The Game: A Devin Booker fanf...

By beurselfnotme

24.8K 344 29

Marina just graduated from UNC, the college of her dreams. In little, to no time she packs her bag to peruse... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
authors note
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Capter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 9

1K 15 1
By beurselfnotme

Devins POV:

When I woke up from my deep sleep the first thing I noticed was a bunch of hair in my face. Which was a little confusing considering I didn't have long hair. Then I remembered last night and I instantly started smiling. I moved the crazy waves of hair out of my face to see a still sleeping Marina on my chest. Damn I was lucky. I started to examine our naked bodies. Not in a perverted way though. Our bodies were just fit for each other. Every nook and cranny of ours fit perfectly together like puzzle pieces. As I started scanning over her body I noticed her many tattoos. Some small, some big. Right when I was wondering what their meaning was I snapped out of it by a groaning Marina.

"Morning," she yawned as she turned her head up to look at me.

"Morning baby girl," I whispered pulling her head closer to mine to I could kiss her.

"How did you sleep?" She asked rolling her body onto mine so we were now on top of each other.

"I Probably got the best sleep of my life last night. Can I ask you a question?"

I could feel her body tense up. She gave me a look that seemed to read go on.

"What do your tattoos mean?" I said as I traced my fingers over the one on her rib.

"Well all of them have a story but if I told you each story we would be here all day," she laughed.

"Please? I'm curious," I said throwing her the classic puppy dog face, which of course only made her roll her eyes.

"Fine," she laughed, "I was really close to my grandpa so when he died I was devastated. It was my senior year of high school and he was so excited to see me go to UNC. He never got to see me graduate high school let alone become who I am today. I got this tattoo so he would always be with me," she said smiling slightly at the Roman numerals that where on her tricep.

"Is that his birthday?" I asked running my finger over the tattoo.

"Yes it is," she smiled.

"Alright what about that one," I said gliding my fingers over her body to the ancient Egyptian queen on her rib cage. I could feel the goosebumps on her skin rise as my hand caressed over her skin.

"Nefertiti. Growing up my parents always taught me to put myself first. They wanted me to become a powerful, rich, and successful woman. And Nefertiti was just that. When I see her I can't help but just get motivated to push myself harder," she said smiling as she laced her fingers into mine that were dancing over her tattoo.

"I really like that one," I said smiling. She had a meaning for her tattoos and that's what I loved. I think if people get a tattoo that's going to be on their bodies for the rest of their lives it should at least mean something.

"Thanks D. So what do you want to do today?" She asked laying her head back into my naked chest.

"Well since we both have the day off... anything really," I said playing with her hair.

"Hmm alright well tonight my parents are coming over so I think that's a pretty good excuse to go shopping," she laughed.

"Alright I'm down. How nice is the dinner? Where are we going?"

"We are going to T. Cook's." Marina said getting up.

"Wait where are you going?" I asked pulling out the puppy dog face again.

"I'm going to take a shower," she said winking as she looked over her shoulder back at me. I smirked and followed her into her bathroom.

"Lemme join," I smirked hugging her body from behind and kissing her neck.

"Hmm if you really want to," she laughed as she started the shower.


Marinas POV:

"So Mr.Booker where are we going," I asked as I hopped into his passenger seat.

"Biltmore Fashion Park."

"How expensive is it?" I said biting my lip. I knew Devin had expensive taste. He could afford all of that though, and sadly I could barely afford my apartment and my dog.

"It's not too bad. They have Brooks Brothers, Calypso St.Barth, Ralph Lauren," he stopped and started laughed when he saw my mouth drop.

"What do you mean not too bad. I don't make millions of dollars a year like you," I laughed almost in shock.

"Don't worry about it I will buy something for you," Devin smiled sweetly.

"Devin... I want to support myself. I can buy it myself. You're being really sweet but it's ok. I can pay for myself," I said placing my hand on in his arm.

"But you're my girl," he sighed.

"But I don't want you to spend all your money on me. That's not why I'm with you."

"With me?" He repeated. Oh god I just said I was with him. My eyes widened and my face turned beet red.

"Y-yeah," I said turning my head to the window to watch the buildings passing buy as Devin drove to Biltmore.

"So we are with each other..." Devin said slowly trying to break the now awkward silence. I looked over to him and we locked eyes immediately.

"If you want to be. I'm in," I smiled.

"Of corse I am. Have been since day one," Devin said placing his hand on my thigh sending chills all over my body.

"Alright...when we have our first official date let's make it not like the amusement park one. I don't want to deal with a fat angry drunk."

"Yeah that was pretty bad. Never again," Devin laughed along with me.

We soon pulled into a lot to park at the mall. When we walked in needless to say I was immediately intimidated. Everything gleamed in golds and silvers. There were silk dresses and actual real fur coats. It was all gorgeous, but sadly there was probably nothing I could afford. I felt embarrassed as I walked next to Devin who was pulling Louis Vuitton this and Prada that. Money wasn't an issue for him, but for me, at least right now since moving was a lot of money, money was tight.

"Hey what's wrong?" Devin asked clearly noticing I was getting into my head a little to much about all this money shit.

