Undead Apocalypse Complete

بواسطة AbelElizabethWalker

394 19 1

Ever since the Apocalypse happened almost two and a half years ago, Emma has be fighting off the undead horde... المزيد

First Letter to Emma
Second Letter to Emma
Chapter two
Third Letter
Chapter Three
Letter Four
Chapter Four
Fifth letter
Chapter Five
Arthur's Note
Sixth letter
Chapter 6
letter 7
chapter 7
Chapter 8
chapter nine
chapter ten
Chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
the end posible sequel

Chapter one

90 1 1
بواسطة AbelElizabethWalker

"Bang" The gun goes off, the bullet scattering the brains of another undead. "Bang" a slug launches into the undead standing next to the one that just fell dead once again. "Bang" Another bullet buries itself into the brain of another unsuspecting undead as it runs at the group. The group runs through the shrouded streets lined with corpses and blood as the undead chase after them. Someone at the back of the group stumbles and falls to the ground shouting out in pain and fear.

"Rebecca" Scot yells as he races to her side helping her up as the rest of the group covers them.

"There's to many, leave them behind." Sam yells out as more of the undead pore into the streets from alleyways, and dilapidated buildings.

"NO, no one get left behind." Rick yells as he and Jack races to help Rebecca and Scot.

Scot grabs Rebecca and pulls her up dragging her behind him. The undead are merely two feet away from them and coming fast. Rick and Jack run up to them shooting as many as they can but they just keep coming. Unable to do anything for them the group rushes into an open corridor and disappear into a side door leading to the back room of a Wall-Mart. The four that are left behind dash as fast as they can around over turn cars, and bodies. One of the undead grab the back of Jack and pull him down in to a sea of undead. Looking from the top of an old business building, I jump down into the mess of undead swinging my blade with precision cutting into the swarm.

I cut Jack a path out of the swarm letting him escape and pull out grenades throwing them into the swarm making my escape. I pull the pins out with my teeth throwing two more grenades over my shoulder at the undead sending them falling to the uneven pavement. Jack and the rest of them race off into an Alleyway and race back to the Wall-Mart as I distract the swarm. I take a side road racing into the side of a building and out the back door and into the one next to it. I race to the stares, up them, through the door to the roof and to the edge of the building. With out hesitating I jump off the side catching the side of the next build which is one level higher then the one I was just on and six feet away.

I pull myself up, racing to the other side and jump off landing on the roof of the next building. I jump off and on three other building and finally stop looking behind me to find not one of the undead able to find me. I turn pulling out my binoculars and look to the west where the Wall-Mart is. I find not one of the undead had stopped to fallow Jack and his group and they had made it home safely. Looking to the roof I see the familiar faces of my comrades stand on the roof watching me.

Hanna my friend of 18 years waving me back home letting me know what I have already confirmed. Everyone had made it safely back unharmed and untouched by the swarm. I double check all my routes home just to be on the safe side. We haven't had one undead follow us home in the year we have lived at the Wall-Mart and I wasn't going to be the one that messes that up. I crawl into the small window behind the Wall-Mart and slide down the wall into my room. It wasn't much just a futon bed, dresser, bookshelf, baby crib, changing table and rocking chair that we had found in the surrounding stores. I close the sound proof tinted window and turn around to find Lilly my 15 month old daughter standing in the doorway of our room rubbing her eyes. Hanna steps from behind the wall into the room with Lilly following her.

Lilly walks up to me holding out her arms as I bind over picking her up and giving her a big hug. Hanna grabs me pulling me and Lilly into her arms and holds us closes.

"What where you thinking? You had me, A.J. and Lilly worried to death." Hanna says in my ear.

"Nothing I didn't think, it just happened. Sorry I just fallowed my instincts." I say as we let go of each other and I set Lilly in her crib for her nap. The sun is just now deciding to come up letting us know that its 5 in the morning.

I sit down on the futon with it side facing the door I pull Hanna down next to me. I slide my hand over Hanna's neck to the back of it and pull her so her lips are just inches away from mine. I place my lips against hers loving the taste of her strawberry chap stick. Hanna's tongue plays at my lips making me part mine and tangle our tongues together. A knock at the door makes us separate quickly and look to the door way.

"Emma you where just amazing out there, thank you so much. If not for you Rebecca and the rest of us would have died." Scot says standing in the door way with his arm around Rebecca who is holding her round stomach.

"No prob." I say pulling my long light brown hair up into a ponytail and clip up my bangs out of my hazel eyes.

Rebecca and Scot walk away from my room probably heading to their own room. Rebecca is about 6 months pregnant now and had just join us with her husband Scot about five months ago. I let my eyes fall to Lilly who is just now falling to sleep for her morning nap. She must have been up since 12 last night when I left for my shift on the roof. Rick knocks on the door making me look up from Lilly and find Rick standing in the door way with Jack leaning against his side.

"Hey I just want to say thanks for getting me and Jack out of that mess. You really put your life on the line for us." Rick says lacing his fingers with Jacks kissing his hand.

