At First Sight 'Prequel Of Ep...

Par ElleMiglioranza

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This is a Presequel Epic Love book.... Life before Siena Russo met Damon Salvatore.... When Siena Russo world... Plus

The Art Of Letting Go.....
Drunken Love.....
It's All About The Girl.......
Betrayal Of The Worst Kind.....
What Beneath The Surface.....
The Harsh Truth.....
A Warning That Comes With Caution......
Once Upon A Dream

Entering The War Zone.....

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Par ElleMiglioranza

Damon P.O.V

Everything all changed from the year of 1864 where a young lady moved into our family home called Katherine Pierce. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever laid my eye upon. My Father offered her and room to stay in our family home, at the time I was due to join the Confederacy to be part of the civil war. Well that didn’t work out well for a few reason one being I watched to many of my comrades die then there was the fact i didn’t take to being ordered to well. There was also another reason the young lady I meant that had moved into our family home, Katherine bewitched me with exotic features and her womanly ways.   

So I gave it all up so I could know her that little more but of course my father saw me as a failure that I couldn’t stick to anything, I respected my father but I also despised him. The reason being is that he always treated me differently to Stefan who is my younger brother, I didn’t know why he would be harder on me but I would try and prove him wrong that I weren’t ‘waste of space’ as he would quote so often. As I got older I gave up try to prove anything to him I could never out shine his golden child Stefan, I didn’t hate Stefan I loved my younger brother more than anything in this world.

That all changed though when I found out that Katherine weren’t just trying to keep me entertained but also my brother, I knew it wrong but there was an aura about Katherine that I couldn’t walk away from. Katherine weren’t your average girl she was different and what was different about her was the fact that she was a vampire, most men would have ran a mile when finding that out. Me no I wanted her even more I fell totally in love with her, I help and watched her feed on innocent people and strangely enough I didn’t find it frighten or disturbing. It was all down to one thing because I loved her and I wanted to spend my whole life with her, I asked her to turn me and she seemed amused with this but didn’t refuse. So Katherine fed me little of her blood everyday she wanted the same as me she told me when the time was right she would turn me. What I didn’t know was that she was compelling Stefan and letting him drink from her, I felt hurt and betrayed but I couldn’t hate her because I loved her that much and I knew that I was the only one who she wanted. Katherine liked to play games and she loved the attention from myself and Stefan but like she always told me it was me who she wanted.  

On October 21 1864 it all happened my stupid brother had told my father his opinion on what the council were doing, in regards to their theory on vampires in the town. My father weren’t a stupid man that one thing I can give him credit for, he read in between the lines and figured out that Katherine was one of the vampire who was a resident in the town. I recall coming home and seeing them carrying Katherine with this contraption on her face while she was out cold, Stefan pleading to my father not to do this while my father ignored him. I did the one thing that any man would have done when they saw the woman they loved being taken away like an animal. I attacked my brother for his stupidity I couldn’t believe he had told our father that he was sympathise with the vampire of course he would of put two and two together.

Fortunately I’m far smarter than my brother or any of these stupid member on the council, I had heard about what they had planned for the suspected vampires in town. I went to seek help from Katherine handmaiden Emily I pleaded to her to help Katherine to not let her have a fate worse than death, not matter how much I pleaded to her Emily couldn’t make any promised. Stefan and I tried to free Katherine from the carriage they were taking her to fell churched where they planned to burn all the vampires alive. We were caught by the member of the council and tried to make our plea but Stefan and I were both gunned down.

When I woke I knew what was happening to me that I was in transition but also Stefan was I knew we didn’t save Katherine she was gone, so what would be the point of me becoming a vampire. Stefan agreed with me also he didn’t want this fate either so we had a few hours until we wouldn’t see another day. When night fell my little brother came back to the shack we were at in the woods covered in blood, but not just anyone blood it was my fathers. Stefan had completed transition and he brought a young girl back with him, he taunted me by biting into her and exposing me her blood. No matter how hard I tried to fight it the bloodlust over took me and I drained the life out of an innocent girl.   

Well with Stefan and I became vampires we didn’t see eye to eye a lot of the time, Stefan had a bloodlust problem a serious problem and I tried to help him but it never worked. It was all the final straw my brother would get us exposed and I couldn’t forgive him for exposing Katherine to the council and forcing me to drink from that girl he took my choice away. So I abandon him it was the only thing I could do Emily Bennett thought I was the wrong thing to do but what did she know. She was this all powerful witch and she couldn’t even save Katherine, well that what I thought until Emily informed me that all the vampire who were brought into Fells Church where placed in the tomb below it that included Katherine. There came a price for her doing this she wanted me to protect the Bennett line until the day that the tomb could be opened, we weren’t talking about next week I had to wait 145 years until the next comment for a witch to be able to perform the spell.

