Heart Hold Fast

By HowToExplain

209K 7.9K 4.1K

"Holding her like this felt so strange, yet so familiar all at once." Lauren Jauregui finds herself at Camila... More

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Two

11.8K 490 24
By HowToExplain

A/N: Here is the second chapter! I am very grateful for every single read, let alone vote or comment, so if you enjoy this, it would be absolutely amazing to hear from you. Thank you so much!

*Flashback – 6 weeks prior to Camila's wedding*

With a rush of hot air and a thunderous clattering, the subway train stormed into the station. The second the doors opened, the crowd of commuters surged forward into the carriage. Lauren struggled through the throng and took hold of the handrail to steady herself as the train took off again.

Sweeping her eyes about the carriage, Lauren saw a sea of faces looking as exhausted as she felt. These early morning journeys to the office were tiring; she far preferred working from home. The only benefit of commuting was that it gave her some time to herself; she could just put her earphones in, listen to music, and switch off for a while.

Lauren found her gaze drifting down to the woman sat in the seat below her. She had her phone out and was scrolling aimlessly through various social media sites. As Lauren watched her, the woman suddenly came to a single picture onscreen. It looked like an ordinary couple's photo to Lauren, but the woman froze, thumb hovering shakily over the image.

Her reaction made it obvious that something about the picture was significant, and Lauren wondered if she should lean over and ask if she was alright. The woman scarcely moved for almost five minutes before just locking her phone and shoving it into her bag without a second look. At the next station, she quickly grabbed her belongings and half ran out of the train.

It took Lauren a second to realise that this was also her stop. She had been so engrossed in her own theories about what the importance of the photo could have been, that she had lost track of where she was. Stepping out of the carriage, she found her way through the station and up and out onto the main street.

As she walked the final few blocks to Jauregui Marketing Agency's building, she found herself wondering who or what she would have to see in an image to provoke a reaction like that from herself. Was there even anything?

Rounding the final corner, the JMA skyscraper met her gaze; a tower of gleaming glass and steel making its own unique mark on the city skyline. She quickly shook herself back to reality, and hurried across the busy road, dodging taxis and cars as she did. When she stepped through the revolving doors into the large lobby of JMA's premises, security guards checked her ID, before allowing her inside to take the elevator to her floor.

The lift was all glass, and glided up smoothly through storey after storey of clean and modern offices; each full of experts keeping the Jauregui marketing empire prospering. Her chest filled with a sense of pride as she observed everything that she and her family had managed to build.

Normani Kordei was there to greet her as the elevator doors slid open.

"Good morning, Lauren,"

"Normani," Lauren smiled, extending her hand to shake the other woman's warmly, "You're well, I trust?"

"Very," Normani responded cheerily, "I've just spoken to one of our biggest clients and they are over the moon at what the branding department have produced for them. We've yet to show them what the media team have devised, but I'm certain that they'll love it,"

"That's great," Lauren replied distractedly, her focus drawn promptly to the buzzing in her pocket.

"Is that your phone?" Normani asked.

"I'm sorry," Lauren grimaced, "I'll be right back. I just need to take this,"

"It's fine," chuckled Normani, "If you do need anything further then feel free to come by my office or drop me an email. I'm in all day,"

"Cheers, Mani,"

After locating her phone, Lauren rolled her eyes when she saw Dinah's name flashing up onscreen. Pressing the answer button, she pushed open her own office door and sat down at her large desk.

"Dinah, this better be important. I'm at work,"

"Oh, good morning to you too," Dinah retorted sarcastically.

"What do you want?"

"I'm actually trying to do you a favour, Laur, so you can cut the attitude,"

"Fine," Lauren relented with a sigh, "I'm sorry. What's up, DJ?"

"Have you checked Instagram recently?"

"Have I what?" Lauren questioned in confusion.

"Instagram? Facebook? Twitter?"

"I don't have the time with work, so no, I haven't,"

"Right," Dinah said, "So you won't have seen it then?"

"Seen what? Dinah, I..."

"I'm texting you a link, Laur. You really have to check this out,"

Right on cue, a message came through from Dinah. Clicking the link, Lauren waited for the webpage to load. It took some time, but eventually she found herself staring down at a little picture and caption.

