The Second Task Is In The Lake!! Oh no.

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It's been months since then and now it's February and the task is in two days and I was panicking as I tried to go into the water with my children's encouragement but I just couldn't do it. I freeze up with fear and the memories flash before my eyes on the bad experiences that I've had. Harry hasn't figured the egg out and I'm not allowed to tell him and he understands that I don't cheat. Well I try not to cheat but the dragon thing you have to know about due to not knowing his too dangerous. Perenella and Nicolas have even tried to take me into the water but I run away to my office bolting the door and the only ones to understand was Joanne, Stacey and Rachel. I just can't get over my fear of deep water. Ask me to jump off a cliff, I'd do it. Take on Voldemort, I can do but water...not a chance. Now though I was with Harry and Hermione on the bridge that lead to Le Da Academy and I'm glad powerful wards are up that even Voldemort. can't get through with the elder wand so we are safe.

"Harry, you told me you figured the egg out weeks ago." Hermione scolded her brother and I knew Harry should have spent time figuring it out. I knew he had the dreams and things but he needs to figure it out because I can go in my mermaid form luckily. "The task is in two days from now." Hermione said and my mind was on what they are going to take away from me.

"Really? I had no idea." Harry said sarcastically and I snorted slightly and he smiled to me and I winked. "I supposed Viktor's already figured it out." Harry said to her and she looked to him on that and I rolled my eyes at the arguments that are involved all the time with the three and Ron wasn't here.

"I wouldn't know. We don't actually talk about the tournament. Actually, we don't talk at all. Viktor's more of a physical being." Hermione said and I choked on that part and Harry smiled and so did Hermione at my reaction. "Don't worry, Guardian. Nothing like that since I'm only 15." Hermione said and Guardian seemed to relax with that and Hermione knew she was protective.

"Thank goodness. No birds and the bees talk." I muttered and they chuckled.

"We don't need that talk. Ron got that last year off his mum don't need it off you Angel. We all ready know about it." Harry said and Angel sighed in relief.

"Good because I've told my children about it and that was just plain awkward and I learned the hard way on the streets back in America." I said and they chuckled as my cheeks went flushed red.

"And I just mean he's not particularly loquacious. Mostly, he watches me study. It's a bit annoying, actually. You are trying to figure this egg out, aren't you?" Hermione said and asked changing topic to the tournament. I hope he is because he needs to find out how to breathe under water for an hour. I know the lake like the back of my hand thanks to the mermaids.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Harry asked a bit defensively.

"It just means theses tasks are designed to test us, Harry, in the most brutal of ways. They're almost cruel and the second task I'm all ready petrified of it and I've tried to face that fear but can't." I said and admitted and they both looked to me on that one.

"And..." Hermione added and looked to him going on the other side of him. "I'm scared for you. You got by the dragons mostly on nerve and Guardian only just managed by skill alone even though she has trained dragons. I'm not sure it's going to be enough this time. Even Guardian is a bit scared about the second task." Hermione said and Harry took all this in and wondered why Angel was scared of the task. He hasn't seen her scared of anything except from the boggart.

"Hey, Potter!" I heard and saw Cedric and he smiled at me his father is in the Order. I will protect Cedric in the task with Viktor and Fleur and I think it might be about time to see into the gift of knowledge just this once. Harry walked away and Hermione was concerned and I hugged her and she hugged me back for comfort.

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