The Missing Daughter of McGon...

By Amytuckwell

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What if Dumbledore and Minerva had a daughter! What if their daughter grew up with them but was kidnapped whe... More

The Attack at the World Cup and Le Da
The First Task and Screeching Egg
The Second Task Is In The Lake!! Oh no.
Third Task and Voldemort is Back
Author Note

The Yule Ball!!

885 20 12
By Amytuckwell

It was December now and getting colder by the day. I have had nightmares after nightmares about what this year holds and I'm not using my gift of knowledge unless I needed it. I'm off punishment finally with my parents but that didn't stop my grandmother Perenella scolding me for my antics but she smirked as well knowing Draco deserved it with the way he is and the way he gets to me. Anyways, Rita Skeeter has been moseying about me and I hated it but she kept giving me looks between me and Minerva and Severus has also seen this but he reassured me that she won't know so I should just relax.

At the moment I was in my bedroom and preparing to go to the great hall to go to breakfast. I looked to myself as I had black jeans on and a dark blue blouse on to represent Wisdom due to I represent my houses and I placed my necklace on from my parents and I sighed and walked out of my chambers on my way to the great hall. As I entered I saw all the students having their breakfast and they all smiled at me as I went and took my normal place at the high table.

"How was your night, Ms McDore?" Minerva asked and looked at Ms McDore closely to see some features up close and Albus has also been looking closer since Rita has been asking him and Minerva more questions.

"Fine. Just my normal night as always." I answered and I rubbed my eyes and shook my head with a yawn.

"Mum, are you all right? You look exhausted." Albus said in concern and I nodded with that but I wasn't I'm absolutely exhausted but I won't show it ever again.

"I'm fine, can you just leave it be." I snapped and he looked a bit taken back by my attitude and Skyla, Alastor, Stacey, Rachel, Joanne, Perenella and Nicolas exchange looks of worry.

As I sat there I was not hungry at all I don't even think I can keep anything down but I saw Hermione with the newspaper and Harry spit out his juice when smiling to Ms Chang on the wisdom table and Minerva with Mason was laughing.

"Look at this! I can't believe it! Shes done it again. Ms Granger, a plain and ambitious girl seems to be developing a taste for famous wizards. Her latest prey, sources report is none other than the Bulgarian bonbon, Viktor Krum. No word yet on how Harry Potters taking this latest and emotional blow." Hermione said and I paled and Albus shuffled uncomfortable and I narrowed my eyes.

"Where's the Prophet? I haven't gotten my usual delivery for this morning?" I said asking him dangerously and everyone paled and gulped and Alastor passed me one meekly and I looked to the paper and found out what Rita has said about me.

"Ms McDore, the Headmistress of Le Da Academy, High Governess of Hogwarts and a War Hero from Americas Wizarding War seems to be a woman with a strong head on her shoulders but the stubbornness of doing anything. McDore from my latest searchings grew up in America the roughest part as an orphan, from what I have discovered she has been having the development of using drugs when she was younger as well as having a taste of smoking and drinking to an unbelievable standards, as she got into trouble with the authorities. What it must be like is how this woman became the Headmistress and who her parents were? Would they be shocked on how their daughter grew up? Or wouldn't they and what is she teaching the students of Le Da? And why does she look like the profound professor Minerva Mcgonagall? The search will continue on who Ms McDore really is." I read out and I narrowed my eyes with my hands shaking in furiousness at her audacity.

"Mum..." Alastor said and I was shaking with anger.

"She's dead." I said stone cold as anything and all my teachers knew not to get in my way.

"We'll figure something out Amz, we always do and besides, no one believes all that stuff." Joanne reassured but I snapped my head towards her.

"She's dead because she looked into a past that is mine to only know. Yes I know what mistakes I've made within my past but it doesn't have anything to do with anyone else except from my family and that is it." I said to her and she nodded.

"Parcel for you, Ms McDore." Catherine said and I nodded as I took the parcel from within my hands and I read the message and I paled as I read the letter and I didn't want to believe it as I shoved the parcel away from me.

"Catherine, who gave you this?" I asked and Catherine shrugged to that.

"I don't know ma'am, I just found it addressed to you within your office and nothing else." She explained and I nodded and grabbed the parcel standing up.