So for 139 years I’ve been keeping myself entertain travelling all of the world feeding of beautiful women had a few flings, but none of them compared to Katherine. I needed a distraction I need something to keep me busy because 145 years is a long time even for a vampire. My brother and I crossed paths a few time but it never ended well, he had made a new friend called Lexi she was the most annoying self-righteous person I ever met. The last time I saw my brother was in the 50’s back in our home town of Mystic Falls and that didn’t end well either as I murdered a member of our ‘family’, typical Stefan told me he didn’t want to see again. That suited me fine I didn’t need to go back to that condemned town till 2009 and there so much more of the world to see.  Well the 50’s I didn’t see too well but that a very long story which I have chosen to forget about, but once ever so often it would come to the surface.

The year 2003 and I’m back in New York City I loved this city for many reason firstly because of the crime right so high here that when someone went ‘missing’ it wasn’t much of a big deal. Another reason why I loved this city because it never slept there was always somewhere to party and something to do it was every vampire dream. Like Always I was in the one place where I could relax during the day and drink my bourbon that was Billy’s bar, Will and I had been friends for decades we had a business in the 70’s which suited me fine. But this time around I was on vacation I was in this city to relax fed and have some wild sex.  

“Damon Salvatore I take it” I heard a voice behind me say I turned around and saw some guy standing there in black suit and white dress shirt with his hair covered in enough grease to fry and egg.

“Whose asking?” I rolled my eyes and turned away and poured myself a drink I weren’t in the mood for some dumb ass right now and if he annoyed me enough he would actually quench the bloodlust I have right now.

“I’m here to discuss some business” he took a seat beside me and I turned my head to look at him “You see Damon… Can I call you Damon?” I nodded my head this guy was boring me already “My boss has a situation and we were told by a mutual friend that you have experience in this particular area” This was a real snooze fest like I’m interested in getting myself involved in anyone business.

“Not interested” I told as I drained my drink I heard the cock of a gun and I turned to see him holding a gun to me “Your kidding me” before he could even answer I had him pinned to a wall and vamped out on him “I don’t think you gun going to do much” I could hear his heart accelerating as his face looked stunned “Now go about your business before I have you for lunch” I let go of him and began to walk to the bar this guy was a real dumb ass.

“We’ve heard you’ve been trying to find the Whitmore family” I stopped in my tracks that name always made my blood boil “What if I told you we know of their location” more than anything in this world I want to get at the last of the Whitmore’s “My boss having a little problem with a vampire who taken residence here like I said you came highly recommended” I turned to face him this guy was a total douche.

“So you know what I’m then” I began to approach him slowly “So you know the information you have on the Whitmore’s I could compel out of you” I spoke to him smugly he began to chuckle I didn’t find it amusing and the fact he know I could take his life in under a second this guy really didn’t know who he messing with.

“You see Damon…..” he took out a hanky from his inside pocket of this jacket and began to wipe his face “I’m on vervain you know that stuff your kind don’t like” Dam I could just snap his neck instead “You see if you help us we can help you” as much as I didn’t want to do this I need to stick to what I promised myself all them years ago what I would do to each generation of the Whitmore’s.

So he gave me an offer I couldn’t refuse ‘no pun intended’ but they had information on the last of the Whitmore and more than anything I wanted to get to them. In the past they were so easy to find you know when the time was coming I would find them within weeks or days, this time around it like they were under witness protection. Well this guy ‘boss’ knew where they were and wanted my help with a vampire problem well I don’t see that being a problem, attack stake done just like that so easy as that. I found what the name this douche was Aniello he was apparently the right hand man of Antonio De Vere the guy who wanted help with the vamp problem. He gave me the address to his home where I would have some kind of meeting with this guy discuss what need to be done. There was nothing to be said there two way to deal with their vamp problem one being rip his heart out and two wooden stake, but I’ll go to his place for information and amusement purposes.

I had a meeting with him at 8 which annoyed me because that when the fun started in this city but then again by the time I leave all the luscious young ladies will be too drunk to know what they’re doing. I got into my car and drove to Manhattan this guy lived on the upper east side and from him being called ‘The Boss’ I don’t think he got here by being an honest man but who I’m to judge.  I stopped at the apartment block where this Antonio guy lived the vale took my car and I began to make my way into the building. I looked down at the piece of paper he lived in penthouse B I walked over to the elevator, the doors opened and I pressed the ‘PHB’ button. I hope this guy were going to play me because he thinks he got a problem with one vampire, well he not met Damon Salvatore because I will make his life hell if he messing with me. 

