Yes...Yes it can.

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 I can't see anything around me, it's all just the dark green of the ocean. What I can see is this tentacle wrapped firmly around my torso, and no matter how much I try to pry at it, nothing seems to shake it.

 My lungs are burning so much right now, the pain is intense. I remember when I was in the car accident, my lungs burned but not for very long before Amy saved me. This is torture. Being held in place under the water, not being able to see anything, not being able to breathe, it's my personal hell I had nightmares of.

 What I would give right now just for a small gasp of air. Oh God my lungs hurt. Everything hurts. My vision is tunneling. This is a very familiar feeling, one I hoped never to feel again.

 I'm being pulled around through the water, the pressure in my ears is intense. The beast grips me tighter than before, as if one last send off into death. piece of shit.

 So...if this is it...and I am actually going to die right here right would all be because of Amy.... I regret nothing. I'd do it again. If just for the moments I got to speak with her.

 I'm being pushed through the water again, but this time in the opposite direction...I think. I don't know if I could honestly tell you which way was up right now between the pressure and my head swimming all on it's own without me.

 The familiar darkness is...pulling at me again.... It's like...greeting an...old friend....











 Everything is numb. My body. My brain. Everything.

 I just lay...where ever I am, taking in deep sweet breaths of oxygen.

 I don't know what to do!

 This is the second time I've looked death in the face only to be pulled out of it all again.

 You have to help me!

 Well, let's just hope third time isn't the charm, eh?

 Oh please be okay! I need you right now!

 I mean, this can't have just been the second time I've almost gotten myself killed, could it? I was an exceptionally dumb child, so I probably have gotten into something or another that should've killed me.

 Wake up!

 ...Everything is coming back and it's not quite so numb anymore. I can feel a little bit of the pain that's coursing through my body.

 Wake up!

 There is...yeah...yeah there is definitely someone yelling at me. Who it brain can't quite place that one yet. But I'm sure my eyes will open in a little bit and I-


 The stinging in my cheek suddenly seems to hurt worse the the ache throughout my entire body. My eyes are wide open now as my head is turned to the side. I look out, and all I see is choppy ocean, but I'm above it...?

 ...Dammit. I'm on the damn rock again aren't I? But that would mean...


 When I move my head to look up again, I'm greeted by an extremely familiar face looking down at me with her blonde hair dripping water onto my face.

From The Place I Hate, Came My LoveWhere stories live. Discover now