Right to the Night

By Snakehipping-Tom

203K 5.9K 3.2K

After the events of the Dark World, Loki has ascended the throne claiming that Thor has abandoned his people... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty

Chapter Five

6.3K 181 81
By Snakehipping-Tom

 Elisabete was gathering her things from her quarters as the other maids were leaving. Iona came up to Elisabete with a furrowed brow and mean stare as she leaned against the wall. Elisabete quickly glanced at her and continued putting on her coat. She hoped that Iona would be on her way but she remained there as if expecting an answer out of her.

"What is it, Iona?" Elisabete inquired.

"Why were you taking my spot with Sif today?" Iona inquired.

"The king demanded I work with her. When I said you were her personal maid, he struck me." Elisabete told her.

"He struck you?" Iona asked as her entire posture and expression changed.

"Yes, he did." Elisabete replied.

"So, was that your punishment? Him hitting you?" Iona inquired.

Elisabete opened her mouth to reply but couldn't find the right words. She thought back through her whole day and shook her head as she chuckled softly.

"It wasn't, well...at least I don't believe it was." Elisabete told her.

"How can you not be sure of his punishment for you?" Iona laughed.

"He struck me because I interrupted him. He didn't hit me because of what happened." Elisabete told Iona.

"But he did punish you like he said he would?" Iona asked.

"He did but I don't know what it was since he never said what it was going to be." Elisabete explained.

Iona scoffed as she crossed her arms over her chest. Elisabete finished buttoning up her coat and began to change her shoes to her boots. Iona examined her face and furrowed her brow when she saw no marks on her face.

"Are you certain him hitting you wasn't it?" Iona asked.

"I am, Iona. He told me he gave me my punishment but I have no clue what it was. Him hitting me was for my outburst in the throne room and he made that very clear." Elisabete explained to her.

"Well, just be glad you got through the day. Good night, Elisabete. Get home safely." Iona told her.

Elisabete nodded her head and watched as Iona left. She was all alone in the maid's quarters and continued lacing up her boots. Once they were on, she stood to her feet and grabbed her bag. When she turned around to exit the quarters, she inhaled sharply, clutching the strap of her bag upon seeing Loki standing in the doorway. She immediately bowed her head and kept her eyes on the floor at her feet. He looked her up and down before smiling to himself and walking over to her. He stopped a few inches away from her and placed his finger under her chin. He chuckled softly as Elisabete jumped slightly at the contact. Loki pushed her head up to face him and kept it in place by holding her chin between his thumb and forefinger. Elisabeth's eyes surveyed his face trying to read his expression to make sure he wasn't angry or displeased with her.

"Have I done something, my king?" Elisabete asked.

"You have done nothing wrong." Loki replied.

"May I be on my way?" Elisabete gulped.

"First, hear me out." Loki told her.

Elisabete nodded her head and let out a breath as Loki let go off her chin. Her body then tensed as Loki gripped her forearms, however, her body relaxed under his touch when she felt that his grip was gentle.

"You must understand that I never wanted to hit you. I'd never do that to you and you know that, girl. I respect you...as my maid. I have been under a lot of stress with the matters that deal with this realm, and I know you are aware of that. I shall never lay a hand on your pretty face again. I'm sorry I had to punish you like this. My emotions got the better of me and they shouldn't have. I hope you understand just how much...just how much you mean to me. I am truly sorry for my actions and did only what I thought was right. I hope I never have to make excuses like this to you ever again." Loki explained to Elisabete.

Elisabete processed everything he said to her and Loki watched as a wide smile formed on her face. He watched the blush creep onto her cheeks and the bashful look in her eyes. It took everything in him to not push her against the wall and ravish her right then and there.

"I understand, my king. And I thank you for your kind words. It's always been my pleasure to serve you and I hope I always will." Elisabete replied.

Loki grinned as he released her arms and let out a sigh as Elisabete bowed her head and curtsied before him. He took her hands in his and Elisabete quickly looked up at him as he helped her back up to stand up straight.