I walked out of the elevator and I could two people talking I began to make my way through the hallway, considering his some kind of top guy he didn’t have good security. I came to a double door where I could hear the voice more clearly.

“Dad his a freaking Vampire how are you planning to deal with that?” I heard his kid whine so this vampire was obviously threatening him or something.

“I know Son” I heard who I think Antonio speaking calmly “The thing is son to beat a problem you need to bring in a problem” that was defiantly my cue to step in, I opened the door and stepped into what appeared to be a study of some kind.

“What the hell that meant to mean?” his son half shouted at him dam if that was my son I would…. Scrap that I’ll never have that problem.

“What your dad trying to tell you is.... I'm here to help with your problem” I told them both the son turned around and looked at me as in to say who the hell are you?

“Who the f*ck are you?” he growled at me wow he had temper issue I couldn’t help but smirk at him which annoyed him even more I love how I get under people skin.

“Damon Salvatore....” I walked over to where this guy has a collection of scotches I picked on up “May I?” I didn’t even wait for a reply I just pour myself a glass not like they could do anything.

“Thank you for coming Damon” Antonio spoke with that authority in his voice, I picked up my glassed and drained it.

“You’re going to help” the annoyed brat spat he looked at his father “What the hell is he going to do?” I think I needed to give him a little demonstration, I super sped to him and pinned him to the wall he looked at me wide eyed.

“Watch and learn Junior I’m going to get rid of your vampire problem” I let go of him and I notice that Antonio look a little impressed “So the deal is I’ll get rid of your vamp you give me what I want” he nodded “Well fill me” This was going to be the easiest job I’ve done it probably a newbie vampire I’ll have him gone under 24 hours then I’ll be on merry way to go and destroy the Whitmore line. Oh how I love my life…..

Klaus P.O.V

I was a little nervous about this date with Siena I didn’t understand how this once girl could make me feel his way, she was just like any other girl I have come across in my thousand years. No she wasn’t there was something alluring about Siena Russo it weren’t just her appearance but her personality to, when I spoke to her i could talk about anything and be myself. Well to a certain degree I don’t think Siena would take too lightly that I’m a thousand year old vampire, but I do not want to show her that side of myself she didn’t deserve to know about the true crazy world we actually live in.

When I saw Siena standing outside her building she looked amazing I thought she couldn’t look any more beautiful but tonight she was breath taking. One thing I notice about Siena she liked to tease which I found adorable, she wanted thing her way but unfortunately I weren’t always going to give into her bewitching way. I decided to bring Siena to one of my favourite French restaurants Per Se it was the only restaurant in New York City that had authentic French food. Siena impressed me as she spoke French as she ordered her food it just made her that little more irresistible.

The conversation weren’t dull at all during our meal there were many thing I began to learn about Siena and also her family, her father was a lawyer for the firm Wolfman and Heart which had a very good reputation. Then she spoke of her mother she was a fashion designer I weren’t into fashion shows and runways but I had heard of the name ‘Russo’ and to my surprise I was on a date with their daughter. Siena was happy with her mother success but with all of that came with the focused in the media, Siena tried to keep out of the spot light but it was difficult at times. She began to talk about her two dear friend Blair and Thea from what she told me about them both I wouldn’t of imagined Siena having friends like that, but then again she was lucky enough to have them in her life.

 Once we were done at Per Se I brought Siena to a club called Vudu Lounge a fellow vampire Piers who I have known for last 300 years had just opened it up. Of course for humans to have fun but a place for vampires to feed I wouldn’t allow Siena to come here alone but with the vampire that where here tonight they would know she with me and I’m sure Piers would inform them. Well tonight I didn’t need to fear any of that my full attention was on one person only and that was the stunning creature who stood before me.  We had a few drink and Siena dragged me on the dance floor I weren’t one for dance music but being on that dance floor with her I was lost in the moment, the way she would seductive dance swaying her hips. I had to control myself a few times this young girl drove me insane and I don’t think she will ever know how much she does.

Well my moment got ruined when I could hear her highly annoying ex-boyfriend bitching on the other side of the club. He really needed to be taught some kind of lesson he didn’t understand my clear message from earlier. So I had a friendly chat with the pup reminding him who the top of the food chain his friend coward and didn’t even help, I would have dealt with that annoying boy once and for all if I weren’t interrupted. Luckily for Lucas Siena saved him from a dreadful fate even after everything that boy did to her she asked me to spare him, of course I was going to compile to her request. But the war was far from over with that boy and I intend to deal with him very soon and once and for all.