"Stacey, Joanne, Severus and Rachel my office right now!" I ordered and they nodded. "Gellert, I need someone who's good at the dark arts and your one of the others who I'll need." I said and Gellert nodded and went. "If you'll excuse me I need to go." I said and marched out and Hermione and Harry looked to me and I smiled and walked off running to my office and going in placing the parcel on my desk.

"What's the matter, Amz?" Stacey asked and I looked to her and pointed to the parcel.

"What is it? And why do you need us?" Rachel asked and looked to the letter and paled and looked to Amy who was shaking.

"It's from HIM!" I sneered and everyone paled knowing who I was talking about. It was from the man that had caused all my pain in my life it was from the one and only Voldemort. He had the audacity to give me a parcel but the only thing I'm wondering is what the heck is inside the parcel in which scared me because he wants me angry but scared as well and so I looked to Gellert who was trying spells on and he shrugged.

"No spells on this or contains anything that could harm." Gellert said and I nodded and with reluctance I opened the parcel and the box only to drop it and scream. Inside the box was a severed head of someone I knew and that was the one and only Rhiannon Kendall my team mate who helped take down Rasputin in the war, and and Stacey looked paled and hugged Amy who was shaking with tears and Joanne was losing her contents but as the door opened I saw Catherine and she was pale in horror at the severed head and I just cried into Stacey's shoulder.

"Catherine, get someone to deal with this I need to take the Headmistress to the Hospital Wing." Stacey said and Catherine nodded and Stacey looked to Amy who was shaking and not responding except from tears as she lead her through the halls and the Hogwarts, Beauxbatons, Dumstrang and Le Da Academy students were watching them pass and Stacey saw Minerva Mcgonagall and she sighed hoping she could help.

"What's happened?" Minerva asked but saw Ms McDore shaking in freight she had just finished announcing the Yule Ball to the students when she came out to see this but she did hear a terrifying scream that shook everyone.

"Just say that parcel contained something that was horrifying to her." Stacey informed and Minerva came to Ms McDore and hugged her close but Ms McDore was shaking in her grasp. "I need to go and sort it out." Stacey said and Minerva nodded and with that Stacey left reluctantly and Minerva took the woman with her.

"It's all right. It's all right." Minerva said softly and Ms McDore looked to her with a look that terrified her.

"No it's not. Voldemort's coming back and I can't do anything about it." I said to her and she paled and led me into the Hospital wing where Poppy, Perenella and Albus was and they gasped as they saw Ms McDore like this.

"What happened?" Perenella asked and she took Amy who hugged her and wouldn't let her go for anything.

"Can't lose anyone else." I mumbled and Perenella was confused but Minerva shrugged.

"It was something to do with the parcel that was delivered." Minerva informed and Perenella sat Amy on the bed and then went to get a calming draught as Poppy placed a warm blanket over the shocked headmistress.

"What happened, Ms McDore?" Albus asked in concerned and Ms McDore looked to him terrified.

"Parcel. Voldemort. Severed head. Rhiannon." I said out and Perenella heard this and knew why Amy was like this and gave the calming draught to Amy but she refused and went to the back of the bed shaking.

"Amy, you need to take this." Perenella said softly but Amy shook her head no.

"I, I can't. He sent me it and warned me he's coming back to get me. Please don't let him get me grandma." I said and Albus saw her rocking back and forth and Perenella hugged her rubbing her back like a child.

"He won't get you again. He won't touch you or Harry." Perenella whispered and she placed the tips of her fingers to Amy's head and she fell to sleep and laid Amy on the bed to lay comfortable.

"What happened? I've only seen her like that with the boggart but this was worse." Poppy said and Perenella sighed and stroked Amy's hair out of her face and looked to them.

"Amy has many memories but the horrifying ones outweighs the good memories. Amy like she said that I could understand it received a severed head from someone she knows, called Rhiannon Kendall, who was on her team to get rid of Rasputin in the American Wizarding war. Amy went in at fourteen years of age and she came out when she was 18 years and that's when she was rewarded the medal of honour. Amy then came back and her friends Ms Grin, Ms Weasel and Ms Grey came to her that she has a son. He was created out of her DNA. Amy was going to refuse at first but then she decided to be his mother because she grew up without a mother. Then her other son showed up with her daughter and she had a family. But she was always put in a time chamber so her body ages slower so if 10 years went by it will only seem like a day to them and that's how she had her other two children." Perenella explained and everyone listened.