"No Prob. Really it wasn't that big of a deal." I say. "I just do what comes naturally to me."

"Well thanks with out you around I wouldn't," he pauses looking down at Jack, "Jack wouldn't be alive to day." Rick says saluting me as he and Jack walk away.

Jack and Rick had join us about a year ago. I saved Jack that first day and ever since then they have stayed with us and helped protect the group. Jack was quit a clouts back then but know he's become a real hero among the group. About three years ago around the time of my son's first birthday, this plague started in Nigeria and slowly spread to the United States. No one know what cause the plague all that was known was that after you where exposed to the plague it would turn you after 24 hours or if you died before then your body would be reanimated as one of the undead. We found out that if you shot them in the head or caused vital damage to the brain that they became the dead once again and wouldn't come back to life. After we found that out it was a breeze killing them as long as you where a good shot. Here recently we discovered that not everyone will come back after they have been killed. Its also not spread from animal to human or human to animal so there are a lot of them running around this days.

My Son and he's father disappeared about two years ago just before I found out that I was pregnant with our daughter. I don't know what happened to them just that we got separated and agreed to meet at this Wall-Mart. Along my journey here I meet up with a few other people who didn't know where they where going just know they had to get out of where they where. We've also lost a few on our way as well some to natural death other killed by our own hands, others have been eaten to death, while others kill themselves. There was a small group of 5 teenagers who join up with our group for supplies and rest and left shortly after. We offer our help to anyone who needs it no mater who they are.

I walk to the door locking it and slowly close it making sure that no one else was going to disturb me. I walk back over to where Hanna is sitting on my made black sheet futon and stand looking out the small window. I pull the thick black sheet down covering the window and turn on the six TVs on the other side of the bed. I stand with my legs against the side of the futon and watch from all the cameras. All the streets and the parking lots are all clear of any undead. A sigh escapes my lips, none of them followed me back here. I switch the first to screens to the surrounding buildings and the rest of the screens to the cameras down the streets. About 6 blocks down is where I find the undead and they happen to be walking away from the Wall-Mart in all directions, towards something I couldn't make out. What ever it is it's about 2 blocks away from them and not moving. Hopefully what ever it was would be able to get away before they, I turn my thoughts to something else.

Hanna grabs my hands pulling me down between her legs and wraps her arms around me. We watch as the undead race towards whatever it is. The camera zooms in on what it is and freezes me in my place. I tense up all my muscles preparing me for what I am about to do. I stand, feeling Hanna's soft skin slide off of mine. I race to the door grabbing my sniper rifle and fly out of it. Jason runs up beside me as we burst through the back doors. We glance at each other nodding as we clime up the side stares to the building next to ours. We reach the top pulling out our sniper rifles loading them and look through the scopes. The undead hadn't reached the thing they're chasing yet they are at lest a block away now.

We aim shooting down the first line of undead and I hand Jason my rifle. He grabs my arms pulling me in for a sweet kiss then returns to his gun. Racing to the side of the building not hesitating I jump off the side rolling onto the roof of the next building. I continue on from building to building as Jason takes down the undead and reach the object of their chase. I run to the front of the roof and jump off sliding down the side of the building. The little girl that I had seen moments ago is now screaming at the top of her lounges as her German shepherd bends down growling ready to rip anyone who comes near her apart.

"Hey this way?" I yell at her getting her attention.

She turns towards me running not even questioning me as her German shepherd stays put till we get out of sight of the undead. The German shepherd runs after us still growling and runs thought the door I'm holding open for him. Picking up the little girl I pull the door shot locking it with the dead bolt and race up the stars and stop half looking out the window. Jason was racing past the building with the undead hot on his trail making sure that we make it back safe. I race up the stars opening the door quietly and find what I know would be there. Jason had left my sniper rifle against the side of the building just as always. I set down the little girl and pick up my gun. I look thought the scope and watch Jason admiring his tight butt as he runs towards one of the alleyways.

I start picking off the undead one after another as they come close to where Jason just disappeared. He makes it to the top of the building he ran into and waves at me as he jumps for top to top. I stand pulling the strap of the rifle over my shoulder and grab the little girl running at the side of the building. I jump the 4 foot gap with the dog on my hales and race to the next roof which is a 2 foot drop. I land on my hands and feet with the little girl clinging to my back. I stand taking two step then fall through the roof landing face to face with one of the undead. This one looked to have been one of the first to be turn cause the pore child was to far rotted to tell if it was a male or female. It lunges at me and bits into brick I grabbed placing it in it mouth. The undead is preyed lose by an attacked by the German shepherd who lands on it ripping at its face. Its teeth sinks into the scalp of the undead and the dog yanks pulling the brains out with the top of its head. It falls over with a thud making the little girl jump and dig her nails into my skin.