Siena and I continued our evening without the rich boy ruining it all and we were having a lot of fun until I realized that Siena was a little too tipsy on the champagne. So we left the club and I place her in the car I think the fresh air hit her because she was slurring her words, even as a drunk Siena was adorable. We reached her apartment I parked up and helped out of the car but she weren’t in any fit state to be walking on her own, I knew her parents weren’t home so I thought I’ll bring her up. In the elevator she kept giggling I didn’t know what she found amusing but I couldn’t help but smile as I kept her steady on her feet. She directed me to her apartment door and it took her a little while to open the door, as we walked in I asked her where I room was once again she giggled and laughed at my suggestion.  

“Nic, you are so cute and I like your butt too. Your butt is really cute like you” she slurred then began to giggles she lost her balance but I caught her in time

“Well Siena you have very attractive one yourself. Let's get you into bed” she guild me in the direction of her room when I walked in it was like what I expected a very girly kind of room, I helped her over to the bed.  Suddenly Siena hit me on the butt and squeezes it, I didn’t expect this behaviour from her but I did find it funny.

“Shake your butt for me Nic. I want to see you do it” she continued to giggles and burped I couldn’t help but chuckle at the way she was acting.

“Sweetheart your drunk and need some sleep as tempting as this is i think you need to rest” I placed her on the bed but she pulls me down with her, Siena leans in and kisses me which took me by surprise.  he smiles invitingly as we continues to make out I gave into temptation my hands start to wonder up Siena thigh while rising up the hem of her dress one thing I was certain right now is that I wanted her right now. I felt lost right now in Siena sensual kisses then suddenly she pushes me away from her which startled me slightly.

“Wait. I can't do this. I have never done anything like this before” she spoke innocently I was stunned to hear this I thought her and the rich brat would of done the deed, that boy was more stupid than he looked.

“You've never....” the words couldn't come out of my mouth. I looked down at Siena who look up at me innocently and knew this weren't the right for her to have first experience. I got up feeling a little fluster as Siena that what she would make that animistic side of me come out.

“But it doesn't mean that I want to. Nik, I want you” Siena sound a little more sober now I turned to her and smiled as approaches her and sit on the bed, I didn’t want her thinking it was actually a problem,

“I don't think your first time should be a drunken moment” She looked at me a little bewildered I moves a piece of hair from her face

“But Nik” she protested her expression changed slightly “The room is spinning” she held onto her head from the looks of it Miss Russo didn’t get drunk too often, one night with me I got her tipsy.

“That would be the effects of all that vodka you consumed” I placed the comforter on her “I'm going to let you get some sleep I will call you tomorrow to see how you are” he kisses her on the forehead and got up from the bed.

“I'm going to be sick” Siena cries out and gets out of bed and stumbles to the bathroom, where could hear her being violently sick, I couldn’t leave her in this state I walked over to the bathroom door and tapped on the door.

“Siena are you ok in there?” she didn’t respond and continued to be sick I walked over and sat on the bed I’ll wait until Siena comes out to make sure she ok before I leaves. I heard my phone beep and I looked at the screen it was a message that I have been waiting for.

Roman: Your suspicion were right.

I place my phone back in my pocket I heard the toilet flushes after a few moments Siena came out of the bathroom, she seemed shocked to see that I stayed and it shows on her face “I just wanted to make sure you’re ok before i leave” I got up from the bed I needed to go a deal with a matter right now and Siena needed some sleep “I better get going. But i had a wonderful evening i hope we can do it again” I smiled at her and Siena face sadden as I told her I was leaving.

“Nic please don't go. Please stay with me until I fall asleep” Siena looked so adorable as she asked how could I really say no to her.

“Ok get into bed and I’ll wait until your sleep till i leave” Siena smiled then climb into bed I sat next to her stoking her hair she fell sleep very quick.

I left the apartment and made my way to my car even though it ended with a poorly Siena it was a pretty impressive evening. Now I needed to deal with some business I got into my car and drove home, I was trying to devise a plan of how I could deal with my betrayer. I walked into my apartment and I could hear Gina in her room, now was my perfect opportunity to talk to her about the betrayal.

“Gina” I called out within moments she came out of her room and smiled, let me see what she can tell me “How was your evening Gina” I asked her while approached the bar and began to pour myself a drink.

“Nothing much I stayed in most of the night. Can I have one of those” I looked up at her and nodded I needed a little information from her.

“Gina when was the last time you saw Hector” I walked over and handed he her glass he looked at me a little stunned at first then she began to smile.

“You know I haven’t seen him since 1930’s after that incident with the Germans” Well it appeared that Hector was a little closer to home “Why Klaus?” I smiled at her there weren’t any need for her to know why was interested in Hector.

“No reason. Well I’m off to bed. Good night Gina” I walked away from her well the information she gave was suffice for me, now I just need to deal with that wolf boy then deal with this other matter. No one betrays Klaus Mikaelson and gets away with it and they will be made example of.