"You are very loyal to me, girl. I don't know what I've done to deserve it, frankly." Loki told her.

"I am loyal to you because you've done all that you can to make Asgard better for us, my king. My family would die for you...as would I." Elisabete spoke honestly.

"And I thank you for that. Although, there are still hundreds of people who'd rather kill me than die for me." Loki added.

"I am aware of that too, my king. In fact, I live in a village were the people primarily dislike you." Elisabete commented.

"Really? Why not move?" Loki scoffed.

"We would but years ago, my parents both fell ill and are unable to leave their beds. My brother and I would leave the village for better prospects but, we have to care for them and cannot move as a result." Elisabete explained to him.

"I am sorry to hear that, girl. I hope your parents get better soon." Loki told her.

"Thank you , my king." Elisabete spoke with a smile on her face.

"Now, be on your way home. It's getting dark. Be safe." Loki told Elisabete.

"I'll do my best, my king." Elisabete chuckled as she beamed.

The two bowed their heads and Loki watched her as she left the quarters. He made his way to his observatory and started the fire, watching her through it.

Her way back home was safe and she didn't get into any sort of trouble. However, she did run into Edric, who put himself in her way to speak with her. She put on a smile as she passed him and sighed as he called out her name.

"Yes, Edric. What is it?" Elisabete asked.

"I want to apologize for the way I've been acting as of late. It's just you know how the king makes me feel. Knowing you work for him and what he's like gets me worked up. I'm just trying to look out for you, if that makes any sense." Edric explained to her.

Elisabete let out a deep breath as she smiled and nodded her head. She appreciated his honesty. He had always been a good friend to her and she knew she couldn't have stayed mad at him for too long.

"Thank you for apology. I know you aren't fond of the king, but I am. And if you wish to remain friends, you must respect that. I take personal offence whenever you speak badly about him." Elisabete told Edric.

"I know. I respect you, Elisabete. I will do much better from now on." Edric told her.

"Good." Elisabete chuckled.

"We are still friends then, no?" Edric asked.

"Yes, yes we are." Elisabete laughed.

"Great. Good night, Elisabete. Tell your parents I hope they feel better soon." Edric told her.

"I will. Thank you and good night, Edric." Elisabete beamed.

She continued on her way back to her home and Edric sighed in defeat as he watched her walk off. His eyes gazed up and down her body and he bit his lip as he saw her hips sway back and forth. Loki's fists clenched at his sides. He narrowed his eyes at the image before while his jaw clenched. He angrily cast the fire away and groaned before turning around and making his way back to his chambers. There, he found Sanit fast asleep in his bed. He smiled weakly as he walked over to her and watched her for a few moments. Before he went to change into his night clothes, he laid a soft kiss to her head. He carefully stood from the bed and made his way into his closet. Putting on his clothes, he found himself thinking about his relationship with Sanit.

They had met several years ago at a banquet when Odin, Thor, and Frigga were still around, or alive. He watched her as she danced and admired her lively spirit and beautiful charms. She had a kind but mischievous look in her eyes that drew Loki in. He wanted her and she wanted him, and that was all they needed. Over the next few days, Loki got to know her better both in their interests and in bed. When she announced that she was not interested in staying in Asgard, Loki was crushed. He had begged her to stay but Sanit told him she was just lusting after him and did not want to be tied down. She wanted to enjoy her youth by travelling and seeing what the other realms had to offer. Loki had told her that he was not interested in marriage either, although he had lied to try and get her to stay. Sanit quickly saw through him and denied the thought of ever wanting to marry someone. She expressed her love for him but did not want to be tied down to him. When she was scheduled to leave, she left him a note stating where she'd be and the two communicated through letters. Months later, she returned and the two spent their days in bed together, laughing and cherishing the moments they would have until she left him again. Knowing she would never be attached to him any way, Loki wanted to search for someone who would stay with him, but why would they when he had a much more eligible bachelor of a brother to marry. When she did not return for a year, many things in Asgard changed. Thor was to be crowned king and Loki's jealousy got the better of him. Loki kept to himself and vowed that he would never tie himself down to anyone unless they truly wanted what he desired. He sabotaged Thor's coronation and it was history after that. When Sanit came back to Asgard, she saw the ruins it was in. Upon being told of Loki's betrayal, she did not want to believe any of it. She couldn't believe that a man as kind and caring as him would do anything so horrible to his home.

