into fists. No, I whispered in my head. Even though Justin Freel is partly responsible, it is Black who murdered her. I began shaking with anger when Justin Freel smiled at me. I started to stand when I felt Black's hand grasp my shoulder in a gentle hold.

"Easy tiger," he cooed as he, too, glanced over at Justin. "Save your hatred for the stand." I obeyed and allowed myself to be pushed back into my chair. I looked away from both of them. I wanted so badly to expose them both, but the visions in my head of those days being 'persuaded' by Black were too horrible I didn't dare speak against Black. A figure stopped in front of me and I looked up to see a man staring back down at me. He seemed to be in his early thirties, about five years older than Black was my guess, with the beginnings of a beard. His brown hair was slicked back to one side, and his hazel eyes burned into me. Something about this man intimidated me, and I narrowed my eyes at him. He didn't seem dangerous like Black, but he had the same dark aura around him. I knew he was someone I shouldn't mess with.

"Strange," he said in a low voice. "I half expected the young lady to be in such a distraught state of mind from being tormented with the death of her friend. And here I find her staring at me with such hatred in her eyes it is almost...overwhelming." The color drained from my face. His voice was like a blade, low and cruel. My throat went dry. The man's eyes moved over to Blacks direction, and his eyes narrowed slightly as Black looked at him. "She doesn't look to be in a state of mind that would send her spiraling to an abyss."

"I can assure you she is," Black said, and I was shocked to hear the venom in his voice. I stared at these two men for a moment before I realized just who the other man was. The hostile gazes, the tension in the air, their poised stances; this man was Black's enemy, in more ways than one. The man ignored Black and turned back towards me, extending his hand.

"Pleased to make your acquaintance," he said sharply. I hesitated and cast a glance up at Black. This appeared to be a mistake. The man suddenly smiled and dropped his hand, his eyes glinting with newfound knowledge. "Ah," he whispered as his eyes flickered back towards Black. "So, I see you have found her." He looked back at me. "My name is Neil Garrison. You are Jessica, are you not?"

"What?" I stated, my mouth hanging open dumbfounded. Black, however, was not pleased with this new development.

"Move along," he snarled, "And take your arrogance with you."

"It is not I who is arrogant, Black," said Garrison as he returned the same hostile glare. I half expected Garrison to say something more, but he turned and walked over to the table where Justin Freel was. They began talking in hushed voices and I looked up at Black. My stomach tightened with fear as I saw the expression that was painted on his face as he stared at Garrison. I looked back down, pretending I didn't notice anything.

"You will be careful when he questions you," said Black suddenly. I nodded my head, and I felt Black pat my head, indirectly telling me I should be keeping my mouth shut right now. I sat there in silence for half an hour more before the judge walked into the room, scooting himself behind the desk. He raised the gavel and pounded it hard on the desk, signaling the court was in session.

"Let's see," he said as he reviewed the documents, "We are gathered here to prosecute Justin Freel for the murder of Ally Hamilton. Jessica Hollands is here on prosecution from Mr. Freel in the murder of young Miss Hamilton." I began shaking with anger at these words. The judge looked up and I met his eyes, my anger burning within me. "Justin Freel," the judge stated as he looked from me to Justin, "You are to be tried first. Miss Hollands has accused you with the murder and rape of Ally Hamilton. How do you plead?"

I watched Justin rise from his seat and, with a small smirk on his face, replied. "Not guilty, your honor." I watched in anger as the judge turned his attention back on me.

"And you, Jessica Hollands, are accused by Mr. Freel for the murder of Ally Hamilton. How do you plead?"

I stood, my body shaking from anger, which I believe the crowd mistook for nerves. "Not guilty, your honor." The judge raised an eyebrow at my tone, but I didn't care. I was livid. I directed my gaze towards Justin and we locked eyes. I tore my eyes away and I resumed my seat.

"Very well," the judge said as he adjusted himself in the seat. "Black, Garrison, come here." I watched as both men made their way up to the judge's stand and I looked back over at Justin. He didn't seem nervous at all. I looked over my shoulder and I felt the blood drain from my body. Ally's parents were sitting close to the front, holding each other's hands. I quickly turned around, and I began to feel guilty. Black and Garrison eventually were released and the judge cleared his throat as they made their way back to their seats. "It would appear there are no witnesses of the events that have taken place. Therefore, each side shall tell their story and the jury will decide. Mr. Freel, you take the stand first." I watched as both Garrison and Justin stood; Justin taking his place in the witness chair and Garrison stood in front of him.