Siena P.O.V

I woke up in the morning and I felt like my head was about to explode I looked around the room and I notice that I was home. I sat up too quick and the room began to spin I held on to my head to stop myself from being sick. Oh my god what did I do I got drunk on my date with Nic, what is he going to think of me. I buried my head into my pillow recalling everything that happen. The restaurant where we spoke and got to know each other to us going to the club, everything was perfect up until Lucas made his appearance. Nic kind of frighten me slightly with the way he had hold of Lucas and the look upon Kai face and the way he pleaded for me to stop it, worried me even more. Luckily Nic stopped and I dragged him away and I recall why I drank so much to forget about what had happened.

After that it’s all a huge blur I recall being sick and Nic being here but I hope I didn’t make a fool of myself.  I climb out of bed still in the dress from last night I went in to the bathroom and had along hot shower, it actually helped with the arches I had. What the hell did I do to myself last night? I got dried and changed into my sweats todays was going to be one of those lazy days, plus I had the mother lode of all hangovers. How do people do this like every weekend? I took my phone out of my purse and I notice I had two new messages.

Blair: Hey party animal I heard you were in Vudu Lounge with the sexy brit XD We need to meet up at D’Expresso I want to know all the juicy deets :D

Thea: Siena Russo you need to get your ass down to D’Expresso and tell us about your date. And you know I’m gonna bug ya till you meet us XD

Well it looks like both girls weren’t going to leave me alone until I answered their demands I messaged both of them back telling them I’ll meet them at D’Expresso in an hour. As much as I didn’t want to go I knew Blair and Thea wouldn’t leave me alone all weekend until I told them about my date with Nic. I’m going kill Kai on Monday of course he told Blair about last night then she told Thea I wonder if he told her about Nic attacking Lucas? Great that all I need with Blair and Thea thinking that Nic some kind of thug but then again they know how Lucas been behaving lately so maybe they won’t judge Nic badly.

I went back in my room to get changed as Blair would scrutinize me for going out in public in sweats, so I put on some jeans and white t-shirt I put my make up on just so I didn’t look too dead when I met them. Once I was done I put my Uggs on and my leather jacket I grabbed my purse and made my way out of the apartment. Once I hit the streets the sun was so bright I hurt my eyes so I got my sunglasses out of my purse and placed them on and began to make my way to D’Expresso. I really felt delicate today and I hope Thea and Blair weren’t going to bombard me with questions, oh god who I’m kidding of course they will. I’m so going to kill Kai on Monday for sure now.

After what felt like 5 hour walk which normally takes me 20 min I reached D’Expresso I saw Blair and Thea sitting by the window. They both smiled widely as then saw me I gave them both a small smile as I knew the interrogation was about to start, I opened the door and walked in and approached there table.

“Oh look it’s the dirty stop out” Thea spoke with humour in her voice great I hadn’t even sat down and she was ripping into me already.

“Thea stop and what is that supposed to mean anyway?” Blair bit back at her I didn’t need this not right now, these two bitching I weren’t in the mood for any of it.

“I heard what you said” I rolled my eyes as I sat next to Blair while facing Thea who looked at Blair with are you for real look.

“God you both really need to get with the times” Thea shakes her head “PH it's something you do regularly” Thea began to smirk she was pointing out about Blair wild days “Anyway it's not all about you right now” She turns to face me with a serious expression which meant Thea wanted to know all “So tell us about this hot older guy which you have not told us anything about”

“You know what? You need to shut up and I don't act like her at all. I have a man as you well know. What about you? When are you going to get one?” Blair bites back at Thea then smirks at her I thought my head was hurting before now it felt like it was going to burst with these two.

“You guys cut it out” I raised my voice at the both of them and felt a sharp pain in my head looks at Thea “What hot older guy? I don't know what you're talking about” I gave them both an innocent look as I knew they had gotten most of their details from Kai.

“Unlike you plastic i have some kind of self-respect” Thea gives Blair a wicked smile, Thea never approved of Blair behaviour and I don’t think she ever let it down “Siena don't play dumb Barbie doll here got all the info from Kai who was at the Vudu lounge. So just spill and drop the innocent act” I took a sip of my latte I could see that Thea and Blair were going to get into a heated debate which is pretty normal when there in each other presence.

“Oh yeah? Well you didn't have yesterday or earlier today when you was checking out the new exchange student. I believe that you said that he was really hot and you wanted a piece of that. And oh yeah you was definitely going to get his number. Anyway!” Blair turns to me and I knew it was her turn now to as all the questions “You might as well tell us about him because we're not going to leave you alone” I sighed because I knows that they would not let me get off easy so the girlfriend talk was going to happen whether I wanted it to happen or not.