Sanit felt empty when she was told of his death from falling off the Bifrost. The whole realm mourned for him. In the year that he was presumed dead, Sanit vowed to never return. She kept the letters Loki had sent her and read them over every day, not forgetting his kind and beautiful soul. On her travels, she had met several other men. Believing Loki to be dead and having her own needs, she took them into her bed. By the end of that year, she had almost completely forgotten about him until she was brought news of his return. Sanit packed her things and returned to Asgard to find out that he had been imprisoned. She paid off guards to send him letters and to receive the ones he wrote back to her. She attended the queen's funeral and gave Thor her condolences. He quickly noted who she was and told her that he had never seen Loki as happy when he was with her. Hearing his kind words, Sanit thanked him. He took her hand in his and laid a soft kiss to the skin. She felt a spark from the soft kiss and she blushed as she hurried off into the palace. When news returned that Loki had passed, Sanit didn't know how to react to it. The first time she was crushed but he hadn't died. Now, Sanit felt nothing upon hearing the news. She only remembered him as a good lay and a kind-hearted man. That was all he'd ever be to her and they both knew it, however, they acted as though they'd be husband and wife one day. When Thor returned to Asgard, Sanit was in such a state that he consoled her over Loki's death. To thank him, she took him into her bed. She then left Asgard that night. Sanit felt she had betrayed Loki but they were in no way a couple. However, her blood boiled when she received news that Loki was alive and would be the next king of Asgard. She was told what Loki had told his people. That Thor left Asgard and betrayed his people and that Odin had died as a result. She burned the letter with the information and refused to return. She had been hurt by Loki one too many times. However, after three years, she had many things to say to him. She travelled back to Asgard and hurried down the halls of the palace. That night, she made her way to Loki's chambers and angrily knocked on his door. When he answered it, she berated him for playing with her emotions and causing her to feel horrible about herself.

Loki smiled brightly upon seeing her face. He took note of how she had aged. She had lines about her lips and under her eyes but she was still the same Sanit he had loved. Three years without her gave him time to think about what he wanted and what he needed. He lusted after Sanit and wanted her body, but in no way did he need her. She was not what he was looking for her. In the heat of the moment, Loki grabbed her and kissed her deeply before taking her into his bed. The following morning, after Elisabete had walked in on them and Sanit announced that she had decided to settle down in Asgard, Loki began to think differently. She was finally giving in to what he wanted. Yet, he felt like it was forced. He knew Sanit better than she knew herself. Loki still accepted her into Asgard. Since their on and off again relationship had lasted so many years, the public knew of Sanit. They knew of her ways and many of the maids and servants spread rumors of her. Loki had heard of the maids and servants speaking of how she took Thor to her bed. He denied them and punished the staff that spread those rumors. He knew she'd never betray him like that. If Sanit knew one thing about him, it was that he couldn't stand his brother.