"She's had it rough and now with her friend dead it sent her like this." Minerva said and Perenella nodded in agreement to that.

"Who were her parents?" Albus asked wondering if they could get that but Perenella sighed.

"Unfortunately I can't divulge that information about her she's only just knowing herself about that past." Perenella said and Albus sighed her won't find out who Ms McDore is now.

"The Yule ball is on Christmas Eve night. It needs to be sorted and decorated in the great hall." Minerva said and Perenella nodded but Amy has never danced.

"One thing about Amy though, she hates dresses." Perenella said and chuckled with the others at that statement waiting for whenever Amy wakes up and with the amount of sleep she has gotten it won't be quick.

Through the weeks of Amy not waking up she has been divulged in nightmares of all terrors. Minerva and Albus were there most of the time and with her children and friends with even Severus. Some of the nightmares that she had where Minerva was in her cat form terrified her to the brink that she would always wake up shaking and Minerva would always comfort her but after that she would collapse into a frightful sleep again. Harry and Hermione were worried about Angel and Guardian with Fred, George and Ron and they visited but they always saw the black circles under her eyes and the way she looked weaker and didn't understand it but they must of known it was from the past in which they might never know. Joanne remembered where she heard that sound from the egg and she paled knowing Amy wouldn't ever like it but now it's soon to be the Yule Ball and Amy hasn't woken up and Perenella with Poppy have been tending to Amy.

It was pitch black all around me and all I could remember was Rhiannon's severed head and the nightmares I kept having within my sleep but someone was always there to comfort me. As my eyes got lighter I blinked my eyes as they opened from the near darkness of the sun going down and I wondered what has happened and how many days I've been out? As I sat up I winced as I looked around and I saw Perenella sleeping there with Nicolas.

I smiled and got up with a stretch but I saw a tabby cat looking at me and I smiled as I stroked the cat and it purred. "Hey there girl, how long have you been there for?" I asked quietly.

"Your awake." Severus said coming in and I looked and smiled as he came and engulfed me in the hug but Severus hasn't noticed the cat watching the interaction and so she jumped from the bed and hid watching them.

"Yeah, how many days have I been out? All I can remember is Rhiannon's severed head and then the nightmares came of, HIM always having me." I said and he pulled me close and I relaxed within his embrace used to him the one always hugging me.

"You've been out for weeks but tonight you have to get ready." He said and I looked confused. "The Yule Balls tonight." He said and I paled looking at him.

"No way, Sev. I can't dance and I've been out for weeks and you expect me to go out dancing with no date?" I said and asked and he smirked to me and I sighed. "I don't even have a dress or own any make up or know how to do my hair. It's not like I've had a mother to teach me anything like that..." I said and he smirked to me about that and he chuckled.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that there was a certain event in Potters second year." Severus said and I looked horrified and he laughed quietly and I slapped him teasingly and he chuckled.

"Come on, we've all ready got a dress sorted for you and when you wake up, Joanne and Stacey will help you and you have a date to the ball which is me. Rachel is taking...Gellert." Severus said and I smiled to me. "Do me the honour of a brother to go to the ball with me?" Severus asked teasingly.

"You may, baby brother." I teased back and he chuckled and I looked around before I smiled at my honorary grandparents and got the quilt and laid it over them kissing their cheeks and walked back to Severus who smiled. "They are grandparents to me Severus, I can't change that. They've been there for me ever since I was found on the street by them when I was on the run by the Deatheaters and HIM." I said and he nodded and with that we walked out but the cat was curious on why I called Severus baby brother.

As we walked the castle was decorated and I knew my staff and students wouldn't let me down in the big event. Outside was amazing it was thick of snow with the snow still falling and I smiled gently at the sight. As we came to my quarters we walked in and I saw Stacey and Joanne there talking and when they saw me they gasped and hugged me.

"Your awake! We were so worried. The kids have all ready gone down and the House Elf is taking care of the grandchildren tonight. Come on, we have to get you ready." Stacey said and pulled me along and I gulped as we came to the bedroom and Joanne shut the door and Severus sighed and waited as he did for his older sister to be ready. He knew she didn't know how to dance but he'll be damned if she wasn't going to enjoy this night.