“What do you want to know?” even though I knew they wanted to know every detail I secretly hope that maybe they would but who I’m kidding this is Blair and Thea.

“Ermmm like everything..... Name? Where you met? How old is he? How hot is he? That part for Blair benefit” she turned to smirk at Blair “You know Siena everything. Not forgetting why he nearly kicked he crap out of Lucas. Even though the dick probably deserved it. Basically everything now talk” Thea hasn’t like Lucas much since the first day back at school when he behaved like a dick, typical Thea she was a protective BFF that’s what I loved about her.

“We're waiting Siena” Blair snapped me out of my thoughts they weren’t going to give up so I might as tell them about my British hottie.

“His name is Nic Mikaelson. He's 25 I think. And he is very hot and charming. Did I mention that he is hotter than Lucas? Actually, he's better than Lucas in everything and knows how to treat a lady” I couldn’t help but smile as I thought of Nic because he was far better than Lucas he knew how to treat a lady “We met at the art gallery and we have been out on a few dates” I decided to skip the part where Lucas almost raped me and Nic saving me because she knew that Blair and Thea would rip Lucas apart especially Thea “Lucas tried to act possessive of me and he said something that really ticked Nic off so he got his ass kicked” I started get flash back of last night when Nic brought me home, everything was all coming back to me “Nic and I went out again last night and things were going great until Lucas showed up. Once again he and Nik got into an altercation and we left the club. We went back to my place and things got a little heated between us” I felt myself blush not because I was telling the both of them about this but the way I behaved in front of Nic and even worse I told him I was a virgin. Not that being a virgin a bad thing but I just blurted it out like I did.

“Heated?” Blair questioned me as she looked at Thea “Details please. Did you two do the deed?  How was he? Come on Siena spill” Of course Blair would wanna know we kind of made a promise a while back when we finally did it that we would tell all, but I didn’t do anything so nothing needed to be told.

“No, I don't remember everything that happened. But I remember that I got sick while he was there and I think that I may threw myself at him too. Oh my god you guys I am so embarrassed. How am I going to be able to face him?” how was I really going to face him after that? How could I gotten so drunk… oh yeah because my dick ex ruined my freaking night.

“Typical Blair wanting to know all the details. You’re like a dog on heat PH” Thea rolls her eyes then she got hold of my hand “Don't panic Siena. Have you heard from him? I mean if you have then that good” I knew Thea was trying to comfort me and make feel better but I screwed up big time. I notice that Thea was distracted she kept staring out of the window like she was gazing at something.

“Thea, you ok? What are you staring at?” her eye didn’t move away it was like Thea was in some kind of trance. 

“Don't you mean who she is staring at?” Blair spoke sarcastically but Theas eyes didn’t move.

“I don't care what either of you say but that guy across the street is soo checking me out” she smiled flirtatiously then I watched as her face went a slight shade of pink.

“Who? Let me see. Oh do you mean Santino?” Blair question as she looks out of the window, I wanted to see who this cutie was too.

“I want to see too” I turned to look out of the window but didn't see anyone “Where did he go?” Thea wouldn’t have reacted like that over any guy and she wouldn’t have made it up either.

“Great you two scared him off” she spoke annoyed “And he was freaking hot” she folds her arms and pouts which wasn’t something Thea did often you would expect it from Bair but not her.

“Well, what did he look like? Maybe you will see him again. You never know” I smiled at her just to assure her that I didn’t think she was crazy or anything.

“He was tall with dark raven hair and the most incredible blue eye” she rested her hand under her chin in a dreamlike state “and his face was....” she stared out of the window and her face lit up like a kid on Christmas day “there he is” she half screamed.

“Thea you must be seeing things or Santino is shy because nobody is out there” Blair spoke a little annoyed as she turned back I don’t know why she was being like that she had Kai, then Blair didn’t mind seeing new eye candies.

“She is right. I don't see anyone either” Thea looked a little upset like we didn’t believe her.

“I'm not seeing things. He was right there” now I knew she was annoyed as she sound liked a crazy person talking about a guy which neither of us saw “Anyway have you contacted your new yummy Siena?”

“No. I threw myself at him and then just when things are getting hot and heavy I tell him that I'm a virgin” I covered my face from the embracement of it all “And if that is not bad enough, he heard me getting sick” I mumbles the last part as what I told them weren’t bad enough.

“Well i think time for friend intervention” I moved my hands from my face and saw Thea smirking as she going through my phone I tried to snatch it off her as I didn’t need her to send him some stupid text on top of my behaviour of last night “No Siena I’m doing this for your own good. Tell her Blair” she spoke and smiles as she was going through my phone “found him” she smirked as she typed away I could feel my heart racing right now what if Thea makes it all worse?