In her three year long absence, Loki became acquainted with a new face. The face he desired to see above all others and the same one he had beaten all because he wanted her to stay innocent: Elisabete's. He loved how shaky and flustered she became whenever he was in her presence. During her three years of service, she got to know more about her king and the way his mind worked. Loki was good enough as to not let her get too far into his mind. Loki knew every curve, blemish, and imperfection of her body. He was well aware of the scars on her arms from when she was a young girl cooking with her mother. He knew how her body moved when she walked and he loved the curve of her smile and loathed the curve of her frown. Loki admired her innocence in a time in which Asgard was still corrupt and full of traitors. He admired her kind, gentle, and caring soul. Loki loved the aura she gave off. She was a playful and young spirit that had so much love to give. Loki would do anything for her. He'd gladly sacrifice himself for her. In some ways, he believed her admired her innocence and spirit because he himself was corrupt and broken. He saw a younger version of him in Elisabete and he wanted to protect her to keep her from turning into him. When he thought of her, he'd feel his heart beat faster, much like the way it did when he first laid eyes on Sanit, however, the only difference was that it still fluttered when he looked Elisabete in the eye...the feeling with Sanit had been severed and dead for a long time.

Loki let out a deep breath as he finished changing and walked back into his bedroom. He got under the covers and laid himself down next to Sanit. The weight of her body next to his was somewhat of a burden to him. He stared up at the top of his canopy bed and was trapped in his own dark thoughts for the rest of the night.

Elisabete had returned home safely. She was welcomed by her twin sister, Liana and Capriana. She set down her bags and coat and went into the small kitchen to cook dinner for the family. The two girls went to their rooms to play with whatever toys they had while Tadeus watched Elisabete as she cooked. He asked her about her day and if the punishment she had received was not too severe.

"No, Tadeus. My king did not punish me harshly. It was a slap on the wrist punishment." Elisabete replied.

"What did he do to you then?" Tadeus questioned her.

"He made me clean out the bathrooms." Elisabete chuckled.

"That seems very harsh." Tadeus laughed.

Once she finished cooking their dinner, she called her sisters back in and poured the stew into two bowls for them. They sat at the table and hungrily ate as Elisabete gave Tadeus his serving. She then poured the stew into two more bowls and made her way into her parents room.

It was cramped and smelt foul. The room was illuminated by candlelight and the sound of their coughing and heaving breaths filled the room. Nonetheless, Elisabete put on a smile for them as she entered their room. They welcomed her with weak smiles, trying to make it seem as though they felt better than they really appeared. She handed them their dinner and sat down near the bed watching them. She quickly noted her mother's shaking hands that held a loose grip on the spoon. Elisabete sighed as she picked herself up and helped her mother to eat her dinner.

"I can very well eat my own dinner, darling." Her mother chuckled, causing her to cough sharply.

Elisabete let out a sigh of defeat as she took the spoon from her mother's hand and fed her.

"I have no problem caring for you, mother, nor you, father. It is my pleasure to serve and help you. Besides, you nursed me when I was an infant. You took time out of your days to raise us to be good, well-rounded individuals. I'm only paying back for the care you gave us by caring for you." Elisabete explained.

"Oh, my sweet little girl, you are too good for us." Her father breathed as he pinched her cheek.

Elisabete smiled brightly as her cheeks grew red.

"You are getting much older, Elisabete. Have you had thoughts of finding a husband?" Her mother asked.

She snapped her head up to face her mother and hesitated before putting the spoon into her mouth. She sighed as she looked up at her father, who shrugged his shoulders. She chuckled at his response and shook her head.

"No, mother, I have not." Elisabete spoke.

"Why not? You're of a ripe age. Any man would be glad to have you." Her mother told her.

"Of course she would. She'd tend after him like a dog, waiting for him on hand and foot." Her father laughed.

"Now, didn't one young man in the village make his feelings towards you known?" Her mother asked.

Elisabeth's eyes widened as her breath hitched in her throat. She couldn't believe her own mother was actually thinking of Edric as her potential husband. However, she could not lie to her parents. Lying was a bad thing and Elisabete did only good.

"Yes, mother. Edric. He's the one who restocks our wood supply when it is low." Elisabete replied.

"Oh, I remember him now. He's a handsome young man. Why don't you spend more time with him?" Her mother beamed.

"I work in the palace all day and come back home to care for you two. I have no time for suitors nor do I want to use my time for suitors." Elisabete told her honestly.

"That's my girl." Her father smiled.