Joanne pushed me into the bathroom. "Get a quick shower now." Joanne said sternly and I nodded reluctantly and I stripped with a flick of my wand and jumped in the shower that was now running and I looked at my reflection and winced at all the scars. I sighed wondering what is wrong with Alastor? I washed my hair with coconut scent shampoo and washed my hair thorough and followed with a vanilla scent on my body. After that I got out wrapping a towel around me and brushed my teeth throughly and bushed my hair of all the tangled and knots but when they was done there was a knock and Stacey peeked in.

"Put this on before you come out and here you'll need these." Stacey said passing me a dress bag and then some underwear and bra and I sighed as she shut the door and I got the emerald green underwear on with my emerald green bra and with that, I hesitated on opening it as I did I looked at the dress and stroked it gently. For me being out my friends have picked me a dress. It was a empire waist silk emerald dress with a sparkling silver sequin bust and it was simple. I smiled slightly for my friends help as I slipped it on and it was the perfect fit as my strapless bra didn't show. As I looked at myself I covered my scars with a flick of my wrist and then walked out and Stacey and Joanne gasped and smiled.

"Amz, there is going to be some men drooling over you." Joanne said to that one and got a smack off Stacey and I chuckled at that.

"Thanks." I said and Stacey grabbed me and placed me in front of my vanity and got to work on my hair as Joanne did my make up but I warned her not too much and she agreed. As they did it I was blind folded to not see and Stacey did Amy delicately on her hair and knew she would be perfect with this and Joanne nodded at her work.

"Now we're done." Stacey said and gently took the blind fold off and I closed my eyes as Joanne did my eyelids and I didn't catch what I looked like but she pulled back and I opened my eyes and gasped at my reflection. In the mirror I was looking at someone completely different. I looked like a high class Pureblood honestly and a woman without problems. Stacey as she put it has put my dark brunette hair in a bun and has framed my face with a few simple strands while Joanne had put light make up of blush, high liner and even eyeshadow of emerald green and with that, I looked to my necklaces that I haven't hardly taken off and knew my parents will recognise them.

"I have to take these off." I said and unclipped them and laid them on my vanity. Stacey and Joanne looked sad and knew Amy had never taken those necklaces off unless she had to and Joanne went to get something and she came back with a silver simple necklace with a heart and I smiled as she slipped it on.

"There, your ready except for shoes." Joanne said and she passed me some glass slippers and I smiled as I slipped them on and stood up and they smiled broadly as we walked. "Let's go see your Prince Charming but Amz, I've figured out the second task." Joanne said and nervously and Stacey looked to me and down.

"What is it?" I asked as my stomach dropped.

"Your not going to like it. To figure out the clue we had to submerge the egg into water and it sang.
Come seek us where our voices sound,
We cannot sing above the ground,
And while you're searching ponder this;
We've taken what you'll sorely miss,
An hour long you'll have to look,
And to recover what we took,
But past an hour, the prospect's black,
Too late, it's gone, it won't come back." Stacey said and I paled looking at her and Joanne knew that Amy wasn't going to take this well with her fear of deep water.

"So their expecting me to go into the lake! Are they crazy! I hate water. I have an Animagus that'll work but...I just can't." I said and Joanne and Stacey hugged her and looked to their sister.

"Amz, you can do this. But what their going to take I really don't know." Joanne said and I nodded but they dragged me out of the room not to talk about it and when Severus saw me his jaw dropped and smiled.

"Is that my older sister who hates dresses?" Severus teased and she blushed lightly and he chuckled and held out his arm. "May I escort my beautiful sister to the ball?" Severus asked and I nodded but I bit my lip.

"Stacey, has Hermione gotten ready with Harry yet?" I asked nervously and Severus rolled his eyes and I looked to him with sternness.

"Hermione's just getting ready with the boys and you should see what Ron is wearing. It's not from this age should I say and it looks frankly to me, horrible." Stacey said and Joanne nodded and I sighed and turned to Severus with a look.

"Could I meet you there?" I asked and Severus sighed and saw this look and nodded.

