Camp Voltron- A Klance Fanfic...

By CanonShipPrincess

160K 7.1K 6.7K

(Summer Camp AU) When the Kogane's and the McClain's are tired of their son's moping around the house, they s... More

It's Only for the Summer.....
Welcome to Camp!
Pack Assignments!
Pidge the Magnificent
Pack Challenges
Getting Even...
Capture the Flag
Hunk the Lifeguard
Maybe I do Like Him...
Caving... Together.
Paint Me.
The Attic
Spider's Web
Closing Campfire

Allura's Office

6K 336 84
By CanonShipPrincess

Where were they? Oh- right. They were fucked.

Keith switched off the ignition and turned off the headlights.

"Where were you?" Allura asked.

"Out." Keith replied.

She seemed unsatisfied with his answer. "Yes. But where?"

Lance opened the passenger door and popped out. "We went into town."

Allura shifted her weight and leaned glared at the boys. "Right. Well I'll see you two in my office." She turned and walked away.

Shiro uncrossed his arms, and spoke in an uncharacteristically calm tone. "Feeling better, Lance?"

"Yeah thanks."

Keith walked around the Jeep and stood with Lance. "C'mon. We gotta get to Allura's office." The pair slumped away.

Shiro stood under the lamppost, smirking. Despite being mildly pissed, he knew Allura was satisfied with her partnering of the two boys. Neither had anticipated them sneaking off, but apparently the Holt kids- Matt and Pidge saw value in the relationship, if they lent out the Jeep.

The boys walked up the center path to the main lodge. Hunk and Pidge had been talking on the counselor's cabin porch. They stopped their conversation and waved. Pidge gave a thumbs-up for good luck. They must have already gotten the kids to sleep.


Allura was scrolling on her computer monitor when the boys walked in and awkwardly took a seat. She was satisfied at their mild discomfort. Allura finally finished her work online and folded her arms and leaned back.

"So. It's a nice evening. Lots of stars out in Altea." She continued on in general conversation, making the boys increasingly nervous. There was a pause at which point Lance leaned over to Keith.

"She's so gonna snap, man."

Keith kicked Lance in the shin and cleared his throat. "Yes- we were just out appreciating them."

"You may have more time to watch the stars- both of you. In fact, you two face suspension."

Keith's eyes widened. Lance leaned in again. "Called it."

The room was held in suspense. It was broken by a knock on the door. Hunk popped his head in before stepping into the room.

"Oh- Allura. Before I retired for the night, I wanted to turn in the incident report from today." He crossed the floor to hand the stapled forms to Allura. She thanked him and flipped through the forms, silently. She stopped and reread part.

"Keith you performed a solid minute of CPR?"

He shrugged. Lance turned quickly in his seat- "Wait. That was you? I thought you were finding my jacket."

Keith shifted uncomfortably. "Yeah. Well the lifeguards were contacting Coran, so I picked up the resuscitation. You kind of stopped breathing."

Allura sighed. "Well I suppose you two have some purpose here." The boys sat up straight. She continued, "But I'm keeping an eye on you both. Keith, you're dismissed to head back to your cabin. Lance, are you alright to head back?" 

Lance nodded and pushed his chair back and stood. Keith thanked Allura and they passed Shiro out into the main room where they first had orientation.

Keith sighed. "Let's head back. The kids are asleep." Lance agreed and went to gather his stuff from the med bay and try to catch some sleep."


Shiro opened Allura's door. "So did you scare them?"

"Keith- yes. Lance doesn't quite get responsibility..."

Shiro shook his head. "Well things should be quiet for a week."

Allura laughed. "As if. They'll get back to their usual antics by the end of tomorrow."

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