“You can't avoid him Siena and you have to talk to him eventually” I knew that but on my terms not there Blair looks at Thea “Tell him that she wants to meet him for a coffee at D'Expresso” Blair demanded and Thea shook her head the only time they got on when it was to attack me on guy stuff.

“You guys are horrible. What if he doesn't even show up?” that would be even worse if he don’t turn up actually what if he don’t reply, oh my god why I’m letting them do this?

“He will show up. Trust me” Blair spoke confidently while she smirked.

“Done” Thea announce then she passed the phone back to me with a smile, I glared at her because there was nothing to smile about right now “He will reply i guarantee it” within moment my Phone beeps “That would that be him” Thea smiled smugly I looked at the screen of my phone and I had a new message from Nic.

Nic: Great minds think alike I was going to call you to see how you were feeling after last night. I wanted to take you out for breakfast so I’ll be with you in about 30 minute’s xx

“I hate you guys” it looked like Thea and Blair planned worked and Nic wanted to see me even after the state I was in last night I couldn’t help but smile knowing I’ll be seeing him soon.

“Well you've got to love us” Thea snapped me out of my thought I looked up to see her smirking “from the look on your face he did reply. No need to thank me” Thea sat back in her chair while drinking her cooler looking real pleased with herself.

“So when is the dreamy British guy coming?” Blair couldn’t help to tease me this was one of them moment I wish I had some come of come back.

“In 30 minute’s” I knew I was beaming because I was shocked that Nic wanted to see me again. But I was grateful at the same time because, I really wanted to see him again and I literally can't stop thinking about him.

“Right we have 30 minute’s to pour more coffee down your throat because sweetie you look terrible” Thea get up and goes to the counter I stuck my tongue out at her she would be looking terrible if she drank what I did.

“I'm still hangover and my head is pounding. So sue me” I called out to her but Thea totally ignored me and continued with her order.

“But still you have to look cute because you got a hottie coming to see you in 30 minutes. So go in the restroom and get cute for him” Blair smiles if both of them are telling me I need to sort myself out I must look pretty bad. I got up and went into the restroom I got my makeup bag out and applied some concealer under my eyes I fixed my hair a little and applied some lip gloss. I left the restroom and went back to the table to have two lots of double espresso waiting for me. I hates drinking this stuff so I gulped them in one go I had to remember I needed to be focused when Nic arrived.

“Siena” I heard that accent that drove me wild say I looked up and there he was looking as handsome as ever, he smiles then looks over at Blair and Thea “Ladies”

“Hi, I'm Blair. You must be Nic. We heard a lot about you” Blair spoke flirtatiously while she smiled at him, I glared at her and she gave me an apologetic look.

“Hi Nic thanks for coming” I knew I was smiling like an idiot but that what he did to me “I want you to meet Thea and you just met Blair” I indicated to Thea who was sitting there with her jaw hanging open with a speechless expression.

“Pleasure to meet you Blair” Nic smiles then looks at Thea who was looking at him a little stunned “Pleasure to meet you Thea that's a beautiful name” I watched as Thea face went scarlet red which weren’t very Thea thing to do.

“Ermmm we need to leave” Thea mumbled as the table knocked why was she acting like this?

“Ummm….ouch” Blair cried out but then smiles “But she is right. We do need to go. I promised Kai that I would go to his place. Have fun Siena and call us later” Blair winks at me and I felt myself turn tomato red “And don't do anything that I wouldn't do” wonderful she just had to say that in front of him, I’m going to kill her and Kai on Monday.

“Hope we see each other again” Nic told the both of them as both girls smiled and left the coffee shop, he turned to me and sat down smile I finally was getting some alone time with my dream guy.

Lucas P.O.V

Well it turns out my dad had ‘hired’ this dude Damon Salvatore to deal with this problem I had with this Nic guy. When I first saw him I thought what the hell is this douche going to do? I mean that Nic guy weren’t no normal guy he was a freaking vampire, so what would a guy who clearly loves himself going to do to get rid of this dick Nic. Well like always I let my mouth run before finding anything out, this dude have me pinned to the wall in a second with his fangs out. I totally underestimated him I think that saying true don’t judge a book by its cover. He maybe a vamp but he was a cocky one at that as my dad was giving him the rundown of it all, he like this is going to be a breeze. Like I said cocky and totally full of himself and I couldn’t stay in the room to hear his bullshit.