"All right. But one of these days your telling me why you care for Potter and Granger." Severus said to his sister who nodded and he walked out and I sighed and walked other leaving Joanne and Stacey to go to their dates while I check on the boys passing Perenella and Nicolas who smiled and I hugged them.

"Thank you." I whispered and they nodded and kissed my head.

"Any time." Perenella said and I nodded and walked off and Perenella knew where she was going. Nicolas and her exchanged looks and chuckled at that girls determination but also worried about her well being with the nightmares that girl has haunting her but knew she would find away.

As I ran to Harry's, Hermione's and Ron's room I went in to see Ron looking in the mirror and Harry there in his tuxedo and Harry saw me and smiled. "Angel!" Harry shouted and ran and hugged her and Ron smiled and did the same.

"Your all right." Ron said to that one and I nodded to that with a smile.

"I'm glad to see you both friends again, but why aren't you down at the Ball?" I asked and Ron sighed and looked to his tuxedo and it was brown with thrills and I had to say it was ghastly.

"Those are Harry's dress robes and these are mine." Ron said to that one. "Their all right with no lace. No dodgy little collar." Ron said to me on that one and Harry looked to me.

"Well, I expected yours are more traditional." Harry said to Ron on that one but he had to secretly agree they were horrible and he could tell Angel didn't like the robes either.

"Traditional? Their ancient! I looked like my great Aunt Tessie!" Ron said and then he lifted up his arm and smelled his arm pit. "I smell like my great Aunt Tessie!" Ron said and I held back a chuckle. "Murder me, Harry and Angel." Ron said and I rolled my eyes.

"Angel, can you do anything?" Harry asked hopeful and Ron looked to her as well and I sighed with a smile.

"In the bathroom, now, Ron." I said and he nodded and went in and I followed him as I thinned my lips and drew my wand from my invisible wand holster and got to work. I cut the lace off and transfigured the collar and his shoes to a smaller one and some more modern shoes. I made him take his shirt off and I transfigured that into and changed the material of the robes into something better and changed the colour to black. As I looked to him I did his hair and nodded as I adjusted his bow. "That will do it." I said and he smiled at me and hugged me.

"Thank you, Angel." Ron said because now he won't stand out with horrible robes and he walked out and Harry smiled and nodded and looked to Angel who winked at him.

"Now let's get going I'm going to check on Hermione and Ginny in their rooms." I said and they nodded and they left while I walked and I opened the door with my master card and took a deep breathe as I came in and saw Hermione and Ginny panicking getting ready and I chuckled. "Not ready yet, girls." I said and Hermione spun around and hugged me and Ginny also did.

"Your awake!" Hermione and Ginny both said filled with worry for her.

"Yes I am and now you need to get ready. Both of you get your dresses on this instant." I said and ordered and Ginny and Hermione nodded looking to each other and ran to the bathroom and I chuckled as I got the essentials I need for their hair and make up. As they came out I clapped and motioned for them to sit and they gladly did as I did their hair first, for Hermione I did her hair up with some clips and also in ringlets and for Ginny I did hers as an plait going round her head and then straight hair down her back. As they did I placed make up with eyeliner and light pink make up on Ginny with blush as well as putting some on Hermione as well and soon they were finished and we could be late now. "Finished." I said with a smile.

"Thanks Guardian." Hermione said hugging the woman she had missed as she was in the hospital wing and was thankful she didn't have to watch where she screamed or cried or shakes when she had a nightmare because it would have been horrible and Ginny joined in the hug and I chuckled.

"We're going to be late girls." I said and they nodded walked out and I came with them. Ginny went straight down to Neville going into the hall but Hermione was nervous and so was I on that point. "It'll be all right. Let's go together." I encouraged and she nodded and we both went down and I saw Severus and he smiled to me and Harry was looking at Ms Chang and I didn't want him to end up with her.

"They look beautiful." Ms Patil said and I blushed at that and Harry was still looking at Cho.

"Yeah, she does." Harry said when he suddenly turned around and he looked to both me and Hermione. Harry was looking at Hermione gobsmacked on how she looked and he has never seen Angel in a dress but she was fantastic. Viktor came to Hermione and bowed taking her arm and she looked to Harry with a smile and Severus then came to me and bowed. I smiled and took his arm and Harry looked shocked.

"Oh. There you are, Ms McDore. Are you and Severus ready?" Minerva asked her and the woman looked to her pale and looked a bit in freight.