"But, darling, you must marry before it is too late. You are not getting any younger and you have to carry out your bloodline. And we may not be around for much longer to see you wed." Her mother explained.

"What about Tadeus? He is not yet married and is your only son. Why don't you tell him to get married?" Elisabete inquired.

"We need his strength here at home to continue out your father's work. We need all that we can get, love." Her mother answered.

"You must have feelings for someone in the village...or anyone, even that scrawny fellow, Edric." Her father scoffed.

Elisabete quickly mulled over what her father had said. It was true that she was Edric's friend. She loved him only as that. She held no love for any man. She shook her head to respond to her father and she took their bowls once they finished eating. She wished them good night and returned to the kitchen. Tadeus had cleaned Liana and Capriana's bowls and tucked them into bed. He stood in the doorway as Elisabete finally got to enjoy her dinner.

"Did they ask you again?" Tadeus inquired.

"They always do." Elisabete sighed.

"You know, it is their dying wish to see you married before they leave this world." Tadeus told her.

"I know it is, but there is no man in this village, or this realm, that I love." Elisabete replied.

"Edric loves you." Tadeus said.

"Please! He is not my type nor is he a suitable match for me. Most importantly, he hates the king. I love my king." Elisabete explained.

"Many marriages in the village are arranged. No one marries for love anymore, Elisabete...not here at least. Sometimes, you just have to accept what you're given. That's what we've done. We've accepted the fact that we have to care for our ailing parents and serve as providers for this family. We never thought it would happen, but it did. Although I have my rough patches with Edric, I know he loves you and would care tremendously for you. Maybe, you just have to accept what is right in front of you. Who knows? Maybe you'll learn to love him." Tadeus explained to Elisabete.

"But he opposes the king in secret. He has secretly sworn allegiance to the late king, and so has his whole family. I love my king more than anyone in this realm. He's improved our lives. How can I marry a man who hates what I love?" Elisabete told him.

"Sometimes we just have to close our eyes and take the plunge. We may not enjoy it, but we get through it. And besides, he is the only one in this village who has given you attention." Tadeus commented.

"I don't want to let mother and father down, but I stand by my beliefs and my morals. I will not stoop as low as marrying a man who hates the king." Elisabete spoke.

She finished her dinner, cleaned off her bowl, and made her way to her bedroom. She shared it with Liana and Capriana. The twins slept together in their bed and Elisabete had her own. She began to change into her night dress and heard giggling as she pulled the dress down over her body. The twins had watched her and were laughing as they eyed her naked body. Elisabete shook her head at them as she walked over to their bed. In the candlelight of the bedroom, they could still see through the sheer fabric of her dress.

"In time, your bodies will change like mine. There is nothing to make fun of." Elisabete told them.

"When will we have your body then?" Liana asked.

"It will happen at different times for you. I started to develop when I was eleven." Elisabete replied.

"How come your chest is not as large as mother's?" Capriana asked.

"Everyone's bodies are different and are to be cherished. However, your body is yours and no one is allowed to touch it but you. You are the owner of your skin and no one is allowed to take advantage of it." Elisabete explained.

"What about our husbands?" Liana inquired.

"He is the only other person who can touch you. But, still, if you do not want him to touch you in any manner, you have the right to tell him so and he should respect your decision." Elisabete replied.

"I hope I grow up and have your body, Elisabete. It's beautiful. I do not see a single blemish on it." Liana commented.

"You have the body of a god, Elisabete." Capriana added.

"Thank you, you two. Now, you should have been asleep by now. Go to bed." Elisabete told them as she kissed their heads.

She made her way over to her bed and laid down on the hard mattress. Once her head hit the pillow, she began to think of what Sanit had told her earlier that day. It made no sense to Elisabete as to why Sanit would threaten her thinking that she would want Loki. It was an absurd thought...or was it? Elisabete hadn't given Sanit a reason for her to believe that she wanted Loki for her own. However, as she thought about Sanit's threat, the image of them together popped into her mind. She shook her head in hopes that that would work, yet all she could focus on was his body. She had never seen a man so bare as him in her life. She knew that the only man she should ever see naked was her husband's, but Loki was not her husband.