"Nothing. It's just this is all so expensive D," I said looking at this really cute purse. But, As soon as I found the price tag I walked away... let's just say it's not cute anymore.

"Hey now.. I said I would pay and I mean it. You're my girl and you know I'm gonna treat you like a queen one way or another," Devin said as he jogged back up to me and draped his big muscular arm around my shoulder.

"You're probably right," I laughed, "I just don't want you to think I'm into you for your money."

"Trust me I know you're not."

"Fine you can pay for my dress, but I will pay you back. And there will be a price limit," I said as we walked into Saks Fifth Avenue.


"What about this one?" Devin asked pulling up a golden dress off of the rack.

"Let me see," I said waking over to him. We've been in Saks Fifth basically since we actually arrived at the mall. There are so many dresses that we've been looking for the perfect one for hours. He handed me the dress and to say the least I fell in love. The golden fabric gleamed off of the lights in the store. For the first time since Devin and I started pulling dresses, I was excited to try this one on, so I ran to the changing rooms.

When I finally got into the dress I was breathless. It fit perfectly. It was sexy, but was definitely something I could wear to a dinner with my parents and they wouldn't have a heart attack.

"Let me see," I heard Devin yell with a whiney tone into the changing room. When I walked out he looked up at me from his phone. As soon has his eyes laid on me his mouth was a jar.

"Well say something," I said getting a little annoyed and self conscious at his silence.

"Holy shit," he said as he walked up to me.

"Is that a good shit or a bad shit," I laughed.

"It's a good shit. You look.... flawless, exemplary, quintessential, superb.."

"Alright I get it, I'm surprised you know so many words, Book. I mean for a jock you're pretty smart," I said cutting him off. He just smirked at my joke and pulled me into him so he could kiss me. God those lips felt so good on mine.

"You're getting the dress I hope you know that. I don't care what price it is," he laughed when we finally pulled away from each others addicting lips. Rolling my eyes I agreed. I mean I couldn't just say no to this dress. It was amazing.

(Authors note: Alright this is the dress I was shopping online bc I needed a dress for something and I found this one and I was like I have to use it for this fan fiction because it's literally gorgeous. So, Yes, it is on the actual Saks Fifth Avenue website and it's from the Misha Collection and it retails for about $325 I got another dress by them and I love it. So if you guys ever want to treat yo self or just want to splurge I recommend Saks Fifth)


When we arrived to our apartments Devin and I went our separate ways to get ready. Since the dinner was in about two hours I had time to at least work some magic. I straightened my crazy waves so my hair was now sleek and shiny. I wanted just a classic simple look, because let's face it I'm low key lazy, so I didn't go too crazy. I just applied a lot of highlight because let's be honest what girl doesn't love highlight. My chose a neutral brown as my eyeshadow to make my blue eyes pop and a nude lip to bring it all together and BAM, I was done. I clean up pretty nice if I do say so myself I thought as I looked in the mirror.

Once I slipped on the dress and a pair of nude heels I still had about thirty minutes to kill so I went over to Devin's place.

"Hey D are you done?" I yelled as I knocked, but more like banged, on the door.

"Yeah are we going now?" Devin said as he opened the door. He was wearing dress pants, a button up shirt with a tie, and some nice ass loafers which I can only assume are Louis Vuitton or Armani or something along those lines.

"I think we should. You clean up pretty well Mr. Booker," I smirked as I grabbed his tie to pull him in closer to me.

"I could say the same thing for you Ms. Krasmith," he whispered as he wrapped his arms around my body and leaned in to kiss me.

"Alright well," I blushed pulling away from the kiss that got heated pretty quickly, "I'm not driving in these heels so we should probably take your car."

"Alright babe whatever you say."

Devin's POV:

As Marina and I pulled up to T. Cooks my stomach was in knots. Sure I like Marina, a lot, but she hasn't told me anything about her parents. Tyler joked that I'm in love with her, but I wasn't, not yet at least.

"Alright things to know about my parents; my mom is a teacher, she loves little kids, and she knows nothing about sports so try to stray away from that so she doesn't feel left out. My dads an accountant, he loves history, he loves sports but not so much the NBA he thinks it's ostentatious, and him and I are really close. Shake hands with my dad and hug my mom," she said wrapping her arm around mine as we walked towards the entrance. It's like she could read my mind.

"Alright. Do you think they'll like me?" I asked getting a little nervous.

"They will love you."

"Marina!" I heard someone yell from behind us. As we turned around at the same imma eyes landed on two older people, who I assume were her parents walk up to us. As she ran towards them and enveloped them in a hug I smiled to myself. She looked so happy and I could tell she missed them.

"Mom, Dad, I want you to meet someone.." Marina said as she motioned towards me when she pulled away from the hug.

"Hi I'm Devin," I smiled as I held my hand out to her father. He looked me up and down and narrowed his eyes. It was like he was trying to read my mind and inspect me at the same time.

"Hi Devin nice to meet you," he said as he took my hand breaking the silence that was between the four of us. I smiled in relief as he let go of my hand. This was going to be a long night.

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