"Ready, Minerva?" I asked to this one.

"To dance. Its traditional that the three champions-- Well, in this case, five are the first to dance. Surely someone had told you that or even at the beginning when they explained the Ball?" Minerva asked and Ms McDore was jaw dropped shaking her head. "Well, now you know." Misses said and dragged me and Severus to the line and I gulped and Severus saw this and squeezed her hand.

"Follow my lead and you'll be all right." Severus whispered and I nodded and Minerva saw this and was still trying to figure the two out right now.

"Now I need you to all line up in the procession, please. Oh, you are very late." Minerva said to that on some students walked in. It went Fleur with Richard Davis, Viktor and Hermione, Cedric and Cho with Harry and Pavarti Patil and finally me and Severus. As we entered music and the was on and we walked through the double doors that we passed, and it was like a winter wonderland and I smiled as the students clapped and the Le Da students were smiling and clapping looking at me and I knew they were glad to be back. I also saw my teachers as well cheering. I noticed Ron was staring at Hermione and I smiled.

"Is that Hermione Granger with Viktor Krum?" Padme asked as she clapped seeing the couple. "And Ms McDore with Professor Snape?" She asked as every student looked shocked as I came on Severus's arm but I was stiff and apprehensive as I saw my children and they looked relieved and Rachel was smiling with Joanne, Stacey, Fabian and Griedon, and even Gellert who was beside his daughter was smiling in his dress robes.

"No. Absolutely not." Ron I heard say back and I chuckled quietly and it seemed Severus heard the same thing because he looked to me with a look. Snow falls from the enchanted ceiling and then we come to the dance floor and I saw Harry nervous and he was like me I was absolutely nervous as Severus took my waist and his arm in mine and I placed mine on his shoulder trying to breathe deeply as Uncle Flitwick tapped his baton that looked like an icicle on the stand.

"Harry, take my waist." I heard Pavarti tell Harry and I knew he was as confused.

"What?" Harry said to that one shocked and I was trying not to smile.

"Now!" Parvati ordered and the music started and Severus guided me around the floor and I was glad about that as I started to smile as I danced with my brother and Severus was happy within the eyes as I saw Albus and Minerva watching with smiles but also confused looks and I wondered why? Severus lifts me in the air and twirls me around and I chuckled as we danced and he twirls me as I saw Minerva and Albus come join in. Filch dances with his cat and I saw Liz Ford with Mike Tarr dancing with Perenella and Nicolas with the other students and teachers joining but my children also took to the floor but I saw Alastor sitting there only drinking something and I was concerned.

"What's wrong?" Severus asked seeing the look in his sisters eyes.

"I'm worried about him, Severus. Something is wrong with him. In the summer he came only a couple of times when he promised to be back he wasn't and now he suddenly comes back and it's like he knows who I really am. No one knows not even Minerva and Albus but he does? Something isn't right about all of this name choosing me and Harry and also him something is going on." I whispered and he nodded looking at Moody as he did and he thinned his lips.

"I know what you mean. I heard about that defence against the dark arts lesson where he taught the Unforgivables. He has never used them unless absolutely necessary but he wouldn't teach them to fourth years. My Dark Mark has also gotten darker in which means Voldemort is involved but I don't know what he has planned if only I knew." Severus said and saw a worried look on his sisters face. "He won't get you ever again, I'll make sure of that." Severus whispered and I looked worried. I loved dancing with them all as I saw Hermione get swing high by Viktor and he smiled at me and I smiled at him and I saw Cedric dancing with Cho. Neville comes with Ginny. Hagrid I saw with Olympe and I got eventually to dance with Harry and Ron with Hermione and they all had a good time as I danced with my sons as I saw Minerva having Padfoot in his dog form and Harry noticed as well and looked to me and I winked to him and he chuckled as Minerva danced with him and I chuckled as the students know but not to tell. I then danced with my mother.

"Having a good night, Ms McDore?" Minerva asked as she danced with Ms McDore as they danced and saw her features close up and saw the make up.

"I actually am. I never thought I'd have a good time with a dress and dancing because I never learned and this is actually the first time. And please for the millionth time call me Amy not Ms McDore. It makes me feel old." I said and she chuckled but Minerva felt sadness rush over with the first name and I winced internally at that.