Three years ago, Elisabete never even believed she would get to see the inside of the palace let alone work in it for her king. She had applied not once believing she'd be asked to come to the palace for further inspection. Elisabete felt out of place among the other girls beside her. They were thrust into a line like cattle and Elisabete hated how she felt like everyone's eyes were on hers. Being in the presence of her king and seeing him in close range had Elisabete more nervous than ever. Her heart raced in her chest. Despite how she felt, she wanted to make a good impression. She knew the pay for the job would be enough to support her family with whatever Tadeus could salvage himself. Elisabete picked her head up from the floor and looked straight ahead at the throne. The other girls around her didn't have a care in the world as they stood with slumped shoulders and their heads down on the floor. Elisabete held herself with false confidence as Loki surveyed the group of girls. The closer he got to her, the more Elisabete believed she would faint. As he stepped in front of her, she looked over his shoulder, fearing any eye contact would potentially kill her. Elisabete could tell Loki was looking over her whole body and she furrowed her brow as she realized he was spending more time on her than any of the other girls. He then dismissed them all. Elisabete let out a sigh and began to walk away. Her eyes widened as he put his hand up in front of her. Elisabete gulped as she stared at the palm of his hands and slowly looked up at him, coming face to face with her king. He told her to stay and she nodded her head slowly. Once the other girls had left, the guards closed the doors and Elisabete began to fear for her life.

"What is your name, girl?" Loki asked.

"Elisabete. But you can call me whatever you please, my king." Elisabete replied.

"Alright...girl." Loki smiled.

Elisabete grinned ever so slightly upon hearing the nickname she didn't think would catch on.

"Are you loyal to me?" Loki inquired.

"Yes, my king. I have been since they crowned you. So as my family. We've sworn our allegiance to you." Elisabete replied.

"A simple yes would have sufficed, but I appreciate the answer." Loki told her.

Elisabete nodded her head as Loki moved himself to stand in front of her. She glanced up at him and noted how his eyes moved across her face and body. She tensed up and looked down at the floor. She jumped slightly as he placed his finger under her chin and pushed her head up to look at him. He kept her head in place, holding onto her chin with his thumb and forefinger. He was forcing her to look him in the eyes and Elisabete accepted it. After a few moments, he slowly receded his hand and crossed his arms over his chest. Although she was free of his grasp, she did not turn from him. She kept her stare directed towards him.

"Do you know why you have stayed behind?" Loki inquired.

"No, my king." Elisabete replied.

"You must have some idea." Loki spoke.

"I do not, my king." Elisabete said softly.

"You've come here to get a job, I've dismissed all the others girls from this room, and now it is just us. A girl your age is not this stupid." Loki chuckled.

Elisabete furrowed her brow at his comment and she shook her head.

"You, girl, are to be my personal maid. The job is yours." Loki told her.

Her lips curled into her wide smile as she beamed with excitement.

"Thank you, my king. I shall serve you proudly and honorably." Elisabete thanked him.

"Good. You may be on your way home. I expect you to start your work tomorrow. Be here early. You will be given your station on the maid's quarters and a quick tour of the palace for you to become acquainted with all the rooms. When I assign you your tasks tomorrow, I hope you will not ask me what rooms to go to. I expect you to learn where everything is on your tour. Have I made myself clear?" Loki explained.

"Yes, you have, my king. I am very excited to start my work tomorrow." Elisabete replied.

"Be on your way." Loki dismissed her.

Elisabete bowed her head and Loki watched her as she did. With her head down, she did not notice Loki's quick eyes as they glanced over her small cleavage. When she stood back up, Loki inhaled sharply as he grinned while Elisabete exited the throne room.

