From The Place I Hate, Came M...

By HoodedSam

849 59 8

"But honestly, who would've ever guessed that I would find someone so amazing and that I love so much all bec... More

I Hate the Ocean
Have I gone Insane?
Going back.
God Bless Morphine.
Deep Breaths
Fishermen's Tales
Can it get Worse?
Yes...Yes it can.
I'm Lying
I'll Never Let Go
3:31 a.m.

More than I could Take.

47 5 0
By HoodedSam

 "What the hell happened to you?"

 I opened my eyes and looked around me. I was in a car now, and we were going...probably not the recommended speed limit. I had my head back against the head rest as we drove and I guess I didn't realize just how tired I really was until I was woken up by someone talking to me. I looked over to my right, where Tyler was driving, but also glancing at me, awaiting my response.

 I took a deep breath before I answered him, "I don't really know. I was just driving home when the car for the other lane just...nailed the side of my car. Didn't even have time to react before I was careening for the water." I rubbed my face, trying to push away sleep for just a little longer. All the aches and pains of the day were beginning to make themselves known all at once as well.

 "But where did you go after your car crashed?" Tyler asked me. "They said they couldn't locate your body." A grim look covered his face as he hesitated to speak again, "I hate to break it to you buddy, but you should be dead."

 "I've noticed." I scoffed, feeling more and more of the 'dead' I was supposed to be. Amelia really is the only reason those thoughts weren't my last.

 "So what happened?" he pushed further again. I get that he was concerned for me, but I didn't really have the energy to come up with some creative lie at the moment.

 "I dunno." I just shrugged. "I smacked my head...and next thing I knew, I was on a beach and it was night." It was a crappy lie, and I knew Tyler immediately was working on pulling it apart in his head. Since he was busy with driving, my guess was it would take him till tomorrow to begin to feel how bullshit it was. Maybe by then, I'd have something better to feed him.

 All was silent for a long while, he focused on driving, and I focused on keeping my eyes open. 

 "So you're telling me you floated out of the car?"

 Shit. Okay, maybe he's faster than I wanted to admit.

 "I dunno, man." I defended myself quickly. "I wasn't really paying much attention. I was a little busy with being unconscious, ya know." I was hoping that if I sounded pissed, he'd stop pushing. It seemingly worked, as he said nothing afterwards.

 Not long after, we pulled up to the hospital.

 "Can you walk in, or do you wanna go in the ER entrance?" he asked me.

 "Nah, just pull in the parking lot. I can walk in." I mean, I'm in bad shape, but not that bad.

 He quickly found a parking space not too far from the main entrance of the hospital. He quickly jumped out of the car and ran over to help me out before I even had my seat belt off. When I got out of the car I let out an involuntary shiver caused by the cool air of the night. I wasn't soaking wet anymore, but my clothes were still kinda damp. I also didn't have shoes on still. Tyler saw this though and quickly removed his own jacket, pushing my arms through it before I could stop him.

 "Thanks." I mutter out.

 We began walking through the parking lot at a decent pace. I'm good enough this...much. My head is spinning. The hospital doesn't look so close as I thought it did. I feel Tyler's hand grip my arm and I hear him call my name, but I can't answer. If I open my mouth, I'm afraid I'm gonna be sick. Oh...this sucks....

 If I...just keep walking. I'll be okay. Breathe. I falling? Everything feels so slowed, just like when the car was going off the bridge, but I'm not...staring death in the face this time...right?

 I'm looking at the pavement, but I only get to my knees before I'm stopped. I feel Tyler holding me up. If I could, I would warn him not to stand in front of me, it's not safe at the moment. I can hear him talking to me but I feel like I'm underwater again, everything sounds muffled and distant.

 ...I think the spinning is slowing down. I think my hearing is coming back too, because I hear Tyler say, "Ready?"

 ...Ready? Ready for wha-

 I'm quickly lifted from the ground and held bridal style. We begin moving again, and the spinning comes back too. I feel more sick than before.

 "It's okay buddy, you'll be okay." I hear Tyler tell me. I can't tell if he's saying that for me or for him. I know that he's a strong guy or whatever, but his voice sounds a little shaky right now. Maybe that's just my head playing tricks on me again. Very possible.

 I just close my eyes, giving up on seeing straight again. Ugh...maybe I shouldn't have though. Now the heavy tiredness I was fighting in the car is coming back. My eyelids feel too heavy to open again. This is just sleep, right?

 We must be inside the hospital now as the brightness from florescent lights is annoying even from behind closed eyelids. I'm almost glad everything is muffled now, cause it sounds like it's pretty noisy in the distance. LA hospitals. Always some shooting, stabbing, mob, gang victim in here.

 I can't hear what Tyler is saying, but with my head up against his chest, I can hear the vibrations of his words. The annoying sleep is nagging at me, desperate to take me at this point. My entire body is aching and my head is screaming in pain. I just need some painkillers and my own bed right now.

 Tyler is putting me down. No! Wait! He is warmer than my clothes and I can't see where he's putting me! Maybe if I hold his shirt he won't be able to- damn it! My grip isn't strong enough! No! I can't open my eyes or my mouth. Everything sounds so distant. I can only feel the hands on my chest, and the voices telling me something. I'm panicking, I know that much.

 The sleep that's been pulling at me this entire time comes back stronger than before. I try to push it off, but honestly, I don't wanna be awake anymore. I don't know where I am, I don't know where Tyler is, and I can't see what's happening. I can feel hands touching me, but I can't do anything about it. Maybe I shouldn't bother with being awake.

 Maybe I should just give into...sleep....

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