Standing I hook my arms under her bum and jump over the debris jogging to the door. I open the door surveying the hall way making sure that no more undead are around. I count one standing by the door to the stairway and another further down the hall. I pull out my sword from it sheath whispering for the girl to close her eyes. She lays her head against my back closing her eyes and grips tighter to me. I charge out cutting down the undead at the stairway door and though a knife into the head of the other. Holding the door open I let the dog go thought first then check for any more undead. There are about five maybe six down the stairs just standing there looking down the stair way.

I quietly open the door taking a the few steps towards the five undead and cut through the top of their heads. I stop dead in my traces holding my breath as I hear something running up the stair towards us. The dog stands growling in front of me protecting the little girl. I stand prepared with my sword out ready for what ever is coming our way. I look over the side rail trying to see thought the darkness just what is coming up the stairs. I can tell what ever it is, is human of some kind and is moving fast. It's ether freshly dead or some one alive who is trying to escape. It comes up to the bottom of the stairs that me and the girl are on and stops.

"Emma thank god," Jason say as I grab a hold of the dogs caller holding it back. "I sow you fall through the roof. I thought you might have gotten hurt." He says walking up the steps.

"No I'm fine just landed next to an undead and scruffy here killed it for me." I say rubbing the dogs head. "Okay let's get out of here" I say turning and pulling the dog with me as I walk up the stairs.

Jason fallows me as the dog finally gives up trying to hurt him and we make it to the roof. I stop next to the door letting the girl get down off my back and can feel the hot blood dripping down my chest and back. I hold my hand up looking at the bit mark knowing all to well what this will mean if someone sees it. I was to careless with this rescue. I already know that the building was not in good condition and landing on it with the extra weight was a big mistake. I look at Jason who is staring wide eyed at me.

"Jason take her with you home." I say opening the door to the stairs. "Come back for me in 24 hours and put a bullet in my head if I'm one of them."

I close the door behind me walking down the stairs. This is the first time I've ever been bitten and it was all for a good cause but now my daughter will never know me. Maybe its better this way. I open the stair way and look to make sure any other undead didn't come out of hiding. I walk through the hall way till I find a bathroom and open the door. I make sure that the undead are not inside and close the door locking it behind me. I find a few woman dead lying on the floor and in the stalls. I look though their pockets and purses to see what I could find. I find three cartons of cigarettes, a lighter, pain killers, makeup, and a big battle of jack.

I take one of the carton of cigs, lighter, bottle of jack, and pain killers and go sit in the last stale. I pull out a pack of cigs and light one enjoying the mint flavor. I open the bottle of pain killers and bottle of jack and pop some of the pills in my mouth washing it down with a swig of jack. Man, it's going to be one long night. I sigh taking another swig of jack. I hope this last through the night and day if I last that long. I lay my head on my arm letting myself cry for the first time since I lost my husband and son. Its been a long time.

The door rattles as if someone is trying to get in and a knock makes me jump.

"Emma you in there." Jason's voice comes from the door.

"yup, what are you doing here?" I ask walking over to the door, and lean against it.

"I came to make sure your okay." He says knowing just as I do that I'm not okay and won't be me when the sun comes up.

I turn sliding down the door and lessen to Jason breathing through the door. Taking another swig I look up at the ceiling praying this wont be my last night. I feel something lean against the other side of the door and know it's Jason. More then likely sitting against the door like I am.


"Yeah" I say taking a drag of the cigarette.

"I've got the fist aid kit, if you let me in I can bandage you up and give you some comfort before you go. I brought my handy man with me." He say through the door.

Handy man is his pistol that he said was his younger brothers. He was killed the first day of the epidemic and was turned into one of the undead. Jason couldn't kill him so he locked his brother up. This way he can come back and help him after a cure is found.

"I don't want you to see me like this." I say standing as I turn towards the door and lean my head against it. I cap the bottle of jack and set it on the ground. "I can't stand the idea of you having to see me if I...."

I trail off and unlock the door as Jason stands and I let him in the door. He looks at me holding up the first aid kit. I look to his hip and sure enough there sets handy man hanging from his hip. He wasn't lying about that, I hope he can handle this. I shut the door behind him locking it and watch as his tight ass walks over to the sink. He sets down the first aid kit and looks at himself in the mirror. His black hair falls to the nape of his neck and there is stubble on his defended chin. His light brown eyes fall to mine as he turns walking to me.

Jason grabs me cupping my butt and pulls me up against his chest as I wrap my legs around his small waist letting my inter thighs rest on his hip bones.We both giggle a little bit this is our fist time having any kind of contact like this. I know that my husband would be mad at me for this but I didn't even know if he is a live. It has been two years since I've seen him and I don't think I am going to last through the night. Soon the night turns into day and once again night.Jason is sitting next to me on the sink fully clothed now just as I am and holds me close to him. I look out the window of the bathroom at the moon's light. Soon all to soon I will find out if I'm going to join the undead.

Authers Note:

This is my first time letting anyone out side of family and friends read my stories and I'm hoping for some reviews on this story to see if it is really any good. It is only the first chapter and if it is liked enough I will put up more chapters.

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