As she lay in her bed, Elisabete thought back to the three years she had been working in the palace. She knew the palace like the back of her hand. She knew everything there was to know about Loki. Elisabete was well aware of his likes, dislikes, his interests and hobbies, and the many rumors, feuds, and war strategies that plagued him. At first, working for him was difficult since she felt like everything she did was wrong and she would be fired. Yet, somehow Loki was always pleased with her. He treated her kindly and fairly. Whenever she served him his lunch and dinner, he always thanked her with a smile that would make her heart flutter in her chest. Her skin tingled whenever his hand accidently grazed against hers. She'd often tense whenever he moved by her, placing his hand against her back to make room for himself. However, the more she got used to it, the more relaxed she felt whenever it happened. She worked to gain his praise and appreciation. She served him to please him. Thinking back to her day, never had she been so close to him as when she was pressed up against him after her incident in the showers. Being held in his arms felt foreign to her. She never knew the rough yet gentle touch of a man and it sparked something within her. She remembered, before Sanit came into the picture, how he'd often smile whenever she entered the room, how he'd laugh and joke with her, and how he'd treat her. As Elisabete turned onto her side, she slowly wrapped her arms around herself, trying to remember his touch. She loved her king and would gladly die for him if the time ever came. Elisabete smiled brightly to herself as she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

The following morning, Elisabete woke up with the same smile on her face. The sun had not yet risen when she woke and she changed into her clothes for the day. She found herself spending more time getting prepared in the morning than usual. What struck her as strange was she had applied a soft shade of red to her lips. Elisabete was unaware as to why she'd do this since she had never once used make-up before in her life. The shade was her mother's and very old. She combed through her hair making sure there were no knots as she ran her hands through it. She laced up her boots and made her way to the kitchen. She first cooked her family breakfast before taking a serving for herself and eating it. Then, she made her lunch and packed it away before taking her coat and leaving the house. Elisabete felt very cheerful as she walked into the palace. In her station, she changed into her heels and tied her headpiece on. She tucked away any stray hairs and smiled at herself in the small mirror that accompanied her room. At role call, Elisabete was given her daily tasks. Before she could leave, Loki pulled her aside and furrowed his brow as he looked at her face. He noted the natural, pink color of her lips was tainted with the obscene red.

"Take off the make-up this instant." Loki ordered her.

Elisabeth's smile faded and she slumped forward as she nodded her head.

"I do not like it on you. You..." Loki trailed off.

"Yes, my king?" Elisabete asked as she looked up into his eyes.

"You don't need it." Loki replied.

"Yes, my king." Elisabete said.

"Now, tomorrow night, there is to be a celebration here in the throne room." Loki told her.

Elisabeth's smile returned. She had been present for many feasts during her time in the palace and loved them with all her heart. She loved watching everyone dancing, laughing, and having a merry time. It filled her heart with joy to see everyone enjoying themselves, even if they are only for a few hours at a time. The ones that last from night until morning give Elisabete a headache since the clean up is the worst.

"A celebration? What for? There are no holidays coming up, my king." Elisabete spoke.

"It isn't for a holiday." Loki chuckled.

"There are no name's days...so what is it for?" Elisabete asked.

"To welcome Sanit back into Asgard." Loki replied.

Elisabete's expression faded away as she saw a smile creep it's way onto Loki's face. The smile that was usually for her was gone. This smile was foreign and appeared false in its nature to Elisabete.

"Oh, how nice." Elisabete added.

"Yes, so, after you have completed your tasks, you are to meet with Sanit and write down what she has planned for the throne room to look like. Whatever food, games, people, or anything that she tells you she wants, you will write down and give me the list at the end of your shift. I want this night to be spectacular for her." Loki explained.

"Yes, my king. I will do as you ask." Elisabete grinned.

"Wonderful. And don't forget to bring our meals. And be sure to knock." Loki smirked.

"Yes, my king." Elisabete blushed.

She bowed her head and exited the room. When her back was to him, her smile vanished from her face and she left the room feeling empty. She didn't like it.  

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