"Have you found it yet?"

Lauren heard Dinah's voice in her ear but she was too shocked to formulate a reply.

"I'll take your silence as confirmation that you've found it,"

"Is that...?" Lauren mumbled.

"Camila Cabello? It is indeed," Dinah affirmed.

"She's engaged?"

"It would appear so,"

In the picture, Camila was staring adoringly up at the relatively handsome young man beside her. She was dressed in a white woollen roll neck jumper that made her look so innocent and adorable. While all her attention was devoted to him, he seemed a little more interested in fixing his pouty stare at the camera lens.

"Why haven't I heard about this already?"

"You said yourself that you're so busy with work that you don't keep up with these things,"

"Yes, but that's trivial stuff. This is... this is..." Lauren trailed off, too overcome to keep speaking.

"I know, Laur," Dinah said comfortingly.

"When's the wedding?"

"Fairly soon, actually. They seem anxious to get on with it,"

"Do you know who's going?"

There was a pause as Dinah fidgeted on the end of the line.

"I've been invited," she revealed at last.

"You have?" Lauren exclaimed, "That's amazing!"

"Yeah, I guess she remembered me from when the three of us used to hang out,"

"So, my parents will be going as well?"

"It's guaranteed," Dinah replied, "Her parents and your parents are virtually joined at the hip,"

"I can't believe that they haven't said anything to me though,"

"Text your mum now," suggested Dinah, "It probably just slipped her mind,"

"Alright, I will do. Thanks, DJ,"

"It's no problem, Laur. Look after yourself. Speak soon,"

There was a beep as Dinah hung up and Lauren collapsed backwards into her desk chair. Her thoughts leapt back to the woman she had seen on the subway, and she felt a strange sense of empathy with the unknown stranger. Maybe now she understood what she had experienced. This was what it felt like to have one single picture call everything into question.

Finding her mother in her contact list, she typed out a quick message and was relieved to receive a quick reply.

[Clara Jauregui] – 9:56 – Hi darling, lovely to hear from you! Hope work is going well. Your father and I didn't mention the wedding because we didn't think you would be bothered. I know that you and Camila haven't spoken in a while. However, if you are interested, the invitation was addressed to you too, so you can come with us if you would like. Lots of love xxx

Lauren felt her mouth go dry as she reread the message. Could she really bear to be a guest at Camila Cabello's wedding? Or would she be able to stand being at home while it all happened?

Deciding to reply to her mother later, she buried her head into her hands and sank forward onto the desk. This was already shaping up to be the most taxing of mornings.

A knock on the door roused her and she sat up hastily, patting out the creases in her shirt to try and make herself look presentable.

"Difficult phone call?" Normani inquired kindly from the doorway.

"Something like that," Lauren said, pulling a face, "I just got some news,"

"Good or bad?"

"I think you could call it unexpected,"

"I see," Normani said, stepping in to close the door and give them some privacy, "What's happened?"

"It's just a girl," Lauren explained wearily, "I knew her from when we were younger. She and I were... Anyway, I've just heard that she's getting married,"

"Wow, that's rough,"

"Yeah," Lauren nodded, "And I'm invited to the wedding,"

"You're kidding?!" gasped Normani, "She invited you?"

"Her parents and my parents are best friends and have been for years and years. They go on holiday together and everything. I'm invited by default,"

"Ah, I see,"

There was a pause as Lauren lost herself in thought, vaguely aware of Normani watching her curiously. From down the hall, a telephone began to ring, its shrill noise calling Normani back to her own office.

"I wouldn't worry about it, Lauren," she said kindly as she left, "These things tend to work themselves out,"

Lauren thanked her. Imparting personal information was not something that she made a habit of, but the quick talk with Normani was helping her to put the issue into context.

Turning on her desk chair, she sat back and admired the view from her office window. Manhattan stretched out before her, and from this birds eye perspective, everything else seemed so small and insignificant. The people below were microscopic; barely the size of ants. Seeing the world like this made you think of things differently.

Making her decision, she grabbed her mobile phone from the desk and dialled her mother's number.

"Hi Mami, it's Lauren," she said, when Clara picked up, "I'm just calling to say... I'll come to the wedding,"

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