"I'm glad to hear it. Are your grandkids here?" Minerva asked commonly as she saw Albus dancing with Ms McDores daughter.

"No they are with the House Elf and off to bed around about now. I don't think their used to events like these but they'll get used to them when their older." I said and she nodded and soon I was in my fathers arms and I sighed as I looked to him in his penetrating blue eyes.

"My wife has taken a liking to you, Ms McDore. Just don't hurt her she's been through enough as well as Harry has." Albus said and not knowing who she was he couldn't trust her a lot because she may seem nice but she likes keeping secrets.

"Professor, I wouldn't hurt her and I definitely most certainly wouldn't hurt Harry in anyway that would harm him, but I do keep my secrets for a reason. Like when Rita placed that article. I was a child in a bad state of mind back then letting out my anger and frustration out in many bad ways until one day, I got help that changed me." I said to him truthfully looking at Perenella and Nicolas.

"Ah, the Flamels. They think of you as their granddaughter. They were the ones to help you, weren't they?" Albus said and told her and she sighed.

"Yes, the Flamels have been there for me since I was young they found me one day beaten up near death, but they managed to make me live. Since that day I grew to think of them as grandparents and I'll never change that. They got me on the better path, even though I wouldn't stay around with them for long due to the dangers with being with me for that long back then." I said and he nodded as we continued but soon he left with Minerva and I sat down as Stacey, Joanne and Rachel joined me with Gellert, Fabian and Griedon as Perenella and Nicolas left with many others.

"Are you ready?" The rock band leader said and sang dancing like a hippogriff.

'Move your body like a hair troll
Learning to rock and roll
Spin around like a crazy elf...' He sand and the hall of students were jumping around as Uncle Flitwick was surfing the crowed. I had to laugh with the others at his moves for his age.

'Dancing by himself
Boogie down like a unicorn
No stopping until the break of dawn..." He kept singing and I saw the Patil twins annoyed because Harry and Ron won't dance and I knew that they weren't used to things like this.

'Put your hands up in the air
Like an ogre who just don't care
Can you dance like a Hippogirff?' He said and I saw Hermione dancing wildly with Viktor and I'm glad she's having a fantastic time as Severus joined me tiredly. Harry and Ron glare at Krum.

'Hanging off from a cliff, nah nah na na.'

"I think we should probably turn in." Joanne said and I motioned her to go someone had to stay with them and she nodded and with that, Joanne, Stacey and Rachel left with Gellert, Fabian and Griedon.

"Ms Granger seemed like she's having a good time." Severus said to his sister who nodded with a soft smile.

"At least someone is, Harry and Ron though are glaring at Viktor because Hermione's dancing with him. I think Rons jealous that she's gone with Viktor while Harry's being the brother trying to be protective just like how you are." I said and teased and he rolled his eyes. "I just hope I don't have another weird dream."

"What weird dream?" Severus asked in concern.

"About HIM." I said and he looked to me as to carry on. "It's in the graveyard near Riddles Manor
where Tom Sr used to live. I've all ready had a dream where he killed the grounds keeper which I knew was true now. Then I have dreams about Barty Crouch Jr doing a job for him and Peters there. HE wasn't himself. He was something damaged and small but the thing is Severus, he wants me and Harry. Barty Crouch Jr has to get me and Harry to him."

"But Barty Crouch Jr is dead though." Severus insisted but Amy looked to him with a look and he knew something was wrong.

"He isn't. At the Quidditch match he was the one to put the dark mark in the sky. He's alive and he's coming to get us. I don't know how or when but he might be using this tournament to get us there somehow and I'm worried that the Dark Lord will get me. I can't go through that again, Sev. I just can't." I said and he hugged me and then I saw Hermione arguing with Harry and Ron. I then see Hermione walk off with emotions and I looked to Severus and he motioned for me to go and I hugged him kissing his cheek. "Thank you." I whispered to him and ran after Hermione as I saw Ron reasoning with Hermione.

"He's using you." Ron said to Hermione as they both walked out of the hall with me behind them hearing this.

"How dare you! Besides, I can take care of myself." Hermione shouted with anguish in her voice and I knew she was close to breaking down.