So I went into the gym on the second floor I needed to let out this penetrated anger out I didn’t know what was going on with me. It like I’m constantly angry all the time I don’t know if it’s because of Oscar death which my dad covered up, or the fact I lost Siena. What didn’t help right now is the fact that she seeing that… I don’t even know what to call him. I want to warn her about him but I know Siena too well she wouldn’t believe me she would think of it as a way of me trying to break them up and also saying his a vampire she be like Lucas you’re losing it. So right now I’ll do the only thing I can do to keep my frustration under control, pump some iron that the only thing that kept me semi sane these days.

“Hi, you must be the boss's son. Damon Salvatore” I heard a voice say I turned my head and there stood that Damon dude with his hand out, I put the weight down then sat up looked at him I weren’t sure if this was some kind of set up. Then looked at his hand I doubt his here to start trouble so I took his hand shook it.

“You can call me Lucas” I hated being called ‘the bosses son’ all of dad goons did that I lets go of his hand “So what bring you to New York i doubt it's anything to do with my dad offer” Damon began to smirk which indicated to me I was right.

"You're pretty smart Lucas. But let's just say that your dad made me an offer that I couldn't refuse and let's just leave it at that” he smirked once again I had to roll my eyes as whatever my dad offered him this Damon guy wanted it bad to be working for him.

“Yeah he tends to that a lot” I walked over and picks up a towel to wipe away the sweat from my face “So what you doing in her anyway? I mean Vampires don't need to keep fit really” I turns to him “As you’re technically dead” I weren’t trying to cause a fight but it was true they were dead.

“I was curious and you have a nice place. I want to take advantage of it and all of the amenities so to speak while I am here. So I heard that you're having a problem with this vampire. Why is that?” I wouldn’t call it a problem I would call it a major one that dick Nic not just trying to screw thing up with me but also my father by out bidding him on the Penthouse club amongst other thing.

“Yeah you could say that. His total jerk and his stealing my girl as we speak but she too stupid to see what he is” I tried to keep his temper under control as I could feel his blood boiling every time I thought of that vamp freak with Siena.

“So all of this is about a girl?” Damon starts to laugh and doesn't try to hide it. He is really amused by this and continues to snicker and laugh, annoyed the hell out of me I folded my arms from stopping myself doing something stupid.

“Take it a douche like you never been in love” he look like the type of guy who had never been in love he looked like a true player you know he probably teases all these women screws them then drains them. Yep that sound like Damon Salvatore.

“That is where you are wrong. I know a lot about love” Yeah right what he knew was how to make girls fall for him, I doubt he has ever cared for anyone in his whole existence.

“Then you'll understand that i don't see Siena as any girl” I picked up my bottle of water “As you think this is all so funny I’m going to deal with myself” I was going to have it out with this Nic dick once and for all I weren’t going to let Siena go another day with him in her life.

That dick Damon weren’t going to do anything he didn’t care about any of this all he cared about was getting what he wanted. I needed to deal with this matter once and for all I’m the only one who can stop all of this, so this Nic guy a vampire all I need to do is stake his ass and his gone. Then life can get back to normal and I can try to win Siena back and I know in time I could do that, I know Siena better than she knows herself and she will forgive me eventually.

I went to my room got showered and changed I didn’t even bother telling my parents where I was going, I was going to finish this today. My dad and his hired help can go to hell this is my war and I’m going to finish it off. I got into my car and began to drive through the street of Manhattan making my way to the one place I know where that douche would be. I arrived at my destination of The Penthouse the place that dick out bided on my father. I walked through the door and the place was pretty full I walked over to the bar and order a drink, luckily for me I never got asked for ID. The bar man came back with my drink and looked around to see where the hell he was. I instantly saw him in far back of the bar I drained my drink and made my way to him, but I notice that Siena was with him this didn’t help matters.

“Siena” I tapped her on the shoulder she spun round and the smile she had on her face disappeared instantly.

“Lucas what are you doing here?” she sounded pretty annoyed I could see that Nic dude looking pissed at the corner of my eye, but he wouldn’t pull his vamp stunt in front of her.

“You need to stay away from him his dangerous” Siena looked at me with disbelief I grabbed hold of her hand and tried to take her out of there, then I felt my arm being grabbed.

“I do not think so” Nic spoke through his teeth he held on to my arm tightly until I let go of Siena who look frighten and that the last thing I wanted her to be “Siena love go to see Vince at the bar while I’ll deal with this problem” Siena looked between the both of us and hesitated to leave but after a moment she walked away “Now when are you going to get the message” within moment he had me pinned against a wall out of view of the customers and Siena.

“I’m not having her being with someone like you” I growled at him once again his face turned into the demonic state and he was about to go for my throat when suddenly he was thrown off me. I looked up and there stood the cocky Damon Salvatore.

“Now, Now boys play nice” he spoke with sarcasm since meeting this guy this was the first time I was grateful for his presence, I owned him my life because that dick Nic would of killed me for sure.

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