I Love To Hate You

By Robyn-Jay

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Elyon Baker has it tough. She lives alone in a crappy apartment for reasons even she doesn't like to think ab... More

Chapter 1: "Is it national 'hate' day?"
Chapter 2: "Sometimes, I really do love this job."
Chapter 3: "It's gonna cost him."
Chapter 4: "Whatever, the punch was good."
Chapter 5: "Is he killing her in there?"
Chapter 6: "Glad u didn't have to break some poor guys balls Little E."
Chapter 7: "They have some issues in the bedroom department."
Chapter 8: "What is with everyone going all 'Hulk' on my ass lately?"
Chapter 9: "Little annoying freak of a man boob!"
Chapter 10:"They were enacting a Cinderella porno."
Chapter 11: "I feel like something really bad is about to happen."
Chapter 12: "In your face muscle man!"
Chapter 13: "A way to shave every hair from his body and sell it all on EBay!"
Chapter 14: "Whoever this guy is, he must be related to the exorcist."
Chapter 15: "I was in the bad boys den."
Chapter 16:"I'm all for the clown! He could do some crazy shit in the sack."
Chapter 17: "Swap his shampoo for hair removal cream."
Chapter 18: "Did you just compare me to mouldy cheese?"
Chapter 19: "Every Fucker for themselves."
Chapter 20: "He's on his period right now."
Chapter 21: "I guess it's herpes roulette now."
Chapter 22: "You look like you just got into a fight with a twister mat."
Chapter 23: "Why is there a Gremlin casually lying on me?"
Chapter 25: "Dude! Stop feeling me up under the table!"
Chapter 26: "If you're a girl, you should only eat dust."
Chapter 27: "I'm channelling my inner Jaden."
Chapter 28: "Don't be fooled, she could have hidden the body in the lift."
Chapter 29: "I am Jack! Captain Jack Sparrow!"
Extra Chapter: "A banging headache and a weird craving for cheese." (Noah.)
Chapter 30: "Drops her underwear so fast they would hit China."
Chapter 31: "She was looking at me like I was her next kill."
Chapter 32: "That knee deep instinct to boot him in the balls."
Chapter 33: "I'm not talking about a hooker dress and giving you a pole."
Chapter 34: "These fucking jeans are giving me a killer rash."
Chapter 35: "I'll make sure you have small children!"
Chapter 36: "I look like I'm a prostitute on a bender!"
Chapter 37: "You may have no reproductive organs."
Chapter 38: "Don't make me do the airplane noises."
Chapter 39: "Seriously, the girl snores like a horny bear."
Chapter 40: "Grate her face off with a cheese grater."
Chapter 41: "God chose me to repopulate the world with my awesomeness."
Chapter 42: "Everyone has their own scapegoat."
Chapter 44: "You smile like a five year old meeting Barney."
Chapter 45: "I will shove this very high heel up your whorey ass."
Chapter 46: "I still hate him. I just love doing it."
Chapter 47: "My mouth feels like a piece of sandpaper."
Epilogue: "Ha fucking ha."
Extra Chapter.

Chapter 43: "The level of awkwardness is enough to shrink my balls."

10.1K 440 99
By Robyn-Jay

He hung up on me and I had to fight with my shaking hands to push the phone into my jeans pocket. 

“We have to get out of here. Now.” I grabbed Lilly, the white dress and my jacket before dragging her to the cashier.

“Oh my God, is he here? Elyon? Is he?” She whispered her eyes darting about.

“Yes, now act normal.” I whispered back before trying to smile at the woman behind the counter as she took my money.

As soon as the receipt was in the bag and I had my change Lily and I practically flew out of that shop and into her waiting car outside.

“Drive!” I half yelled at her as she fiddled with her car keys.

Finally, we were on our way but I was still half expecting my Dad to leap out at us. My hands were shaking and my body wouldn’t release the tension it had gathered during the phone call.

My phone rang again. I jumped halfway out of my seat and pulled the offending item out of my pocket, the relief that flooded me when I read the name on the screen was unreal.

“Elyon?” Jaden practically yelled into my ear and I flinched glancing at Lily who quickly shot me an apologetic look.

“I told Noah, in case something happened. He most have told him.” She explained staring at the road in front of her.

“Hey,” I said wearily, unsure of how to react to this situation.

“Don’t you ‘hey’ me you massive fucking idiot. Why the hell didn’t you call me the second he called you?”

Okay, wow. Calm down my ear just about blew off dude.

“Jaden, I am fine. Nothing happened, I don’t need to run to you every time something bad happens.” I said running a hand through my hair and sighing.

There was nothing but silence form his side of the line and for a minute I thought I had went overboard, he was only trying to keep me safe after all.

“You’re a major pain in the ass, just hurry up and get home so I can yell at you.”

I pulled the phone away from my ear and stared at in awe. He actually hung up on me. That ass wipe thinks he can whine like a bitch and then hang up on me?

Then I smiled, it was stupid but I did. He said ‘home’ and that calmed some of my shaking and tension, even if it was something that just slipped by accident; it still made me smile.


“Ugh, can’t we just go back to yours?” I asked Lily as we headed up to the flat in the elevator. Lily laughed in return and looked at me before shaking her head.

“I don’t know how you do it Elyon, you seem so normal.” She said sobering up her laughter to give me a straight out curious look.

I felt my eyes widen and my heart race slightly. ‘Normal’? Is that how I seemed?

