Strength » Clark Kent

By nostalgicxuser

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In where superman and supergirl weren't the only kryptonians still alive. More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3 Preview

Chapter 3

836 29 4
By nostalgicxuser

*author's note: This is a chapter that I wrote 2yrs ago, it might be bad but still an update. I'll write better in the future.*

* Joel Dar's point of view *

"Hey! Calm down, she's my mother. She won't hurt you." said Clark. I have yet to know this man but I sense these people are trustworthy. I, then, stand up straight. After a minute or two, I tell them my name and my purpose.

"Listen, my name is Joel Dar. I come from planet Krypton; I am the second natural born of Krypton. I came here to find Kal El." The woman and Clark, both stared at each other questionabley. Clark spoke.

"Why are you trying to find him?"

"I still don't know that. I was just told to find you so you can.. help me in a way."

"You said you were from Krypton. But Krypton got destroyed thousands of years ago. How can you possibly be from there? How can you possibly be alive?" Clark seemed a bit frustrated with hearing where I came from.

"I, as I said, am a natural born of Krypton. I was born way before the planet could've been destroyed.We survived by living in a ship. The very few people that survived, died coming here. I didn't know our mission was to come to this planet. I only knew we were trying to survive." Their faces softened after hearing my situation. Clark kept asking questions about me.

"Why are you looking for Kal El? How do you know about him?" Clark seemed to be more curious about my knowledge on Kal El than anything else. This rose my curious about everything even more. Lying about it wouldn't help my situation at hand, so I told him the truth.

"My sister, Kora, was the one who told me. She told me about Kal El and that he was Krypton's first natural born. She told me to find him in planet Earth. She wanted me to find him." I finished explaining. Memories of my sister's death came at me all of the sudden came at me. Tears began to fall.

I would never forget how much she meant to me. She was my everything.

"So what you're trying to say is.. You needed to find him because your sister told you. But what I don't understand is why him?" Clark asked. "why not someone else?"

"You're really that clueless, huh?" I rhetorically asked. I was getting frustrated at this whole thing. I just wanted everything to go back how it was with my sister.

"She chose him because he would probably know better; how to survive and more importantly how to live normally. If he is the Kryptonian that landed on this planet, he might help me continue living. She knew that maybe he would understand me better than anyone else."

A few minutes came by in silence. I stared into nowhere thinking about how everything changed within time. I came back to reality when Clark spoke.

"Let me fully introduce myself. I go by the name of Clark Kent. But that's not my real name. My name is Kal El, first natural birth of my home planet, Krypton. I fled my planet because it was destroyed. Nowadays, I save human beings from danger and live as journalist."

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