"Justin," Garrison began, "do you deny being in the Crimson Crow the night of the Hamilton murder?"

"I do not," Justin replied.

"Why were you there?"

"I was there strictly on business," Justin answered. "My company had a recent development out of state, and the Crimson Crow is where I had decided to lodge for the night." I rolled my eyes. I could not believe how proper he sounded now. "It was there that I ran into the two girls." I looked at him, confused.

"So, you actually met both Miss Hollands and Miss Hamilton?"

"Yes. I saw them enter the hotel with their suitcases. It seemed to me there to be there for a while."

"Did you have any contact with them?"

"I ran into Miss Hollands," Justin said as he looked at me. "She didn't seem to have the respect for authority figures, but I allowed her snide comments. She seemed to be nervous about something." I widened my eyes when I realized where Justin was going with this. "Miss Hamilton was the one who reminded Miss Hollands there were on vacation, and she apologized for any rude behavior."

"And how did you reply to Miss Hamilton?" Garrison asked as he looked over at me.

"Well I respected her apology," answered Justin in a matter-of-fact tone. "I told her it wasn't a big deal and I watched them get into the elevator."

"You didn't see the girls any time after that?" Garrison asked, his eyes still on me.

"No I did not." I started to move but I felt Black's hand grasp my knee from underneath the table. He was telling me to wait.

"When did you see the girls again?"

"The night the Hamilton girl was murdered," Justin stated. "I had gone out to a dinner with some of my business partners and upon returning to my room, I saw the Hamilton girl strangled on the floor, blood splatters all over the walls and Miss Hollands in the middle of it."

"You saw Miss Hollands in the same room as Miss Hamilton?" Garrison said with a slight smirk. I gritted my teeth together.

"Yes. She had the blood on her clothes." Garrison walked over and, to my dismay, pulled out the pants I had worn on the night Ally died. No, I thought as I watched Garrison bring up the pants to the jury. That's my blood from the gash on my leg. Not hers!

"Members of the jury, this was confiscated from Miss Hollands home when the police were investigating the murder. As Mr. Freel stated, there is Miss Hamilton's blood on the pants." I saw the jury members looking at each other, and I soon began to hate Garrison. "Mr. Freel," Garrison continued, "What did you do when you saw the girls?"

"I called the police," Justin said calmly. "And then I was informed the young lady tried to frame me for the murder."

"And I take it that young lady is the one sitting at this table?" I saw Garrison gesture to me and it took all my self-control not to reach out and break his finger.

"Yes, that is the girl who murdered Ally Hamilton."

"No further questions," Garrison said as he made his way back to his seat. Black stood and walked out, and he had a smile on his face.

"Mr. Freel, you said you had a rude experience with the defendant. Care to explain this again?"

"She was deriding me in several different ways," Justin answered. "She seemed to be a little shaky."

"Shaky because you had made an attempt to grab her?" The entire court room went silent. I glanced over at Garrison and I saw his face was expressionless. Black continued. "I have video footage from the Crimson Crow that shows you attempting to immobilize Miss Hollands, and at that moment is when she began to be hostile. Do you deny this?"

"I would never grab at a young girl," Justin said, but I could see the beads of sweat lining his forehead. Then it occurred to me. Why doesn't Justin expose Black right here? I watched as Black fetched the tape and played it for the court. Whispers traveled through the room once the tape finished playing.

"Evidence shows you did," Black said. "So in order not to tarnish your own reputation, you decided to frame a young girl who is already unstable in order to take the attention off of you that you are, in fact, a known child molester?" I wasn't shocked at what Black accused Justin of, but I was pissed he referred to me as being unstable. Justin didn't answer and Black smiled. "No further questions." I watched as Black returned to his seat, and I saw the confidence he had on his face. I looked over at Garrison as Justin got off the stand, and I saw him locking eyes with me. That's when I knew. There was no trial to begin with. Black was putting on a show for the public in order to clear me of any doubt, and Justin Freel was in on it. I knew, without me even having to take the stand, I would walk out of here a free person. I glanced over at Black again, and I narrowed my eyes. Why would he go to such lengths?

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