"I doubt it. He's way too old." Ron said and I thinned my lips. Viktor was like a nephew to me and don't forget to mention my godson as well with Fleur Delacour.

"What?! Well if that's what you think?" Hermione said exasperated to Ron who was walking.

"Yeah, that's what I think." Ron said coming out of the great hall and to the stairs.

"You know the solution then, don't you?" Hermione said shouting to him standing in front to him.

"Go on." Ron urged her and I was getting angry at that treatment to my daughter.

"Next time there's a ball pluck up the courage and ask me before somebody else does!" Hermione shouted and I nearly heard her voice crack and Harry came up beside me. "And not as a last resort."

"Well, that's -- I mean, that's completely off the point." Ron stumbled out he has a bad way with girls. "Harry. Angel."

"Where have you been?" Hermione said sternly to Harry and I was gobsmacked at her attitude. "Never mind! Off to bed, the both of you." Hermione ordered and I saw the tear and my heart broke for her as Harry walked with Ron. He's lucky to be still walking the way he talked to her. .

"They get scary when they grow older." Ron told Harry but I think that was meant to be heard by Hermione.

"Ron, you spoiled everything!" Hermione said walking and I held her around the waist. Hermione collapsed on the stairs and I joined her and she cried into me and I rubbed her back.

"Don't worry Hermione, it'll be okay." I soothed as she cried and I sighed. "Let's get you to bed. You won't be joining the boys tonight." I said to her softly getting her up and we walked and I saw Perenella and she looked confused but I mouthed 'boys' to her. She knew what that meant as I said the password to my chambers and led her in seeing everyone in bed and I led her to my bedroom and I transfigured Hermione's dress to her silk green pyjamas and got her tucked in.

"Why is Ron like that?" Hermione sniffed as Guardian tucked her in and she sighed.

"I think Ron was jealous. He doesn't know how to show his feelings right and he says the wrong things. As they always say, girls mature faster than boys and Ron needs to grow up even if he is fourteen. Now get some sleep." I told her and she closed her eyes.

"I love you, Guardian." Hermione whispered to the one person who always looks out for her.

"And I love you more, Hermione." I whispered kissing her head and I meditated trying to calm and soon I ended up in it deeply. That's when the nightmare begins or a vision and I could feel it from Harry.

It was thick of snow with snow still falling with a cloaked figure with a scythe like the grim reaper. And behind is was a snow covered mansion and a Raven landed onto it. Then it went through the skeleton that was covered by the stone cloak. It showed me along the dusty corridor inside a room Wormtail hovers as a young man kneels beside the arm chair in the lightened room revealing the dark Mark tattooed on his arm and I noticed it was Barty Crouch Jr.

"Let me see it again." A raspy voice said and I shivered knowing who it was and I gulped. "Ah. Yes, the time is close now." He said and I saw the dark Mark dark and fear ran through me. The large snake whispers to the person hidden in the armchair. "Harry and Amy, at last! Step aside, Wormtail, so I can give our guests a proper greeting." He said and with that Wormtail did with a grin and with that a green light came and my eyes opened and I panted heavily from that dream and I saw Hermione still sleeping and I was covered in sweat. I couldn't get back to meditating now no matter what I do and so I got up and stretched and went into the living room to see no one there and I heard Pauline and I went in and comforted her as she did and I got a bottle of breast milk and fed her calming her down and she looked to me as I did with her brown eyes staring into my green eyes as she smiled, touching my face.

"I will protect you with the family. I promise." I whispered and soon she was fed and I changed her placing her back into bed and I changed into my cat and slunk off to Hogwarts chambers where I saw Minerva up with worry and saw her looking at the photo I once gave her and Albus was asleep. I went in and jumped on her lap and she jumped slightly but smiled as she stroked my fur and I purred but looked at the picture with sadness.

"That's my daughter. I wish I knew where she was because me and her father have missed her. She was taken from us by You - Know - Who and the Deatheaters and we couldn't stop them. She was our only child we could have." Minerva whispered with tears in her nightgown being quiet as Albus slept and the cat licked her face with a sad look.

'Don't worry, you'll find her.' I summoned in her mind and she looked to me in shock but smiled and kissed my head and I purred as she laid down in her bed and she placed me beside her and she went to sleep and I soon closed behind her sleeping peacefully for a change so no one has nightmares.

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