“I don’t know? I’m just that cool I guess.” I said trying to laugh off the panic building in my chest.


We stepped out into the hallway leading to the guy’s flat and proceeded to make our way there.

“They are gonna flip when we go in here,” I muttered just outside the door, working myself up enough to open it.

Lily sighed and folded her arms over her chest.

“I’m just glad we left the dress in the car, this could get bloody.”

I laughed a little and opened the door, let’s face it I was past knocking anymore, and we walked down the short hallway to the front room.

They were all there, even Luke.

Nicolas was in the armchair by the window, his body turned to the T.V: an action film playing on its huge screen, Noah was on the couch his body rigid as he looked down at his mobile, Luke was beside him his eyes also trained on the T.V and Jaden was on the armchair directly in front of us. His head the only thing I could see.

“We’re back,” Lily said carefully gaining all of their attentions. Noah sprang up to grab her shoulders; his eyes searching her face frantically.

Always the dramatic.

“What the hell happened?” He demanded his eyes finally darting over to me. I glanced quickly at the statue that was Jaden then back to Noah who was waiting for an answer.

“I think my Dad was following us, he called and mentioned the dress I was holding. He must’ve been there. But nothing happened! We are fine.” I tried to push this fact, because we were. Nothing happened, other than me almost shitting a brick sideways.

“You have to be more careful Elyon,” Luke said smiling slightly: sadly.

“I said we’re fine, so let it go okay? I won’t be going anywhere alone again,” I sighed my shoulders drooping under the extra weight put on my shoulders.

It has been one hell of a long day, and last night I think I only got about three hours sleep. I was about to drop.

And that my dear people is when Jaden decides it’s his time to shine.

He stands up from his chair, all slow and dramatic like, and turns to face me and hol-e shit. He looks absolutely pissed.


“You do not get to act like this isn’t a ‘big deal’.” He almost whispers, his voice deadly as venom. No one dared speak over him or rebuke him. I didn’t even try; I have never seen him this angry before.

“It wasn’t. I swear.” I said in the most lowest of voices as he begins to approach me.

He reaches out and grabs my arms, not too strongly but enough to hold me in place as he says, in that same deadly voice:

“You don’t get to decided that, not anymore.” His eyes meet mine and I see something flicker behind his anger. Something soft and gentle, something I never expected to see.

I open my mouth to say something, anything, but I only manage a sigh. I had no idea what to do, I felt trapped in his hold and stare, the meaning behind his words biding my tongue to my mouth. I was paralyzed in the amount of emotions surging around our bodies.

“You scared the shit out of me Elly,” he half groaned and pressed his forehead against mine, his eyes closing the second he did so.

My own eyes darted to the side, to Lily and Noah who were staring at the pair of us with wide, bewildered eyes. I almost blushed. Almost. I then looked back at Jaden’s very close face and smiled slightly.

He was a major pain in the ass.          

“Okay I get it, I promise not to be so stupid again.” I said pulling my head away from his and he opened his eyes to see my smile.

“Can you two please take whatever it is you are doing into another room? The level of awkwardness in here right now is enough to shrivel my balls.” Nicolas suddenly piped up and Jaden sighed, giving me a small smile.

“If you had any balls that is.” Jaden called back pulling away from me, his hand slipping into mine so he could tug me to the armchair he had just been sitting in and force me into it.

“Everyone in this room knows I have balls, even Elyon.” Nicolas said back indignantly. I shuddered at an awful memory as his words hit home.

“Shut up Nick.” Noah, Luke and Jaden all chimed in together, laughing at their jinx.

“Okay, Lily you staying tonight or what?” Jaden said after the brief moment of laughter. Most of the tension from before fading.

Lily looked over at Noah who shrugged in return making both Lily and I roll our eyes. Men.

“Yeah, sure.” She finally said with a slight nod of her blonde head.

“Next, Elyon: give me your phone.” Jaden said holding his hand out in front of him expectantly.

It was the use of my proper name that made me give it to him without a fight.

“Great, now to just…” As Jaden said this he raised his foot, dropped the phone to the floor and stood on it. Then jumped on it. Then picked it up and threw it against the wall.

No one said anything during this whole procedure, we were all too stunned to. Well, except for Nicolas, he was guffawing his heart out.

“What the fuck do you think you are doing you hairless monkey?!” I yelled jumping up from my seat to point at the broken phone.

“Your Dad knew how to contact you. Now he doesn’t, don’t worry. I’ll get you a new one.”

I swear I think my brain melted at this point.

“Oh.” Was all I was able to mumble before I sat my ass back onto the sofa where I stared at the broken jumble of my now extinct phone

We all did.

“Well, this isn’t awkward at all.” Nicolas stage whispered his blue eyes flashing around our strange group before he cracked a smile and stood from his seat.

“I’m going out, you losers wanna come?”

And just like that the awkward tension was gone, our shared dislike for Nicolas allowing us to groan in unison, to laugh in unison. For a small, unforgettable moment, everything was back to normal.


A/N The shortest chapter I have ever written and I am so so so sorry! It has taken me for ever to get around to doing this, but I want to let you all know that I haven’t forgotten about this story. It means to much to forget.

Again, I am sorry but I am lazy and an asshole.

On brighter news! I turned 18 on the 11th January! Finally legal to party! Haha, yeeeeaaah...*awkward pause*

Anyways, thanks for reading and sticking with Elyon. It means the world to me. :)

Thanks (again)

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Robyn x 

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