
By totalfeen11

7K 94 122

When Hayden's sister learns that she's dating Liam Dunbar, she goes ballistic. After being briefly enlightene... More

Perfect Timing
Hayden's Nightmares
More than anything
Too Young
So In Love
Movie Night
"It's Okay"
Unexpected Guest
How could you?
Author's Note
Not Now
Forever and Always
Rumour Has It
Thank You!!!
Blue Doors
Invisible Force

"Lena's Party"

525 11 2
By totalfeen11

"It's just a party, and I've known Lena since I was like 2! Why can't I go?" Hayden was having serious difficulty convincing her sister to let her go to Lena Arkwright's sweet 16. "We were gonna have a movie night though, I even ordered in your favourite pizza. We haven't spent any time together in ages, and you know how hard it is for me to get a night off. Can't you just give Lena a present and promise you'll go next year?" Hayden rolled her eyes at her sister's naivety and acted impatient. "It's not as simple as that. Don't you see? If I don't go to her party, she'll convince the rest of the year to hate me! She's one of the most popular girls in school." After a little bit of thought she added, "And we're really good friends!" Lies. Lena was your average teenaged girl. She had a crush on Scott McCall, tried hard in her studies, and had her mood swings. She had a small group of friends that were very loyal, but they were all pretty boring. Lena was having 30 people over for a party at hers that night. Each girl (there would be no guys there) was allowed 3 cups of alcohol and then they are not allowed anymore. Her parents were going to be there, and so was her big brother and his friends. Lena hadn't actually spoken to Hayden in nearly 4 years, but she knew Hayden was her best chance at ever getting to speak to Scott, so she stayed friends by inviting her. Lena honestly didn't care if Hayden turned up or not, she just wanted Hayden to inform Scott that Lena existed. With the entire of Beacon Hills High School knowing Kira had left Scott the previous semester, he was now finding it hard to move through the corridors at school without several girls hanging off his arm! Hayden was starting to worry. Her sister just wouldn't budge! Eventually, Valerie relented and let Hayden go, as long as she was home by 1.25. Hayden was out the door before her sister had finished speaking. She ran at werewolf speed to Liam's house. She knew the route of by heart, and was getting more excited by the second. Flying in the open window, she leapt onto Liam's floor. Looking up, she saw her shirtless boyfriend sitting on his bed on his phone. Her heart fluttered, and something stirred within her. She threw herself on to the bed next to him and let out a sigh. "You know, I have a front door that works really well" Joked Liam. "Shut up and come here" Hayden giggled as Liam pulled her on top of him and lay back against his pillows. "Don't take that tone with me, or I'll simply have to punish you" threatened Liam. He sat up and started kissing Hayden's neck. She tipped her head back and allowed him to pull her shirt over her head. Tossing it aside, he quickly sat up on his knees, pulling her with him. He traced patterns on her back and edged his hands upwards until they sat on her bra clasp. She nibbled his earlobe as if to say go ahead, and his fingers expertly snapped it. Hayden pulled back, startled. Liam looked at her worriedly. She was looking at the window. "Did you see that?" she asked, glancing back at the window. Liam looked at the window and saw nothing. He turned to Hayden looking confused. She jumped up from the bed and retreated to the far wall. It hurt Liam to see his girlfriend so scared. He clambered off the bed and walked to the window. He threw up the sash and looked out. He couldn't see anything abnormal, it all seemed as it usually did. HE turned and looked at Hayden, who was, by this time decent again, and gestured to the window. "There's nothing there babe. You must be hallucinating or something. The concerned look on his face was quickly replaced with one of confusion as Hayden slid down the wall, covering her mouth and eyes streaming. She seemed terrified. He turned very slowly to the open window, to find someone, more like something watching him and Hayden. He gulped silently and began retreating toward Hayden. He stood in front of her like a protective shield, not wanting her to get hurt. "Who-I mean-What are you?" stuttered Liam. Hayden was still a sobbing mess on the floor, evidently petrified. Even though she was a werewolf, dying once had been enough for her, and she didn't fancy trying it again any time soon. The thing, whatever it was, was slowly climbing in the window. It looked intently at the couple, it's eyes glassy and pearl-like. It landed on all fours inside, and Hayden roared in desperation. 

Some way off, Scott was studying in his room. He was failing A.P biology, and was stressing. All of a sudden his ears pricked, and he heard the desperate roar of his young beta. He jumped up from his bed, dislodging all his books onto the floor. He didn't stop to pick them up, just threw a shirt and shoes on and was out the door in no time. When his mum stopped him he just pushed past her and shouted "Werewolf business, will be back soon, love you!" with that, he ran off into the night. Melissa McCall shook her head and turned her attention back to her coffee. 

Hayden was crying desperately, and Liam was itching to comfort her and stop those heart-wrenching whimpers. He had his claws and fangs out, and was ready to fight the creature if it came to that. Suddenly the thing whipped his head round toward the window. It snarled, glanced back at Liam and Hayden, and jumped out of the window, disappearing from sight instantaneously. Scott appeared at the window immediately, and Liam sighed in relief. He turned to pick up Hayden but was met with "Liam, put a shirt on. My mum already hates you, she won't appreciate you coming to mine without half your clothes on. Begrudgingly, Liam dragged a shirt over his head, grabbed Hayden's phone and turned to see Scott carrying Hayden out of the window. "Going to tell my parents I'm staying at yours. Is that ok?" Scott nodded in agreement and gestured with his head to the girl in his arms. "Want to text Val and let her know Hayden'll be staying at Lena's?" Liam hastily nodded and ran out of the room. Scott jumped out the window and headed back to his house, carrying Hayden in his arms.

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